1,623 research outputs found

    The expression and clinical significance of SATB2 in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    摘要 研究目的:食管癌在中国是一种高发的消化系统恶性肿瘤。由于解剖位置深、临床症状隐匿、早期症状不明显、易以多种路径转移、高位癌手术残留、术后容易复发以及放化疗不敏感等特点,食管癌预后较差。因此,进一步深入研究食管癌发生发展、侵袭转移以及预后评估因素的内在机制具有重要的意义。SATB1是富含AT序列结合蛋白的特殊家庭成员之一,已被证明影响众多肿瘤致瘤性的过程。SATB2与肿瘤的关系密切一直是研究的关注点,然而,其在食管鳞状细胞癌组织中的作用不清楚。本论文以食管鳞癌为研究对象,以SATB2为切入点,研究SATB2在食管鳞癌发生发展中的作用及其分子机制,希望发现新的食管鳞癌评估标志。 方法:本...Abstract Background and Purposes Esophageal cancer is a high incidence of digestive system malignant tumor in China. Anatomically it lies in deep mediastinum and rarely shows clinical manifestation. It is easily metastasize to various organs, high residual cancer after radical surgery, postoperative radiation and chemotherapy are not sensitive as well as it has an easily recurred and poor progno...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_外科学学号:2452012115317

    Design and Implementation of the Newspaper News Gathering System

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    随着信息技术的快速发展,互联网应用的普及以及国家对文化体制改革的推进和做大做强文化产业的要求,报业传媒行业发展日益迅速,这就涉及到报社的新闻信息资源整合问题以及新闻信息生产流程协同问题,因此本文的研究目的在于整合报社新闻信息资源并在此基础上研究报社新闻采编流程,建设一个功能全面的报社新闻采编系统,以适应报业传媒行业的快速发展。 报社新闻采编系统是一个能更充分利用各种信息资源,更进一步提高报纸出版过程中计算机的应用水平,技术架构具有高度开放性、安全性、可维护性,集信息收集、处理、存储、服务及办公于一体的方便、经济、实用的新闻采编系统。本文对系统体系结构、开发平台、相关技术进行了深入分析,结合对...With the rapid development of information technology, the popularity of Internet applications and the reform of cultural system in China and the requirement to make our cultural industry bigger and stronger, the newspaper media industry is developing increasingly fast, it involves the newspaper news information resource integration and information production process problems. So the purpose of thi...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323070

    A study on Chinese teaching in composite classes of primary schools in New Zealand——Analysis based on K Primary School and P Primary School

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    复式教学是指在同一时间同一间教室,由一个老师对不同年级的学生进行授课的教学组织形式。复式教学是一种国际性的教育现象。 本文以新西兰两所小学——K小学和P小学的复式教学为研究对象。采用了文献研究法、观察法等科学研究方法,对新西兰的教学特点、汉语教育以及对外汉语复式教学进行分析论证,为解决在新西兰小学复式班中如何上好对外汉语课这一问题,提出了具有现实意义和理论价值的解决方法——动静结合、分层次教学,同时要注重课堂教学的趣味性。 全文共分为六部分: 第一部分为绪论。概括叙述了课题研究的背景、意义、研究方法,并对中外复式教学状况进行了概括和梳理。 第二部分为新西兰教育理念和汉语教育。这部分笔者...Multigrade teaching refers to a teaching organizational form where the same teacher teaches students of different grades at the same time in the same classroom. It’s an international educational phenomenon. The research objects are two New Zealand primary schools——K Primary School and P Primary School.The dissertation used some scientific methods such as literature method,observation method to a...学位:文学硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_对外汉语教学学号:2652013115135

    Design and Implementation of Pad Menu Ordering System Based On Android

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    在这飞速发展的社会经济和日益提高的人民生活水平,餐饮业中同行间的竞争也越发的激烈,除了更新经营理念和提高服务质量,采用先进的互联网和手机APP技术来改善工作流程,提高服务品质和提升工作效率,能使餐饮企业在日发激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。越来越多的餐厅开始使用平板电脑点餐系统来替代传统的菜谱纸质点餐。 Android系统具有开源、操作简单、友好的用户体验等优势,而且由于基于Android的平板成本低,因此基于Android系统的点餐软件也开始流行于很多高级餐厅。本课题所设计的点餐系统,采用客服端/服务器架构,用Java语言在服务器上实现各种复杂事务逻辑,客户端有丰富的数据服务组件和JavaEE服务端...With the rapid socio-economic development and increasing of people's living standards, competition between the food and beverage industry peers is more and more intense,in addition to improving the quality of service and updating business philosophy, the use of advanced computer and wireless network technology to improve workflow, improve work efficiency and improve service quality is an important...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323231

