1,424 research outputs found

    The Total Performance Scorecard: Case at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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    This study aims to identify and analyse Total Human Resources Champions Management in relation to the Total Performance Scorecard. This study uses primary data by distributing questionnaires to the respondents, the 30 heads of department, 60 lecturers, 30 administrative staffs and 60 students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Partial Least Square (PLS) had been used. Results from this study showed that all dimensions of Total Human Resources Champions Management (Human Resources Strategic Management, Infrastructure Management Firm, Management Employee Contribution, Management of Transformation and Changes, Spiritual and Campaign Management, Talent Management) affected on Total Human Resources Champions Management, furthermore, Total Human Resources Champions Management has a significant positive effect on the Total Performance Scorecard course at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v15i2.386


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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bermitra dengan Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Lokasi mitra berada di Kelurahan Meruya Selatan, yakni SMP 206. Sebagian besar guru yang ada pada sekolah tersebut masih belum mengetahui tentang pengelolaan pembelajaran secara online. Hal ini karena kurangnya sosialisasi terkait dengan penggunaan pembelajaran online berbasis cloud. Oleh karena itu dalam kegiatan ini diberikan pelatihan tentang pembelajaran online berbasis cloud dengan menggunakan aplikasi Google Classroom sebagai sarana pembelajaran, Pendampingan penggunaan dalam merancang rencana pembelajaran. Metode pelatihan yang dilakukan dengan cara praktek secara langsung di laboratorium komputer dan mengevaluasi terhadap hasil pengajarannya. Hasilnya sekarang para guru yang mengikuti proses pelatihan secara langsung mendapatkan kemudahan dalam penggunaan aplikasi berbasis cloud tersebut. Aplikasi Google Classroom yang digunakan dapat dengan mudah mengatur rencana pembelajaran, menggungah materi, memberikan tugas dan juga memberikan penilaian terhadap siswa.Kata kunci : pembelajaran, cloud, classroom Kata kunci : pembelajaran, cloud, classroo

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Interaktif Berbasis Android

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    The importance of mastering English for Creative Media State Polytechnic students, especially the Graphic Design study program, has an impact on the number of reference materials that students can read. This is because there are still many reading books for Graphic Design study program students written in English. However, the lack of Creative Media State Polytechnic students, especially the Graphic Design study program, who are able to master English language competence is caused by unattractive learning methods. For this reason, an interactive learning method is needed in learning English. Currently, the use of Android is no stranger to students. By developing an Android-based interactive English learning application, it is hoped that the application will be accessed by all Android users, especially the Graphic Design Study Program for Creative Media State Polytechnic Students. Kata kunci:  Interactive learning application, Android-based learnin

    Social Justice in and through Mathematics Education: For Improving the Quality of Mathematics Teaching and Internalising Students’ Character Building

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    Aside from being one of the systematically arranged disciplines, mathematics is also a social construction that views humans as active subjects in building knowledge through interaction with the surrounding environment. Therefore, in addition to being a medium to enhance students’ understanding of mathematical concepts, mathematics education should also apply the principles of social activity while linking mathematical concepts to social issues. This research is intended to reform mathematics learning so that it does not merely focus on students’ understanding of mathematical concepts, but also improve their quality through the application of ‘social justice in mathematics education’, while at the same time internalising issues related to social justice through the application of ‘social justice through mathematics education’ concepts. This study used action research as the research methodology considering its actionbased themes and characteristics, where the teacher performed and simultaneously reflected learning activities. The findings obtained from this study are: (i) several challenges related to the application of ‘social justice in and through mathematics education’ in mathematics learning area, among others, include the difficulty of changing the teacher’s mindset on how to teach mathematics to students equitably (socially) and how to foster teacher sensitivity in designing mathematics learning that integrated justice issues into mathematics learning; (ii) the implementation of the principle of ‘social justice in and through mathematics education’ in order to improve the quality of mathematics learning is felt to be ineffective because of the teacher’s ability to design and implement mathematics learning involving ‘social justice in mathematics learning’ and ‘social justice through mathematics learning’ remains adequate; and (iii) the application of ‘social justice in and through mathematics education’ has a significant effect on student involvement in mathematics learning. It is characterized by more active students in learning and more enthusiastic students in learning activities, because the material that is discussed very closely with students’ daily experiences.  Furthermore, the findings of this study are expected to contribute to the reform of mathematics education, especially those related to productive mathematics learning, the planting of effective mathematical concepts in students, equitable mathematics learning, and simultaneously internalizing social justice issues through the application of concepts, such as building students’ character. By using the elements in the planning and reflection of lessons, teachers are able to develop a comprehensive guide for improving the quality of their lessons and at the same time internalize students’ character building by using social justice issues

