346 research outputs found

    Estudio de la ganancia media de los trabajadores españoles

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    Se pretende mostrar a través del estudio de datos reales de dos Comunidades Autónomas cuáles son los factores más relevantes a la hora de determinar cuál es el salario de una persona

    Contribución al conocimiento de la arsenopirita de Liat (Vall d'Aran, Lleida)

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    Se estudian arsenopiritas procedentes de los yacimientos de Liat (Vall d'Aran, Lleida). La zona está constituida por materiales cambro-ordovícicos y las mineralizaciones se hallan emplazadas en niveles cuarcíticos metamorfizados. El conjunto roca de caja-mineralización aparece afectado por una serie de deformaciones a pequeña y gran escala. Las arsenopiritas presentan fenómenos de recristalización y formación de maclas centradas, contemporáneos del clímax metamórfico. Los esfuerzos deformativos posteriores dieron lugar a la génesis de maclas polisintéticas (201) y a la fracturación de los cristales. Las texturas y estructuras observadas permiten establecer para las fases minerales una historia paralela a la de la roca encajante.On étudie des arsenopyrites recueillies dans les gîtes de Liat (Vall d'Aran, Lleida). La zone est formée par des materiaux cambro-ordoviciens et les minéralisations se trouvent dans des niveaux quarzitiques métamorphisés. L'ensemble roche encaissante-minéralisation se trouve affectée par une série de deformations à petite et grande échelle. Les arsenopyrites montrent des phénomenes de récristalisation et formation de macles centrées, contemporaines du climax métamorphique. Les éfforts déformatifs posterieurs on donné lieu la genhe de macles polysintétiques (201) et A la fracturation des cristaux. Les textures et structures observées permettent d'établir une histoire parallele à celle de la roche encaissante

    Emotion, Psychological Well-Being and Their Influence on Resilience. A Study with Semi-Professional Athletes

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    The objective of the present study is to analyze the influence of coaches on emotional intelligence and on levels of anxiety, motivation, self-esteem, and resilience among athletes. Five-hundred forty-seven semi-professional athletes between the ages of 16 and 19 participated in this study. Various statistical analyses were conducted which explain the causal relationships between the variables. The results, obtained using a structural equations model, find that while autonomy support positively predicts emotional intelligence, perceived control predicts it negatively. Moreover, emotional intelligence positively predicts self-esteem and self-determined motivation, but negatively predicts anxiety. Other results show that self-esteem positively predicts self-determined motivation, whereas anxiety predicts it negatively. Finally, self-determined motivation positively predicts resilience. Indeed, the study demonstrates the influence and the importance of coaches in relation to the emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and motivational processes of adolescent athletes when the latter engage in their respective sports. These results help to better understand how different behavioral, emotional, and social aspects belonging to the athlete interrelate with one another during competition

    Influence of Physical Education Teachers on Motivation, Embarrassment and the Intention of Being Physically Active During Adolescence

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    According to a WHO report (2018), more than 80% of adolescents do not do enough physical activity. Physical Education (PE) classes should be aimed at solving this problem. The present study aims to analyze the influence teachers have on motivation, embarrassment and intention to be physically active among their students. A total of 604 secondary school students participated in the study. Various statistical analyses were carried out to explain the causal relationships between the variables. The results revealed a positive relation between the autonomy support and the satisfaction of basic psychological needs (BPN), and a negative relation with the frustration of BPN. In contrast, perceived control revealed a positive relation with frustration of BPN, and a negative relation with the satisfaction of BPN. Satisfaction of BPN was negatively related to embarrassment and positively related to self-determined motivation. On the other hand, frustration of BPN was positively related to embarrassment and negatively with self-determined motivation. Embarrassment was negatively related to self-determined motivation, and the latter was positively related to intention to be physically active. Indeed, the study demonstrates the influence and the importance of PE teachers and of the motivational and emotional processes of adolescents during PE classes and the role they play in acquiring the habits of an active lifestyle

    De causa efecto a la comunicación, con el apoyo de las TIC

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    En este documento se pretende recopilar distintos instrumentos y programas de ordenador que se emplean por parte de profesionales que atienden a alumnos con discapacidades para trabajar la intencionalidad y recorrer el camino hasta la comunicación. En este proceso partimos de encontrar en el niño un movimiento que pueda controlar y realizarlo voluntariamente, para potenciar la intencionalidad comunicativa a través de distintas actividades de causa-efecto hasta llegar a una comunicación eficaz. Entendiendo la comunicación en un sentido amplio, en sus diversas facetas: alternativa, oral, escrita. Se puede encontrar información detallada de los programas mencionados en este trabajo en http://jfonoll.cat/tecnoneet2008.ht

    Effects of the Selected Point of Voltage Reference on the Apparent Power Measurement in Three-Phase Star Systems

