44 research outputs found

    SynthĂšse et caractĂ©risation d’ASAs (Anhydrides AlkĂ©nyles Succiniques) et de dĂ©rivĂ©s d’ASAs – Application Ă  l’industrie des lubrifiants

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    Les recherches que nous prĂ©sentons dans ce mĂ©moire s'inscrivent dans le cadre de l’usage de dĂ©rivĂ©s d’huiles vĂ©gĂ©tales Ă  des fins non alimentaires. Nos travaux portent tout d’abord sur la rĂ©activitĂ© chimique des esters d'acides gras vis-Ă -vis de l'anhydride malĂ©ique en vue de l'obtention d’Anhydrides AlkĂ©nyles Succiniques (ASAs). L’étude des rĂ©sultats obtenus a permis de montrer l'existence de deux mĂ©canismes de rĂ©action, parallĂšles et indĂ©pendants. La mono-dĂ©rivation des ASAs avec des molĂ©cules azotĂ©s (N-dĂ©rivation) et des molĂ©cules phosphorĂ©es (P-dĂ©rivation) ou encore la double-dĂ©rivation (NP-dĂ©rivation) sont ensuite abordĂ©es. Nous avons utilisĂ© des procĂ©dĂ©s qui conduisent Ă  des molĂ©cules nouvelles et ceci avec un rendement optimum. Chacun de ces composĂ©s confĂšre au moins une propriĂ©tĂ© recherchĂ©e dans le domaine des lubrifiants: anti-usure, extrĂȘme pression, point d’écoulement, solubilitĂ© dans les bases vĂ©gĂ©tales et minĂ©rales mais aucun composĂ© ne prĂ©sente toutes ces propriĂ©tĂ©s Ă  la fois. ABSTRACT: The present work is a study of the vegetable oil derivatives for non food purposes. In the beginning our studies focused on the chemical reactivity between the esters of the fatty acids and the maleic anhydride, in order to obtain Anhydrides AlkĂ©nyles Succiniques (ASAs).The obtained results allowed us to point out the existence of two reaction mechanisms which are parallel and independent. The following studies were performed on the mono-derivation of the ASAs with nitrogen molecules (N-derivation) and phosphorous molecules (P-derivation) or on the double-derivation (NP-derivation) of the ASAs. The methods we used lead with an optimal yield to new molecules. Each of these compounds confers at least one interesting property in the lubricants uses: anti-wear, extreme pressure, flow point, solubility in the vegetable and mineral bases, but none presents all the properties at the same time

    3D deconvolution in Fourier integral microscopy

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    Fourier integral microscopy (FiMic), also referred to as Fourier light field microscopy (FLFM) in the literature, was recently proposed as an alternative to conventional light field microscopy (LFM). FiMic is designed to overcome the non-uniform lateral resolution limitation specific to LFM. By inserting a micro-lens array at the aperture stop of the microscope objective, the Fourier integral microscope directly captures in a single-shot a series of orthographic views of the scene from different viewpoints. We propose an algorithm for the deconvolution of FiMic data by combining the well known Maximum Likelihood Expectation (MLEM) method with total variation (TV) regularization to cope with noise amplification in conventional Richardson-Lucy deconvolution

    What about computational super-resolution in fluorescence Fourier light field microscopy?

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    Recently, Fourier light field microscopy was proposed to overcome the limitations in conventional light field microscopy by placing a micro-lens array at the aperture stop of the microscope objective instead of the image plane. In this way, a collection of orthographic views from different perspectives are directly captured. When inspecting fluorescent samples, the sensitivity and noise of the sensors are a major concern and large sensor pixels are required to cope with low-light conditions, which implies under-sampling issues. In this context, we analyze the sampling patterns in Fourier light field microscopy to understand to what extent computational super-resolution can be triggered during deconvolution in order to improve the resolution of the 3D reconstruction of the imaged data

    Fuzzy determination of informative frequency band for bearing fault detection

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    Detecting early faults in rolling element bearings is a crucial measure for the health maintenance of rotating machinery. As faulty features of bearings are usually demodulated into a high-frequency band, determining the informative frequency band (IFB) from the vibratory signal is a challenging task for weak fault detection. Existing approaches for IFB determination often divide the frequency spectrum of the signal into even partitions, one of which is regarded as the IFB by an individual selector. This work proposes a fuzzy technique to select the IFB with improvements in two aspects. On the one hand, an IFB-specific fuzzy clustering method is developed to segment the frequency spectrum into meaningful sub-bands. Considering the shortcomings of the individual selectors, on the other hand, three commonly-used selectors are combined using a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to guide the clustering. Among all the meaningful sub-bands, the one with the minimum comprehensive cost is determined as the IFB. The bearing faults, if any, can be detected from the demodulated envelope spectrum of the IFB. The proposed fuzzy technique was evaluated using both simulated and experimental data, and then compared with the state-of-the-art peer method. The results indicate that the proposed fuzzy technique is capable of generating a better IFB, and is suitable for detecting bearing faults

