242 research outputs found


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    Structograms ā€“ A New Approach to Documenting the Quality Management System

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    Djelotvornost suvremenih sustava upravljanja kvalitetom temeljenih na normi ISO 9001:2008 znatno ovisi o jednostavnosti i jasnoći njihove dokumentacije, posebice dokumentiranih postupaka kvalitete (procedura). U radu se predlaže uporaba struktograma (u literaturi često zvanih Nassi-Shneidermanovi dijagrami) za prikaz slijeda radnja u postupcima kvalitete. Uspoređuju se dva načina prikaza, struktogramima i uobičajenim dijagramima toka. Prikazani su, objaÅ”njeni i uspoređeni njihovi osnovni elementi i načela, uz prikaz prednosti i nedostataka. Podrobnija usporedba provedena je na stvarnom primjeru postupka kvalitete za specifikaciju materijala u brodograđevnoj proizvodnji. Zaključuje se da struktogrami uistinu imaju mnoge prednosti u usporedbi s dijagramima toka, te da treba poticati njihovu uporabu.Effectiveness and efficiency of modern quality management systems, based upon ISO 9001:2008 standard significantly depend upon simplicity and clarity of their documentation, especially documented quality procedures. This paper proposes implementation of structograms (or more frequently called Nassi-Shneiderman diagrams) for presentation of sequence of activities in quality procedures. Two ways of presentation are compared, i.e. structograms vs. conventional flowcharts. Their fundamental elements and principals are shown, explained and compared, with the presentation of advantages and drawbacks. Detailed comparison was made on real life example of a documented procedure for material specification in shipbuilding. It has been concluded that structograms really do have many benefits compared to flow charts and that their use is to be preferred

    Energy-Efficient Broadcasting in All-Wireless Networks

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    In all-wireless networks, minimizing energy consumption is crucial as in most cases the nodes are battery-operated. We focus on the problem of power-optimal broadcast, for which it is well known that the broadcast nature of radio transmissions can be exploited to optimize energy consumption. This problem appears to be difficult to solve [30]. We provide a formal proof of NP-completeness for the general case and give an NP-completeness result for the geometric case; in the former, the network topology is represented by a generic graph with arbitrary weights, whereas in the latter a Euclidean distance is considered. For the general case, we show that it cannot be approximated better than O(logā€‰N), where N is the total number of nodes. We then describe an approximation algorithm that achieves the O(logā€‰N) approximation ratio. We also describe a new heuristic, Embedded Wireless Multicast Advantage. We show that it compares well with other proposals and we explain how it can be distribute


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    Cilj ovog zavrÅ”nog rada je bio je istražiti i opisati načine povećanja temeljnog kapitala. Svaka odluka o povećanju temeljnog kapitala mora biti praćena promjenom statuta druÅ”tva. Temeljni kapital može se povećati povećanjem kapitala ulozima, uvjetnim povećanjem kapitala, odobrenim kapitalom te povećanjem temeljnog kapitala iz sredstava druÅ”tva. Povećanje temeljnog kapitala ulozima jedan je od efektivnih načina povećanja temeljnog kapitala dionicama druÅ”tva. Povećanje temeljnog kapitala ulozima moguće je samo izdavanjem novih dionica, a ne i tako da bi se postojeći nominalni iznosi dionica tek povećali. Temeljni kapital se smatra povećanim s danom upisa povećanja. Uvjetno povećanje temeljnog kapitala se naziva tako jer se unaprijed, u trenutku donoÅ”enja odluke o tome povećanju, ne može reći hoće li i za koliko temeljni kapital stvarno biti povećan. To ovisi o osobama koje su ovlaÅ”tenici stjecanja dionica na temelju toga povećanja temeljnog kapitala i njihovoj volji da te dionice doista steknu. Za razliku od povećanja temeljnog kapitala ulozima, odluka o uvjetnom povećanju može se donijeti i ako sav dotadaÅ”nji upisani temeljni kapital nije uplaćen. Nadalje, glavna skupÅ”tina može donijeti odluku kojom upravu ovlaŔćuje da u određenom roku poveća temeljni kapital do nekog iznosa. Tada je riječ o odobrenom temeljnom kapitalu. I četvrti način je da glavna skupÅ”tina može odlučiti da se temeljni kapital druÅ”tva poveća pretvorbom kapitalne dobiti, rezervi i zadržane dobiti u temeljni kapital druÅ”tva. Ovakvo povećanje ostvaruje bez dodatnih uplata druÅ”tvu, već se postojeći vlastiti izvori sredstava druÅ”tva pretvaraju u temeljni kapital čine se imovina druÅ”tva.The point of this thesis work was to make a research and describe ways of increasing the share capital of Joint-stock company. Any decision for the increase of the founding capital should be without changing the articles of association. The share capital may be increased by increasing the capital against contributions, increase in conditional capital, authorized capital and increase in share capital from company funds. The increase of share capital against contributions is one of the effective ways of increasing the share capital of the company's foundings. The increase of share capital against contributions is only possible by issuing new foundings, and not by increasing the existing nominal founding. The share capital is considered to be increased on the day of the increase was made. Conditional increase in share capital was named because of the fact that before making a decision for the increase, it can not be said whether and for how long it will really be the founding capital rise. It depends on the people who are authorized to acquire foundings on the basis of this increase in founding capital and their willingness to actually acquire the foundings. Furthermore, the general meeting may take a decision that authorizes the government to a particular time to increase the share capital up to an amount. This is called the authorized share capital. The fourth way is that the general meeting may decide to increase the company's capital by converting capital profit, reserves and retained earnings in the company's capital. This increase can be realized without additional payments to the company, but with using the existing own sources of the company converted into equity account for the assets of the company

