95 research outputs found

    Proosasta sarjakuvaksi: dramaturginen metodi.

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    Opinnäytetyöni taiteellinen osa on 128-sivuinen sarjakuva-albumi, Pikku Närhi. Sarjakuva-albumi perustuu pikkuveljeni kirjoittamaan lyhyeen kertomukseen Närhen muotokuva. Opinnäytetyöni teoreettinen osa analysoi Närhen muotokuvaa, siitä tuotettua sarjakuvan käsikirjoitusta ja valmista Pikku Närhi-sarjakuvaa. Sen tavoitteena on esitellä käyttämäni sarjakuvan tuottamisen dramaturginen metodi, kun lähtökohtana on proosan muodossa oleva kertomus. Tutkimuskysymykseni on, onko mahdollista purkaa tarinakokemuksen synnyttävät elementit proosamuotoisesta kertomuksesta, ja järjestellä ne uudestaan sarjakuvakerronnaksi niin, että tuloksena on alkuperäisen kaltainen tarinakokemus. Metodini teoreettisen viitekehyksen pohjana käytän draaman mallia, joka perustuu Aristoteleen Runousoppiin. Laajennan sitä vielä enemmän yksittäisten tapahtumien ja jännitteiden purkuun soveltuvammaksi dramaturgi John O'Toolen ja narratologi Seymour Chatmanin käsitteillä ja ajatuksilla. Mallia käytetään draamallisen merkityksen välittävän juonen elementtien eristämiseen alkuperäisestä tekstistä ja sen tulkitsemiseen, miten niitä soveltaen on luotu sarjakuvan käsikirjoitus ja valmis sarjakuva. Lisäksi käyn lyhyesti läpi kuvan semioottisia ja sarjakuvan kerronnallisia rajoitteita ja mahdollisuuksia

    Elokuvakerronnan keinot videopelissä The Walking Dead

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    Kirjallisessa opinnäytetyössäni tarkastelen miten elokuvakerronan keinoja on käytetty videopelissä The Walking Dead. Videopelit ovat vuosien varrella lainanneet paljon elokuvien visuaalisesta ja kerronnallisesta kielestä. Valitsin The Walking Dead videopelin analyysini kohteeksi, koska se on saavuttanut suuren suosion kuluttajien ja kriitikoiden keskuudessa ja siihen viitataan usein interaktiivisena elokuvana. Keskityn tarkastelemaan aihetta erityisesti paradigma-mallin ja kuvaleikkauksen näkökulmasta. Oppinnäytetyöni alkaa The Walking Dead pelin ja seikkailupelien taustan kartoituksella. Kerron miten elokuvakäsikirjoituksen paradigma-malli on vuosien saatossa muotoutunut ja tarkastelen miten The Walking Dead pelin juoni siihen istuu. Selostan mitä tarkoitetaan jatkuvuusleikkauksella ja analysoin miten jatkuvuusleikkausta on käytetty hyödyksi The Walking Dead pelissä. Lopuksi teen yhteenvedon ja pohdin elokuvakerronan käyttöä videopeleissä yleisesti.In my thesis I examine how film narration is used in the video game The Walking Dead. Video games have throughout the years borrowed a lot from the visual and narrative language of cinema. I chose The Walking Dead video game for my analysis because it has been a huge success among both consumers and critics. It is often referred to as an interactive movie. I focus on the subject from the perspective of the paradigm model and film editing. My thesis begins with the background of The Walking Dead video game and adventure games in general. I explain how the screenwriting paradigm was shaped through the years and examine how the plot of The Walking Dead fits it. I explain what continuity editing means and analyze how it is used in The Walking Dead video game. In the end I will present a summary and reflect on the use of film narrative in video games in general