    Phase Evolution and Microstructure Analysis of CoCrFeNiMo High-Entropy Alloy for Electro-Spark-Deposited Coatings for Geothermal Environment

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    Publisher's version (Ăștgefin grein)In this work, a CoCrFeNiMo high-entropy alloy (HEA) material was prepared by the vacuum arc melting (VAM) method and used for electro-spark deposition (ESD). The purpose of this study was to investigate the phase evolution and microstructure of the CoCrFeNiMo HEA as as-cast and electro-spark-deposited (ESD) coating to assess its suitability for corrosvie environments encountered in geothermal energy production. The composition, morphology, and structure of the bulk material and the coating were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The hardness of the bulk material was measured to access the mechanical properties when preselecting the composition to be pursued for the ESD coating technique. For the same purpose, electrochemical corrosion tests were performed in a 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution on the bulk material. The results showed the VAM CoCrFeNiMo HEA material had high hardness (593 HV) and low corrosion rates (0.0072 mm/year), which is promising for the high wear and corrosion resistance needed in the harsh geothermal environment. The results from the phase evolution, chemical composition, and microstructural analysis showed an adherent and dense coating with the ESD technique, but with some variance in the distribution of elements in the coating. The crystal structure of the as-cast electrode CoCrFeNiMo material was identified as face centered cubic with XRD, but additional BCC and potentially σ phase was formed for the CoCrFeNiMo coating.This work is part of the H2020 EU project Geo-Coat: Development of novel and cost-effective corrosion resistant coatings for high temperature geothermal applications. Call H2020-LCE-2017-RES-RIA-TwoStage (Project No. 764086).Peer Reviewe

    Ti-Zr-Si-Nb nanocrystalline alloys and metallic glasses: Assessment on the structure, thermal stability, corrosion and mechanical properties

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    The development of novel Ti-based amorphous or \u3b2-phase nanostructured metallic materials could have significant benefits for implant applications, due to improved corrosion and mechanical characteristics (lower Young's modulus, better wear performance, improved fracture toughness) in comparison to the standardized \u3b1+\u3b2 titanium alloys. Moreover, the devitrification phenomenon, occurring during heating, could contribute to lower input power during additive manufacturing technologies. Ti-based alloy ribbons were obtained by melt-spinning, considering the ultra-fast cooling rates this method can provide. The titanium alloys contain in various proportions Zr, Nb, and Si (Ti60Zr10Si15Nb15, Ti64Zr10Si15Nb11, Ti56Zr10Si15Nb19) in various proportions. These elements were chosen due to their reported biological safety, as in the case of Zr and Nb, and the metallic glass-forming ability and biocompatibility of Si. The morphology and chemical composition were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, while the structural features (crystallinity, phase attribution after devitrification (after heat treatment)) were assessed by X-ray diffraction. Some of the mechanical properties (hardness, Young's modulus) were assessed by instrumented indentation. The thermal stability and crystallization temperatures were measured by differential thermal analysis. High-intensity exothermal peaks were observed during heating of melt-spun ribbons. The corrosion behavior was assessed by electrocorrosion tests. The results show the potential of these alloys to be used as materials for biomedical applications

