706 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze the representation of myths in horror films at Maghrib time. Myths related to Maghrib Time are often an interesting element in horror films, because they contain elements of mystery, belief, and fear that are related to cultural and religious contexts. In this study, researchers conducted narrative and visual analysis to understand how this myth is represented in horror films at Maghrib Time. This study focuses on narrative elements and the use of visual techniques to create a frightening atmosphere. Research data was collected by collecting samples of horror films that are relevant to the theme of Maghrib Time. The results of the analysis show that the representation of myths in horror films at Maghrib Time involves the use of symbols, timing, lighting, and music that create a dark, gripping, and fear-inducing atmosphere in the audience. The implication of this research is to provide a deeper understanding of how myths and culture related to Maghrib Time can be utilized in the context of horror films, as well as providing insight to filmmakers in creating effective effects in presenting fear to the audience.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis representasi mitos dalam film horor pada Waktu Maghrib. Mitos yang terkait dengan Waktu Maghrib sering kali menjadi elemen yang menarik dalam film horor, karena mereka mengandung unsur misteri, kepercayaan, dan ketakutan yang berhubungan dengan konteks budaya dan agama. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan analisis naratif dan visual untuk memahami bagaimana mitos tersebut direpresentasikan dalam film horor pada Waktu Maghrib. Penelitian ini berfokus pada elemen-elemen naratif dan penggunaan teknik visual yang digunakan untuk menciptakan atmosfer yang menakutkan. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui pengumpulan sampel film horor yang relevan dengan tema Waktu Maghrib. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa representasi mitos dalam film horor pada Waktu Maghrib melibatkan penggunaan simbol, pengaturan waktu, pencahayaan, dan musik yang menciptakan suasana yang gelap, mencekam, dan membangkitkan rasa takut pada penonton. Implikasi penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang bagaimana mitos dan budaya terkait Waktu Maghrib dapat dimanfaatkan dalam konteks film horor, serta memberikan wawasan kepada pembuat film dalam menciptakan efek yang efektif dalam menghadirkan ketakutan kepada penonton


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    In this increasingly advanced digital era, social media has become a powerful platform for sharing information, influencing opinion, and mobilizing the masses. Therefore, it is important to understand how the use of social media in political campaigns affects political participation and public perception. This study aims to investigate the effect of social media on political behavior, with a focus on the use of social media in political campaigns and its impact on political participation and public perception. This research will use a case study approach to analyze several political campaigns that involve social media as the main communication tool. Data will be collected through online surveys, interviews and analysis of social media content. Respondents who were sampled in this study were individuals involved in political campaigns using social media, as well as the general public who actively consume political content on social media. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the use of social media in political campaigns has a significant influence on political behavior, political participation and public perception


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    The activity of using digital applications in attitude assessment for students of the Konggo integrated Islamic elementary school in Kab. Deli Serdang is carried out with the aim of assisting teachers in monitoring changes in student behavior during class so that they can foster a positive attitude during the learning process and this activity is expected to be a forum for introduction and learning about the use of digital applications so as to shape the teaching and learning process in this Covid-19 era. more creative and interactive. The method of implementing this activity is done by learning by doing. With several stages, namely (1) the planning phase, (2) the implementation phase, (3) the evaluation phase of the application training results. The results of the community service program through the use of digital applications in attitude assessment for students of terpadi Islamic elementary schools in Kab. Deli Serdang is considered successful in increasing the creativity of participants in managing the class and assessing and forming positive attitudes of students during learnin


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    This study aims to analyze the effect of tax planning, deferred tax burden, and company size on earnings management. The object of this research is manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry which are listed on the Indonesian stock exchange for the period 2015-2018. The data used in this research are data based on annual financial reports obtained through the website www.idx.co.id. The sampling method using purposive sampling, there are 10 samples from a total of 57 populations. Methods of data analysis using multiple regression. The results of this study indicate that tax planning and company size have a positive and significant effect on earnings management while the deferred tax expense has no effect on earnings management. The results also show that tax planning, deferred tax expense, and company size simultaneously affect earnings managemen


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    Education is an effort to create quality human beings and shape human character itself. This is what makes humans cannot be separated from education and makes education a necessity for all time. Education itself has a system that consists of input, process and output. The output of education is to create quality human beings, this can be measured by good learning achievement. Learning achievement is the maximum benchmark that has been achieved by students after conducting lecture activities for a predetermined time including the value of good student attitudes. Classdojo is a free internet-based application that provides many features and facilitates its users to find out student activities or the development of student attitudes in real time. The background of the problem in this research is how is the implementation of the Classdojo application in calculating student behavior? How is the change in student attitudes in implementing the Classdojo application? The theoretical studies in this research are Learning and Learning Media Development, Classdojo-Based Learning Media Development, Educational Technology Concepts, Assessment Theory, Attitude Change Theory. While the Type of Research This type of research is a qualitative research by conducting case studies to several State Universities in North Sumatra, including the State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Padangsidimpuan State Islamic Institute and the University of North Sumatra. This research is one of the most effective ways to develop and even advance an application system for assessing student attitudes.The results of the research from the analysis above, Attitudes in general are feelings, thoughts, and tendencies of a person who are more or less permanent in recognizing certain aspects in their environment. The components of attitude are knowledge. feelings, and tendencies to act. The response in question can be in the form of actions or actions that can be observed and can be in the form of intentions or intentions to perform certain actions in relation to the object of attitude. The application of the clasdojo application to the assessment of student attitudes both cognitively, affectively and conatively is very beneficial and the changes experienced by students, especially in the application of positive attitudes


