1,445 research outputs found

    Can Hyperfine Excitation explain the Observed Oscillation-Puzzle of Nuclear Orbital Electron Capture of Hydrogen-like Ions?

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    Modulated in time orbital electron capture (EC) decays have been observed recently in stored H-like 140^{140}Pr58+^{58+} and 142^{142}Pm60+^{60+} ions. Although, the experimental results are extensively discussed in literature, a firm interpretation has still to be established. Periodic transitions between the hyperfine states could possible lead to the observed effect. Both selected nuclides decay to stable daughter nuclei via allowed Gamow-Teller transitions. Due to the conservation of total angular momentum, the allowed EC decay can only proceed from the hyperfine ground state of parent ions. In this work we argue that periodic transitions to the excited hyperfine state (sterile) in respect to the allowed EC decay ground state cannot explain the observed decay pattern

    Testing Chiral Dynamics in Pionic Atoms

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    The energy dependence of chirally expanded pi N isoscalar and isovector amplitudes b_0(E) and b_1(E) respectively, for zero-momentum off shell pions near threshold, is used to impose the minimal substitution requirement E -> E - V_c on the properly constructed pion optical potential within a large-scale fit to 100 pionic-atom data across the periodic table which also include the recently established `deeply bound' pionic atoms of Pb and Sn. This fit cannot be reconciled with the well known free-space values of the pi N threshold amplitudes. In contrast, introducing the empirically known energy dependence for on-shell pions leads to a better fit and to satisfactory values for the pi N threshold amplitudes. The difference between these two approaches is briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PLB. Discussion section rewritten, omitting an erroneous equation. Results and conclusions unchanged Accepted by PL

    Observation of Non-Exponential Orbital Electron Capture Decays of Hydrogen-Like 140^{140}Pr and 142^{142}Pm Ions

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    We report on time-modulated two-body weak decays observed in the orbital electron capture of hydrogen-like 140^{140}Pr59+^{59+} and 142^{142}Pm60+^{60+} ions coasting in an ion storage ring. Using non-destructive single ion, time-resolved Schottky mass spectrometry we found that the expected exponential decay is modulated in time with a modulation period of about 7 seconds for both systems. Tentatively this observation is attributed to the coherent superposition of finite mass eigenstates of the electron neutrinos from the weak decay into a two-body final state.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Renormalization of the isovector πN\pi N amplitude in pionic atoms

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    The extraction of the isovector s-wave pi N amplitude from pionic atoms is studied with special emphasis on uncertainties and their dependence on the assumptions made regarding the neutron density distributions in nuclei and on the size of the data base used . Only `global' analyses of pionic-atom data reveal a discrepancy between the extracted isovector s-wave pi N amplitude b_1=-0.108\pm0.007 m_\pi^{-1} and its free pi N counterpart b_1^{free}=-0.0885^{+0.0010}_{-0.0021} m_\pi ^{-1}, where the uncertainty in the neutron densities is included in the error analysis. The role of `deeply bound' pionic atom states is discussed and the reason for failure of these states to provide new information is explained.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, slightly extended, accepted by NP

    Application of the RMF mass model to the r-process and the influence of mass uncertainties

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    A new mass table calculated by the relativistic mean field approach with the state-dependent BCS method for the pairing correlation is applied for the first time to study r-process nucleosynthesis. The solar r-process abundance is well reproduced within a waiting-point approximation approach. Using an exponential fitting procedure to find the required astrophysical conditions, the influence of mass uncertainty is investigated. R-process calculations using the FRDM, ETFSI-Q and HFB-13 mass tables have been used for that purpose. It is found that the nuclear physical uncertainty can significantly influence the deduced astrophysical conditions for the r-process site. In addition, the influence of the shell closure and shape transition have been examined in detail in the r-process simulations.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. C, 22 pages, 9 figure

    Enhanced Production of Neutron-Rich Rare Isotopes in Peripheral Collisions at Fermi Energies

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    A large enhancement in the production of neutron-rich projectile residues is observed in the reactions of a 25 MeV/nucleon 86Kr beam with the neutron rich 124Sn and 64Ni targets relative to the predictions of the EPAX parametrization of high-energy fragmentation, as well as relative to the reaction with the less neutron-rich 112Sn target. The data demonstrate the significant effect of the target neutron-to-proton ratio (N/Z) in peripheral collisions at Fermi energies. A hybrid model based on a deep-inelastic transfer code (DIT) followed by a statistical de-excitation code appears to account for part of the observed large cross sections. The DIT simulation indicates that the production of the neutron-rich nuclides in these reactions is associated with peripheral nucleon exchange. In such peripheral encounters, the neutron skins of the neutron-rich 124Sn and 64Ni target nuclei may play an important role. From a practical viewpoint, such reactions between massive neutron-rich nuclei offer a novel and attractive synthetic avenue to access extremely neutron-rich rare isotopes towards the neutron-drip line.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Coulomb plasmas in outer envelopes of neutron stars

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    Outer envelopes of neutron stars consist mostly of fully ionized, strongly coupled Coulomb plasmas characterized by typical densities about 10^4-10^{11} g/cc and temperatures about 10^4-10^9 K. Many neutron stars possess magnetic fields about 10^{11}-10^{14} G. Here we briefly review recent theoretical advances which allow one to calculate thermodynamic functions and electron transport coefficients for such plasmas with an accuracy required for theoretical interpretation of observations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, latex2e using cpp2e.cls (included). Proc. PNP-10 Workshop, Greifswald, Germany, 4-9 Sept. 2000. Accepted for publication in Contrib. Plasma Phys. 41 (2001) no. 2-