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    [EN] The phenomenon responsible for the different apparent powers measured in a subsystem of a three-phase star-configured system, based on the voltage reference point, was identified in this paper using specific components of the instantaneous powers, as a result of applying the conservation of energy principle to the entire system. The effects of the phenomenon were determined using a proposed apparent power component referred to as the neutral-displacement power, whose square is the quadratic difference between the apparent powers of a subsystem, measured using two voltage reference points. The neutral-displacement power is a component of the apparent power, which is determined using the values of the zero-sequence voltages and the line currents in that subsystem. Expressions of the proposed power were derived using the Buchholz apparent power formulations. The validation of the derived expressions was checked in the laboratory and in a real-world electrical network, using a well-known commercial analyzer and a prototype developed by the authors.This research was funded by Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, under grant Primeros Proyectos de Investigacion (PAID-06-18), Vicerrectorado de Investigacion, Innovacion y Valencia.León-Martínez, V.; Montañana-Romeu, J.; Peñalvo-López, E.; Álvarez, C. (2020). Effects of the Selected Point of Voltage Reference on the Apparent Power Measurement in Three-Phase Star Systems. Applied Sciences. 10(3):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10031036S122103Emanuel, A. E., & Orr, J. A. (s. f.). The effect of neutral path impedance on voltage and current distortion. Part I. symmetrical and balanced three-phase systems. 2004 11th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (IEEE Cat. No.04EX951). doi:10.1109/ichqp.2004.1409351Emanuel, A. E., & Orr, J. A. (s. f.). The effect of neutral path impedance on voltage and current distortion. Part II. Imbalanced three-phase systems. 2004 11th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (IEEE Cat. No.04EX951). doi:10.1109/ichqp.2004.1409350Boyajian, A., & McCarty, O. P. (1931). Physical Nature of Neutral Instability. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 50(1), 317-327. doi:10.1109/t-aiee.1931.5055789Gates, B. G. (1936). Neutral inversion in power systems. Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 78(471), 317-325. doi:10.1049/jiee-1.1936.0051Clarke, E., Crary, S. B., & Peterson, H. A. (1939). Overvoltages During Power-System Faults. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 58(8), 377-385. doi:10.1109/t-aiee.1939.5057977Concordia, C., & Peterson, H. A. (1941). Arcing faults in power systems. Electrical Engineering, 60(6), 340-346. doi:10.1109/ee.1941.6432165Mortlock, J. R., & Dobson, C. M. (1947). Neutral earthing of three-phase systems, with particular reference to large power stations. Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers - Part II: Power Engineering, 94(42), 549-568. doi:10.1049/ji-2.1947.0152Rocha, A. C. O., Souza, W. M., & Mendes, J. C. (s. f.). Practical experiences in the analysis of abnormal voltages due to neutral instability. 2004 IEEE/PES Transmision and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America (IEEE Cat. No. 04EX956). doi:10.1109/tdc.2004.1432511Raunig, C., Schmautzer, E., Fickert, L., Achleitner, G., & Obkircher, C. (2009). Displacement voltages in resonant grounded grids caused by capacitive coupling. IET Conference Publications. doi:10.1049/cp.2009.0692Konotop, I., Novitskiy, A., & Westermann, D. (2014). Constraints on the use of local compensation for the correction of neutral voltage displacement caused by the influence of nearby power lines. 2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ). doi:10.1109/pq.2014.6866832Kai, L., Guojie, X., Xiaojing, G., Kun, Y., Duohong, C., Ran, L., … Xiangjun, Z. (2018). Method for Suppressing Neutral Point Displacement Overvoltage and Suppression Circuit in Distribution Network. 2018 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED). doi:10.1109/ciced.2018.8592153Harner, R., & Owen, R. (1971). Neutral Displacement of Ungrounded Capacitor Banks During Switching. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS-90(4), 1631-1638. doi:10.1109/tpas.1971.293151Jinglu, L., Xin, W., & Chunyan, S. (2006). Discussion on Abnormal Rise of Displacement Voltage of Neutral Point in Compensation Electric Network and its Control Measures. 2006 International Conference on Power System Technology. doi:10.1109/icpst.2006.321700Emanuel, A. E. (2010). Power Definitions and the Physical Mechanism of Power Flow. doi:10.1002/9780470667149Czarnecki, L. S. (1988). Orthogonal decomposition of the currents in a 3-phase nonlinear asymmetrical circuit with a nonsinusoidal voltage source. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 37(1), 30-34. doi:10.1109/19.2658Hyosung Kim, Blaabjerg, F., & Bak-Jensen, B. (2002). Spectral analysis of instantaneous powers in single-phase and three-phase systems with use of p-q-r theory. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 17(5), 711-720. doi:10.1109/tpel.2002.802188Willems, J. L., Ghijselen, J. A., & Emanuel, A. E. (2005). The Apparent Power Concept and the IEEE Standard 1459-2000. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 20(2), 876-884. doi:10.1109/tpwrd.2005.844267Fortescue, C. L. (1918). Method of Symmetrical Co-Ordinates Applied to the Solution of Polyphase Networks. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, XXXVII(2), 1027-1140. doi:10.1109/t-aiee.1918.4765570Chroma Programmable AC Power Source 61700 https://www.chromausa.com/product/3-phase-programmable-ac-source-61700/Processor Board PCM-9581 http://advdownload.advantech.com/productfile/Downloadfile4/1-124ET90/PCM-9581_user_manual_Ed2.pdfData Acquisition Board PCI-6220 https://www.ni.com/documentation/en/multifunction-io-device/latest/pci-6220/overview/Voltage Transducer LV 25-P https://www.lem.com/en/lv-25pAC Current Clamp i5sPQ3 https://www.fluke.com/es-es/producto/accesorios/pinzas-de-corriente/fluke-i5spq3Resistances DL1017R https://www.delorenzoglobal.com/image/power-engineering-modules.pd

    Acute Effects of Global Postural Re-Education on Non-Specific Low Back Pain. Does Time-of-Day Play a Role?.

