276 research outputs found

    REVIEWING OUTSOURCING CONTROVERSY IN INDONESIA (An Exploratory Study of Human Resources Outsourcing Practice in Semarang City)

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    Outsourcing in Indonesia is still a controversy. The different concept of outsourcing between employers (vendors and users), employees/outsourced workers, and government makes another problem in outsourcing implementation, especially in industrial relationship either in enterprise and macro level. This study aims to determine the concept of outsourcing of each element of the tripartite, the problems that arise in the implementation, and solutions from each party, in dealing with the practice of the working system. The problems under study, based on specific issues related to industrial relations, including: wages, welfare programs, health and safety, discrimination, job security, and dispute resolution, and termination of employment. This qualitative research is an exploratory, with the data collection methods: focus group discussions, observations, interviews, and study documentation. The data collected from employers (vendors and users), the national unions, worker outsourcing, and government within the scope of Semarang city. The results showed that the problems that arise due to differences in each party's conception of the tripartite elements. Uncertainty rules of outsourcing is a major problem, giving rise to labor flexibility in the implementation, which implies profitable for each party, especially the workers of outsourcing. In the end, the regulation enforcement related to the implementation of the outsourcing firm is badly needed, to compromise the disputes of workers and employer interests

    Politik Hukum Perlindungan Hakim

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    : The independence of the judicial power is a must and an absolute guarantee given to the judge. Judges should be independent of any pressures that may disturb his contemplation in making a decision that determines one\u27s fate. The independence of the key is not only focused on how the pressure from outside in order to judge themselves neutral decision, but also expanded the independence of a judge rules that govern self itself. Judges can not be equated with the State Civil Apparatus employees, because the position is different judges. Placement of this is not specifically regulated in the country of Indonesia. It could be argued that these ideals are still owed by the constitution of this country when compared to other law enforcement officials who already have the legality of their own profession as prosecutors, police and lawyers

    Implementation of Chef's Gastronomy Knowledge of Bugis Pastries at Hotels in Makassar City

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    The food we eat has a backstory, which is known as insight. The consumption process necessitates a related mindset. Philosophical values in food can be presented as one of the branches of history. The wisdom of food is founded on the role of food as derived from life’s intellectual values. In the gastro-historic framework, Bugis Makassar has an influence on the environment and vice versa. This perspective can reveal the spicy tendencies in South Sulawesi cuisine. There is little understanding of the meaning of the different types of pastries. However, the peculiarity of Bugis Makassar pastries lies in their embedded symbolic meaning. Traditional Bugis Makassar pastries generally taste sweet and savory due to the use of coconut milk and brown sugar (gula merah). In addition, the processing technique used is still simple. However, in the context of branding traditional pastries to be served in hotels, the local chef innovates in the form and presentation of traditional Bugis Makassar pastries without sacrificing their unique flavor. Keywords: gastronomy, implementation, chef’s knowledge, Bugis pastrie

    The Influence of Product Quality and Price on Purchasing Decisions at Mitraindo South Tangerang Online Shop

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    This study aims to determine the effect of product quality and price on purchasing decisions at Mitraindo South Tangerang Online Shop. The method used is explanatory research with analytical techniques using statistical analysis with regression testing, correlation, determination, and hypothesis testing. The results of this study product quality significantly influence purchasing decisions by 40.3, the hypothesis test obtained tcount> ttable or (7.974> 1.986). Price significantly influences the purchase decision of 38.0%, the hypothesis test is obtained tcount> ttable or (7.594> 1.986). Product quality and price simultaneously have a significant effect on purchasing decisions of 49.0%, the hypothesis test is obtained Fcount> Ftable or (44,626> 2,700