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    Abstract:The purpose of this study is to analyze how Tribun-Medan.com and Analisadaily.com built thereality of Rohingya defending and to find significant differences in the framing of the Rohingyas on Tribun-Medan.com and Analisadaily.com. Based on the results of the analysis that the authors do have knownthat Tribun-Medan.com tend to be less sympathetic to Muslims who take action Rohingya ethnic care withthe mass of 7000 people. Impressing the public image of Rohingya is less interesting and does not take thewhole fact so that the Rohingyas are refugees who are not fit to be helped found on the excerpt of the newsheadline and the last news paragraph. In contrast, Analisadaily.com is polite and empathetic towardsRohingya refugees assisted by many parties as well as Analisadaily.com transformed into a positive publicationtool for Rohingya refugees to influence the readers of Muslims and even the world in defending andproviding assistance. The Rohingya defiance in the media actually explains that the media are able to“play an opinion” on the public perception of Rohingya sad story that is actually acknowledged or not bythe conscience that it is a failure to maintain peace and harmony of religious people.Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis bagaimana Tribun-Medan.com dan Analisadaily.commembangun realitas pemberitaan aksi bela Rohingya serta untuk menemukan perbedaanframing secarasignifikan tentang pemberitaan aksi bela Rohingya pada Tribun-Medan.com dan Analisadaily.com. Berdasarkanhasil analisis yang penulis lakukan telah diketahui bahwa Tribun-Medan.com cenderung kurang bersimpatiterhadap umat muslim yang melakukan aksi kepedulian etnis Rohingya dengan membawa massa 7000orang. Terkesanimage Rohingya dihadapan publik kurang menarik dan tidak mengambil fakta secaramenyeluruh sehingga menganggap Rohingya adalah pengungsi yang tidak pantas untuk ditolong ditemukanpada kutipan judul berita dan paragraf berita terakhir. Sebaliknya, Analisadaily.com bersikap santun danberempati terhadap pengungsi Rohingya yang ditolong oleh banyak pihak serta Analisadaily.com menjelmamenjadi alat publikasi positif bagi pengungsi Rohingya untuk mempengaruhi pembaca umat Islam bahkandunia dalam membela dan memberikan bantuannya. Aksi bela Rohingya dalam media sesungguhnyamenjelaskan bahwa media mampu “bermain opini” pada persepsi masyarakat tentang kisah pilu Rohingyayang sebenarnya diakui atau tidak oleh hati nurani bahwa itu adalah kegagalan menjaga perdamaiandan keharmonisan umat beragama

    Theology and Ethics in Values-Based Journalism Communicating Islamic Perspectives

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    This research explores the intersection of theology and ethics within the realm of values-based journalism, with a specific focus on the communication of Islamic perspectives. In the contemporary media landscape, where journalism plays a crucial role in shaping public discourse, it becomes imperative to analyze how Islamic values are communicated through the lens of ethical journalism. The study aims to investigate the application of Islamic theology and ethical principles in values-based journalism, emphasizing the role of media in reflecting and shaping societal norms. By employing a qualitative research approach, content analysis will be conducted on a sample of news articles, opinion pieces, and other journalistic content with an Islamic focus. The analysis will delve into how these pieces adhere to or deviate from established theological principles and ethical guidelines. Furthermore, the research seeks to identify challenges faced by journalists and media organizations when attempting to integrate Islamic values into their narratives. It also explores potential strategies and best practices for overcoming these challenges, fostering a more nuanced and ethical communication of Islamic perspectives. The findings of this study aim to contribute to the ongoing discourse on the role of theology and ethics in journalism, providing insights into how media professionals can effectively communicate Islamic values while upholding ethical standards. Ultimately, the research aspires to encourage a more informed and respectful portrayal of Islamic perspectives in the media, promoting dialogue and understanding in an increasingly diverse and interconnected global society

    Frequency of etiologies of acute kidney injury in Faisalabad and surrounding districts

