64 research outputs found


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    “Values Education”, which added to Mathematics Teaching Program at the Turkish Academic Year of 2017-2018, is revised and updated as “Our Values” on January of 2018. “Our Values” based on a grown value system that aims to maintain the existence of societies preserve the unity and togetherness of societies and have the real educational success like every stage of individuals’ life. The Ministry of National Education has determined the base values, which should be gained during the education of Mathematics, as justice, friendship, honesty, patience, respect, love, responsibility, patriotism and helpfulness. The aim of this study is making the students realize their own values and making them gain the helpfulness values by using creative drama activities during the education of Mathematics. In this study, “helpfulness value”, which is under the topic of “Our Values” of Mathematics Teaching Program, was tried to put into practise by creative drama activities. In the study, experimental method which contains pretested and postested control group is used in order to show the behaviour difference between experimental group, which activity based creative drama method was applied, and the control group, which activity based creative drama method was not applied. This study is designed as a controlled experimental study with pretest-posttest. The group of study was consisted 106 students, which studying in 3 different provinces (Aydın, Afyon, Uşak) in the same region. Both experimental and control group was consisted by 53 students. In the study, data were collected from “helpfulness scale” which developed by Demirci (2017). As a result of the study, the helpfulness scale score of experimental group, which activity based creative drama was applied is high but there is no meaningful difference between helpfulness scale scores of experimental group and control group.  Article visualizations

    Positive effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, captopril, on pentylenetetrazole-induced epileptic seizures in mice

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effects of an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, captopril, on pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced seizures and post-seizure hippocampal injury. Materials: Thirty-five male Balb-c mice weighing 30 - 33 g were divided into control, saline PTZ, s(erum physiologic 1 ml/kg as solvent), positive control (valproic acid 200 mg/kg), captopril (25 mg/kg/day for 7 days), and captopril (50 mg/kg/day for 7 days) groups. PTZ (60 mg/kg) was administered thirty minutes after medication administration to induce epileptic seizures. The animals were observed for 30 min to record Racine stages, the time of the first myoclonic jerk (FMJ), and the occurrence of the first generalized tonic-clonic seizure (GTCS). Cornu Ammonis (CA)1, CA2, CA3, and the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus underwent histopathological examinations. The levels of total oxidant status (TOS), oxidative stress markers (total antioxidant status, TAS), and oxidative stress index (OSI) were measured in the brain tissue. Results: Compared to PTZ group, 25 mg/kg captopril decreased seizure scores and delayed FMJ and GTCS (p < 0.05). Histopathological assessment demonstrated that both 25 and 50 mg/kg captopril alleviated neuronal injury in CA1, CA2, CA3, and DG compared to PTZ (p < 0.05). Also, TOS and OSI levels in the brain tissue were reduced by both 25 and 50 mg/kg doses of captopril (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Captopril favorably improves epileptic seizure parameters and acts against post-seizure neuronal injury in the hippocampus. Captopril may be a drug of choice in epileptic individuals with hypertension. Keywords: Captopril, Angiotensin-converting enzyme, Epilepsy, Pentylenetetrazole, Neuronal damag

    Türkiye'de koroner yoğun bakım ünitelerindeki hastane içi mortalite (MORCOR-TURK) çalışmasında hasta temel karakteristikleri ve öngördürücüleri