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    Panaliten menika kanthi irah-irahan Upacara Tradhisi Nyadran Kali Dhusun Lamuk Gunung, Desa Legoksari, Kecamatan Tlogomulyo, Kabupaten Temanggunggadhah ancas ngandharaken (1)mula bukanipun(2) prosesinipun (3) maknasimbolik uba rampe saha (4) paedahipun upacara Tradhisi Nyadran Kali Dhusun Lamuk Gunung, Desa Legoksari. Gayut kaliyan ancasing panaliten menika, panaliti ngginakaken jinis panaliten Kualitatif. Caranipun nganalisis dataingkang dipunginakaken wonten ing panaliten inggih menika teknik analisisdeskrispsi kualitatif. Caranipun ngesahaken data menika ngginakakenTeknik Trianggulasi.Asiling panaliten meika nedahaken bilih : (1) upacara tradhisi Nyadran Kali dipunadanisaben warsanipun wonten ing wulan Rajab surya kaping 10ananging wonten tambahan prosesi inggih menika kirab sesaji nalika taun kirang langkung 1970. (2) Lampahan upacara tradhisi Nyadran kali menika dipunbuka kanthi (a) arak-arakan, (b) kirab sesaji saha Nyadran Kali, (c) Ringgit Purwa, (d) Pasugatan kesenian. (3) Makna simbolik ingkang dipun ginakaken ing salebetipun upacara tradhisi Nyadran Kali minangka raos syukur kalihan Ingkang Maha Kuwaos bilih wonten Lamuk Gunung taksih wonten sumberair ingkang nyekapi kabetahanipun para warga masyarakat Dhusun Lamuk Gunung saha supados sumber air Curug Pontong mboten asat. (4) Paedah upacara tradhisi Nyadran Kali tumrapipun warga masarakat Dhusun Lamuk Gunung inggih menika (a) Paedah ing bidang sosial,(c) kabudayan, saha (d) pariwisata

    UPAYA GURU PAI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN RESILIENSI SISWA DENGAN PENDEKATAN ISLAM : Studi Deskriptif Analisis Kasus Kelas X di SMK Plus Darussurrur Kota Cimahi Semester Genap 2014/2015

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    Sekolah dipandang dapat memenuhi beberapa kebutuhan peserta didik dan menentukan kualitas kehidupan mereka di masa depan. Namun dengan penerapan pola mendidik yang salah kepada siswa, hal itu akan menjadi sumber stres yang dapat menimbulkan suatu kecemasan dan depresi bagi siswa. Maka dari itu, dibutuhkan upaya guru untuk meningkatkan resiliensi siswa guna mengurangi permasalahan tersebut karena peran guru dalam dunia pendidikan memegang peranan kunci untuk terbentuknya kualitas manusia didik yang mandiri dan tahan banting, khususnya guru PAI. Tujuan penelitian kali ini yaitu mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan guru PAI untuk meningkatan resiliensi siswa dengan pendekatan Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian kali ini adalah metode campuran, yakni penggabungan antara pendekatan kualitatif dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data penelitian diambil menggunakan wawancara, angket, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, display data, dan kesimpulan. Adapun upaya yang dilakukan guru PAI untuk peningkatan resiliensi adalah sebagai berikut: pembuatan RPP, menunjukkan budi pekerti yang baik, saling mendo’akan, menjalin hubungan emosional yang kuat, sosialisasi peraturan, metode mengajar yang tepat, konseling, pemberian motivasi, nasehat dan pengarahan pada kegiatan positif. Hasil dari peningkatan resiliensi siswa berdasarkan angket yang telah diberikan kepada siswa, maka dapat diketahui bahwa resiliensi pada siswa kelas X SMK Plus Darussurur Kota Cimahi berada dalam kriteria resiliensi tinggi sebanyak 30 siswa (70 %), berada dalam kriteria resiliensi sedang sebanyak 13 siswa (30 %), berada dalam kriteria resiliensi rendah sebanyak 0 siswa (0 %). Jadi dapat disimpulkan, data di atas menunjukkan bahwa tingkatan relisiensi pada siswa kelas X SMK Plus Darussurur Kota Cimahi berada pada kriteria resiliensi tinggi, yaitu sebesar 70 %. Dengan melihat tingginya tingkatan resiliensi siswa kelas X yang dimiliki oleh siswa kelas X SMK Plus Darussurrur. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa upaya yang diterapkan oleh guru PAI dalam peningkatan resiliensi siswa berhasil. Kata Kunci : Upaya, Guru PAI, Peningkatan, Resiliensi School has an important role for the life and development of learners. School is deemed to able to meet some of the needs of learners and determine the quality of their futures. But at the same time, a school can also be source of problems, which eventually trigger stress among students. This is a problem to solve for if the stress continues, it can cause damaging emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression. The role of teachers in education plays a key role for the establishment of an independent human quality students and resilient. The focus of the problem in this research is How the PAI Teacher’s Efforts to Increase the Resilience of Students in close by Islam. The purpose of this research is to How the PAI Teacher’s Efforts to Increase the Resilience of Students in close by Islam. Methode used in this research is mix method, The processed data derived from data interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentation. Students Resilience Improvement Plan is initiated by organizing the teaching plan-RPP in accordance with KTSP curriculum-and subsequently before teaching, the teacher must first be dressed neatly and show good manners in order to make positive impression to students. There are several PAI teacher strategies in improving the resilience of students according to Islam, include: Initiating by forming a strong emotional connection between teachers and students by doing mutual prayer, socializing the rules well, teaching the proper methods i.e cooperative learning and speech, providing counseling and motivation to students which can improve the quality of learning and also leading students to participate in the positive activities, such as school programs at Darussurur Vocational School Plus Cimahi which requires the student to read the Koran, pray Duha , and participate in the activities of RCS (Remaja Cinta Solawat). The result of resilience improvement of students based on a questionnaire given to the students, it can be concluded that the resilience of class X SMK Plus Darussurur Cimahi is as follow: as many as 30 students (70%) are within high criteria, 13 students (30%) are within normal criteria, and 0 students (0%) is within low criteria. We can conclude that on the description above shows us the level of resilience of class X SMK Plus Darussurur Cimahi is at high criteria, which is 70%. By looking at the high levels of class X resilience, the researcher concluded that the strategy adopted by teachers in improving PAI students resilience is successed. Key word : Efforts, PAI Teacher’s, Improve, Resilienc