    Kognition arviointi : Hajautetun tiedon sovelluksia

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    The amount of information collected by personal health records, smartphone ecosystems, and other cloud services has increased enormously in recent years. This has, for instance, led to new ways of automated physical exercise assessment, but this also introduces the potential for novel methods and applications in the automated evaluation of various mental factors such as cognitive state and stress. Extracting such latent variables holds considerable promise, in particular in group-level analysis. Furthermore, the current initiatives and research programs collecting masses of health data from large cohorts create opportunities for developing the methodology. The lack of targeted research is partially hindering the development of the analysis of obscure factors, progress of machine learning and other algorithmic solutions, and the evolution of novel applications and technologies. As described in this introduction, various features inherent in biosignals increase the complexity in the research. In this thesis I provide an introduction to the emerging ubiquitous recording of physiological signals, its effects on the industry, opportunities for organizations and management, and data analytics and measurement techniques. The aim is to seek the future prospects of systemic scenarios and large-scale initiatives. The original publications reviewed in this thesis seek biosignals for features responsive for cognitive states such as stress and, more interestingly, second-order factors derived from inter-individual responses and activations. By introducing more complex features to psychophysiological research, group analytics can be further developed. Second-order analyses provide robust signal features and may lead to advanced applications in assessing well-being and performance. The original publications consist of three research articles and a primer review. The experiments include recordings of magnetoencephalography (MEG), heart rate variability (HRV), and electrodermal activity (EDA), and they exemplify systemic use cases of biosignals. The included primer review discusses general methods in psychophysiological research in human–computer interaction (HCI). Together with this introduction, my experimental results provide evidence that taking psychophysiological measurements from the laboratory to ecologically valid environments is plausible and effective. The literature suggests that consumer-grade devices and personal internet of things will revolutionize myriad sectors, e.g., organizational management. Together with an exponentially increasing data collection and novel applications, the industry will have large economical impacts.Henkilökohtaisen terveystiedon kerääminen ja tallennus on lisääntynyt valtavasti viime vuosina. Monet käyttävät tietoa esimerkiksi fyysisen harjoittelun tukena. Tämän lisäksi mitattua tietoa on alettu hyödyntää esimerkiksi stressitilojen tunnistamisessa. Tällaista fysiologisten signaalien arviointia kutsutaan psykofysiologiaksi. Jatkokehityksen avulla tällaiset piirteet sopivat varsinkin ryhmäanalyyseihin ja suurempien joukkojen arvioimiseen. Menetelmien kehitystä tukevat useat suuret väestötason tutkimusavaukset. Toisaalta juuri kohdennetun tutkimuksen puute osaltaan hidastaa tallennetusta tiedosta eristettävien piilevien piirteiden hyödyntämisen yleistymistä uusissa algoritmeissa ja sovel- luksissa. Tässä yhteenvedossa esittelen, mitkä asiat vaikuttavat osaltaan tähän kehitykseen. Esittelen fysiologisten signaalien mittaamisen taustoja, sekä mittausmenetelmien kehitystä. Lisäksi pohdin kaupallisten sovellusten mahdollisuuksia ja muita tulevaisuuden näkymiä. Johdanto-osuus toimii siten taustamateriaalina soveltavalle osiolle ja liitetyille osajulkaisuille. Osajulkaisut tutkivat kohdennetummin biosignaalien soveltuvuutta kognitiivisen toim- intakyvyn arvioimisessa. Jäljemmät julkaisut keskittyvät useiden yksilöiden biosignaalien kovarianssia hyödyntäviin menetelmiin. Tällaiset menetelmät luovat pohjaa kehittyneem- mille analyysitavoille ja signaalien yhä tehokkaammalle hyödyntämiselle hyvinvoinnin ja toimintakyvyn arvioinnissa. Kolme ensimmäistä osajulkaisua ovat kokeellisia tutkimusar- tikkeleita ja viimeinen on katsaus olemassa olevaan tutkimukseen. Tutkimusasetelmissa hyödynnetyt fysiologiset menetelmät ovat magnetoenkefalografia (MEG), sykevälivaihtelu (HRV) ja ihosähköinen vaste (EDA). Katsaus toisaalta tarkastelee psykofysiologian hyödyn- tämistä tietokoneen käyttöliittymätutkimuksessa (HCI). Yhdessä tämän yhteenvedon kanssa tutkimustulokset edistävät mittausmenetelmien hyödynnettävyyttä luonnollisissa ympäristöissä, sekä psykofysiologisten signaalien käyttöä vaihtelevissa ja kontrolloimattomissa olosuhteissa. Kirjallisuudesta löytyy viitteitä kulutta- jalaitteiden ja esineiden internetin kasvusta ja potentiaalista mullistaa useita sektoreita, kuten organisaatioiden ohjaus. Lähteet ennustavat myös markkinoiden kasvua. Yhdessä kaikkialle levittyvä tiedon kerääminen ja uudet sovellukset sekä datalähtöiset analyysimenetelmät voivat johtaa suuriin muutoksiin