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    OBJECTIVE: The MORtality in CORonary Care Units in Türkiye (MORCOR-TURK) trial is a national registry evaluating predictors and rates of in-hospital mortality in coronary care unit (CCU) patients in Türkiye. This report describes the baseline demographic characteristics of patients recruited for the MORCOR-TURK trial. METHODS: The study is a multicenter, cross-sectional, prospective national registry that included 50 centers capable of 24-hour CCU service, selected from all seven geographic regions of Türkiye. All consecutive patients admitted to CCUs with cardiovascular emergencies between September 1-30, 2022, were prospectively enrolled. Baseline demographic characteristics, admission diagnoses, laboratory data, and cardiovascular risk factors were recorded. RESULTS: A total of 3,157 patients with a mean age of 65 years (range: 56-73) and 2,087 (66.1%) males were included in the analysis. Patients with arterial hypertension [1,864 patients (59%)], diabetes mellitus (DM) [1,184 (37.5%)], hyperlipidemia [1,120 (35.5%)], and smoking [1,093 (34.6%)] were noted. Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) was the leading cause of admission [1,187 patients (37.6%)], followed by ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in 742 patients (23.5%). Other frequent diagnoses included decompensated heart failure (HF) [339 patients (10.7%)] and arrhythmia [272 patients (8.6%)], respectively. Atrial fibrillation (AF) was the most common pathological rhythm [442 patients (14%)], and chest pain was the most common primary complaint [2,173 patients (68.8%)]. CONCLUSION: The most common admission diagnosis was acute coronary syndrome (ACS), particularly NSTEMI. Hypertension and DM were found to be the two leading risk factors, and AF was the most commonly seen pathological rhythm in all hospitalized patients. These findings may be useful in understanding the characteristics of patients admitted to CCUs and thus in taking precautions to decrease CCU admissions

    Ulusaldan Küresele: Popülizm, Demokrasi, Güvenlik Konferansı

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    Öngörülmesi giderek güçleşen, sarsıntılı ve savrulmalı zamanlardan geçiyoruz. İkinci Dünya Savaşı ve Soğuk Savaş ortak deneyimleri sonrasında 1950’lerden ve 1990’lardan itibaren demokratik sistemlerin peş peşe dalgalarla meşrulaşacağı, yaygınlaşacağı ve güçleneceği öngörüsü hakimdi. Ancak son yıllarda yaşanan bazı gelişmelerle demokrasilerin geleceği tekrar sorgulanmaya başladı. Gerek 11 Eylül ile başlayan ve IŞİD ile devam eden ve şiddet içeren İslamcı radikalizm, gerek Batı demokrasilerinde popülist radikal sağ hareketlerin ve beyaz ırkçı grupların yükselişi ve iktidara gelişi, bir yandan güvenlik-özgürlük ikileminin demokrasi dengesini bozdu, bir yandan da hem demokratik sistemlerin hem dünya barışının geleceğini bizi tekrar sorgular, sorgulatır hale getirdi. Demokrasileri bildiğimizi zannediyoruz, ama demokrasiler ile ilgili daha öğrenmemiz gereken çok şey var. Demokrasi kaderimiz de geleceğimiz de olmak zorunda değil belki de. Ya da belki yanlış yerden soru sormaya başlıyoruz, belki demokrasi yerine yeni bir referansa ihtiyacımız var. Aslında demokrasileri çantada keklik görmeyip, sabırla büyütüp yeşertmek, geliştirmek, korumak, ileri safhalara taşımak ve bizden sonraki nesillere aktarmak bir sorumluluk, ve bu sorumluluk bizlere ait. Popülizm, demokrasi, güvenlik kavramlarının her biri bugün sıkça ve yaygın olarak kullandığımız kavramlar olarak gündelik sohbetlerimizin içine kadar girmiş durumda. Bu yaygın kullanımlarına rağmen her bir kavram, üzerine düşünmeye, tartışmaya ve değerlendirmeye tekrar tekrar olanak verecek derinlikte. Her bir tartışma bir diğerini açarken, farklı gibi görünen bu kavramların birbirleriyle kesiştikleri zeminler bulmak mümkün. Popülist liderlerin politikaları bütün siyaset yapma biçimlerini kendine çeken ya da kendinden uzaklaştıran eksenler yaratarak her ikisini de aynı anda besleyebiliyor. Popülist politikaya angaje olan liderler ve grupların yanında bu politikaya karşı mücadele eden kişiler ve kitleler de yok değil, ancak kimi zaman bu kitleler eleştirdiği bu siyaset biçiminin kurucu öznesi haline de gelebiliyor. Bunun karşısında tabandan gelen demokratikleşme talepleri ve popülist siyasetle beraber kurumsallaşan diğer politika yapma biçimleri, demokrasi anlayışımızı farklı yönlere çekebiliyor. Bu demokratikleşme talepleri kimi zaman olumlu karşılıklar alsa da, kimi zaman devletlerin güvenlik politikaları ile etkisizleştirilmeye ve bastırılmaya çalışılıyor. Güvenlik politikalarının alanı günümüz teknolojisi sebebiyle o kadar genişledi ki, bu politikanın nesnesi haline gelmemiş varlık ve alan bulmak neredeyse mümkün değil. Ulusaldan Küresele: Popülizm, Demokrasi, Güvenlik konferansımız bu alanların kendine özgülüklerini göz önünde bulundururken, aralarındaki kesişimleri de ortaya koyan pek çok değerli sunuma ev sahipliği yaptı. Konferansın düzenlenmesinde emeği geçen herkese, ve bu bildiri kitabında tam metinleri ve özetleri bulunan bütün katılımcılarımıza çok teşekkür ederiz.Publisher's Versio

