1,728 research outputs found

    Lopamudra Banerjee, Anirban Dasgupta, and Rizwanul Islam (eds.). Development, Equity and Poverty: Essays in Honour of Azizur Rehman Khan. India: Macmillan Publishers India Ltd. 2010. Hardback, 542 pages, Indian Rs 2100.00.

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    The book, as the title indicates, is collection of articles by the experts in the field of development economics. It is compiled in honour of Professor Azizur Rehman Khan, guru in the field of development economics. Unfortunately, I have not met Professor Khan but his writings were always a source of inspiration. This book is the best present to Professor Khan on his seventieth birthday. Acknowledging the fact that development challenges are becoming more complex and multidimensional, the collection of articles is based on following six themes: First theme focuses on Macroeconomics of Development. Second theme is Growth, Poverty and Inequality Linkages and third is Analysis of Poverty. The forth theme relates to issues of Employment-Intensive Growth. Fifth theme reviews the Labour Markets, Wages and Productivity and the final focus is on Rural Development. Three articles on Macroeconomics of Development focus on role of pricing structure, investment, sources and structure of growth in China and the macroeconomic policy framework to ensure stability, growth and employment. Keith Griffin critically evaluates the existing development theories. In the first instance, he questions the role of relative prices in resource reallocation resulting in change in economic structure. Griffin evaluates different dimensions of the argument. For example the degree of mobility of factors of production across sectors which can impose additional costs. Furthermore, he argues, it may not be the price signal that affects the resource allocation. It is the investment decision that, " ... determines how resources in fact are allocated"

    Dia Sedap Sdn. Bhd. / Nurul Batrisyia Sofia Ahmad Sufi

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    Dia Sedap Sdn. Bhd. offers frozen food products and services for customers, providing the variety of cake such mini pau, pau, doughnut and doughnut goreng sambal that gives high satisfaction of consumer. Our clients is customers identifying as high, middle and low class who want consume product with affordable price of product, simple product and healthy product. Dia Sedap Sdn. Bhd. is a company which focuses on production of our product in Malaysia. This company provided a unique product which is wanted by the customer nowadays as it is easy to consume and healthy. Our product look more interesting and unique with all a variety filling in our cake especially for those who like to try something new to eat. We also targeting busiest workers because we have delivery services of our product to customers home. Dia Sedap Sdn. Bhd. offers a variety of cakes that give nutrition of health, low sugar, low calories and receive halal certificates. Across Selangor, Johor and Perak particularly the Dia Sedap Sdn. Bhd. business has seen an explosion of growth over the year. Selangor is an area that many people get married especially Muslim Malay, it cause demand of cake is rise over the year

    Dakwah dan Politik: Menakar Kontribusi Organisasi Islam Sayap Partai Politik Bagi Masyarakat Muslim Yogyakarta

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    Seperti telah menjadi tradisi, menjelang Pemilu tak sedikit partai politik di Indonesia ramai-ramai mendirikan organisasi Islam. Dua dari sekian banyak partai politik yang mendirikan organisasi Islam sayap partai politik (parpol) adalah Partai Golkar dengan mendirikan Majelis Dakwah Islamiyah (MDI) dan Pengajian Al-Hidayah serta PDI-P dengan membentuk Baitul Muslimin Indonesia (Bamusi). Setidaknya ada lima kontribusi organisasi Islam sayap parpol bagi masyarakat, yaitu: menambah pengetahuan keagamaan masyarakat, menggerakkan masyarakat untuk senantiasa berbuat baik, menambah ketrampilan, melatih dan memberi kesempatan berorganisasi, serta memperkuat rasa kebersamaan dan kekeluargaan. Sementara dalam konteks parpol, berbagai pro-gram kerja dan aktivitas keagamaan yang organisasi Islam sayapnya berfungsi untuk menjaga loyalitas simpatisan kepada parpol, mengukur kekuatan parpol dari segi perkembangan jumlah simpatisan, menjaga citra baik parpol, dan menepis stigma parpol non-religius. Selain itu, keberadaan organisasi Islam sayap parpol acapkali dimanfaatkan secara personal oleh fungsionaris partai politik yang hendak men-calonkan diri sebagai anggota legislatif dan pimpinan eksekutif. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dakwah yang dilakukan organisasi sayap parpol dilakukan dengan setengah hati. Kegiatan-kegiatan mereka tampak semarak hanya menjelang Pemilu. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa fungsi utama organisasi Islam sayap parpol hanya untuk membentuk pencitraan guna meraih simpati umat Muslim

