343 research outputs found

    The Study of Variant Forms of Ji Yun

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    《集韻》是成書於北宋、繼《廣韻》後的又一部大型韻書,為音韻學的研究提供了巨大貢獻。同時,《集韻》又是一部大型字書,其收字數量眾多,尤其是異體現象較為突出。對《集韻》中的異體字進行整理研究,對於漢字整理規範工作以及辭書編纂均有重要意義。 本文對《集韻》中的異體字進行具體分析,力求探明宋代以前異體字的發展概貌和演變規律,從而在宏觀上把握漢字體系的發展演變情況。本文共分為六個章節: 第一章介紹目前對《集韻》的研究情況,交代本課題的來源和研究意義。 第二章概述《集韻》異體字的基本情況,包括《集韻》異體字的收字情況、分佈類型和釋說特點等。 第三章主要從異寫字和異構字的角度研究《集韻》異體字的結構...Ji Yun was compiled in the Bei-song Dynasty,which is another large rhyme book after Guang Yun.The appearance of Ji Yun has provided a huge contribution to the study of phonology.Besides,Ji Yun is a large dictionary.It has paid enough attention to ancient notes and generation of exegetical materials.Quantities of words have been collected insides.Variant phenomenon is distinctive.The huge capacity ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_汉语言文字学学号:1022012115222

    Research on Securities Investment Fund Trustee System

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    作为一种提供“专家理财”服务的集合投资工具,证券投资基金具有风险分散化和管理专业化的优点;但另一方面,它也隐含着基金管理人滥用职权损害基金投资者利益的危险。为了保护基金投资者的利益,基金治理结构必须实现内部权力的制衡。然而,我国基金治理结构的内部权力之间却是明显失衡的,导致这一失衡的一个重要原因便是基金托管人的监督职能被虚置。为完善我国的基金治理结构,充分发挥基金托管人的监督职能,本文选择对基金托管人制度进行研究。本文首先阐明了基金托管人的涵义,随后具体研究了英国单位信托和美国共同基金中的基金托管人制度,最后对我国基金托管人制度的完善提出了建议。除引言和结论外,本文共分为四章。第一章是对证券投...As a collective investment instrument that provides service of “expert financing”, securities investment fund has advantages of decentralizing risks and professional management; but on the other hand, it also contains the danger of fund manager’s abusing power to aggrieve investor’s interest. To protect investor’s interest, fund governance frame must achieve the balance of inside powers. Neverthel...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_国际法学(含国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法)学号:2005130052

    Research on Automatic Exchange of Tax Information

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    近年来,在频频爆发的税收丑闻的刺激下,深陷财政赤字泥沼的各国政府将打击避税作为国际税收治理的首要问题。避税问题的全球性,决定了税务当局必须通过国际税收行政合作的方式打击纳税人在全球范围内的避税行为。国际税收情报交换作为国际税收行政合作的主要方面,已成为各国打击避税的有力武器。在国际税收情报交换实践中,各国通常遵循经济合作与发展组织确立的税收情报交换标准,通过应请求的税收情报交换方式开展相关工作。但随着全球一体化的纵深发展和科学技术的飞跃式进步,税务机关很难察觉纳税人的避税行为,难以针对纳税人的逃税行为提出请求,应请求税收情报交换在打击避税问题上呈现失灵的状态。国际税收情报自动交换制度凭借其在该...For the past few years, influenced by much-noticed offshore tax evasion scandals and under budgetary concerns, combating tax evasion has become a top priority for many governments. Tax evasion is a global issue , which means that governments need to work together to deal with this problem. Exchange of information which is one of key aspects of international tax co-operation, has already become a e...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_国际法学学号:1362012115011

