198 research outputs found


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    Study on Valuation Issues of Adding RMB into the SDR Currency Basket

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    金融危机发生之后,各国学者和政要都以不同形式发出了改革现行国际货币体系的呼声。2009年3月23日,中国人民银行行长周小川提议创造一种与主权国家脱钩、并能保持币值长期稳定的国际储备货币,从而避免主权信用货币作为储备货币的内在缺陷。这一方案提出以后,特别提款权作为目前唯一真正具有全球意义的超主权货币开始备受关注。如何对特别提款权进行完善以提升其在国际货币体系中的作用开始变成众多学者研究的课题。 周小川指出应进一步完善SDR的定值和发行方式,SDR定值的篮子货币范围应扩大到世界主要经济大国。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,2009年中国的出口贸易额已经位居世界第三名,同时中国也是持有美元资产最多的...After the financial crisis, national scholars and politicians have been discussing reforming the current international monetary system(IMS) in different forms. On March 23, 2009, the governor of the People's Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan put forward a proposal to create an international reserve currency that is disconnected from individual nations and is able to remain stable in the long run. After...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2772008115289


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    A geothermal well in Ganzi was chosen for the study. To provide a reference for the design and construc?tion of a geothermal plant, power generation techniques were selected and the thermodynamic process was calculat?ed based on cold and heat source dat


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    Thermodynamics and kinetics of D-glyceric acid adsorption on ion exchange resin

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    D-甘油酸是一种重要的甘油衍生物,具有解酒护肝的功能。关于D-甘油酸生产方法的研究已有不少,但对其分离方法及分离机理的研究却鲜见报道。通过静态吸附实验,研究了D-甘油酸在201×7阴离子交换树脂上的等温热力学和动力学特性。结果表明,D-甘油酸在201×7阴离子交换树脂上的最大平衡吸附容量随p H的增加而降低,其吸附等温线符合Freundlich模型。在293~308 K下,吸附焓变为14.77 k J·mol-1,表明该吸附过程为吸热过程。升高温度有利于提高吸附速率,但对最大平衡吸附容量影响不大。同时,采用动边界模型描述D-甘油酸在该树脂上的交换行为,分别考察了料液浓度、树脂粒径和温度对交换过程的影响。交换过程的吸附速率随D-甘油酸浓度和温度的增加而增大,但随树脂粒径的增大而减小。研究表明该离子交换过程的速率控制步骤为颗粒扩散过程,交换过程的反应速率常数k0为1.22×10-3,反应级数a为0.631,表观活化能Ea为14.90 k J·mol-1,并得到了动力学总方程。D-glyceric acid, one of the promising glycerol derivatives, has various biological functions such as accelerating ethanol and acetaldehyde oxidation. Plenty studies on the synthesis but few studies on downstream processes to recover D-glyceric acid were available. A static equilibrium adsorption was performed to study isothermal thermodynamics and kinetics of D-glyceric acid adsorption onto 201×7 strong basic anion exchange resin. The results showed that the adsorption process followed the Freundlich isothermal model at different p H and temperature conditions, which the maximum adsorption capacity decreased with increasing initial p H. The change of adsorption enthalpy was 14.77 k J·mol-1 at 293—308 K, suggesting an endo-thermic adsorption process. Raising temperature improved adsorption rate with limited influence on equilibrium adsorption capacity. The Dynamic Boundary Model was used to investigate adsorption kinetics with a focus on effects of D-glyceric acid concentration, resin particle diameter and adsorption temperature. The results suggested the particle diffusion was rate-limiting step of the adsorption process. The adsorption rate increased with the increase of D-glyceric acid concentration and temperature, but decreased with the increase of resin particle diameter. The general kinetics equation was obtained with the rate constant of exchange(k0), reaction order(a) and the apparent activation energy of reaction(Ea) as following k0=1.22×10-3, a=0.631, Ea=14.90 k J·mol-1.福建省高校产学合作项目(2015N5006);; 福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目(JA15393);; 泉州师范学院青年博士预研基金项目(2015QBKJ04)~

    Applications of Chlorella in food industry

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    现代食品工业正朝着绿色健康、便利的方向发展,具有保健功能的天然产物将是今后新型食品的一个重要发展方向。小球藻因高蛋白、富含类胡萝卜素、维生素等特; 点,具有多种保健功能,可作为功能性食品或保健品应用于食品行业中。本文综述了近年来小球藻在保健食品、功能性食品中的研究和应用进展,着重介绍了小球藻; 在保健食品及主食、副食、饮料等功能性食品中的具体应用和国内外研究进展,以期为今后小球藻在食品行业中的应用提供参考。Modern food industry aimed at green,healthy and more convenient foods.; The use of natural ingredients with functional activity was an; attractive way to design new foods.Due to its high in protein content; and richness in carotenoids and vitamins,Chlorella had many healthcare; functions and could be used in food industry as a functional food and; nutrition enhancing agent.Research progress in the applications of; Chlorella in health food and functional foods in recent years,especially; in staple food,baked food,and beverage,was reviewed in this paper in; order to provide valuable information for the further application of; Chlorella in food industry.国家自然科学基金; 福建省高校产学合作项目; 福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目; 泉州市科技局校地协同创新项