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    Low back pain is one the most common forms of musculoskeletal disorders. Thus, several physiotherapeutic strategies (e.g., global postural re-education therapy) have been used for reducing low back pain. The aim of this study was to determinate if acute application of global postural re-education session associated effects are influenced by the time-of-day when this physical therapy is applied. Eight participants in a randomized, counterbalanced order were acutely tested both before and 24 h after a global postural re-education therapy session (10 min session) in three different time-of-day points; morning (i.e., AM; 7:00–9:00 h), midday (i.e., AM; 12:00–14:00 h) and afternoon (i.e., PM; 18:00–20:00 h). In each session, low back pain Visual Analogue Pain Scale [VAS]), flexibility, function capacity (Roland Morris Questionnaire [RMQ], and physical functioning Oswestry Disability Index [ODI]) were recorded. Results showed a pain reduction (VAS Scale) 24 h post Global postural re-education [GPR] session (p = 0.001) and increasing of flexibility pre-post GPR session in all the time-of-day points (morning, midday, and afternoon) (p = 0.001) while no differences were reported in RMQ (p = 0.969) and ODI (p = 0.767). Thus, acute GPR session produces the same effects on flexibility, low back pain, function capacity, and physical functioning values independently of time-of-day when it is applied.post-print974 K

    Contact lenses that transform gold into nanoparticles for prophylaxis of light-related events and photothermal therapy

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    This work describes for first time how anisotropic gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) can be spontaneously formed inside preformed contact lenses (CLs) avoiding the use of additional reductant agents (reagent-free) through a precise tunning of the monomeric composition, the saline concentration, and the application of steam heat sterilization. Protocols to generate AuNPs in solution using inorganic or small organic reductants are widely available. Differently, gold precursors interactions with polymer networks have been overlooked and, thus, the interest of chemically cross-linked hydrogels as organic reductants is still to be elucidated. In the ocular field, incorporation of AuNPs to CLs may expand their applications in prophylaxis, therapy and diagnosis. To carry out the work, a variety of hydrogels and commercially available CLs were incubated with gold salt solution without any other chemical reagent. AuNPs formation was monitored by changes in localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) bands and quantifying the gold sorbed. Only silicone hydrogels induced AuNPs formation at room temperature in few days; methacrylic acid red-shifted the LSPR band (550–600 nm), while monomers bearing F hindered the reduction. Storage of hydrogels in the gold precursor solution allowed a gradual formation of anisotropic AuNPs, which could be stopped at any time by washing the hydrogel with water. The developed CLs behave as efficient filters against highly penetrant light and also exhibit photoresponsiveness as demonstrated as rapid (10 s), focused mild hyperthermia when irradiated with green, red and NIR lasersThe work was supported by MCIN [PID 2020-113881RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033], Spain, FEDER and Xunta de Galicia [ED431C 2020/17]S

    Contribución al conocimiento de la arsenopirita de Liat (Vall d'Aran, Lleida)

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    Se estudian arsenopiritas procedentes de los yacimientos de Liat (Vall d'Aran, Lleida). La zona está constituida por materiales cambro-ordovícicos y las mineralizaciones se hallan emplazadas en niveles cuarcíticos metamorfizados. El conjunto roca de caja-mineralización aparece afectado por una serie de deformaciones a pequeña y gran escala. Las arsenopiritas presentan fenómenos de recristalización y formación de maclas centradas, contemporáneos del clímax me- tamórfico. Los esfuerzos deformativos posteriores dieron lugar a la génesis de maclas polisintéticas (201) y a la fracturación de los cristales. Las texturas y estructuras observadas permiten es- tablecer para las fases minerales una historia paralela a la de la roca encajante

    eHDDP: Enhanced Hybrid Domain Discovery Protocol for network topologies with both wired/wireless and SDN/non-SDN devices

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    Handling efficiently both wired and/or wireless devices in SDN networks is still an open issue. eHDDP comes as an enhanced version of the Hybrid Domain Discovery Protocol (HDDP) that allows the SDN control plane to discover and manage hybrid topologies composed by both SDN and non-SDN devices with wired and/or wireless interfaces, thus opening a path for the integration of IoT and SDN networks. Moreover, the proposal is also able to detect both unidirectional and bidirectional links between wireless devices. eHDDP has been thoroughly evaluated in different scenarios and exhibits good scalability properties since the number of required messages is proportional to the number of existing links in the network topology. Moreover, the obtained discovery and processing times give the opportunity to support scenarios with low mobility devices since the discovery times are in the range of hundreds of milliseconds.Comunidad de MadridJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Manch