36 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Ancaman UHI (Urban Heat Island) di SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta

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    The study aimed to: (1) Development learning video as an effort to mitigate the (Urban Heat Island) threats on global warming material and its impact on human life, (2) Knowing students' learning outcomes using learning video. Learning video was developed by using a modified model of 4D to 3D, which is define, design, and development. The research subject was grade X IPS 2 students with 33 students at SMA AL-Islam 1 Surakarta. The results showed that 1) the assessment of the material expert was 4.7 and the media expert was 4.6. The teacher's assesment was 4.6 and students were 4.7. The average of the four product assessments was 4.65. Based on product validation or assessment it met the criteria and was deemed worthy to be used in learning. 2) The value of students who were in low category with a value of less than 91 with 12 students (36%) While those belonging to the medium category with a value of 92 to 97 were 12 students (36%) and the high category with a value of more than 97 were 9 students (27%). The results showed that students can receive material that had never been conceived with understanding and clarity. The Learning videos of Urban Heat Island developed by researchers were worthed and students had good and satisfying learning outcomes

    Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Erupsi Gunung Api Untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan pada Subtema Kondisi Alam Indonesia di Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Selo Boyolali

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    This research was carried out based on the magnitude of the potential for natural disasters in the Selo District due to the activities of Mount Merapi unavailability of learning media for volcanic eruptions. The purpose of this study was to improve knowledge of disaster in SMP 1 Selo using a learning video of volcanic eruption developed by researcher. Efforts to increase knowledge using video learning of volcanic eruptions developed by researchers. This research using Borg and Gall development model. The study design used Quasi Experimental Group Pretest- Postest, Non-Equivalent Control Design Group. The research subjects were class VII A as the experimental class and class VII B as the control class. The results showed that the knowledge of disaster of control class rose to 63.78 from 54.39. While the experimental class rose to 84.53 from 48.28 with a p-value of 0.000 <0.05, which means learning videos can increase disaster knowledge more significantly

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Digital Film Dokumenter Terhadap Kerusakan Lingkungan Di Gunung Lawu Pada Materi Potensi Sumber Daya Alam Di Mts Negeri Surakarta 01

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    Andriyani, Cholifah 2019. PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN DIGITAL FILM DOKUMENTER TERHADAP KERUSAKAN LINGKUNGAN DI GUNUNG LAWU PADA MATERI POTENSI SUMBER DAYA ALAM DI MTS NEGERI SURAKARTA 01. Research Paper. School Of Teacher Training And Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta. Mei. 2019. This research is aimed to know the effectiveness development of documentary movie as teaching media toward natural disaster in Lawu Mountain of potency material on natural resorce in MTS Negeri Surakarta 01. This research used research and development or RnD research with adopted 4D development program by Thiagarajan which modified become 3D. The development design used survey method. The developing deisgn used pre-test and post-test Control Group Design with 63 respondents of VII A students as a control class and VII C as an experimental class. Control class was not used media while experimental class used documentary movie media. The process of making documentary movie media used software Adobe Premiere pro cc 2019 and davinci resolve 15. The technique of analysing data used Paired Sample t-Test. There were increased of control class and experimental class. Paired Sample t-Test showed the final score of sign. Both of classes got 0,000<0,05, H0 was rejected and H1 accepted so that there was significant difference about pre-test and post-test. The effectiveness of product used n-Gain Score test. The result of n-Gain Score test showed control class got score 0,68. This score includes in sufficient category. Experimental class got score 0,85 and includes in high category, so the documentary movie is more effective used as teaching learning process

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Video Animasi Berbasis Adobe After Effect Materi Siklus Hidrologi Mata Pelajaran Geografi Kelas X di SMA Negeri 1 Tawangsari Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    The research aimed to determine the development process and the effectiveness of using animated learning media on hydrological cycle material in students of class X IPS in SMA Negeri 1 Tawangsari. The method of the research is research and development (R & D) which adopts the design model of Dick & Carey. The process of making this animation learning media uses After Effect cc 2017 and assisted by Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Premeiere. The design in this research and development used true experimental design with a form of experimental design pretest-posttest control group design. The process of developing this animation learning media has been through product improvement and revision to achieve final product validation. The final product validation is carried out by media experts and material experts with an average score of 4.7, which means it is in the category of "GOOD". The data analysis technique in this research used the T-test. The results of the T-test in the pre-test and post-test both in the control class or in the experimental class show significant results, namely H0 both classes have a sig value. (2-tailed) 0.00 or H0 <0.05 so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Clarifying the effectiveness of the media, researchers compared learning outcomes which showed an increase in the average learning outcomes of the control class was 69% and the experimental class was 73.1%. This means that the increase in experimental class learning outcomes is 4.1% higher than the control class. In conclusion, animation learning media that researchers have developed are effective and can improve student learning outcomes