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    探索新化合物Z-十八碳-9-烯-丙磺酰胺(N15)对糖尿病认知功能障碍(DACD)小鼠学习记忆功能的作用及机制。采用链脲佐菌素(STZ)连续小剂量腹腔注射以及高脂高糖加STZ诱导2型糖尿病小鼠模型,N15(50和100mg·kg-1·d-1)连续灌胃给药6周,于给药末期进行跳台、避暗以及Morris水迷宫测试以评价小鼠学习记忆功能;对海马内葡萄糖和乳酸水平进行测定;通过realtimePCR测定海马内突触成长相关蛋白-43(GAP-43)、突触素(SYN)、脑源性生长因子(BDNF)和神经营养因子-3(NT-3)m RNA的表达。结果表明,N15可显著改善模型小鼠学习记忆能力,降低海马内葡萄糖和乳酸含量,显著上调海马内GAP-43、SYN、BDNF和NT-3 m RNA表达水平。上述结果表明,新型化合物N15具有改善糖尿病认知功能障碍的作用,其机制可能与增加海马内突触生长相关因子和神经营养因子表达相关。福建省教育厅资助项目(JAT160583


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    目的利用调整的中国膳食平衡指数(dbI-07)综合评价厦门市城区18~65岁居民膳食质量,为开展营养干预提供依据。方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法于2010年10—12月对厦门市区6个社区居委会成年居民进行调查,采用连续3天24 H回顾法对其中的520人进行了膳食调查,采用dbI-07的评分方法评价厦门城区成年居民膳食质量水平。结果被调查的厦门市城区成年居民的膳食质量处于中度失衡状态,摄入不足和摄入过量并存;女性的摄入不足程度高于男性;各年龄段中,40~50岁人群摄入不足程度最高,摄入过量程度最低。结论被调查的厦门市城区成年居民水果、奶类及豆类摄入不足,肉类、食用油及盐类摄入过量;成年居民的主要膳食模式为A模式,且A模式反映了膳食中摄入不足与摄入过量的问题均较少,为最优模式。中央财政转移支付地方项


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    Improving the Expression Level of Soluble Human Fas Ligand by Cultivating Recombinant Dictyostelium discoideum in CMC-ALG Microcapsules

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    首先研究了应用于液芯羧甲基纤维素钠-海藻酸钙(CMC-ALG)微胶囊制备中的各种化学组分对重组盘基网柄菌生长的影响,然后考察不同组分浓度制备而成的各种CMC-ALG微胶囊内重组盘基网柄菌的生长情况,从而得到较适的微胶囊制备的组分配比(CMC12g·L-1,SA8g·L-1,CaCl2100g·L-1)。结果表明,在以上较适条件下制备的微胶囊内重组盘基网柄菌的生长得到了极大的改善,最大的细胞密度比游离培养时提高了4倍,达到了8.0×107mL-1;相应的人类可溶性Fas配体(FasL)的表达水平也提高了1.5倍,达到了315μg·L-1。最后,开展了微胶囊化重组盘基网柄菌的二次重复发酵FasL的研究,结果表明,经过二次重复批次培养,最大细胞密度可达到1.24×108mL-1,为游离培养的8~10倍,而且FasL的表达水平还能维持高水平(280μg·L-1),为游离培养时的2倍。The biocompatibility between the growth of Dictyostelium discoideum AX3-pLu8 and chemical components used for the preparation of carboxy methyl cellulose-alginate(CMC-ALG)microcapsules was evaluated at first,and then the effects of the concentrations of each component forming the capsule on the growth behaviors of D.discoideum cultivated in it were studied.For microencapsulated cultivating D.discoideum,it was found that the most suitable capsule components are 12 g?L?1 of CMC,8 g?L?1 of sodium alginate(SA)and 100 g?L?1 of CaCl2.Using the microcapsules with mentioned composition,the cell density in it can reach 8.0×107 mL?1,this value is about 5 times that could be observed in suspension culture,and correspondently,in the capsules a high concentration(315 μg?L?1)of soluble human Fas ligand(shFasL)was detected,which is about 2.5 times higher than that obtained in suspension culture under the same culture condition.In addition,the immobilized cells could be used effectively for repeated batch cultivation and in the second repeated batch cultivation,a very high cell density(up to 1.24×108 mL?1)and still a high expression of FasL(280 μg?L?1)could be obtained.国家自然科学基金资助(20306025,30370039