    Prereading Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Phonological Skills

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    Aspergerov sindrom (AS) i visokofunkcionirajući autizam (VFA) karakteriziraju odstupanja u socijalnim interakcijama i socijalnoj komunikaciji te prisustvo ograničenih interesa, ali njihove kognitivne i jezične sposobnosti ostaju očuvane. Upravo kognitivne i jezične sposobnosti čine preduvjete za razvoj pismenosti. Nadalje, kao najbitniji pretkazatelji ovladavanja čitanjem i pisanjem često se ističu fonoloÅ”ka svjesnost, poznavanje slova i rječničko znanje. Brojni autori navode kako su vjeÅ”tine fonoloÅ”ke obrade i imenovanja slova prosječne kod djece s AS-om i VFA-om, Å”to ukazuje na dobar potencijal za postizanje akademskg uspjeha. Unatoč tome istraživanja ovih predvjeÅ”tina čitanja i pisanja su u ovoj populaciji nedostatna. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio prikazati obilježja predčitačkih fonoloÅ”kih vjeÅ”tina te vizuoperceptivnih i grafomotoričkih vjeÅ”tina kod djece s AS-om i VFA-om te ih usporediti s djecom urednog razvoja. Uzorak je činilo 10 djece s AS-om i VFA-om te 10 djece urednog razvoja dobi od 5 do 7 godina. Predčitačke fonoloÅ”ke vjeÅ”tine su ispitane na zadacima fonoloÅ”ke i fonemske svjesnosti, imenovanja slova, prepoznavanja i pisanja vlastitog imena te prepoznavanja logotipova. Vizuoperceptivne i grafomotoričke vjeÅ”tine su ispitane zadacima vizualnog raspoznavanja i precrtavanja. Sukladno pretpostavkama i stranim istraživanjima, rezultati su pokazali kako djeca s AS-om i VFA-om imaju prosječne vjeÅ”tine fonoloÅ”ke i fonemske svjesnosti, kao i vjeÅ”tine prepoznavanja i imenovanja slova te vjeÅ”tina koje tome prethode. Također, utvrđeno je kako je tijek razvoja ovih vjeÅ”tina isti kao i kod djece urednog razvoja, no prisutne su individualne razlike u ovladanosti pojedinim predvjeÅ”tinama. Suprotno pretpostavci i stranim istraživanjima, nije utvrđena statistički značajna povezanost receptivnog rječnika i vjeÅ”tina fonoloÅ”ke svjesnosti. Iznenađujuće, djeca s AS-om i VFA-om su pokazala dobre vjeÅ”tine vizualne percepcije, suprotno rezultatima stranih istraživanja. No statistički značajne razlike su utvrđene na zadacima složenog precrtavanja, Å”to potvrđuje navode strane literature kako djeca s AS-om i VFA-om pokazuju loÅ”ije grafomotoričke vjeÅ”tine. Zaključno, djeca s AS-om i VFA-om pokazuju prosječne predčitačke fonoloÅ”ke vjeÅ”tine, Å”to ukazuje na pozitivne mogućnosti postizanja akademskog i profesionalnog uspjeha.Asperger's syndrome (AS) and highfunctioning autism (HFA) are characterized by social interactions and social communication deficits and atypical patterns of interests, but their cognitive and linguistic abilities remain preserved. Cognitive and linguistic abilities are considered as literacy development prerequisites. Furthermore, phonological awareness, letter namig and vocabulary knowledge are often emphasized as main predictors for reading success. Numerous researchers report about relatively preserved phonological processing and letter naming skills in children with AS and HFA, which indicates their good potential for achieving academic success. Despite these facts, these prereading skills in this population are insufficiently investigated. Therefore, the aim of this research was to describe the characteristics of phonological prereading skills and visual perceptual and graphomotor skills in children with AS and HFA. Also, the aim of this research was to compare prereading skills in children with AS and HFA and their typically developing peers. The sample consisted of 10 children with AS and HFA and 10 typically developing children aged 5-7 years. Children's phonological prereading skills were assessed on phonological and phonemic awareness tasks, letter naming, recognizing and writing names and identifying logos tasks. Visual perceptual and graphomotor skills were assessed by visual recognition and tracing tasks. In accordance with the expectation and other researches, children with AS and HFA showed average phonological prereading skills, as well as typically developing children. It has also been found that the course of development of these skills is the same as in typically developing children, but children with AS and HFA show some individual differences in developing particular skills. Contrary to expectation and other researches results, there was no significant correlation between receptive vocabulary and phonological awareness skills. Surprisingly, children with AS and HFA showed good visual perceptual skills, contrary to other research results. However, statistically significant differences between groups were found on complex tracing task, what confirmed the expectation and other researches that report about poorer graphomotor skills in children with AS and HFA. In conclusion, children with AS and HFA show average phonological prereading skills, which indicates positive opportunities for achieving academic and professional success

    Vrijeme u filozofiji Aurelija Augustina

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    Vrijeme i tajna

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    Prikaz knjige Bernharda Weltea, Zeit und Geheimnis, Freiburg, 1975
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