    Impact of opioid-free analgesia on pain severity and patient satisfaction after discharge from surgery: multispecialty, prospective cohort study in 25 countries

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    Background: Balancing opioid stewardship and the need for adequate analgesia following discharge after surgery is challenging. This study aimed to compare the outcomes for patients discharged with opioid versus opioid-free analgesia after common surgical procedures.Methods: This international, multicentre, prospective cohort study collected data from patients undergoing common acute and elective general surgical, urological, gynaecological, and orthopaedic procedures. The primary outcomes were patient-reported time in severe pain measured on a numerical analogue scale from 0 to 100% and patient-reported satisfaction with pain relief during the first week following discharge. Data were collected by in-hospital chart review and patient telephone interview 1 week after discharge.Results: The study recruited 4273 patients from 144 centres in 25 countries; 1311 patients (30.7%) were prescribed opioid analgesia at discharge. Patients reported being in severe pain for 10 (i.q.r. 1-30)% of the first week after discharge and rated satisfaction with analgesia as 90 (i.q.r. 80-100) of 100. After adjustment for confounders, opioid analgesia on discharge was independently associated with increased pain severity (risk ratio 1.52, 95% c.i. 1.31 to 1.76; P < 0.001) and re-presentation to healthcare providers owing to side-effects of medication (OR 2.38, 95% c.i. 1.36 to 4.17; P = 0.004), but not with satisfaction with analgesia (beta coefficient 0.92, 95% c.i. -1.52 to 3.36; P = 0.468) compared with opioid-free analgesia. Although opioid prescribing varied greatly between high-income and low- and middle-income countries, patient-reported outcomes did not.Conclusion: Opioid analgesia prescription on surgical discharge is associated with a higher risk of re-presentation owing to side-effects of medication and increased patient-reported pain, but not with changes in patient-reported satisfaction. Opioid-free discharge analgesia should be adopted routinely

    İnce filmlerin iletkenlik ozelliklerinin terahertz bölgesinde karakterizasyonu.

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    Electrical and optical characterization of thin films has been studied for almost the past thirty years in the terahertz region. In the last few years promising thin film candidates such as vanadium dioxide (VO2) and various superconductors have opened up a new era of possibilities in terahertz optical electronics. Vanadium dioxide’s and superconductors conductivity is of particular interest since vanadium dioxide’s conductivity changes when temperature is above the critical temperature and also conductivity of superconductors at room temperature differ from those at low temperature. In this study, the conductivity of thin films made of vanadium dioxide, superconductors on dielectric (sapphire, fused silica) substrates was investigated using experimental methods based on in-house developed spectroscopy systems aided by analytical and numerical simulations of the layered media. Furthermore, such conductivity tunable materials can be especially important for developing devices that work in the terahertz region which historically has been a challenge. Metamaterials and two dimensional type of metamaterials called metasurfaces have an important role to fill this so called THz Gap. After analyzing the conductive properties of films based on yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO), vi gold and VO2 in the THz region various metasurface designs were simulated for THz transmission using commercially available software, Computer Simulation Technology (CST), Microwave Studio. The simulations were carried out at the various temperatures where the materials showed unique conductive properties and compared to measurements done for single layer YBCO, quadcross shape patterned gold and YBCO film, as well as unpatterned VO2 at different temperatures by using terahertz (THz) time domain spectroscopy (TDS) system. A closed cycle cryostat is used for controlling the temperature. Therefore, it is found that critical temperature of YBCO film is nearly at 90K and below the critical temperature YBCO film behaves as metal. When temperature is decreased, conductivity of YBCO film increases. Therefore at low temperatures YBCO film has high conductivity. Moreover, in these measurements the conductivity of gold film did not change with temperature. In addition to these, critical temperature of VO2 film is found nearly at 340 K. Below the critical temperature VO2 film is in the insulating state and it is transparent to THz radiation. However, above the critical temperature it blocked THz radiation because it is in the metallic state. This change in conductivity is also evident when examining the transmission using different substrates with the same patterned VO2 film whereby an etalon effect was more pronounced for sapphire than fused silica allowing for the determination of the refractive index of these substrates. M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Ev hizmeti kavramı ve ev hizmetlerinde çalışanların sigortalılığı