    Vastasyntyneen tehohoidossa olevan lapsen vanhempien ohjaus : Kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Vanhempien läsnäololla ja sylikontaktilla tehohoidon aikana on vaikutusta lapsen myöhempään kehitykseen. Vastasyntyneen tehohoitotyö on jatkuvassa kehityksessä. Hoitohenkilökunnan on omaksuttava itse tekemisen sijaan vanhempia ohjaava rooli hoitotyössä, jossa keskitytään hoitosuhteen jatkuvuuteen ja jossa vanhempia kannustetaan osallistumaan tehohoidossa olevan vastasyntyneen arkeen. Vanhemmilla on tarve suojata ja hoivata vastasyntynyttä lastaan, mutta vanhemmista saattaa tuntua, että ympärillä olevat ammattilaiset ovat taitavampia hoivaamaan ja tulkitsemaan lasta. Vanhempien roolia henkilökunta ei kuitenkaan voi korvata, joten on tärkeää, että vanhemmat otetaan mukaan lapsen hoitoon heti alusta lähtien. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuottaa hoitotyön näyttöön perustuvan kirjallisuuden ja tutkimuksien pohjalta tietoa vastasyntyneiden teho-osaston hoitohenkilökunnalle vanhempien ohjauksen tukemiseksi ja kehittämiseksi sekä laatia tältä pohjalta tietopaketti Etelä-Pohjanmaan sairaanhoitopiirin vastasyntyneiden teho-osastolle. Tarkoitus oli etsiä ja kuvailla näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa hoitotyön tutkimuksiin ja kirjallisuuteen perustuen. Opinnäytetyössä keskityttiin vastasyntyneen tehohoidossa olevan lapsen vanhempien saamaan ohjaukseen. Opinnäytetyön tehtävänä oli saada vastaus seuraaviin tutkimuskysymyksiin: Mikä on vanhempien ohjauksen tarve ja merkitys vastasyntyneiden teho-osastolla? Miten vanhempien saama ohjaus tukee vanhemmuutta? Miten vanhempien ohjausta toteutetaan vastasyntyneiden teho-osastolla? Vanhemmilla on tarve saada tietoja lapsen tilasta ja tulla huomioiduksi niin vanhempana kuin osana hoitotiimiä. Vanhemmat luovat identiteettiään vanhempina ja luovat tunnesidettä lapseensa henkilökunnan tarjoaman ohjauksen ja tuen avulla. Vanhemmille pyritään tarjoamaan mahdollisuuksia osallistumaan lapsensa hoitoon. Osallistumisen ansiosta vanhemmat tutustuvat lapseensa ja kokevat lapsen omakseen.Parents’ presence and physical contact with their child during child’s intensive care has an impact on the child’s development. Neonatal intensive care is being improved constantly. The nursing staff need to adopt the role of a counselor and let the parents care for their own child. This care method focuses on continuity of the care and encourages parents to participate in the common routines of the child in the neonatal intensive care unit. Parents have a need to protect and care for their newborn child but might easily feel that the staff around them are much more skilled in caring and interpreting with the child. The staff, however, cannot replace parents so it is essential that parents are included in childcare from the very beginning. The aim of this thesis was to produce information for the staff of neonatal intensive care unit about parent’s guidance and development relying on evidence-based knowledge and to prepare an educational class about the subject for the Hospital District of South Ostrobothnia’s neonatal intensive care unit. The purpose was to find and describe evidence-based knowledge based on studies and literature. This thesis focuses on the guidance that parents of a newborn tended in intensive care receive in neonatal intensive care unit. The task of the thesis is to get answers to the following target questions: What is the need and significance of guidance received by parents in the neonatal intensive care unit? How does the guidance received by parents support parenthood? How is the guidance of parents executed in the neonatal intensive care unit? Parents need to be informed about the condition of their child and to be considered a parent, as well as a part of the health care team. Parents develop their identity as parents and create an emotional bond with their child through the guidance and support provided by staff. It is intended that parents are provided opportunities to participate in child care and by participating parents bond with their child and identify the child as their own


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    An Empirical Research on Venture Capitals’ Exit Behavior and its Influence on Stock Market

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    本文研究风险投资机构的IPO退出行为及其对股票市场的影响。本文层层递进地探讨以下三个问题:(1)风险投资减持速度是否影响上市公司的业绩和风险投资机构的收益?风险投资特征能否影响减持速度?(2)风险投资减持的过程中是否存在内幕交易?不同特征的风险投资机构利用内幕消息的程度是否相同?(3)风险投资的减持行为给市场造成怎样的影响?我们采用2007年1月到2012年12月605家风险投资机构的投资与减持交易数据进行实证研究,发现:风险投资持有期对上市公司经营业绩没有显著影响;老资历、单独投资、参与公司董监高和国有性质的风险投资机构IPO后减持速度较慢;持有期较长的风险投资机构,初始投资价格较低,整体投...This paper tries to study venture capitals’ exit behavior and the influence on stock market. In this paper, we explore the following three questions progressively. First of all, we investigate the influence of venture capitals’ divestment speed on the listed companies’ performance and venture capitals’ investment profit. Secondly, the venture capitals’ transaction data enables us to explore whethe...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_财务学学号:3212012115057