    Pengaruh Investasi Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri Terhadap Kesempatan Kerja Di Provensi Kalimantan Timur

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    Tujuan studi: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh investasi penanaman modal dalam negeri (PMDN) secara langsung terhadap kesempatan kerja. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh investasi penanaman modal dalam negeri  secara langsung terhadap kesempatan kerja . Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh investasi pemerintah secara tidak langsung terhadap kesempatan kerja.kesempatan kerja di Kalimantan Timur. Metodologi: Dalam rangka menguji analisis hipotesis Dalam penelitian ini data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder, dengan menggunakan jenis time series. Variabel independen Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN). Sedangkan variabel yakni Kesempatan Kerja. Untuk mengemukakan hipotesis yang telah dikemukakan maka dalam menganalisa data digunakan alat analisa dengan program Statistical package For Sosial Science (SPSS) v.16.0. Hasil: Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah  investasi pemerintah, kesempatan kerja pada tahun 2007sampai dengan 2016. Hasil analisis menunjukkan apabila terjadi peningkatan nilai PMDN pada sektor-sektor ekonomi yang ada maka ada pengaruh PMDN terhadap kesempatan kerja namaun sangat kecil pengaruh nya dikarenakan perekonomian kalimantan timur sedang mengalami gejolak, dikarenakan sektor unggulan perekonomian  harga batu bara  mengalami penurunan. Kondisi ini tidak baik karena mendominasi struktur ekonomi Bumi Etam, sehingga banyak terjadi nya pengurangan kariyawan atau minim nya kesempatan kerja di kalimantan timur  Manfaat: Sebagai bahan informasi/masukan dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan, kreativitas yang berkaitan dengan pengaruh nyata dari investasi penanaman mdal dalam negeri kusus nya di Kalimantan timur. B. Merupakan sarana pelatihan bagi mahasiwa untuk dapat mengidentifikasi, menganalisa, dan mengevaluasi antara teori yang diberikan dengan praktek serta kenyataan yang ada di lapangan

    Implementasi Program Bimbingan Mental Spiritual untuk Residen Korban Penyalahgunaan NAPZA di Sentra “Satria” di Baturraden

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    Semakin berkembangnya zaman dan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi, permasalahan yang muncul juga semakin kompleks tak terkecuali permasalahan terkait dengan penyalahgunaan NAPZA dan obat-obatan terlarang. Menyikapi hal ini perlu adanya upaya sigap dan profesional dari pihak berwajib salah satunya dengan upaya program rehabilitasi. Sentra “Satria” di Baturraden merupakan salah satu unit pelaksana program rehabilitasi sosial yang salah satunya yakni menjalankan program layanan bimbingan mental spiritual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi program bimbingan mental spiritual untuk residen korban penyalahgunaan NAPZA yang ada di Sentra “Satria” di Baturraden. Metode yang digunakan yakni dengan metode penelitian lapangan yang hasilnya disajikan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil yang diperoleh yakni program bimbingan mental spiritual ini diimplementasikan dengan beberapa kegiatan dengan materi-materi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan residen dan disampaikan dengan beberapa metode yang dianggap cukup efektif. Adanya program bimbingan mental spiritual ini memang memiliki dampak yang cukup signifikan bagi residen yang sedang menjalani program rehabilitasi yakni mereka merasa lebih nyaman bisa kembali mengingat Allah SWT. Dengan mengingat Allah SWT, maka akan meningkatkan jiwa spiritual dalam diri residen sehingga mereka merasakan ketenangan batin dan pikiran yang kemudian mempengaruhi perilakunya yang lain, seperti mereka lebih mampu untuk mengendalikan emosi dan juga hawa nafsu.

