Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Video Animasi Berbasis Adobe After Effect Materi Siklus Hidrologi Mata Pelajaran Geografi Kelas X di SMA Negeri 1 Tawangsari Kabupaten Sukoharjo
The research aimed to determine the development process and the effectiveness of using animated learning media on hydrological cycle material in students of class X IPS in SMA Negeri 1 Tawangsari. The method of the research is research and development (R & D) which adopts the design model of Dick & Carey. The process of making this animation learning media uses After Effect cc 2017 and assisted by Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Premeiere. The design in this research and development used true experimental design with a form of experimental design pretest-posttest control group design. The process of developing this animation learning media has been through product improvement and revision to achieve final product validation. The final product validation is carried out by media experts and material experts with an average score of 4.7, which means it is in the category of "GOOD". The data analysis technique in this research used the T-test. The results of the T-test in the pre-test and post-test both in the control class or in the experimental class show significant results, namely H0 both classes have a sig value. (2-tailed) 0.00 or H0 <0.05 so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Clarifying the effectiveness of the media, researchers compared learning outcomes which showed an increase in the average learning outcomes of the control class was 69% and the experimental class was 73.1%. This means that the increase in experimental class learning outcomes is 4.1% higher than the control class. In conclusion, animation learning media that researchers have developed are effective and can improve student learning outcomes