    A Study on Development Model of the Offshore Financial Center in China —Based on the Experiences of International Offshore Financial Center

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    离岸金融是现代金融业中最为重要的创新之一。从20世纪50年代产生以来,迅速发展,成为了金融体系中不可或缺的一部分,各个国家和地区掀起了一股建立离岸金融中心的浪潮。新加坡、东京、纽约、开曼、巴哈马等地区纷纷建立了离岸金融中心,并取得了良好的发展,有效的促进了本国经济的发展。因此,为了更好的与国际金融市场接轨,从而更好的促进我国金融业的发展,建立我国的离岸金融市场也有其必要性。不过,离岸金融市场也像一把双刃剑,发展离岸金融业务也存在着风险,如果经营管理不善也将因此引发金融风险,甚至带来金融危机,例如泰国、冰岛等。 本文从理论角度分析离岸金融业务发展的基础,研究国际上主要离岸金融中心的发展,探究成...Offshore finance is one of the most important innovations in the modern financial industry. It has been rapidly developed since the 1950s when it was created. Offshore finance has been an integral part of the financial system. It set off a wave of establishment of offshore financial centers in many countries and regions. Singapore, Tokyo, New York, the Cayman, the Bahamas and other regions all hav...学位:金融硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融硕士学号:1562012115197

    Research on Textile and Apparel Trade Disputes between China and U.S——Focusing on Quantity Limitation

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    纺织品及服装是中国对美出口的主要商品,中美两国该产品的贸易历程却十分坎坷,实施“数量性限制”一直以来是美国对华纺织服装产品采取的主要措施。两国先后签署了五个双边纺织品贸易协议,美国通过设置配额来限制中国纺织服装产品对美国的出口。中国入世以来这三年,美国对华纺织品贸易政策延续着先前的限制性态度,双方的摩擦、冲突也未停止。2005年1月1日后,纺织品及服装贸易按照《纺织品及服装协议》规定全部取消了配额限制。但美国对中国纺织品及服装的限制性态度并未随之改变。此后由于摆脱了数量限制和配额成本,中国产品非常有可能出现对美出口的大幅增长,美国随时可以根据中国在入世相关法律文件中做出的承诺对中国的纺织服装产...Textile and apparel are among the most important exported commodities from China. Quantity limitation has been the key trade policy adopted by American government in textile and apparel. There were five protocols in the trade history and the exports from China to U.S were limited by quota. Though China’s already joined in WTO, the policy is being carried on and disputes on textile and apparel have...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_国际贸易学学号:20021302

    An Empirical Research On Major Choice of College Students ——Case Study of Xiamen University

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    伴随着高等教育的进一步发展,专业选择对学生、社会和高校的意义逐步凸显出来。然而,现实情况是依然还有很多大学生不能到自己心仪的专业就读。本研究以厦门大学的612名学生为样本,以大学生的专业学习状况为切入点,对当前大学生的专业选择进行了实证分析,总结了存在的问题并探究其发生的原因,并提出了相应的对策建议,研究结果如下: 一、影响大学生专业选择的主要因素有自己的兴趣和理想、父母和老师的意见以及就业前景。同时性别、学科类别对大学生的专业选择有所影响。父母教育程度和家庭所在地对学生的专业选择影响不大。填报志愿时,学生对专业的了解程度不高,进入所学专业后,学生对专业的了解程度有所变化,但是对专业的喜欢程...Along with the further development of higher education, major choice is more and more important for students, universities and society. However, the reality is that there are a lot of people cannot go to their favorite major. Based on the samples of 612 students at the University of Xiamen, this study take college students ‘academic learning as the breakthrough point, make empirical analysis on ma...学位:教育硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2572010115174