    Legal education in Malaysia: paradigm shift in the era of fourth industrial revolution (IR4.0)

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    Accordingly, it is imperative for Higher Education Providers to consider the future of the legal education whether remaining status quo would be sufficient for the future law graduates or whether a transformation in the legal education is needed in order to ride along the waves of the IR4.0 and stay relevant to the industry. The ensuing discussion in the following discourses proposes a well-designed online legal education model that would be practical and functional for any university, college and any other higher learning institute in transforming legal education to be in line with in the IR4.0

    The Teaching of Science and Mathematics in English in Malaysia: Teachers’ views on the implementation of two national initiatives

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    The Education Ministry has introduced two initiatives - English in the Teaching of Mathematics and Science (ETeMS) and Dual Language Programme (DLP) - to enhance mathematics and science learning using English as the medium of instruction.  Numerous discontentment on ETeMS were reported but were not addressed before the DLP introduction in 2016. This qualitative research narrates teachers’ views on both ETeMS and DLP, focusing on the coordinators’ and implementers’ challenges. Eleven mathematics and science school teachers have participated in this case study. Findings reveal that student-, resource- and teacher-related factors remained key reasons impeding effective learning of the two subjects. Keywords: national policy; teaching and learning; science and mathematics; English. eISSN: 2398-4287© 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v5iSI3.255

    Structural and Electrical Investigation of Cobalt-Doped NiOx/Perovskite Interface for Efficient Inverted Solar Cells

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    Inorganic hole-transporting materials (HTMs) for stable and cheap inverted perovskite-based solar cells are highly desired. In this context, NiOx, with low synthesis temperature, has been employed. However, the low conductivity and the large number of defects limit the boost of the efficiency. An approach to improve the conductivity is metal doping. In this work, we have synthesized cobalt-doped NiOx nanoparticles containing 0.75, 1, 1.25, 2.5, and 5 mol% cobalt (Co) ions to be used for the inverted planar perovskite solar cells. The best efficiency of the devices utilizing the low temperature-deposited Co-doped NiOx HTM obtained a champion photoconversion efficiency of 16.42%, with 0.75 mol% of doping. Interestingly, we demonstrated that the improvement is not from an increase of the conductivity of the NiOx film, but due to the improvement of the perovskite layer morphology. We observe that the Co-doping raises the interfacial recombination of the device but more importantly improves the perovskite morphology, enlarging grain size and reducing the density of bulk defects and the bulk recombination. In the case of 0.75 mol% of doping, the beneficial effects do not just compensate for the deleterious one but increase performance further. Therefore, 0.75 mol% Co doping results in a significant improvement in the performance of NiOx-based inverted planar perovskite solar cells, and represents a good compromise to synthesize, and deposit, the inorganic material at low temperature, without losing the performance, due to the strong impact on the structural properties of the perovskite. This work highlights the importance of the interface from two different points of view, electrical and structural, recognizing the role of a low doping Co concentration, as a key to improve the inverted perovskite-based solar cells’ performance

    Transforming legal education In the era of fourth industrial revolution (IR4.0)

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    The recent technological advances trigger the emergence of the Fourth IndustryRevolution (IR4.0) which is very dynamic and progressive to the extent most of themajor industries in the world have no option left but to transform the industryaccordingly in order to adapt to the changes in the IR4.0 era. Hence, this articleaims at exploring how the legal education offered at higher learning institutes canbe transformed to be in line with the IR4.0 in an efficient manner but withoutcompromising the quality. Tertiary education system should catch up with thisprogress to ensure that modern legal education would be fully modified andconcurrent with it. Currently, there is a significant delay in transforming legaleducational services offered at universities, colleges and other higher learninginstitutes with regard to fields of study, subjects offered, teaching and assessmentmethods, among others. Despite the fact that it is complex, for the time being, totransform the legal education to be in line with the IR4.0, it will benefit the societyunprecedentedly for a long run as it is the ‘game changer’ of this era