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning Melalui Google Classroom Sub Materi Letak Dan Luas Indonesia Siswa Kelas VII MTs Serpong Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021

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    Google Classroom e-learning has started to be used in schools by sending assignments and providing learning materials. Google Classroom is a blended learning platform developed by Google for schools or other educational institutions that aims to simplify the creation, distribution, and assignment of assignments in a paperless way. One of the subjects that will be used in this research is Social Sciences (IPS) with the material "Location and Area of Indonesia". The material "Location and Area of Indonesia" is one of the lessons found in the first semester of class VII and is usually delivered in the early stages of learning. This material is used to increase students' knowledge about the location or description of the territory of Indonesia. Based on the results of observations made at MTs Serpong that students tend to be passive and less independent in the learning process, students prefer to wait for instructions from the teacher. This results in students' thinking not progressing, and not wanting to think independently. The use of the Discovery Learning learning model through Google Classroom which will be used by researchers can make students actively participate in the learning process. This study aims to 1) analyze the social studies learning process in the sub-material of the location and area of Indonesia class VI at MTs Serpong by applying the Discovery Learning model through Google Classroom, and 2) determine the effectiveness of social studies learning with the Discovery learning learning model on the sub-material of the location and area of Indonesia. VII grade students of MTs Serpong. This research is a research with a quantitative approach. This study uses the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The data analysis technique used in this research is instrument validity test, reliability test, normality test, and paired sample t test which is calculated using IBM SPSS 23.0. The results of this study are: 1) the use of the Discovery Learning model through Google Classroom is more effective, 2) The learning process using the Discovery Learning model through Google Classroom on the material "Location and Area of Indonesia" is effective for improving student learning outcomes in social studies learning class VII at MTs Serpong. This can be seen through the results of the pretest and posttest assessments with an average pretest score of 72 and posttest 88

    Tingkat Kesiapsiagaan Peserta Didik terhadap Bencana Gempa Bumi di SMA Negeri 1 Getasan Kecamatan Getasan Kabupaten Semarang

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    This research aims to find out the level of preparation of students for the earthquake disaster in SMA Negeri 1 Getasan Semarang Regency. The variable used is the level of preparation of student. The population in this study was a student of X grade SMA Negeri 1 Getasan with a total of 180 students. The sample used in this study was a student of X grade with a total of 64 respondents. The method of analysis used in this study is quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis and discussion of research on the level of student preparedness for earthquake disasters in SMA Negeri 1 Getasan entered the category “Ready” based on the combined student preparation index of 69,61. This study showed that of the overall parameter of preparedness level of students in SMA Negeri 1 Getasan for parameter knowledge and attitude has an index value of 89.26 and enters a highly prepared classification, the emergency response plan parameters have an Index value of 52.81 and enter a near-prepared classification, the disaster warning system parameter has an indeks value of 48.44 and the classification entry is less prepared and the resource mobilization parameter have an index rating of 73.44 and a ready classification entrance. The parameter with the highest index value is the parameter of knowledge and attitude with an index value of 89.26 entered in the highly prepared classification and the parameters with the lower index value are parameters of the disaster warning system with the value of the index of 48.44 entering in the less ready classification

    Pengaruh Gaya Berpikir Siswa Terhadap Pengetahuan Bencana Gempabumi Di SMP Negeri 1 Jogonalan Kabupaten Klaten

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    One form of disaster risk reduction education activities in SMPN 1 Jogonalan is extracurricular disaster alert. In this extracurricular, students' thinking styles to understand disaster material vary. This research aims to 1) know the thinking style of students in studying disasters in SMP N 1 Jogonalan, 2) knowing the preparedness of students for earthquake disasters in SMP N 1 Jogonalan, 3) knowing the relationship between thinking style and disaster knowledge. Types of quantitative descriptive research, correlational research design. The variables used are the thinking style and level of earthquake disaster preparedness. The sempling technique used is saturated sampling. The population in the study was that all students who participated in extracurricular standby amounted to 44 students. The results show that 1) The style of thinking used by students in SMPN 1 Jogonalan with the calculation of the total score obtained by students after completing the questionnaire is: concrete thinking style as many as 36 students fall into the category of "very good" and 1 student falls into the category of "good". The abstract sequential thinking style of 37 students falls into the category of "good". The concrete random thinking style of 37 students falls into the category of "good" and the abstract random thinking style of 37 students falls into the category of "good" ", 2) Knowledge of earthquake disaster students with the calculation of scores obtained by students after filling out a questionnaire that there are 36 students who entered the katerogi "almost ready". And 1 student falls into the moderate category, 3) Test results with statistics by looking at the value of significance where the value of 0.83 is greater than the value of 0.05, it can be concluded that H1 was rejected and H0 was accepted. This means that "the student's thinking style variable has no significant effect on the earthquake disaster knowledge variable in SMPN 1 Jogonalan"