    On observations of newly formed nanoparticles : their detection, characterization and abundance in various environments

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    New particle formation (NPF) is a dominant source for atmospheric aerosol particles in terms of their number concentration, and a major contributor to the number of cloud con-densation nuclei globally. Atmospheric aerosol particles have impact on Earth’s climate via direct and indirect effects. In addition to climate, aerosol particles have impact on human health. In polluted environments, airborne pollutants, especially particulate matter, shorten the lifetime expectancy by several years. Understanding the processes of NPF is in a key role, for example, while identifying the most effective acts to improve the air quality in megacities or assessing the role of anthropogenic emissions in climate change. A NPF event consists of formation of molecular clusters and their subsequent growth into larger particle sizes by condensable vapors and/or coagulation In order to quantify NPF events, measurements of particle number size distribution close to the size where gas-to-particle conversion takes place are necessary. The gas-to-particle conversion takes place in the 1-2 nm size range, where there exist electrically charged and neutral molecular clusters. On one hand, in most of the environments such clusters are present also in the absence of NPF events. The growth of the small clusters to the 2-3 nm size range is, on the other hand, indicative of a NPF event. In this thesis, we gather knowledge on the concentration of sub-3 nm aerosol particles by conducting both long-term and campaign-like measure-ments with particle size magnifier (PSM; Airmodus Ltd.). Our results were compared with the other available PSM data, from sites around the world, and presented in compilation study. In all the sites the sub-3 nm particle concentration had a daytime maximum. Gener-ally, the highest concentrations were observed at the sites with the highest anthropogenic influence. In this thesis, we also conducted a campaign to observe particle formation in a cleanroom environment, where PSM was used for the first time to monitor concentration of nanoparticles in such an environment. The results showed that sub-2 nm clusters were observed to be always present in this clean room in relatively small concentrations. Short periods of high concentrations were observed during active manufacturing processes in the clean room. Instrumental development was one important aspect of this thesis. We experimented with the possibility of using two commercial condensation particle counters (CPCs), with nomi-nal lower limit close to 10 nm, for the detection of sub-3 nm particles. Optimized operating temperatures and flow rates were tested in laboratory conditions and by using simulation tools. We showed that commercially-available CPCs can be optimized down to sub-3 nm detection. In addition, a differential mobility particle sizer (DMPS) was specially built to measure particle number size distributions in the sub-10 nm size range using PSM and half-mini differential mobility analyzer (DMA). Due to the improved overall transmission of our system, the counting uncertainty compared to a harmonized DMPS was reduced to a half in the sub-10 nm size range. An ion mobility-mass spectrometry was utilized to investigate the structures and hydration of iodine pentoxide iodic acid clusters, similar to ones observed during coastal nucleation events. The number of water molecules in hydrated clusters was sufficient to convert io-dine pentoxide into iodic acid but the water sorption beyond this amount was limited

    Kotitalouksien eläkesäästäminen, tulot ja varallisuus

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    Diminished brain responses to second-language words are linked with native-language literacy skills in dyslexia

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    Dyslexia is characterized by poor reading skills, yet often also difficulties in second-language learning. The differences between native- and second-language speech processing and the establishment of new brain representations for spoken second language in dyslexia are not, however, well understood. We used recordings of the mismatch negativity component of event-related potential to determine possible differences between the activation of long-term memory representations for spoken native- and second-language word forms in Finnish-speaking 9-11-year-old children with or without dyslexia, studying English as their second language in school. In addition, we sought to investigate whether the bottleneck of dyslexic readers' second-language learning lies at the level of word representations or smaller units and whether the amplitude of mismatch negativity is correlated with native-language literacy and related skills. We found that the activation of brain representations for familiar second-language words, but not for second-language speech sounds or native-language words, was weaker in children with dyslexia than in typical readers. Source localization revealed that dyslexia was associated with weak activation of the right temporal cortex, which has been previously linked with word-form learning. Importantly, the amplitude of the mismatch negativity for familiar second-language words correlated with native-language literacy and rapid naming scores, suggesting a close link between second-language processing and these skills.Peer reviewe

    A study on the fragmentation of sulfuric acid and dimethylamine clusters inside an atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight mass spectrometer