    Increasing serum miR-124-3p expression is associated with the high survival rate of a rectal cancer patient after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy

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    Latar Belakang: Kanker kolorektal menempati urutan ketiga penyebab kanker di dunia, dengan prevalensi kanker rektum sebanyak 30% dari total kasus. Saat ini belum ada biomarker yang efektif untuk memprediksi respon pasien terhadap terapi yang diberikan. Beberapa penelitian menggunakan potensi miRNA sebagai biomarker untuk melihat respon terapi. Salah satunya yaitu MiR-124-3p berperan sebagai tumor supresor yang mengalami penurunan ekspresi pada berbagi jenis kanker. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti ekspresi miR-124-3p dari pasien kanker rektum yang menerima nCRT, dan menganalisis hubungannya dengan kelangsungan hidup pasien dan parameter klinis lainnya. Metode: Penelitian ini melibatkan 15 orang pasien yang didiagnosis menderita kanker rektum lokal dan menjalani kemoradioterapi neoajuvan (radioterapi 45-50 Gy dengan fraksi 1,8-2 Gy selama 1-3 bulan, dan kemoterapi 5-fluororacil secara oral). Sampel penelitian berupa darah intravena sebanyak 5 ml diambil saat sebelum dan sesudah kemoradioterapi. Selanjutnya ekspresi miR-124-3p dianalisis menggunakan qRT-PCR dan dikalkulasi menggunakan metode Livak. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara peningkatan ekspresi miR-124-3p dengan sintasan hidup pasien (P=0,003; OR =30, 95% CI = 1,41 – 638,15), serta adanya peningkatan ekspresi miR-124-3p yang signifikan (P<0,041, fold change sebelum=1,14 ± 1,25; sesudah=2,4 ± 1,84) setelah dilakukan kemoradioterapi. Kesimpulan: Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa miR-124-3p berpotensi menjadi biomarker untuk memprediksi sintasan hidup pasien kanker rektum yang menerima kemoradioterapi. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2019;10(2):90-5) Kata kunci: kanker rektum, kemoradioterapi, miR-124-3p, sintasan hidup   Abstract Background: Colorectal cancer is the world’s third most prevalent cancer, which 30% of cases are rectal cancer. Today, the effective diagnostic marker to accurately predict clinical outcome patients response to therapy did not found yet. Several research studies have indicated that miRNA potential as a prognostic biomarker. MiR 124-3p plays as tumor suppressor that significantly down-regulated in some cancer and could radiosensitize human colorectal cancer cells. The aim of the study is to investigate the expression of miR-124-3p from rectal cancer patient who receive nCRT, and analyze its association with patient survival and others clinical parameters. Methods: This research involved 15 patients with histologically confirmed locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) and received neoadjuvant chemotherapy/nCRT (radiotherapy 45-50 Gy with 1,8-2 Gy fractions over 1 to 3 months and chemotherapy 5-fluorouracil was administered orally). Patient blood (5 ml) were collected from peripheral venous before and after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. miR-124-3p expression was performed using qRT-PCR and calculate using Livak method. Results: In this study, we found that increasing of miR-124 was significantly associate with high survival of rectal cancer patient (P = 0,003; OR =30, 95% CI = 1,41 – 638,15). Average of miR-124-3p expression increase significantly after nCRT (P<0,041, fold change before=1,14 ± 1,25; after=2,4 ± 1,84). Conclusion: Our finding suggests that miR-124-3p expression in blood serum was potential as biomarkers to predict rectal cancer patient survival after neoajduvant chemoradiotherapy. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2019;10(2):90-5) Keywords : rectal cancer, chemoradiotherapy, miR-124-3p, surviva