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti (1) strata norma dalam kumpulan puisi Paguneman karya Acep Zamzam Noor, (2) bahasa kiasan dalam kumpulan puisi Paguneman karya Acep Zamzam Noor, (3) dan menerapkan hasil penelitian untuk dijadikan bahan ajar membaca puisi di kelas XI SMA. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan strata norma dan bahasa kiasan. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dan dokuméntasi. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kartu data dan lembaran ceklis. Hasil penelitian strata norma dan bahasa kiasan dalam kumpulan puisi Paguneman karya Acep Zamzam Noor untuk dijadikan bahan ajar membaca puisi di kelas XI SMA sebagaimana dipaparkan: pertama, lima belas puisi yang sudah diteliti memiliki lima lapis norma, kecuali pada puisi “Cahya Wungu” yang hanya memiliki empat lapis norma, kedua, bahasa kiasan yang terdapat dalam lima belas puisi yang sudah diteliti ada tujuh, yaitu: 1) perumpamaan, 2) metafora, 3) perumpamaan epos, 4) personifikasi, 5) metonimi, 6) sinekdoki, 7) alegori, ketiga, lima belas puisi yang sudah dianalisis dalam kumpulan puisi Paguneman karya Acep Zamzam Noor memenuhi kritéria untuk dijadikan bahan membaca puisi di kelas XI SMA. Kesimpulannya, strata norma dan bahasa kiasan yang terdapat dalam kumpulan puisi Paguneman karya Acep Zamzam Noor memenuhi kritéria untuk dijadikan bahan membaca puisi di kelas XI SMA. Selain itu ada beberapa saran yang perlu dilakukan terutama untuk mahasiswa dalam penelitian selanjutnya yaitu penelitian mengenai puisi harus ditingkatkan. Perlu adanya penelitian terhadap karya sastra Sunda (selain puisi karangan Acep Zamzam Noor) berdasakan pendekatan strata norma dan bahasa kiasan, yang menitikberatkan penelitiannya untuk pengajaran bahasa dan sastra Sunda di sekolah. ;--- The purpose of this research was to examine (1) system of norms in a collection of poems Paguneman by Acep Zamzam Noor, (2) the figurative language in the collection of poems Paguneman by Acep Zamzam Noor, (3) and apply the results to be used as teaching materials to read a poem in class XI High School. The method used in this research was descriptive analytic with system of norms and figurative language approach. The technique used were literature study and documentation. The instrument used were a data card and tick sheets. Results of research sistem of norms and figurative language in the collection of poems Paguneman by Acep Zamzam Noor to be used as teaching materials to read a poem in class XI SMA as presented: first, fifteen poems that have been examined have five sistem of norms except for the poetry “Cahya Wungu” which only have four system of norms, second, figurative language contained in the fifteen poems that have been examined, seven, namely: 1) the simile, 2) metaphors, 3) epic simile, 4) personification, 5) metonymy, 6) synecdoche, 7) allegory, third, fifteen poem sampled in a collection of poems Paguneman by Acep Zamzam Noor met the criteria to be used as reading poetry in the classroom XI High School. In conclusion, system of norms and figurative language contained in a collection of poems Paguneman by Acep Zamzam Noor met the criteria to be used as teaching materials to reading a poem in class XI SMA. Additionally there are some suggestions that need to be done, especially for students in further research is research about the poem should be increased. Need for research to Sundanese literature (besides collection Paguneman by Acep Zamzam Noor) Based system of norms and figurative language’s approach, which focuses its research on teaching Sundanese language and literature in schools