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    Sulfuric acid and dimethylamine vapours in the atmosphere can form molecular clusters, which participate in new particle formation events. In this work, we have produced, measured, and identified clusters of sulfuric acid and dimethylamine using an electrospray ionizer coupled with a planar-differential mobility analyser, connected to an atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ESI–DMA–APi-TOF MS). This set-up is suitable for evaluating the extent of fragmentation of the charged clusters inside the instrument. We evaluated the fragmentation of 11 negatively charged clusters both experimentally and using a statistical model based on quantum chemical data. The results allowed us to quantify the fragmentation of the studied clusters and to reconstruct the mass spectrum by removing the artifacts due to the fragmentation.Peer reviewe

    Separation of isomers using a differential mobility analyser (DMA) : Comparison of experimental vs modelled ion mobility

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    Mass spectrometry is uniquely suited to identify and quantify environmentally relevant molecules and molecular clusters. Mass spectrometry alone is, however, not able to distinguish between isomers. In this study, we demonstrate the use of both an experimental set-up using a differential mobility analyser, and computational ion mobility calculations for identification of isomers. In the experimental set-up, we combined electrospray ionisation with a differential mobility analyser time-of-flight mass spectrometer to separate environmentally relevant constitutional isomers, such as catechol, resorcinol and hydroquinone, and configurational isomers, such as cyclohexanediols and fatty acids (i.e., oleic and elaidic acids). Computational ion mobility predictions were obtained using the Ion Mobility Software (IMoS) program. We find that isomer separation can be achieved with the differential mobility analyser, while for catechol, resorcinol and hydroquinone, the computational predictions can reproduce the experimental order of the ion mobilities between the isomers, confirming the isomer identification. Our experimental set-up allows analysis both in the gas and liquid phase. The differential mobility analyser can, moreover, be combined with any mass spectrometry set-up, making it a versatile tool for the separation of isomers.Peer reviewe

    Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry of Iodine Pentoxide-Iodic Acid Hybrid Cluster Anions in Dry and Humidified Atmospheres

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    Nanometer-scale clusters form from vapor-phase precursors and can subsequently grow into nanoparticles during atmospheric nucleation events. A particularly interesting set of clusters relevant to nucleation is hybrid iodine pentoxide-iodic acid clusters of the form (I2O5)(x)(HIO3)(y) as these clusters have been observed in coastal region nucleation events in anomalously high concentrations. To better understand their properties, we utilized ion mobility-mass spectrometry to probe the structures of cluster anions of the form (I2O5)(x)(HIO3)(y)(IO alpha)(-) (x = 0-7,y = 0-1, alpha = 1-3), similar to those observed in coastal nucleation events. We show that (I2O5)(x)(HIO3)(y)(IO alpha)(-) clusters are relatively stable against dissociation during mass spectrometric measurement, as compared to other clusters observed in nucleation events over continental sites, and that at atmospherically relevant relative humidity levels (65% and less) clusters can become sufficiently hydrated to facilitate complete conversion of iodine pentoxide to iodic acid but that water sorption beyond this level is limited, indicating that the clusters do not persist as nanometer-scale droplets in the ambient.Peer reviewe

    What controls the observed size-dependency of the growth rates of sub-10 nm atmospheric particles?

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    The formation and growth of atmospheric particles involving sulfuric acid and organic vapors is estimated to have significant climate effects. To accurately represent this process in large-scale models, the correct interpretation of the observations on particle growth, especially below 10 nm, is essential. Here, we disentangle the factors governing the growth of sub-10 nm particles in the presence of sulfuric acid and organic vapors, using molecular-resolution cluster population simulations and chamber experiments. We find that observed particle growth rates are determined by the combined effects of (1) the concentrations and evaporation rates of the condensing vapors, (2) particle population dynamics, and (3) stochastic fluctuations, characteristic to initial nucleation. This leads to a different size-dependency of growth rate in the presence of sulfuric acid and/or organic vapors at different concentrations. Specifically, the activation type behavior, resulting in growth rate increasing with the particle size, is observed only at certain vapor concentrations. In our model simulations, cluster-cluster collisions enhance growth rate at high vapor concentrations and their importance is dictated by the cluster evaporation rates, which demonstrates the need for accurate evaporation rate data. Finally, we show that at sizes below similar to 2.5-3.5 nm, stochastic effects can importantly contribute to particle population growth. Overall, our results suggest that interpreting particle growth observations with approaches neglecting population dynamics and stochastics, such as with single particle growth models, can lead to the wrong conclusions on the properties of condensing vapors and particle growth mechanisms.Peer reviewe