109 research outputs found

    Study on the Feedback Mechanism of Government Communication:from the perspective of NGOs

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    反馈是控制论中的重要概念,指控制系统把信息输出后,信息作用的结果又将返回控制系统,并对控制系统的再输出发生影响,而信息在这种循环往返的过程中,不断改变内容,实现控制。控制论的创始人维纳说过“这一控制原则不仅适用于巴拿马运河船咱闸,而且也适用于国家、军队和个人……这一社会反馈问题具有极大的社会学和人类学的意义”[1]反馈作为重要的传播资源在传播过程中发挥独特的调节功能,但在传播的实践中,反馈却是一个薄弱的环节,传播者并不十分重视开发反馈资源,反馈所发挥的作用也十分有限。本文即是关于政府传播反馈问题的一个研究,为了更具有针对性和操作性,本论文从政府传播反馈渠道之一的公众组织——NGO入手,试图对政...Feedback is an important concept in Cybernetics, which means after the output of information, the result would return the control system, and influence the reexport of the information . Through changes in its circulation, the information in the control system fulfill its control. The founder of Cybernetics Nobert Wiener said , the control principal is not only suitabla for the Panama Canal sluice,...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院新闻传播系_传播学学号:20043202

    Business Plan for SW Technology Ltd.

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    随着互联网经济的迅猛发展,跨境电商行业成为新时代国际贸易的新宠儿。大量的传统企业纷纷进军跨境电商行业。目前该行业的发展竞争激烈,但是并未形成垄断,机遇依存。SW科技有限公司是一家成立于2014年位于深圳的跨境电商公司,主营电脑周边产品、家居安防产品和电子零配件产品。在成立后一年的经营实践中,已经初步形成了企业的商业模式,2015年10-12月间,公司平均月营业额达到40万元人民币,销售毛利达到16%左右。公司的目标是在未来2年内实现销售额过1000万元人民币,销售毛利维持在15%左右。如何在激烈的市场竞争中实现这一目标是SW科技有限公司面临的挑战。本论文应用创业管理相关理论,提出了SW科技有限...With the rapid development of internet economy, cross-border e-commerce industrial becomes emerging industry in international business. Lots of traditional enterprise step into this industrial. This industrial is full of fierce competition right now while no monopoly exist. There is opportunity for cross-border e-commerce enterprise. SW technology Ltd is a cross-border e-commerce enterprise which ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792012115098

    リュウサン カンゲンキン Desulfovibrio vulgaris カラノ ホモ オヨビ ヘテロ 2リョウタイガタ サクサン キナーゼ ノ セイセイ ト ソノ セイジョウ カイセキ

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    学位授与機関: 滋賀医科大学 博士(医学)第378号 平成13年3月26日Journal of Biochemistry. 2001, 129(3), p.411-421

    An Empirical Study on Undergraduate Enterprise Education-Taking Xiamen University as a Case

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    大学生创业教育伴随着知识经济的来临而日益成为世界各国高等教育的改革方向,也将成为我国全面建设小康社会进程中促进经济发展、缓解就业压力和推动教育改革的重要思路。厦门大学大学生创业教育起步较早,在创业教育的探索与实践方面居于我国大多数高校的前列,但与试点院校相比又有所差距,可以说,厦门大学创业教育的现状具有普遍性和代表性。本论文以厦门大学为个案进行研究,以期窥一斑而知全豹,并在此基础上尝试为我国高校实施大学生创业教育理出一条理想的思路。本研究的调查分析主要围绕四个方面进行:一是大学生创业教育实践基本经验总结;二是大学生创业教育实施现状;三是大学生创业教育制约因素;四是大学生创业教育的指导思想。通过...Since the advent of IT era, undergraduate enterprise education has been growing into a world-wide trend in higher education. It will become an important concept in the course of Chinese comprehensive construction of a well-to-do society, which helps to accelerate economic development, to abate unemployment pressure, and to promote educational innovation. Xiamen University began the enterprise e...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:20041702


