107 research outputs found

    Graphs that do not contain a cycle with a node that has at least two neighbors on it

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    We recall several known results about minimally 2-connected graphs, and show that they all follow from a decomposition theorem. Starting from an analogy with critically 2-connected graphs, we give structural characterizations of the classes of graphs that do not contain as a subgraph and as an induced subgraph, a cycle with a node that has at least two neighbors on the cycle. From these characterizations we get polynomial time recognition algorithms for these classes, as well as polynomial time algorithms for vertex-coloring and edge-coloring

    Vertex elimination orderings for hereditary graph classes

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    We provide a general method to prove the existence and compute efficiently elimination orderings in graphs. Our method relies on several tools that were known before, but that were not put together so far: the algorithm LexBFS due to Rose, Tarjan and Lueker, one of its properties discovered by Berry and Bordat, and a local decomposition property of graphs discovered by Maffray, Trotignon and Vu\vskovi\'c. We use this method to prove the existence of elimination orderings in several classes of graphs, and to compute them in linear time. Some of the classes have already been studied, namely even-hole-free graphs, square-theta-free Berge graphs, universally signable graphs and wheel-free graphs. Some other classes are new. It turns out that all the classes that we study in this paper can be defined by excluding some of the so-called Truemper configurations. For several classes of graphs, we obtain directly bounds on the chromatic number, or fast algorithms for the maximum clique problem or the coloring problem

    Calpionellid biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Upper Tithonian pelagic carbonates in northeastern Serbia (Carpatho-Balkanides)

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    The occurrence of microfossil assemblage represented by calpionellids in close association with benthic foraminifera and encrusting Crescentiella morronensis is reported for the first time from the Upper Tithonian of NE Serbia. The biostratigraphic and sedimentological investigations were carried out on a 250 m thick carbonate succession in Jelenska Stena quarry cropping out along the Danube River Gorge in the border area of Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides and Romanian Southern Carphatians. On the basis of determined benthic foraminiferal taxa Textularia sp. cf. T bettenstaedti and Everticyclammina praekelleri in the lower part of the succession and calpionellid association dominated by the representatives of calpionellid genera Tintinnopsella, Crassicollaria and Calpionella the carbonate succession is assigned to the Upper Tithonian. The scarcity of calpionellid zonal species prevents the nominal zones being recognized. Petrographic analysis of thin-sections led to the recognition of three basin microfacies types: bioclastic wackestone, bioclastic peloidal wackestone/packstone and mudstone. These microfacies characterize the SMF 3 and SMF 4 which indicate deposition in slope and toe-of-slope environments. This study extends the palaeogeographical distribution of Upper Tithonian calpionellids along the northern Tethyan margins. The investigated carbonate succession is compared with coeval strata from other northern Tethyan regions

    Financiranje OPGa putem EU fondova – primjer OPGa Katja Cukrov : Završni rad

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    Unatoč svim mogućnostima te dostupnosti vrlo izdašnih sredstava iz EU fondova, OPG-ovi u RH nedovoljno koriste dostupna sredstva. Ciljevi rada su redom definiranje OPG-ova, prikazati mogućnosti financiranja istih te prikazati postupak i analizirati uspješno financiran projekt OPG-a putem EU fondova. U radu su obrađeni izvori financiranja OPG-ova počevši s tradicionalnim izvorima financiranja, s fokusom na bankarske kredite kao jedan od značajnijih izvora sredstava. Izravne potpore su svakako jedan od vrlo značajnih izvora sredstava, posebice kada je o velikim OPG-ovima koji sredstvima iz izravnih potpora vrlo često financiraju tekuće troškove. Sve više se stvaraju mogućnosti korištenja alternativnih izvora financiranja kao što su crowdfunding i sredstva poslovnih anđela, ali i najznačajniji izvor sredstva, EU fondovi. U empirijskom dijelu rada na praktičnom primjeru prikazano je korištenje sredstava iz EU fondova na primjeru OPG-a Katja Cukrov. Pritom su sredstva korištena za kupnju traktora koji će se koristiti u poslovanju OPG-a te doprinositi poboljšanju poslovanja istog.Despite all thepossibilities and the availability of very generous funds from EU funds, OPGs in the Republic of Croatia insufficiently use available funds. The objectives of the paper are to define the OPGs, to present their financing options, to present the proces and to analyze the successfully funded OPG project through EU funds. The paper deals with the financing of OPGs starting with traditional sources of funding, focusing on bank loans as one of the most significant sources of funding. Direct aid is certainly one of the most significant sources of funding, especially when large OPGs are often financed by current funding from direct aid funds. There are more and more opportunities to use alternative sources of funding such as crowdfunding and business angel resources, but alsothe most important source of funds, EU funds. In the empirical part of the paper, a practical example shows the use of funds from EU funds on OPG Katja Cukrov's example. The funds were then used for the purchase of tractors to be used in OPG businessand to contribute to the improvement of its business

