2,095 research outputs found

    Gender of Personality and Individual Differences (PAID) contributors: An analysis of recent years (2008-2016)

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    This study aims to identify the gender of researchers who published in Personality and Individual Differences (PAID) during the 2008–2016 period. Of a total of 12,137 authorships, gender could be identified in 11,023 (90.8%). Results show a slight gender imbalance in favor of men that tends to diminish throughout the years, almost reaching parity in the last three years. Data show that: a) gender asymmetry is greater in the number of authorships than in the number of authors (individuals), partly because men tend to publish in a wider range of years during the period studied; b) men are relatively overrepresented in the last (senior) position of the author by-line; and c) in relative terms, women tend to be concentrated in the last years of the period studied. Taken together, these three points suggest that age probably plays a role in the (slight) gender imbalance, as observed in other scientific fields. Regarding the scientific impact of contributors, no gender differences were found in the number of citations received


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Sobre las diversas reglas del derecho antiguo (Digesto, 50. 17). Estudio introductorio, traducción, anotación e índices de Martha Patricia IRIGOYEN TROCONIS. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2005

    Author Gender in The Lancet journals

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    Despite important advances in recent decades, gender inequality persists in science. In this Comment, the current gender composition of the authors published in The Lancet journals is analyzed briefly. In general terms, women represent about one-third of article authorships, with the noteworthy exception of The Lancet Psychiatry (45.2%). Female representation among first authors is 51.1% in The Lancet Psychiatry and 42.9% in The Lancet Global Health, higher than the overall percentages. A common feature (except for The Lancet HIV and, to a lesser extent, The Lancet Global Health) is a more pronounced gender gap in the last (senior) position, which indicates that age might be a factor (although not the only one) modulating gender asymmetry in The Lancet journals

    Introducción a la responsabilidad de los profesionales de Enfermería: Revisión y análisis de sentencias sobre responsabilidad profesional sanitaria

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    En los últimos años el número de demandas contra el personal de enfermería ha experimentado un importante aumento debido en gran parte a la adquisición de nuevas competencias que ha experimentado la profesión, así como a la disminución del temor que en otras épocas han podido tener determinadas profesiones relacionadas con el ámbito de la salud y a un aumento de las exigencias sociales, que han hecho que las profesiones del ámbito de la sanidad estén, en muchos casos, en el punto de mira de la sociedad. El punto de partida de este trabajo es el reconocimiento de que la enfermería es hoy en día una profesión con características propias y con todas las responsabilidades que ello supone y pretende hacer conscientes a estos profesiones de las consecuencias que puede tener el desarrollo de una mala praxis para evitar conductas que puedan desencadenar circunstancias condenables y situaciones difíciles desde el punto de vista profesional. A lo largo de este trabajo, pretendo hacer una introducción sobre de los diferentes tipos de responsabilidad profesional que existen y que pueden afectar a los expertos de la enfermería y analizaré dos sentencias judiciales que enjuician algunas actuaciones de estos profesionales.Departamento de EnfermeríaGrado en Enfermerí

    Perception of Sexual Orientation from Facial Structure: A Study with Artificial Face Models

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    Research has shown that lay people can perceive sexual orientation better than chance from face stimuli. However, the relation between facial structure and sexual orientation has been scarcely examined. Recently, an extensive morphometric study on a large sample of Canadian people (Skorska, Geniole, Vrysen, McCormick, & Bogaert, 2015) identified three (in men) and four (in women) facial features as unique multivariate predictors of sexual orientation in each sex group. The present study tested the perceptual validity of these facial traits with two experiments based on realistic artificial 3D face models created by manipulating the key parameters and presented to Spanish participants. Experiment 1 included 200 White and Black face models of both sexes. The results showed an overall accuracy (0.74) clearly above chance in a binary hetero/homosexual judgment task and significant differences depending on the race and sex of the face models. Experiment 2 produced five versions of 24 artificial faces of both sexes varying the key parameters in equal steps, and participants had to rate on a 1–7 scale how likely they thought that the depicted person had a homosexual sexual orientation. Rating scores displayed an almost perfect linear regression as a function of the parameter steps. In summary, both experiments demonstrated the perceptual validity of the seven multivariate predictors identified by Skorska et al. and open up new avenues for further research on this issue with artificial face models

    Men dissociate sexual attraction from moral judgement more than women

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    Would you find an opposite-sex individual physically less attractive if you knew that he/she was a bad person? Would you feel the same if you were a man or a woman? This study examined whether gender differences exist in the influence of moral judgements on heterosexual physical attraction. In a first Experiment, participants (N = 214) rated on attractiveness photographs of opposite-sex persons. Each photograph was paired with a “good” and a “bad” (from a moral point of view) sentence to depict a quality or activity of the displayed person (i.e., she/he is a defender of human rights in an NGO vs. she/he belongs to a terrorist group). Compared with women, men were significantly less influenced by sentence valence in their attractiveness ratings. A second Experiment (N = 105) using photographs of very attractive people showed the same pattern of results. The data suggest that sexual attraction is relatively less permeable to moral factors in men, and that this sex difference is consistent with an evolutionary approach to human sexuality

    Diseño de interfaces de usuario intuitivas para asistentes virtuales en la educación universitaria

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    Designing an intuitive user interface for virtual assistants in higher education presents several challenges, chief among them being natural language understanding, virtual assistant customization, user-centered design, integration with existing technology, and consideration of the educational context. The success of virtual assistants in higher education depends on the ability of designers and developers to understand the needs and preferences of users and their ability to design intuitive and effective user interfaces that enhance the learning and teaching experience. To address the challenges in designing intuitive user interfaces for virtual assistants, various methods can be used, such as creating a natural language-based user interface, including visual elements, and designing a custom user interface. and adaptable.El diseño de una interfaz de usuario intuitiva para asistentes virtuales en la educación universitaria presenta varios desafíos, entre los principales se consideran la comprensión del lenguaje natural, la personalización del asistente virtual, el diseño centrado en el usuario, la integración con la tecnología existente y la consideración del contexto educativo. El éxito de los asistentes virtuales en la educación universitaria depende de la capacidad de los diseñadores y desarrolladores para comprender las necesidades y preferencias de los usuarios y de su capacidad para diseñar interfaces de usuario intuitivas y efectivas que mejoren la experiencia de aprendizaje y enseñanza. Para abordar los desafíos en el diseño de interfaces de usuario intuitivas para asistentes virtuales, se pueden utilizar varios métodos, como la creación de una interfaz de usuario basada en el lenguaje natural, la inclusión de elementos visuales y el diseño de una interfaz de usuario personalizada y adaptable

    Aplicación de procedimientos de auditoría tributaria preventiva a procesos contables de empresas cafetaleras, Ocotal 2014

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    Este documento comprende el estudio efectuado a las empresas del sector café, ubicadas en la ciudad de Ocotal, que se dedican a la comercialización y exportación de café oro. El objetivo del estudio fue el análisis de los procedimientos utilizados por los auditores, en la Auditoría Tributaria que realizan a las empresas del sector café de la ciudad de Ocotal en el período 2014. Se constató los procedimientos de auditoría que utilizan los auditores en el desempeño de su trabajo. Se identificaron las fuentes de información que el auditor requiere para la ejecución de su trabajo. Se comprobaron los niveles de consistencia de la información contable que generan los contadores de las empresas del sector café, para la ejecución de la auditoría tributaria. Se propuso una guía metodológica para los auditores que practican auditorías tributari