375 research outputs found

    Voltammetric Determination of the Herbicide Linuron Using a Tricresyl Phosphate-Based Carbon Paste Electrode

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    This paper summarises the results of voltammetric studies on the herbicide 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1-methoxy-1-methylurea (Linuron), using a carbon paste electrode containing tricresyl phosphate (TCP-CPE) as liquid binder. The principal experimental conditions, such as the pH effect, investigated in Britton-Robinson buffer solutions (pH 2.0–7.0), the peak characteristics for the analyte of interest, or instrumental parameters for the differential pulse voltammetric mode were optimized for the method. As found out, the best electroanalytical performance of the TCP-CPE was achieved at pH 2.0, whereby the oxidation peak of Linuron appeared at ca. +1.3 V vs. SCE. The analytical procedure developed offers good linearity in the concentration range of 1.25–44.20 μg mL−1 (1.77 × 10−4–5.05 × 10−6 mol L−1), showing—for the first time—the applicability of the TCP-CPE for anodic oxidations in direct voltammetry (without accumulation). The method was then verified by determining Linuron in a spiked river water sample and a commercial formulation and the results obtained agreed well with those obtained by the reference HPLC/UV determination

    Carbon paste electrodes in electroanalytical chemistry

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    An overview is given dealing with the applications of carbon paste electrodes in equilibrium potentiometry as well as in electrochemical stripping analysis using both voltammetric and potentiometric modes. Various modifications of carbon pastes and carbon paste-based biosensors are also mentioned. The main emphasis in this article is directed at summarizing recent results of the authors’ research group during the past few years

    Strength meter

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    Tato práce se zabývá zdokonalením poslední verze měřicího přípravku, který měl být původně využíván pro prezentační účely. Práce obsahuje teoretický popis použitých prvků, analýzu funkčních nedostatků přípravku a jejich praktické řešení. Také se zabývá rozšířením měřicího přípravku o externí zobrazovací jednotku – elektroluminiscenční displej a jeho řízením. Práce je zakončena návrhem funkčního zařízení, které je připraveno pro prezentační účely.The aim of this project is to improve last version of strength meter, which was designed for presentation purposes. This project describes theory and principles of used elements and contains analysis of function problems and practically solves them. The practical part also describes, how to extend strength meter with external display unit and how to control it. The final part of this project contains design solution of the device.

    Putování s psychologií, cestou necestou

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    Název mého článku naznačuje, že cesta k dosažení kvalifikace profesora obecné psychologie a vývojové psychologie, jak je uvedena v mém dekretu z roku 1991, měla řadu peripetií. Pokusím se ve své paměti projít nejméně šesti desetiletími profesních zkušeností na sedmi pracovištích, s jedním předčasným „naplánovaným“ starobním důchodem

    Combined heat and power pack with two gas V-sixteen engines

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá výpočtem klikového hřídele kogenerační jednotky. Zabývá se výpočtem vlastního a vynuceného kmitání klikového hřídele. Pozornost je také věnována vlivu pružné spojky na tvar vlastního kmitání hřídele.Thesis deals with the calculation of the crankshaft of the cogeneration unit. It deals with the calculation of equity and forced vibration of the crankshaft. Attention is also paid to the influence of elastic couplings on the shape of its own vibration shaft.

    Dietary pattern longitudinality during 8 years in children: results from the European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC–CZ)

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    OBJECTIVE: Dietary pattern analysis constitutes a suitable method for identifying complex food preferences as well as a useful tool for comparing dietary behaviour across individual populations. In addition to a lack of information on Central European dietary patterns, dietary data featuring a longitudinal aspect are likewise largely unavailable for the region. Our study thus strives to address this gap by analysing children's dietary patterns, their stability and possible changes at 7, 11 and 15 years in the Czech part of the European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC-CZ). DESIGN: We analysed dietary data based on the self-reported semi-quantitative FFQ obtained in 1998, 2002 and 2006. Dietary patterns were derived using factor analysis for each period, followed by the determination of dietary pattern stability across the individual periods. SETTING: The analysis of dietary patterns was based on longitudinal children's dietary data from the geographical region that was undergoing massive socio-economic changes at the time of birth of the study subjects. PARTICIPANTS: All participants were children. At 7 years the analysis included 3220 children, at 11 years the analysis included 2509 children and at 15 years the analysis included 1589 children. RESULTS: Two stable children's dietary patterns labelled as 'prudent' and 'junk food' were identified across all three time points (7, 11 and 15 years). CONCLUSIONS: This study identifies stable longitudinal trends in the dietary behaviour of children enrolled in the ELSPAC-CZ study