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    Evde gündelik yaşamın sürdürülebilmesi için ev yaşamına ait bazı işlerin yapılması gerekmektedir. Evin gündelik işleyişinin gerektirdiği bu işler ev hizmeti olarak adlandırılmaktadırlar. Esas olarak ev hizmetleri genellikle toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri bakımından kadınlar tarafından yapılması beklenen işlerdir. Kadınların çalışma yaşamına katılımlarının artması ile birlikte söz konusu bu işlerin ev halkı dışında kimseler tarafından yerine getirilmesi ihtiyacı doğmuştur. Bu durumun sonucu olarak da ev hizmeti sektörü önem kazanmıştır. Nitekim dünyada ve ülkemizde ev hizmetlerinde çalışanların sayısı azımsanamayacak derecededir. Ev hizmetlerinde çalışan kimseler klasik anlamda bir işyerinden ziyade bireylerin konutlarında hizmet görmektedir. Ev hizmetlerinin bu özelliği nedeniyle ev hizmetlerinde çalışan kimseler ilk başlarda sosyal güvenlik kanunlarının kapsamı dışında bırakılmışlarsa da zaman içerisinde birtakım şartlar ile kapsama alındıkları görülmektedir. Ev hizmetlerinde çalışan kimselerin sosyal sigortalığına ilişkin olarak 2014 yılında 5510 sayılı Kanun’a Ek madde 9 eklenmiş ve bu madde ile ev hizmetlerinde çalışanların sosyal sigortalılığı yeniden düzenlenmiştir. Söz konusu düzenleme ile ev hizmetlerinde çalışan kimselerin sosyal sigorta hakları bazı yönlerden genişlemekte ve söz konusu düzenleme bu bakımdan birtakım yenilikleri barındırmaktadır. Bu yeniliklere karşılık ev hizmetlerinde çalışan bir grubun sosyal sigorta yardımlarına hak kazanma bakımından benzer statüdeki sigortalılara nazaran farklı hükümlere tabi tutulduğu da görülmektedir. Çalışmamızda ev hizmeti olarak kabul edilebilecek çalışmalar ile bu işlerde çalışan kimselerin sosyal sigorta hakları Ek madde 9 kapsamında değerlendirilmiş, sosyal sigortalardan yararlanma şartları aynı statüde sigortalı olan kimselerle karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir.--------------------To sustain our daily lives, a number of jobs and duties should be performed at home. These jobs and chores are called domestic work. Domestic work classically is expected to be done by women in terms of gender roles. With the increasing participation of women in work life, it has become necessary for these tasks to be performed by persons other than the household members. As a result, domestic work has gained importance. As a matter of fact, there are considerable numbers of domestic workers in Turkey and abroad. The services provided by domestic workers are performed at private properties rather than classic workplaces. Due to the nature of domestic work, initially domestic workers were left outside the scope of social security laws though; through time they have been given access to social security under certain conditions. Access of domestic workers to social security has been regulated under additional article 9 of the Law no 5510, which was introduced in 2014. This regulation has brought a number of novelties and expanded the social security rights of those working in domestic services, in some respects. Despite these innovations, it appears that persons working in domestic services as a group are subject to different provisions in respect of entitlement to social insurance benefits compared to other workers. In this study, domestic work and the social insurance rights of those who work in domestic services are examined in view of additional article 9 and conditions for domestic workers to access social insurance benefits are compared with those foreseen for other regular workers