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    Background: To find out the causes of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in population.Methods: A total of 150 patients were enrolled from medical, surgical, gynecology and obstetrics units of Allied Hospital and Madinah Teaching Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan. History, physical examination and investigations were recorded on specially designed proforma. Patients were evaluated to find out the etiologies of AKI. All patients were subjected to urine analysis, complete blood count, blood biochemistry (urea, creatinine, electrolytes, uric acid, calcium and phosphorus) and ultrasound scan of the abdomen and pelvis. Renal biopsy, immunological assays, such as hepatitis B surface antigen, anti-hepatitis C virus antibody, complements level, antinuclear antibody, anti-double-stranded DNA, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody and anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody were performed in selected cases.Results: Male (36%) and female (64%). Pre-renal AKI was most common and was reported in 80 patients (53.33%). Intrinsic Renal azotemia in 56 patients (37.33%). Post renal azotemia in 14 patients (9.33%). Among 80 patients of prerenal AKI, hemorrhage in 45(56.25%), gastroenteritis in 16(20%), sepsis in 8(10%), cardiac diseases in 4(5%), hepatorenal syndrome in 3 (3.75%), peritonitis in 2 (2.50%) and burns in 2(2.50%) were the main causes of Pre-renal AKI. Among 56 patients of intrinsic renal AKI, 40(71.4%) had acute tubular necrosis (ATN), 12(21.4%) with multifactorial causes and 4(7.14%) were found to have glomerulonephritis. Among 14 patients of post renal AKI, 6(42.9%) were having calculi, 6(42.9%) were to have enlarged prostate and 2(4.3%) were having stricture urethra. In this study, contribution of obstetrical, medical and surgical etiologies were recorded as 40%, 36% and 20% respectively.Conclusions: In contrast to study reported from neighbouring country, this study shows rather increase in pregnancy related AKI

    The global, regional, and national burden of stomach cancer in 195 countries, 1990-2017 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease study 2017

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    Background: Stomach cancer is a major health problem in many countries. Understanding the current burden of stomach cancer and the differential trends across various locations is essential for formulating effective preventive strategies. We report on the incidence, mortality, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) due to stomach cancer in 195 countries and territories from 21 regions between 1990 and 2017. Methods: Estimates from GBD 2017 were used to analyse the incidence, mortality, and DALYs due to stomach cancer at the global, regional, and national levels. The rates were standardised to the GBD world population and reported per 100 000 population as age-standardised incidence rates, age-standardised death rates, and age-standardised DALY rates. All estimates were generated with 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs). Findings: In 2017, more than 1·22 million (95% UI 1·19–1·25) incident cases of stomach cancer occurred worldwide, and nearly 865 000 people (848 000–885 000) died of stomach cancer, contributing to 19·1 million (18·7–19·6) DALYs. The highest age-standardised incidence rates in 2017 were seen in the high-income Asia Pacific (29·5, 28·2–31·0 per 100 000 population) and east Asia (28·6, 27·3–30·0 per 100 000 population) regions, with nearly half of the global incident cases occurring in China. Compared with 1990, in 2017 more than 356 000 more incident cases of stomach cancer were estimated, leading to nearly 96 000 more deaths. Despite the increase in absolute numbers, the worldwide age-standardised rates of stomach cancer (incidence, deaths, and DALYs) have declined since 1990. The drop in the disease burden was associated with improved Socio-demographic Index. Globally, 38·2% (21·1–57·8) of the age-standardised DALYs were attributable to high-sodium diet in both sexes combined, and 24·5% (20·0–28·9) of the age-standardised DALYs were attributable to smoking in males. Interpretation: Our findings provide insight into the changing burden of stomach cancer, which is useful in planning local strategies and monitoring their progress. To this end, specific local strategies should be tailored to each country's risk factor profile. Beyond the current decline in age-standardised incidence and death rates, a decrease in the absolute number of cases and deaths will be possible if the burden in east Asia, where currently almost half of the incident cases and deaths occur, is further reduced. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Trends in HIV/AIDS morbidity and mortality in Eastern 3 Mediterranean countries, 1990–2015: findings from the Global 4 Burden of Disease 2015 study

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    Objectives We used the results of the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study to estimate trends of HIV/AIDS burden in Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) countries between 1990 and 2015. Methods Tailored estimation methods were used to produce final estimates of mortality. Years of life lost (YLLs) were calculated by multiplying the mortality rate by population by age-specific life expectancy. Years lived with disability (YLDs) were computed as the prevalence of a sequela multiplied by its disability weight. Results In 2015, the rate of HIV/AIDS deaths in the EMR was 1.8 (1.4–2.5) per 100,000 population, a 43% increase from 1990 (0.3; 0.2–0.8). Consequently, the rate of YLLs due to HIV/AIDS increased from 15.3 (7.6–36.2) per 100,000 in 1990 to 81.9 (65.3–114.4) in 2015. The rate of YLDs increased from 1.3 (0.6–3.1) in 1990 to 4.4 (2.7–6.6) in 2015. Conclusions HIV/AIDS morbidity and mortality increased in the EMR since 1990. To reverse this trend and achieve epidemic control, EMR countries should strengthen HIV surveillance,and scale up HIV antiretroviral therapy and comprehensive prevention services
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