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    Thinking About the Construction of Institutional Repository in Xiamen University Library

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    目前,如何有效管理不断增多的学术资源且提高学术典藏库利用率,已成为厦门大学学术典藏库急需解决的问题。随着厦门大学科研事业的发展,各学科科研团队作为科研主体,提出了在已建设的厦门大学学术典藏平台基础上,由图书馆学科馆员以科研团队为单位有效管理学术典藏库的意见。因此,本文对厦门大学图书馆学术典藏库建设与服务进行思考,以期能更好地为科研团队提供各种有效的信息服务。Now it's urgent for Xiamen University Institutional Repository(IR) that how to manage the academic resource in an effective way and increase resource utilization rate.With the development of research of Xiamen University, as the main part of scientific research, different kinds of research teams have suggested that the subject librarians should divide resources into several parts based on their teams.Therefore the paper mainly raised the thinking about the constructions of Xiamen University IR to service effectively for research team


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    Video-assisted Thoracoscopic 3D Mode Operation for Solitary Pulmonary Nodules

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    目的探讨三维胸腔镜手术(3d VIdEO-ASSISTEd THOrACIC SurgEry,3d-VATS治疗孤立性肺结节(SOlITAry PulMOnAry nOdulE,SPn)的效果。方法回顾性分析2013年3月~2014年3月50例SPn的资料,采用3d-VATS手术模式楔形切除结节,根据快速病理结果决定是否行肺叶切除加淋巴结清扫术。统计手术时间(去除快速冰冻时间)、术后24 H引流量、总引流量、引流管拔除时间、淋巴结清扫数及术后并发症等。结果 3d-VATS模式下,50例均行肺结节楔形切除,其中23例病理为恶性,继续行肺癌根治术,手术顺利。肺癌根治术手术时间(62±12)MIn,术中出血量(35±5)Ml,清扫淋巴结(19±3)个,术后24 H引流量(120±20)Ml,术后胸管引流时间(4±1)d,术后住院时间(7±2)d。并发症3例,其中术后肺炎2例,阵发性心房纤颤1例,均治愈。无围手术期死亡。随访2~12个月,平均6.3月。1例术后3个月脑转移,1例术后5个月肺癌复发。结论胸腔镜3d模式下治疗SPn是一种新的选择方式,安全可行,值得推广应用。Objective To evaluate the effects of surgical treatment for solitary pulmonary nodules under thoracoscopic 3D mode(3D-VATS).Methods A total of 50 cases of solitary pulmonary nodules from March 2013 to March 2014 were retrospectively analyzed.Intraoperative wedge pulmonary resection with 3D-VATS was utilized.According to intraoperative pathological findings,lobectomy plus lymph node dissection was given or not.Intraoperative time( minus fast freezing time),drainage volume for 24 h,total drainage volume,drainage tube removal time,number of lymph node dissected,and postoperative complications were recorded.Results Under 3D-VATS mode,50 cases of solitary pulmonary nodules were treated with wedge resection,including 23 cases of malignant pathology receiving radical resection, which was smoothly.The radical resection time( lung lobectomy plus lymphadenectomy) was(62 ± 12) min,the bleeding volume was(35 ± 5) ml,the lymphadenectomy number was 19 ± 3,the drainage volume for 24 h was(120 ± 20) ml,the postoperative chest tube removal time was(4 ± 1) days,and the postoperative hospital stay was(7 ± 2) days.Postoperative complications occurred in 3 cases,including 2 cases of pneumonia and 1 case of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.No perioperative deaths were observed.All the cases were followed up for 2- 12 months,with an average of 6.3 months.Brain metastases was found in 1 case at the third postoperative month and recurrence of lung cancer was noted in 1 case at the fifth postoperative month.Conclusion Thoracoscopic 3D mode treatment for solitary pulmonary nodules is a new,safe,and feasible alternative and should be widely applied

    Influence of Alternating Magnetic Field on Growth and Polysaccharide outside the Cell of Lions mane hericium

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    作者简介: 高梦祥,副教授,博士,主要从事磁致微生物效应、农产品物理保鲜方法研究,E-mail : mxgao0398 @yahoo. com. cn[中文文摘]以猴头菌为研究对象,通过改变磁场强度和作用时间,研究交变磁场对猴头菌生长效应的影响。试验结果表明:磁场对猴头菌胞外多糖的作用相对菌丝的作用有滞后性,在磁场强度为1.06 A/m,作用时间为12 h时,磁场对猴头菌菌丝的生长促进作用最强,猴头菌的菌质干质量增长率达140.1%;作用时间为24 h时,猴头菌胞外多糖质量浓度增长率达100.8%;作用时间为48 h时,磁场对猴头菌胞外多糖的生长促进作用最强,猴头菌胞外多糖质量浓度增长率达271.7%。在作用时间为24 h时,磁场对猴头菌胞外多糖的生长促进作用最强的磁场强度为0.8 A/m,猴头菌胞外多糖质量浓度增长率达187.5%。[英文文摘]The stimulation of alternating magnetic field on L ions mane herici um was studied by using a self2 designed generator with adjustable magnetic field intensity and time. The result s showed that the effect s of the magnetic field on the growth of L ions mane herici umps hypha have the sluggish functioning of the produce of polysaccharide out side the cell. When the intensity of the magnetic field is 1106 A/ m , time is 12 h , the dry weight of the L ions mane herici um increased 14011 %. The concent ration of the L ions mane herici umps polysaccharide increased 27117 % when the intensity of the magnetic field is 1106 A/ m , time is 24 h. The concent ration of the L ions mane herici umps polysaccharide increased 27117 % when the intensity of the magnetic field is 1106 A/ m , time is 48 h ,which is the st rongest stimulation of the L ions mane herici umps polysaccharide.湖北省教育厅重点科研资助项目(B200512002); 长江大学博士启动基金资助项目(03000282


