63 research outputs found

    Multiliteracies in Writing Class

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    AbstractMultiliteracies in language teaching can make the process of teaching language easier, more interesting and better. This can include the use of technology in the classroom. To apply multiliteracies in the classroom both students and teachers must be multiliterate.In writing class, multiliteracies can be applied by using computer and internet in the teaching and learning process. It can be applied in three steps: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. In preparation step the teacher can find sources of teaching material from textbooks and browsing in the internet. Then, he/she can use power points when presenting the teaching material, giving exercises and task. In the last step, evaluation, the teacher gives an assignment and the students should submit their work via email to the teacher. The teacher then gives some feedback using computer (comment bar) and send it back to the students. The students must revise the work based on the teacher’s feedback and send again to the teacher. This way of teaching is more interesting for the students, more efficient and therefore can give better result in learning

    Multiliteracies in a Writing Class

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    Multiliteracies in language teaching can make the process of teaching language easier, more interesting and better.  This can include the use of technology in the classroom.  To apply multiliteracies in the classroom both students and teachers must be multiliterate.In writing class, multiliteracies can be applied by using computer and internet in the teaching and learning process. It can be applied in three steps: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. In preparation step the teacher can find sources of teaching material from textbooks and browsing in the internet. Then, he/she can use power points when presenting the teaching material, giving exercises and task. In the last step, evaluation, the teacher gives an assignment and the students should submit their work via email to the teacher. The teacher then gives some feedback using computer (comment bar) and send it back to the students. The students must revise the work based on the teacher’s feedback and send again to the teacher. This way of teaching is more interesting for the students, more efficient and therefore can give better result in learning.Key words: multiliteracies, writin


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh informasi tentang penerapan Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap peningkatan kemampuan kognitif dan kreativitas siswa pada sub materi penyepuhan logam melalui elektrolisis. Metode yang digunakan adalah Mixed Method. Sampel penelitian adalah 70 siswa kelas XII di salah satu SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Bekasi. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes tertulis, lembar observasi, angket dan pedoman wawancara. Peningkatan hasil belajar menggunakan N-Gain . Aspek kreativitas meliputi berpikir dan bertindak kreatif. Analisis data menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney. Uji korelasi digunakan korelasi Spearman’s rho. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan kognitif siswa kelas eksperimen ( = 0,73) dengan kriteria tinggi dan siswa kelas kontrol ( = 0,46) dengan kriteria sedang. Peningkatan kreativitas siswa kelas eskperimen ( = 0,82) dengan kriteria tinggi dan siswa kelas kontrol ( = 0,57) dengan kriteria sedang. Peningkatan berpikir kreatif siswa kelas eksperimen ( = 0,77) pada kriteria tinggi dengan peningkatan aspek berpikir lancar ( = 0,86), luwes ( = 0,80) dan elaborasi ( = 0,93) sedangkan peningkatan berpikir kreatif siswa kelas kontrol ( = 0,46) dengan kriteria sedang. Peningkatan bertindak kreatif siswa kelas eksperimen ( = 0,86) dengan kriteria tinggi dan siswa kelas kontrol ( = 0,67) dengan kriteria sedang. Terdapat korelasi antara peningkatan kemampuan kognitif dengan berpikir kreatif pada kategori kuat (r = 0,678), korelasi antara peningkatan kemampuan kognitif dengan bertindak kreatif pada kategori cukup kuat (r = 0,492) dan korelasi antara peningkatan berpikir kreatif dengan bertindak kreatif pada kategori cukup kuat (r = 0,525). Sebagian besar siswa memberikan tanggapan yang positif terhadap penerapan PBL pada pembelajaran. Kata Kunci : PBL, Kemampuan Kognitif, Berpikir Kreatif, Bertindak Kreatif, Penyepuhan The purpose of study was the information about implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) to improve students’cognitive ability and creativity on electroplating of metals by electrolysis. The study method used is Mixed Method. The sample of the study is 70 students of class XII at one High School in Bekasi Regency. The instruments used are written test, observation sheet, questionnaire (Likert scale) and interview. The improved learning outcomes are calculated by using N-Gain . Aspects of creativity include think and act creatively. Data analysis using the Mann-Whitney test. Test the correlation used correlation Spearman's rho. The results of this learning model show achievement students’ cognitive ability of experimental class ( = 0,73) with high criteria and control class ( = 0,46) with medium criteria. Increased students’creativity of experimental class ( = 0,82) with high criteria and control class ( = 0,57) with medium criteria. Achievement of Student’s creative thingking are a high criteria on fluency aspect ( = 0,86), flexibility ( = 0,80) and elaboration ( = 0,93), and achievement of Student’s creative thingking of control class ( = 0,46) with medium criteria. Achievement creative act of student of experimental class ( = 0,86) with high criteria and control class ( = 0,67) with medium criteria. There is a strong correlation between improved cognitive ability and creative thinking skills (r = 0,678), correlation of cognitive ability and creative thinking is a moderate correlation category (r = 0,429) and the correlation of creative thinking and the creative act there is a moderate correlation category (r = 0,525). The students respond positively to use of PBL model in learning. Keyword : PBL, cognitive ability, creative thingking, creative action, electroplatin