    Efektifitas Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Analog Sistem Tata Surya Sebagai Ruang Kehidupan Di SMAN Colomadu Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    This study aims to determine, 1) the needs of analog learning media, 2) student learning outcomes using analog learning media the solar system at Colomadu SMAN. This research is an experimental study with the form of nonequivalent control group design which is almost the same as the pretest-posttest control group design but in this design the experimental group and the control group were not randomly selected. Analog learning media are processed using their own work. The learning method in this study uses the lecture method, discussion, and question and answer. Analog learning media has gone through the validation stage by material experts and media experts with an average value of 4.29 with the category "GOOD". Data analysis techniques in this study used the normality test and T test (t-test). Student learning outcomes in the control class with an average pre-test score of 52.4 and post-test 74.8 while in the experimental class the average pre-test value was 46.4 and the post-test was 80.8. Both classes experienced an increase in learning outcomes, but the increase in the control class was 36% and the experimental class was 52%. The increase in the experimental class is higher than the control class, meaning that the use of instructional media is analogous to the effective solar system

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Video Animasi Berbasis Adobe After Effect pada Materi Gunungapi Kelas VII di SMP Negeri 3 Cawas Kabupaten Klaten

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    This study aims to determine the development process and effectiveness of animation video learning media in class VII in SMP Negeri 3 Cawas volcanic material. This research is a research and development (R & D) that adapted the design model of the development of Dick and Cerey. Processing of video learning media using Adobe After Effects Software, Adobe Ilustration and Adobe Premiere so that the final product is obtained in the form of learning videos. The learning video media has gone through the validation stage by material experts and media experts with an average value of 4.6 with the category "GOOD". The research design used true experimental design with the subjects of the study were 51 students and 1 social studies teacher in SMP Negeri 3Cawas.. The data analysis technique used is the T-test. The results of the experimental class research were shown on the average value of the control class pretest and posttest (not given special treatment) and the experimental class (given special treatment "Animated learning media"). The control class has an average pretest value of 53.88 and the average posttest value is 69.84, whereas in the experimental class the average pretest value is 46.36 and the posttest 2 value average is 78.58. The results of the T test (t-test) of the control class and experimental class data together show a significant value of 0,000 <0,05, which means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The similarity of the results of the T test (hypothesis), there must be a comparison of the results of student learning improvement to determine the level of effectiveness. the increase in learning outcomes in the control class was 32% and the experimental class was 73%. The increase in learning outcomes in the experimental class was higher than the control class, so the use of volcanic material learning video media was effective

    Pengembangan Buku Pengayaan Keterampilan Dasar Membaca dan Membuat Peta sebagai Pengetahuan Kebencanaan dalam Materi Pengetahuan Dasar Pemetaan di SMA Negeri 2 Klaten

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    This research aims to (1) knowing the development of basic skills Enrichment book making and reading map as a basic knowledge of disaster, (2) knowing the effectiveness of the enrichment book Basic skills make and read the map as the basis Knowledge of class X students at SMAN 2 Klaten. This research uses the model of 4D development that is modified into 3D (define, design, development). Design Development using Pretests posttest control group design. Research conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Klaten. The study subjects were the class X IPS 3 students as a control class as many as 34 students and X IPS 2 as an experimental class of 35 students. Data analysis techniques using T Test (paired sample t test) and the effectiveness analysis using N-Gain. The T test result indicates a significant value that is 0,000 < 0.05 so Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted. Product assessment results by respondents got an average score of 4.37 including the "good" category and the product can be used for research. Based on N-Gain test, there are differences of learning outcomes of pretests and posttest students i.e. the control class with an average of 0.283 categories "Low" and experimental class of 0.555 category "medium" which means the product developed successfully increases Students ' understanding of the basic skills of creating and reading the map associated with the disaster material is the earthquak