    The Impact of the High-Speed Train on Regional Tourism Economy——Evidence from 178 Cities in China

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    交通是目的地旅游经济发展的重要因素。动车的出现改变了传统交通工具背景下旅游者对于时间和空间的感知,缩短了与目的地之间的心理距离,进而对旅游者的目的地选择和旅游业的发展产生影响。 为了探究动车对区域旅游经济的贡献程度以及具体的影响方式,本文建立了时间跨度2007-2013年,覆盖东部和中部178个地级城市的面板数据,采用固定效应模型估计了动车的开通对区域国内旅游收入的影响。结果表明:对于没有开通动车的城市,动车的开通对开通城市国内旅游收入的贡献达5.83个百分点。动车的时间趋势效应表现在动车开通后2-4年内对国内旅游收入的拉动作用最大,5年之后影响逐渐减弱。本文通过计算样本城市的交通综合指数(...Transportation has been recognized as a critical component in regional tourism system. The emerging of high-speed trains in China changes tourists’ traditional perception of time and space, shortens psychological distance between origins and destinations, hence influences tourists’ choice of tourism destinations and the development of regional tourism industry. This paper utilizes an annual p...学位:旅游管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_旅游管理学号:1782013115121

    Resume: LI Ning

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    This resume is composed both in Chinese and English (incomplete translation). (Jerry Wu\u2723).https://digital.kenyon.edu/zhoudocs/1137/thumbnail.jp

    Correspondence: LI Ning to ZHOU Yan about Artworks Sharing and

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    This letter is hand-written and is scripted in Chinese. A postscript (P.S.) is inserted by the top-right corner of the letter. (Jerry Wu\u2723).https://digital.kenyon.edu/zhoudocs/1136/thumbnail.jp

    Remote sensing analysis of the changes in the ecotone of mangrove forests and Spartina alterniflora saltmarshes

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    红树林和盐沼是世界上重要的滨海湿地类型。在我国东南部沿海,互花米草盐沼和红树林之间的竞争成为一个重要的问题。为了研究红树林和互花米草盐沼之间的空; 间竞争规律,选取福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区为研究区域,收集了1988年至2014年27年间共15期覆盖该区域的Landsat影像和Goog; le Earth影像,采用最大似然分类法提取出红树林与互花米草盐沼的近30; a历史变化信息。历史遥感影像分析表明:1)红树林面积20世纪90年代增长速度最快,2004年以后增长速度变慢;2)互花米草最早出现在2002年,; 此后以缓慢的速度朝着地势高的区域扩散,2010年后互花米草的扩散速度加快;3)红树林与互花米草的交界区基本保持稳定,部分区域表现为红树林略微向外; 扩张;4)影响红树林与互花米草盐沼交界区空间格局的因素可能有潮沟的分布和红树林的林冠完整性等。Mangrove forests and saltmarshes are the most important types of coastal; wetlands in the world. In southeastern coastal areas of China, the; competition between Spartina alterniflora saltmarshes and mangrove; forests has become an important problem. In order to investigate the; rules of spatial competition between Spartina alterniflora saltmarshes; and mangrove forests, this paper selected Yunxiao National Nature; Reserve of Mangroves which locates in Zhangjiang Estuary, Fujian; Province, as the study area. We used the Landsat and Google Earth; imageries covering this area from 1988 to 2014. Maximum likelihood; classification was used to obtain the change of the total area of the; mangrove forest and the Spartina alterniflora saltmarsh over nearly 30; years. The results showed that:1) the expanding rate of the mangrove; forest was fast in 1990's, but it slowed down after 2004; 2) Spartina; alterniflora firstly appeared in the image of 2002 and it spreaded; towards the elevated area at a low rate, but the expanding rate was; accelerated after 2010; 3) The boundary between the mangrove forest and; Spartinaalterniflora mainly remained stable, with an expansion of the; mangrove forest in some areas; 4) The distribution of tidal creeks and; the closure of mangrove canopy may influence the spatial pattern of the; junction region of mangrove forests and Spartina alterniflora; saltmarshes.国家自然科学基金青年项目; 福建省自然科学基金; 第二海洋研究所科研院所基本科研业务费专


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