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    Research Progress on SiCBased Composite Ceramic Prepared Through a SingleSourcePrecursor Route

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    在碳化硅(SiC)陶瓷中引入异质元素可赋予其更优异的性能,如良好的热稳定性和独特的电磁性能。采用单源聚合物先驱体法制备陶瓷,通过合成不同结构的单; 源聚合物先驱体,可在原子尺度设计、调控陶瓷的组成和微结构等方面,达到优化陶瓷性能的目的。根据近年来的研究成果,介绍了单源聚合物先驱体制备Si-B; -C、Si-M-C (M=Ti, Zr, Hf)和Si-M-C (M=Fe, Ni)复相陶瓷的研究动态,并展望了其今后的发展趋势。The introduction of heterogeneous elements into SiC ceramics can endow; the ceramics with more excellent performances, such as high temperature; stability and unique electromagnetic properties. When preparing ceramics; through a single-source-precursor route, the composition and; microstructure of ceramics can be designed and tailored by tuning the; architecture of single-source-precursors at the atomic scale for; optimizing the ceramic performance. The research trends on Si-B-C,; Si-M-C (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) and Si-M-C (M=Fe, Ni) ceramic composites derived; from a single-source-precursor route were elaborated according to the; research achievements in recent years, meanwhile, its development trend; in the future was discussed.福建省自然科学基金; 华侨大学2016年实验教学改革与建设课

    Late Quaternary Sediment Stratigraphy and Marine Cycles in the Pingtan Island, Fujian Province

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    选择位于福建平潭岛北部芦洋埔海积平原的PT01钻孔,岩芯长度28.3 m,采用加速器碳同位素(AMS 14C)和光释光(OSL)测年建立地层年代框架,认为晚更新世富含有孔虫等海相生物化石的地层应归属于MIS 5高海面期,即MIS 5e的潮下带滨海相沉积。结合岩性特征、古生物化石、沉积物色度、粒度分析及其参数等指标,进行了沉积单元的划分,重建了MIS 6末期以来的沉积相变化过程,揭示出MIS 5期间的多次海平面波动变化,即MIS 5高海面期沉积环境仍存在滨海、潮坪、潟湖、风成砂等沉积相之间的转换,并可能存在短暂的陆相或风化过程。而该区整个末次冰期的沉积缺失或较薄,上部全新世沉积也不发育,厚度仅为3.79 m,以沼泽相―风成砂相为主。A 28.3 m long core, PT01, from the Pingtan Island, Southeast China, is selected to be studied. Radiocarbon dating(AMS 14C) and optical stimulated luminescene(OSL) are used for establishing chronology. Combining age-dating results with marine microfossil and color index, we classify the Late Quaternary sediment stratigraphy in the coastal region of Fujian Province. It is suggested that the late Pleistocene marine deposit, dated back to 124 ka, and abundant marine microfossil(e.g. foraminifer and ostracods), would belong to the Marine Isotope Stages 5(MIS 5). Moreover, the late Quaternary sediment could be divided into three units based on the analysis of lithology, microfossil, grain size and color index. Our results reveal that the sediment environment during the MIS 5 was significantly controlled by global sea level change which varied among coast, tidal flat, lagoon, and eolian sand, and probably there existed weathering process. A hiatus during the last glacial(MIS 2-4) was attributed to low relative sea level. And the Holocene deposit, as thick as 3.79 m, developed poorly and was mainly comprised of swamp facies and eolian dune.国家自然科学基金(41230101、41072128


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    通过荷能离子 (包括团簇离子 )辐照聚乙烯首次合成了小于C6 0 的富勒烯———C2 0 和C2 6 分子晶体 .在此基础之上 ,进一步探索其他小富勒烯分子晶体 (如C32 ,C38和C2 4 )存在的确凿证据 .C 20 and C 26 fullerene crystals have been synthesized for the first time by irradiating polyethylene with energetic ions(including cluster ions).Based on this we are now trying to find evidence for the existence of other small fullerenes,such as C 24 ,C 32 ,and C 38 .中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 (批准号 :2 60 10 0 3 1