    Analisis Rekam Medis Jenis Halusinasi Dengan Menggunakan Tekhnik Deccision Tree Algoritma C4.5 Di Rumah Sakit Atma Husada Mahakam Samarinda

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    Tujuan studi: Untuk menganalisis rekam medis pasien risiko perilaku kekerasan dengan menggunakan algoritma C4.5 di RSJD Atma Husada Mahakam Samarinda. Metodologi: Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan jumlah catatan rekam medis pasien skizofrenia dengan halusinasi sebanyak 450 data, dan diolah dengan algoritma C4.5. Hasil: Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa dari total 450 pasien yang paling dominan adalah pasien dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki, dengan kategori usia yang paling dominan adalah usia dewasa, dan jenis halusinasi terbanyak yaitu halusinasi audiotonik. Manfaat: Hasil Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menjadi bahan referensi dalam meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan di bidang kesehatan khususnya mengenai analisis rekam medis pasien skizofrenia gangguan persepsi sensori halusinasi melalui implementasi teknik data mining C4.5, selain itu Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pengalaman berharga dalam menambah wawasan pengetahuan dan mampu menganalisis suatu permasalahan dengan menggunakan cara pikir yang ilmiah


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    Thermochemical process (proses termokimia) telah lama dikenal sebagai sebuah proses untuk recovery komponen bernilai tinggi dengan menggunakan prinsip perpindahan panas dan reaksi kimia. Salah satu penerapan penting dari proses termokimia adalah untuk recovery fosfor dari bahan baku sekunder (secondary raw materials) sebagai alternatif fosfor yang berasal dari pertambangan. Bahan baku yang kaya unsur fosfor salah satunya adalah sewage sludge ash (SSA, abu pembakaran lumpur limbah) yang berasal dari pembakaran lumpur limpah dari pengolahan air buangan sanitasi penduduk. Karena SSA mengandung fosfor cukup tinggi, maka SSA berpotensi digunakan sebagai bahan baku untuk produksi pupuk. Selain untuk memperoleh komponen berharga, proses termokimia juga digunakan sekaligus untuk menghilangkan kandungan logam berat dari bahan baku yang digunakan sebelum penerapan pemupukan pada sektor pertanian. Eksperimen dasar untuk mengolah SSA dipresentasikan pada tulisan ini, dimulai dari penggunaan tanur putar untuk mengolah SSA secara termokimia dan akhirnya penggunaan proses granulasi untuk membentuk produk akhir berupa granulat yang memudahkan penyimpanan, transport dan penggunaan di lahan pertanian. Bahan donor chlor digunakan pada proses termokimia agar bereaksi dengan logam berat yang dikandung SSA sehingga kadar logam beratnya berkurang pada produk SSA yang dihasilkan. Penerapan proses granulasi menggunakan intensive mixer dari Eircih Mixer (R). Produk samping dari proses produksi caprolactam yang mengandung amonium sulfat ditambahkan dalam proses granulasi. Produk samping ini selain berfungsi sebagai penambah unsur N pada produk akhir juga berfungsi sebagai material pengikat (binding materials) dalam proses granulasi. Produk akhir dari eksperimen ini berupa produk pupuk granulat yang memiliki kekuatan dan distribusi partikel sangat layak digunakan untuk aplikasi pupuk pada sektor pertanian.Kata kunci: granulasi, pupuk, thermochemical process, sewage sludge as