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    【目的】現在、管理栄養士業務は時代の変化に伴い、IT 技術が取り入れられている。多様な業務を更に効率的に行うには、管理栄養士のIT 技術の習得が必須である。しかし、管理栄養士養成大学の学生のIT 技術やインターネットの利用状況に関する調査報告はなく、不明な点が多い。本調査では、管理栄養士養成大学4 年生を対象にインターネットに対する調査を行い、今後の管理栄養士業務のIT 化に伴うインターネット利用状況に関する実態を把握することを目的とした。【方法】名古屋学芸大学管理栄養学部4 年生156名にインターネットの利用状況に関するアンケートを実施し、有効回答を得られた141名を対象として比較・検討を行った。アンケート内容としては、『決まっているまたは目指している進路(以下、進路)』、『調べ物をする際に主に使用する手段』、『インターネットの利用場面』について調査した。また、『進路』において、医療機関・福祉施設に就職するまたは目指している群(以下、医療・福祉群)と、給食会社または食品企業に就職するまたは目指している群(以下、給食・食品群)に分け比較・検討を行った。【結果・考察】『進路』では、医療機関が37例(26.2%)と最も多かった。『調べ物をする際に主に使用する手段』は、インターネットが130例(92.2%)と最も多かった。また、『インターネットの利用場面』は、勉強・課題が119例(84.4%)と最も多く、勉強・課題の中では管理栄養士に関する分野を調べる者が最も多く114例(80.9%)であった。管理栄養士に関する分野の中ではレシピ・献立・調理が最も多く83例(58.9%)であった。『進路』における群分けの比較では、管理栄養士に関する分野のうち疾病について調べる割合において、給食・食品群の22.2%に対し、医療・福祉群は52.3%であり、有意に高い割合であった(P=0.011)。医療・福祉群は、それらに関連するスキルや知識を向上させようとする為、疾病についてインターネットで調べる割合が有意に高い値であったと考えられる。このように、進路選択がインターネットの利用状況に影響を与える可能性が示唆された

    Combined Use of Thoracoscopy and Laparoscopy in Total Laryngectomy for Cervical Esophageal Carcinoma

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    目的探讨胸、腹腔镜联合全喉切除治疗颈段食管的可行性和疗效。方法 2009年1月~2014年7月胸、腹腔镜联合全喉切除治疗33例颈段食管癌。胸腔镜下分离食管、腹腔镜下管胃成形、全喉切除、气管永久造口、胃咽吻合术。结果胸部手术时间40~66 MIn,平均53 MIn;腹部手术时间35~51 MIn,平均44 MIn;颈部手术时间128~150 MIn,平均139 MIn。术中出血量130~270 Ml,平均150 Ml。术后住院时间8~14 d,平均12 d。病理均为鳞状细胞癌,其中高分化2例,中分化19例,中-低分化7例,低分化5例。切缘病理学检查无癌组织残留。31例淋巴结转移。并发症:吻合口漏2例,喉返神经损伤3例,肺部感染6例,胃排空障碍2例,吻合口狭窄1例,无死亡病例。33例随访1个月~5年,术后1、3、5年生存率分别为87.9%、54.5%、45.5%。结论颈段食管癌应采取积极的手术治疗,胃咽吻合术是颈段食管癌切除后较为理想的修复手段。Objective To investigate clinical feasibility and efficacy of combined use of thoracoscopy and laparoscopy in total laryngectomy for cervical esophageal carcinoma.Methods Clinical data of 33 patients with cervical esophageal carcinoma undergoing surgical treatment in our department from January 2009 to July 2014 were analyzed retrospectively.The esophagus was separated under thoracoscopy.And laparoscopic gastroplasty,total laryngectomy,tracheal permanent colostomy,and gastric pharyngeal anastomosis were performed.Results The thoracoscopic operation time was 40- 66 min( mean,53 min),the laparoscopic operation time was 35- 51 min( mean,44 min),and the cervical operation time was 128- 150 min( mean,139 min).The blood loss was 130- 270 ml( mean,150 ml).The postoperative hospital stay was 8- 14 d( mean,12 d).Pathological examinations showed squamous cell carcinoma in all the cases,including 2 cases of highly differentiated carcinoma,19 cases of moderately differentiated carcinoma,7 cases of moderately or lowly differentiated carcinoma,and 5 cases of lowly differentiated carcinoma.No residual cancer was found at cutting edges pathologically.Among the 33 cases,lymph node metastasis was found in 31 cases.Complications included 2 cases of anastomotic fistula,3 cases of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury,6 cases of pulmonary infection,2cases of delayed gastric emptying,and 1 case of anastomotic stenosis.There was no death.All the patients were followed up for 1months to 5 years.The survival rates at 1,3,and 5 postoperative year were 87.9%,54.5%,and 45.5%,respectively.Conclusions Cervical esophageal carcinoma should be surgically treated actively.Gastric pharyngeal anastomosis is an ideal option for the repair of cervical esophageal cancer resection