    Towards performance evaluation of energy efficient buildings

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    En France, le secteur du bĂątiment est le principal consommateur d'Ă©nergie. En outre, le secteur de la maison individuelle reprĂ©sente environ 60% des constructions annuelles de logements. La construction des bĂątiments Ă  haute efficacitĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique reprĂ©sente un grand pas vers l'Ă©conomie d'Ă©nergie. Cependant, mĂȘme si divers efforts sont dĂ©ployĂ©s dans ce domaine, des outils et des mĂ©thodes manquent pour Ă©valuer la performance Ă©nergĂ©tique de ces bĂątiments. Cette Ă©valuation doit permettre non seulement de comprendre les facteurs qui contribuent Ă  cette performance mais Ă©galement d'identifier les causes de la surconsommation, d’inconfort pour les occupants.Cette thĂšse vise Ă  contribuer Ă  cet objectif en proposant une approche d'Ă©valuation de la performance Ă©nergĂ©tique d'un bĂątiment. Pour cela on compare la performance rĂ©elle et la performance attendue en utilisant le monitoring et la simulation thermique dynamique. Cette approche s’appuie sur diffĂ©rents cas d’études dont principalement une maison individuelle, situĂ© en un climat mĂ©diterranĂ©en.Dans un premier temps, en phase de conception, nous utilisons des simulations thermiques dynamiques pour Ă©tudier l’impact du comportement sur les besoins Ă©nergĂ©tiques. L'objectif est d'analyser l'influence du scĂ©nario d'occupation sur le comportement du bĂątiment et d'Ă©tablir une plage de valeurs pour les besoins en Ă©nergie, basĂ©e sur des statistiques nationales. Le comportement du bĂątiment est Ă©tudiĂ© en fonction de diffĂ©rents types de scĂ©narii d'occupation, de consignes de tempĂ©rature, de l'utilisation d’appareils domestiques et l'Ă©clairage.Dans un second temps, l'accent est mis sur l'Ă©valuation globale de la performance de l'enveloppe. Un test dynamique in situ innovant a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© pour en Ă©valuer la performance rĂ©elle. Ce test est applicable sur une pĂ©riode courte (de l’ordre de la journĂ©e) tout en maitrisant les dĂ©bits d’infiltrations. La comparaison des rĂ©sultats thĂ©oriques en rĂ©gime stationnaire avec les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux montre une bonne prĂ©cision infĂ©rieure Ă  10%.Enfin, le suivi Ă©nergĂ©tique en continu des maisons performantes est Ă©tudiĂ©. Tout d’abord, des travaux sont rĂ©alisĂ©s dans l’optique de rĂ©duire le nombre de capteurs nĂ©cessaires au suivi, tout en minimisant la perte d’informations. Ensuite, une mĂ©thodologie d’instrumentation est dĂ©veloppĂ©e et appliquĂ©e Ă  une maison individuelle. Le suivi de cette maison a pu ĂȘtre Ă©tudiĂ© sur les six premiers mois de monitoring et a permis d’expliquer le comportement du bĂątiment et ses consommations au regard de son usage et de faire le lien avec les prĂ©visions faites en phase de conception.In France, the building sector is the main energy consumer. Moreover single-family houses represent about 60% of annual dwelling construction. The construction of energy efficient buildings represents a big step into energy saving. However, even though various efforts are made within this field, there is still a lack of methodologies about how to evaluate the energy performance of these buildings. The performance evaluation of an energy efficient building should allow understanding factors that contribute to its energy performance and as well as identifying the causes of overconsumption, poor indoor conditions.This thesis seeks to contribute to this field, by proposing an approach towards evaluating the energy performance of a house. This is done by comparing the real performance and the expected performance, using monitoring and building performance simulation, from design to operational phases. The energy performance evaluation approach is carried out on different cases of studies, mainly on a single-family house, situated in a Mediterranean climate.First, in the design phase, we use building performance simulation models to study the dispersions in energy use related to occupant’s behavior. The goal is to analyze the influence of the occupancy scenario on the behavior of the building and to establish a range of values for energy demand, based on national statistics. This step study the building’s behavior based on different types of occupancy scenarios, appliances and lighting use and temperature set point.Then, the focus is on the global evaluation of the envelope’s performance. Within the present thesis an innovative in-situ dynamic test is developed to assess the real envelope’s performance. This test is adapted to occupied houses (as it only takes 2 days) while controlling the infiltration air flow. The comparison between theoretical results of steady state calculation and experimental results show a good precision of less than 10%.Finally, continuous monitoring of energy efficient houses is studied. First, a work is done to reduce the number of sensors required for monitoring, while minimizing the loss of information. Then, an instrumentation methodology is developed and applied to a single-family house. The follow-up of this house could be studied during the first six months of monitoring and allowed to explain the behavior of the building and its consumption with regard to its use and to make the link with the previsions made during the design phase