    Creative Reasoning Ability of Students Based on Intrinsic Cognitive Load

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    Kemampuan penalaran kreatif matematis merupakan kemampuan yang penting untuk dikuasai siswa. Kenyataannya, kemampuan penalaran kreatif matematis siswa cenderung bermasalah. Salah satu hal yang diyakini berpengaruh terhadap kesulitan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah pada matematika adalah beban kognitif intrinsic yang dihadapi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan secara mendalam gambaran kemampuan penalaran kreatif siswa ditinjau berdasarkan beban kognitif intrinsic. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologi.  Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII di salah satu MTs Negeri di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Provinsi Sumatera Barat yang telah mempelajari materi bangun ruang sisi datar. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik tes dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang memiliki beban kognitif intrinsic rendah dapat melakukan penalaran kreatif matematis dengan cukup konsisten. Siswa yang memiliki beban kognitif intrinsic sedang cukup bisa melakukan penalaran kreatif matematis tetapi belum konsisten. Sedangkan siswa yang memiliki beban kognitif intrinsic tinggi hampir tidak dapat melakukan penalaran kreatif matematis. Sebagai kesimpulan, diperoleh bahwa semakin rendah beban kognitif intrinsic yang dialamisiswa, semakin baik kemampuan penalaran kreatif matematis yang ia miliki. Berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut, direkomendasikan untuk melakukan penelitian yang mengacu kepada penggunaan desain pembelajaran yang tepat untuk mengembangkan kemampuan penalaran kreatif matematis siswa pada masa yang akan datang. Mathematical creative reasoning is an essential ability for students. In reality, students' mathematical creative reasoning skills tend to be problematic. One thing that is believed to affect students' difficulties in solving problems in mathematics is the intrinsic cognitive load they face. Therefore, this study aims to describe students' creative reasoning abilities regarding intrinsic cognitive load in depth. This study uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological design. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII from one of the state Islamic junior high schools in Lima Puluh Kota Regency, West Sumatra Province, which studied the materials for flat and solid geometry. Data was collected through test and interview techniques. The study results show that students with low intrinsic cognitive load can consistently perform creative mathematical reasoning. Students with moderate intrinsic cognitive load can do creative mathematical reasoning but are inconsistent. Meanwhile, students with a high intrinsic cognitive load can almost not do creative mathematical reasoning. In conclusion, it is found that the lower the intrinsic cognitive load experienced by students, the better their creative mathematical reasoning abilities will be. Based on the conclusion, research is recommended to use suitable learning designs to develop students' mathematical creative reasoning skills in the future

    Analisis Penggunaan Kohesi Leksikal pada Teks Cerita Pendek Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 4 Bogor

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    This research aims to describe the use of types of lexical cohesion tools in short story texts of eleventh grade SMA Negeri 4 Bogor. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data collection technique in this research is literature study. The validity checking of the data in this study used triangulation. The source of this research is short story text of eleventh grade SMA Negeri 4 Bogor. The focus of lexical cohesion tool in this research are repetition, synonym, antonym, hyponym, collocation, and equivalence. Based on the results of data analysis found 140 lexical cohesion tools were used. The first number of findings, the use of reps was 36 findings (26%). The tool of lexical cohesion was found in repetition of incomplete words in person pronouns, whole words in person pronouns, and whole words in time adverbs. Second, it is synonymous with a total of 14 findings (10%). In general this cohesion tool was found by looking at the form of language whose meaning is similar or similar to other forms of language. Third, antonym with a total of 24 findings (17%). This cohesion tool can be identified by looking at words that have different meanings in other words. Fourth, hyponym with a total of 10 findings (7%). Hyponyms are related to words that have a narrower meaning and are covered in the meaning of one more general word. Fifth, 24 collocations were found (17%). Collocation, related to the relationship of words and other words in the same environment. Finally, equivalence with a total of 32 findings (23%).  The tool for lexical cohesion in general, deals with the use of meaning that is very close because of the use of the same basic words. Thus, from this number it can be concluded that in the short story students found many uses of lexical cohesion tools from 25 short stories found as many as 140 data findings and the use of the most dominant lexical cohesion tool found in the use of repetition with data findings of 26% data. Repetition is widely used by students to express affirmation of the object being told. In addition, the cohesion tool is also used with the intention of repetition with the replacement of the word referenced by the word that replaces it
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