Pengaruh Gaya Berpikir Siswa Terhadap Pengetahuan Bencana Gempabumi Di SMP Negeri 1 Jogonalan Kabupaten Klaten


One form of disaster risk reduction education activities in SMPN 1 Jogonalan is extracurricular disaster alert. In this extracurricular, students' thinking styles to understand disaster material vary. This research aims to 1) know the thinking style of students in studying disasters in SMP N 1 Jogonalan, 2) knowing the preparedness of students for earthquake disasters in SMP N 1 Jogonalan, 3) knowing the relationship between thinking style and disaster knowledge. Types of quantitative descriptive research, correlational research design. The variables used are the thinking style and level of earthquake disaster preparedness. The sempling technique used is saturated sampling. The population in the study was that all students who participated in extracurricular standby amounted to 44 students. The results show that 1) The style of thinking used by students in SMPN 1 Jogonalan with the calculation of the total score obtained by students after completing the questionnaire is: concrete thinking style as many as 36 students fall into the category of "very good" and 1 student falls into the category of "good". The abstract sequential thinking style of 37 students falls into the category of "good". The concrete random thinking style of 37 students falls into the category of "good" and the abstract random thinking style of 37 students falls into the category of "good" ", 2) Knowledge of earthquake disaster students with the calculation of scores obtained by students after filling out a questionnaire that there are 36 students who entered the katerogi "almost ready". And 1 student falls into the moderate category, 3) Test results with statistics by looking at the value of significance where the value of 0.83 is greater than the value of 0.05, it can be concluded that H1 was rejected and H0 was accepted. This means that "the student's thinking style variable has no significant effect on the earthquake disaster knowledge variable in SMPN 1 Jogonalan"

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