    Association between Stress Urinary Incontinence and Depressive Symptoms after Birth: the Czech ELSPAC Study

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    The study objectives were to (1) identify risk factors related to stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and postnatal depression (PD) after birth, and (2) investigate both possible directions of association between SUI and PD in population-based sample of Czech mothers. 3,701 nulliparous and multiparous women completed the self-reported questionnaires at 6 weeks and 6 months after birth and were included into the analyses of this prospective cohort study. Unadjusted and adjusted logistic regressions examined relationship between SUI a PD accounting for range of other risk factors. During the frst 6 months after birth, 650 mothers (17.6%) developed SUI and 641 (17.3%) displayed signs of PD. The mode of delivery, parity and higher BMI were associated with SUI. The rate of PD symptoms was higher in mothers with positive history of prenatal depression, and in divorced or widowed mothers. Both conditions were associated with worse self-reported health, back pain and stop-smoker status. Initially, SUI at 6 weeks was slightly, but signifcantly associated with onset of PD at 6 months (OR 1.51, 95% CI 1.02–2.23) while PD at 6 weeks was not signifcantly related to new cases of SUI at 6 months (OR 1.48, 95% CI 0.91–2.39). After full adjustment these OR reduced to 1.41 and 1.38 (both non-signifcant), respectively. SUI and PD are common conditions in women postpartum that share some risk factors. Our study suggests that both directions of their relationship are possible although a larger study is needed to confrm our fndings

    Association between Stress Urinary incontinence and Depressive Symptoms after Birth : the Czech eLSpAc Study

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    The study objectives were to (1) identify risk factors related to stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and postnatal depression (PD) after birth, and (2) investigate both possible directions of association between SUI and PD in population-based sample of Czech mothers. 3,701 nulliparous and multiparous women completed the self-reported questionnaires at 6 weeks and 6 months after birth and were included into the analyses of this prospective cohort study. Unadjusted and adjusted logistic regressions examined relationship between SUI a PD accounting for range of other risk factors. During the first 6 months after birth, 650 mothers (17.6%) developed SUI and 641 (17.3%) displayed signs of PD. The mode of delivery, parity and higher BMI were associated with SUI. The rate of PD symptoms was higher in mothers with positive history of prenatal depression, and in divorced or widowed mothers. Both conditions were associated with worse self-reported health, back pain and stop-smoker status. Initially, SUI at 6 weeks was slightly, but significantly associated with onset of PD at 6 months (OR 1.51, 95% CI 1.02–2.23) while PD at 6 weeks was not significantly related to new cases of SUI at 6 months (OR 1.48, 95% CI 0.91–2.39). After full adjustment these OR reduced to 1.41 and 1.38 (both non-significant), respectively. SUI and PD are common conditions in women postpartum that share some risk factors. Our study suggests that both directions of their relationship are possible although a larger study is needed to confirm our findings

    Recent advances in the fabrication and application of screen-printed electrochemical (bio)sensors based on carbon materials for biomedical, agri-food and environmental analyses

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    This review describes recent advances in the fabrication of electrochemical (bio)sensors based on screen-printing technology involving carbon materials and their application in biomedical, agri-food and environmental analyses. It will focus on the various strategies employed in the fabrication of screen-printed (bio)sensors, together with their performance characteristics; the application of these devices for the measurement of selected naturally occurring biomolecules, environmental pollutants and toxins will be discussed