154 research outputs found


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    Nondestructive testing of lining thickness and nearside wall rock defect in srevice tunnel

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    为建设厦门城市快速交通干线,需要对钟鼓山原有隧道进行扩建。在拆除已有隧道衬砌和开挖外围围岩时,确定原有隧道衬砌厚度和外侧围岩的空洞、破碎、断裂等情况,对施工安全和施工方案制定非常必要。为此,采用探地雷达技术对原有隧道衬砌厚度和外侧围岩状态进行了检测。在隧道顶部布置三条沿隧道方向的检测线,用雷达探头分别对隧道的衬砌厚度和外部岩层缺陷进行探测,结果发现衬砌厚度很不均匀,厚度0.36~1.2米,多处与外部岩石直接接触。衬砌外侧有多处空洞、破碎、断裂或空洞伴有严重的破碎等危险情况存在。拆除衬砌时必须采取针对这些部位的安全措施,这为施工提供了明确的指导,从而保证工程的顺利完成。For constructing the main rapid traffic line in Xiamen city,the in service tunnel in Zhonggu Mountain must be enlarged.Before demolishing the lining and excavating the nearside wall rock,the lining thickness and the cavity,fragmentation and rupture of nearside wall rock in exiting tunnel are determined by the ground penetrating radar for establishing the construction safety and technology project.The results show that the existing lining thickness is non uniform,from 0.2m to 0.8m,the lining directly contacts with wall rock in many places.There are many cavity,fragmentation and rupture existed in the nearside wall rock.When demolishing the existing lining,the safety precautions must be established.The results of ground penetrating radar testing provided clear guidance for construction.The project has been successfully completed


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    Effects of different materials in the construction waste on the properties of concrete

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    总结了国内外建筑垃圾中各种组成材料对混凝土性能影响的研究现状,主要包括其中的砖瓦、混凝土碎块、玻璃、木纤维、沥青、旧塑料和贝壳等对混凝土抗压强度、抗拉强度、弹性模量和收缩量等性能的影响。其中破碎到一定细度的砖瓦和玻璃的活性会提高,能减小对混凝土性能的负面影响;再生混凝土碎块对混凝土各项性能均有不利影响;旧塑料则能提高混凝土的韧性;贝壳会降低混凝土的弹性模量,但不影响其早强。The obtained results about the present research of the effects of different materials in the construction waste on the properties of concrete were summarized in this article,including the effects of tile、crashed concrete、glass、wood sawdust、asphalt、oyster shell and recycled plastic on the properties of concrete which include compressive strength、tensile strength、elastic modulus、shrinkage quantity and so on.And the activity of tile and glass which were crashed into some degree of fineness increased,and it could minish the effect on the properties of concrete;the crashed concrete had bad effect on the properties of concrete;recycled plastic could enhance the toughness of concrete;oyster shell would reduce the elastic modulus of concrete,but had not affect its early-strength

    Determination of shear wall qualities in frame-shear wall structure at preliminary design stage

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    剪力墙的数量的确定是直接影响框架-剪力墙结构安全性和经济性的切实问题。在总结已有各种剪力墙数量的确定方法后,对各类方法进行了比较和评价,发现通过软件建模并与其它方法相结合是一种更为方便准确的方法。The qualities of shear walls in frame-shear wall structure is a practical problems which directly influence the structural safety and economy.A detailed literature review was conducted about current methods to determine the qualities of shear walls.Through compares and evaluates all kinds of methods, it discovers that software modeling in combination with other methods is a more convenient and accurate method


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    Performance of recycled concrete from construction waste

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    通过对再生骨料基本性能的研究,根据再生骨料的特殊物理性能,设计研究了不同级配下的再生骨料混凝土的工作性能和抗压强度。当细骨料采用天然砂,级配合理时,再生混凝土28d抗压强度可以达到44MPa,工作性能良好;当粗细骨料都采用再生骨料,再生骨料的粒径分布为0~5mm约占60%~70%,5~10mm约占30%~40%时,可以满足配制强度为15MPa再生混凝土的要求,粗、细骨料的重量比达到50%以上时再生混凝土的工作性比较好、强度可以达到12.4~14.9MPa。The fundamental characteristics of recycled aggregate are investigated firstly.Furthermore,based on the special physical properties of recycled aggregate,the work performance and compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete are studied.The results show that,when the fine sand is used as the fine aggregate and the gradation is reasonable,the 28 days compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete may be as high as 44 MPa and the work performance of recycled aggregate concrete is also fairly well;when the recycled aggregate is used as the coarse and fine aggregate,and the particle size distribution of the recycled aggregate is as follows:0~5 mm(approximately 60%~70%),5~10 mm(approximately 30%~40%),the compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete can meet the requirement on the strength of 15 MPa;when the weight ratio of the coarse and fine aggregate is more than 50%,the work performance of recycled aggregate concrete is reasonably well and the compressive strength of recycled concrete may be between 12.4 MPa and 14.9 MPa


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