    Student Teachers’ Perceptions of English Lecturers’ Competences

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    AbstractIt is important to know the competence of lecturers because competent lecturers are needed to produce competent graduates. Students are good informant to know the lecturers’ competence because they intensively interact in the classroom. This research is to know the students’ perception of the lecturers’ competence focusing on the level of competence and the strengths and weaknesses of the competence. The result shows that students perceived positively on the pedagogical, personal, and professional competence of the lecture


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    Keadaan ketergantungan mesin dialisa seumur hidup dan penyesuaian diri terhadap kondisi sakit menyebabkan perubahan kehidupan pasien hemodialisa yang memicu terjadinya stres. Stres berasal dari keterbatasan aktifitas fisik, perubahan konsep diri, status ekonomi, dan tingkat ketergantungan. Stres merupakan fenomena yang mempengaruhi semua dimensi kehidupan seseorang, baik fisik, emosional, intelektual, sosial dan spiritual, serta mengarahkan pasien kepada sumber yang ada untuk mendapatkan bantuan serta dukungan melalui intervensi untuk mengurangi tingkat stres. Tujuan penulisan mengetahui intervensi yang digunakan untuk mengurangi tingkat stres pasien hemodialisa. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan artikel dan Jurnal keperawatan dari tahun 2001 sampai dengan tahun 2018. Hasil berbagai intervensi dilakukan untuk menurunkan tingkat stres pasien hemodialisa, menunjukkan hasil yang efektif. Intervensi Mindfulness dapat diterapkan untuk mengurangi masalah stres pada pasien, dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan pengobatan, kegiatan spiritual pasien, membantu pasien mengenali masalah dan penyebab masalahnya. Perawat perlu mengetahui penatalaksanaan intervensi non farmakologi untuk mengurangi tingkat stres, bukan hanya menjalankan rutinitas pemasangan alat dan perawatan saja. Perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut tentang intervensi keperawatan untuk mengurangi tingkat stres pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik misalnya intervensi MindfulnessSpiritual Islam dengan menggunakan aplikasi android. Kata kunci : Intervensi non farmakologi ; tingkat stres; gagal ginjal kronik; hemodialisa. NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL INTERVENTION ON STRESS LEVELS OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE PATIENTS THAT HAVE HEMODIALISA;LITERATURE REVIEW ABSTRACTThe state of life of dialysis machines for a lifetime and adaptation to sick conditions causes changes in the lives of hemodialysis patients that trigger stress. Stress comes from limited physical activity, changes in self-concept, economic status, and level of dependence. Stress is a phenomenon that affects all dimensions of a person's life, both physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual. And direct patients to existing resources to get help and support through interventions to reduce stress levels. The purpose of writing is to know which interventions are used to reduce the stress level of hemodialysis patients. The method used was using nursing articles and journals from 2001 to 2017. The results of various interventions were carried out to reduce stress levels of hemodialysis patients, showing effective results. Discussion of writing Mindfulness interventions can be applied to reduce stress problems in patients, can improve medication adherence, patient spiritual activities, help patients recognize problems and the cause of the problem. Conclusion of the need for nurses to know the management of non-pharmacological interventions to reduce stress levels, not just to carry out routine equipment installation and maintenance. Suggestions need to be research in the intervention of Islamic Spiritual Mindfulness using the android application.  Keywords: Non-pharmacological interventions; stress level; chronic kidney disease; hemodialysis