    Plasma Processing of Large Curved Surfaces for SRF Cavity Modification

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    Plasma based surface modification of niobium is a promising alternative to wet etching of superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities. The development of the technology based on Cl2/Ar plasma etching has to address several crucial parameters which influence the etching rate and surface roughness, and eventually, determine cavity performance. This includes dependence of the process on the frequency of the RF generator, gas pressure, power level, the driven (inner) electrode configuration, and the chlorine concentration in the gas mixture during plasma processing. To demonstrate surface layer removal in the asymmetric non-planar geometry, we are using a simple cylindrical cavity with 8 ports symmetrically distributed over the cylinder. The ports are used for diagnosing the plasma parameters and as holders for the samples to be etched. The etching rate is highly correlated with the shape of the inner electrode, radio-frequency (RF) circuit elements, chlorine concentration in the Cl2/Ar gas mixtures, residence time of reactive species and temperature of the cavity. Using cylindrical electrodes with variable radius, large-surface ring-shaped samples and d.c. bias implementation in the external circuit we have demonstrated substantial average etching rates and outlined the possibility to optimize plasma properties with respect to maximum surface processing effect

    Performance Analysis and Harmonization of Works for Earthwork and Concrete Works : Undergraduate Thesis

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    U ovom radu proračunava se potrebno vrijeme i strojevi kod izvedbe iskopa i otkopa te priprema terena za izvedbu trakastih temelja stambenog kompleksa na otoku Braču.This work calculates the time and machines required for excavation, and the preparation of terrain for the construction of the building blocks of the residential complex on the island of Brač

    Financiranje OPGa putem EU fondova – primjer OPGa Katja Cukrov : Završni rad

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    Unatoč svim mogućnostima te dostupnosti vrlo izdašnih sredstava iz EU fondova, OPG-ovi u RH nedovoljno koriste dostupna sredstva. Ciljevi rada su redom definiranje OPG-ova, prikazati mogućnosti financiranja istih te prikazati postupak i analizirati uspješno financiran projekt OPG-a putem EU fondova. U radu su obrađeni izvori financiranja OPG-ova počevši s tradicionalnim izvorima financiranja, s fokusom na bankarske kredite kao jedan od značajnijih izvora sredstava. Izravne potpore su svakako jedan od vrlo značajnih izvora sredstava, posebice kada je o velikim OPG-ovima koji sredstvima iz izravnih potpora vrlo često financiraju tekuće troškove. Sve više se stvaraju mogućnosti korištenja alternativnih izvora financiranja kao što su crowdfunding i sredstva poslovnih anđela, ali i najznačajniji izvor sredstva, EU fondovi. U empirijskom dijelu rada na praktičnom primjeru prikazano je korištenje sredstava iz EU fondova na primjeru OPG-a Katja Cukrov. Pritom su sredstva korištena za kupnju traktora koji će se koristiti u poslovanju OPG-a te doprinositi poboljšanju poslovanja istog.Despite all thepossibilities and the availability of very generous funds from EU funds, OPGs in the Republic of Croatia insufficiently use available funds. The objectives of the paper are to define the OPGs, to present their financing options, to present the proces and to analyze the successfully funded OPG project through EU funds. The paper deals with the financing of OPGs starting with traditional sources of funding, focusing on bank loans as one of the most significant sources of funding. Direct aid is certainly one of the most significant sources of funding, especially when large OPGs are often financed by current funding from direct aid funds. There are more and more opportunities to use alternative sources of funding such as crowdfunding and business angel resources, but alsothe most important source of funds, EU funds. In the empirical part of the paper, a practical example shows the use of funds from EU funds on OPG Katja Cukrov's example. The funds were then used for the purchase of tractors to be used in OPG businessand to contribute to the improvement of its business