    Vers l'évaluation de la performance des bùtiments à haute efficacité énergétique

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    In France, the building sector is the main energy consumer. Moreover single-family houses represent about 60% of annual dwelling construction. The construction of energy efficient buildings represents a big step into energy saving. However, even though various efforts are made within this field, there is still a lack of methodologies about how to evaluate the energy performance of these buildings. The performance evaluation of an energy efficient building should allow understanding factors that contribute to its energy performance and as well as identifying the causes of overconsumption, poor indoor conditions.This thesis seeks to contribute to this field, by proposing an approach towards evaluating the energy performance of a house. This is done by comparing the real performance and the expected performance, using monitoring and building performance simulation, from design to operational phases. The energy performance evaluation approach is carried out on different cases of studies, mainly on a single-family house, situated in a Mediterranean climate.First, in the design phase, we use building performance simulation models to study the dispersions in energy use related to occupant’s behavior. The goal is to analyze the influence of the occupancy scenario on the behavior of the building and to establish a range of values for energy demand, based on national statistics. This step study the building’s behavior based on different types of occupancy scenarios, appliances and lighting use and temperature set point.Then, the focus is on the global evaluation of the envelope’s performance. Within the present thesis an innovative in-situ dynamic test is developed to assess the real envelope’s performance. This test is adapted to occupied houses (as it only takes 2 days) while controlling the infiltration air flow. The comparison between theoretical results of steady state calculation and experimental results show a good precision of less than 10%.Finally, continuous monitoring of energy efficient houses is studied. First, a work is done to reduce the number of sensors required for monitoring, while minimizing the loss of information. Then, an instrumentation methodology is developed and applied to a single-family house. The follow-up of this house could be studied during the first six months of monitoring and allowed to explain the behavior of the building and its consumption with regard to its use and to make the link with the previsions made during the design phase.En France, le secteur du bĂątiment est le principal consommateur d'Ă©nergie. En outre, le secteur de la maison individuelle reprĂ©sente environ 60% des constructions annuelles de logements. La construction des bĂątiments Ă  haute efficacitĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique reprĂ©sente un grand pas vers l'Ă©conomie d'Ă©nergie. Cependant, mĂȘme si divers efforts sont dĂ©ployĂ©s dans ce domaine, des outils et des mĂ©thodes manquent pour Ă©valuer la performance Ă©nergĂ©tique de ces bĂątiments. Cette Ă©valuation doit permettre non seulement de comprendre les facteurs qui contribuent Ă  cette performance mais Ă©galement d'identifier les causes de la surconsommation, d’inconfort pour les occupants.Cette thĂšse vise Ă  contribuer Ă  cet objectif en proposant une approche d'Ă©valuation de la performance Ă©nergĂ©tique d'un bĂątiment. Pour cela on compare la performance rĂ©elle et la performance attendue en utilisant le monitoring et la simulation thermique dynamique. Cette approche s’appuie sur diffĂ©rents cas d’études dont principalement une maison individuelle, situĂ© en un climat mĂ©diterranĂ©en.Dans un premier temps, en phase de conception, nous utilisons des simulations thermiques dynamiques pour Ă©tudier l’impact du comportement sur les besoins Ă©nergĂ©tiques. L'objectif est d'analyser l'influence du scĂ©nario d'occupation sur le comportement du bĂątiment et d'Ă©tablir une plage de valeurs pour les besoins en Ă©nergie, basĂ©e sur des statistiques nationales. Le comportement du bĂątiment est Ă©tudiĂ© en fonction de diffĂ©rents types de scĂ©narii d'occupation, de consignes de tempĂ©rature, de l'utilisation d’appareils domestiques et l'Ă©clairage.Dans un second temps, l'accent est mis sur l'Ă©valuation globale de la performance de l'enveloppe. Un test dynamique in situ innovant a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© pour en Ă©valuer la performance rĂ©elle. Ce test est applicable sur une pĂ©riode courte (de l’ordre de la journĂ©e) tout en maitrisant les dĂ©bits d’infiltrations. La comparaison des rĂ©sultats thĂ©oriques en rĂ©gime stationnaire avec les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux montre une bonne prĂ©cision infĂ©rieure Ă  10%.Enfin, le suivi Ă©nergĂ©tique en continu des maisons performantes est Ă©tudiĂ©. Tout d’abord, des travaux sont rĂ©alisĂ©s dans l’optique de rĂ©duire le nombre de capteurs nĂ©cessaires au suivi, tout en minimisant la perte d’informations. Ensuite, une mĂ©thodologie d’instrumentation est dĂ©veloppĂ©e et appliquĂ©e Ă  une maison individuelle. Le suivi de cette maison a pu ĂȘtre Ă©tudiĂ© sur les six premiers mois de monitoring et a permis d’expliquer le comportement du bĂątiment et ses consommations au regard de son usage et de faire le lien avec les prĂ©visions faites en phase de conception

    John von Neumann’s Time-Frequency Orthogonal Transforms

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    John von Neumann (JvN) was one of the greatest scientists and minds of the 20th century. His research encompassed a large variety of topics (especially from mathematics), and the results he obtained essentially contributed to the progress of science and technology. Within this article, one function that JvN defined long time ago, namely the cardinal sinus (sinc), was employed to define transforms to be applied on 1D signals, either in continuous or discrete time. The main characteristics of JvN Transforms (JvNTs) are founded on a theory described at length in the article. Two properties are of particular interest: orthogonality and invertibility. Both are important in the context of data compression. After building the theoretical foundation of JvNTs, the corresponding numerical algorithms were designed, implemented and tested on artificial and real signals. The last part of the article is devoted to simulations with such algorithms by using 1D signals. An extensive analysis on JvNTs effectiveness is performed as well, based on simulation results. In conclusion, JvNTs prove to be useful tools in signal processing