    Intervensi keperawatan terhadap self efficacy keluarga pasien skizofrenia

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    Keluarga merupakan orang-orang yang terkena dampak langsung dari anggota keluarga penderita skizofrenia. Keluarga juga pihak yang menderita seperti halnya penderita skizofrenia, bahkan skizofrenia merupakan gangguan yang dapat berlangsung seumur hidup, menjadi beban finansial dan emosional yang berat serta berkepanjangan bagi keluarga. Keluarga menanggung beban stigma yang cenderung melekat kepada keluarga yang mempunyai anggota keluarga penderita skizofrenia. Keluarga dalam merawat penderita skizofrenia membutuhkan self efficacy. Intervensi keperawatan diperlukan untuk meningkatkan self efficacy keluarga, memperkuat strategi koping, mencegah kekambuhan skizofrenia, meningkatkan fungsi keluarga dan menurunkan beban keluarga. Literatur review ini bertujuan mengetahui intervensi- intervensi yang digunakan terhadap self efficacy keluarga dengan skizofrenia. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan review artikel dan Jurnal keperawatan dari tahun 2007 sampai dengan tahun 2018. Hasil berbagai intervensi yang dilakukan menunjukkan perubahan yang bermakna terhadap self efficacy.Simpulan perawat perlu mengetahui berbagai intervensi keperawatan terhadap self efficacy keluarga untuk meningkatkan kemampuan keluarga dalam merawat dan penerimaan terhadap penderita dengan skizofrenia. Saran perlu dikembangkan intervensi keperawatan untuk lebih meningkatkan selft efficacy keluarga antara lain intervensi keperawatan Mindfulness Spiritual Islam. Kata Kunci : intervensi keperawatan, self effycacy, keluarga skizofrenia  NURSING INTERVENTION OF FAMILY SELF EFFICACY SKIZOFRENIA PATIENTS ABSTRACTThe family is an affected parent directly from a family member with schizophrenia. Families also suffer from schizophrenia, even schizophrenia is a disorder that can last a lifetime, a heavy and prolonged financial and emotional burden on the family.Families bear the burden of stigma that tends to cling to families that have family members with schizophrenia.Families in treating schizophrenia need self efficacy. Nursing interventions are needed to improve family self-efficacy, strengthen coping strategies, prevent schizophrenia recurrence, improve family function and reduce family burden. This literature review aims to find out which interventions are used against family self-efficacy with schizophrenia. The method used uses a review of articles and nursing journals from 2007 to 2018. The results of various interventions conducted showed significant changes to self efficacy. Conclusions nurses need to know a variety of nursing interventions to family self efficacy to improve the ability of families to care for and receive patients with schizophrenia. Suggestions need to be developed nursing interventions to further improve the family efficacy, including Islamic Spiritual Mindfulness nursing interventions. Keywords: nursing interventions, self effycacy, schizophrenia famil

    Lack of Motivation Factors Creating Poor Academic Performance in the Context of Graduate English Department Students

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    At the graduate level, students’ poor performance cuts across almost all the compulsory subjects in which English is inclusive. Poor academic performance of students is one problem impeding the smooth actualization of the educational purpose, which is to prepare an individual for mentally serving both himself and society. Therefore, the primary purpose of this research is to discover the internal factors, such as lack of motivation factors contributing to the poor academic performance of graduate students of the English Department. In this research, researchers selected three participants and utilized an interview as the method to collect the data, and interview guidelines as the instrument. The authors analysed the data qualitatively and explained the findings descriptively. Several things will affect students’ academic performance, especially those related to motivation. It starts from within the students themselves, from the family environment, and even lecturers greatly affect student motivation in improving academic performance. It should not only focus on the mistakes made by students, as there must be a cause behind it all. In a nutshell, the results of this study revealed that one aspect of internal factors causing poor academic performance was the lack of motivation derived from two sizeable directions, family and teacher

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