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    Mata kuliah Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) bertujuan untuk membekali mahasiswa agar memiliki kemampuan berupa ketrampilan dalam bidang pembelajaran dan manajerial sekolah atau lembaga, dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi keguruan atau kependidikan terutama dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Jawa. Tujuan yang lain adalah memberi kesempatan pada mahasiswa untuk mempelajari, mengenal dan menghayati permasalahan yang dihadapi lembaga pendidikan, menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki ke dalam kehidupan nyata. Mahasiswa juga dapat belajar dari lembaga sekolah sekaligus dapat menyumbangkan pemikiran dan tenaga guna pengembangan lembaga pendidikan yang bersangkutan. Pelaksanaan Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) mahasiswa UNY telah dilaksanakan dari tanggal 15 September sampai dengan 15 November 2017. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PLT secara umum meliputi tiga tahapan yaitu, tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, penyusunan laporan dan evaluasi. Tahap persiapan meliputi pembekalan PLT yang dilaksanakan di kampus UNY sebelum penerjunan ke lapangan. Tahapan pelaksanaan PLT meliputi tahap observasi potensi pengembangan sekolah yang meliputi observasi kegiatan pembelajaran dan observasi fisik sekolah, identifikasi dan inventarisasi permasalahan, penyusunan rancangan program, pengajuan proposal dan pelaksanaan program. Pelaksanaan PLT di SMP Negeri 7 Magelang meliputi program pembuatan administrasi guru, pemetaan SK dan KD, pembuatan RPP, pembuatan Soal evaluasi, analisis penilaian, administrasi dan pengelolan laboratorium IPA, dan konsultasi pembimbing. Setelah pelaksanaan peserta PLT wajib menyusun laporan yang kemudian akan dievaluasi oleh sekolah dan DPL PLT. Secara umum siswa SMP N 7 Magelang merupakan siswa siswa yang bermutu tinggi dengan mengedepankan visi sekolah. Dapat dibutikan dengan cepat tanggapnyaa siswa menerima materi-materi baru. Dalam kesempatan ini mahasiswa mendapat pengalaman dan ilmu baru mengajar kelas VII A, VII B, VII C, VII D, VII E, dan VII F. Secara keseluruhan, program kerja PLT di sekolah tersebut dapat terlaksana dengan lancar. Kendala dalam melaksanakan suatu program merupakan suatu hal yang tidak dapat dihindari. Oleh karena itu, program yang masih memerlukan tindak lanjut dapat dilaksanakan oleh peserta PLT periode berikutnya
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