718 research outputs found

    Diagnostic Test to Remedial Program on Mathematic Learning

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the impact level of providing diagnostic test with remedial test and the student's previous knowledge initial capability to the learning achievement of Junior High School maths in Jakarta. The initial capability is divided into two. They are the low initial capability and the high initial capability. There are four hypotheses in that research. First, the student maths learning achievement provided diagnostic test with remedial test after the school hour is better than that of being provided diagnostic test with remedial along the school hour. Second, there is correlation between the student learning achievement provided diagnostic test and the student initial capability. Third, for the students with high initial capability, the maths learning achievement provided diagnostic test after school is better than of being provided with remedial test along the school hour. Fourth, the students with low initial capability. The maths learning achievement provided diagnostic test with remedial test after the school hour is better than that of being provided diagnostic test with remedial test along the school hour. The research data got was analyzed by using Analysis of Variance (ANAVA) two-way. Based on the method, if there are significant differences, the next test must be administrated. The hypothesis testing result showed that: (1) the learning achievement for the students provided diagnostic test with remedial test after the school hour was better than of students provided with remedial along the school hour, (2) relatively there was no significant correlation between the student learning achievement provided diagnostic test with remedial test and the student initial capability. The implication of the research result is that the remedial test provided by teachers can help student's enhance the achievement of the targeted minimum completeness criteria of school grade for each subject

    Proving The Hope In Goalā€œThe Dream Beginsā€ Movie Directed By Danny Cannon (2005): An Individual Psychological Approach

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    This research paper elaborates proving the hope in Goal movie, which was analyzed through individual psychological approach. The objectives of the research are to analyze the movie based on its structural elements and to analyze the movie especially the main character based on the individual psychological approach. The researcher employs the descriptive qualitative research as a type of the research. The data sources are divided into two, namely primary data source and secondary data source. The primary data source is the events of the movie and script of Goal and the secondary data source is collected from other literatures discussing about individual psychoanalytic, literary books, criticism, and some article related to the movie. The method of collecting data is documentation. The technique of analyzing data is descriptive. The results of the study are as follows. First based on the structural analysis, the element of the story such as character and characterization, plot, setting, point of view, theme, style are structurally in unity and related one another in building the story. Second based on Individual Psychological approach, Proving the hope reflected in his fiction finalism, inferiority feeling, striving for superiority, style of live, social interest, and creative power


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    Keseimbangan Air atauNeraca air (water balance) merupakan neraca masukan dan keluaran air disuatu tempat pada periode tertentu, sehingga dapat untuk mengetahui jumlah air tersebut kelebihan (surplus) ataupun kekurangan (defisit). Penelitian ini menggunakan cara deskriptif kuantitatif dengan mengaplikasikan metode Penmann dan metode Mock. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kabupaten Karanganyar Propinsi Jawa Tengah yaitu pada Bendung Brangkal di daerah aliran sungai Siwaluh. Pemilihan ini berdasarkan pada pertimbangan kurangnya ketersediaan air pada suatu wilayah di daerahtersebut. Hasil penelitian menggunakan metode penman diperoleh nilai Eto pada bulan Januari = 3,527 mm/hari, Pebruari = 4,016 mm/hari, Maret 3,782 mm/hari, April = 3,475 mm/hari, Mei = 3,405 mm/hari, Juni = 3,115 mm/hari, Juli = 3,56 mm/hari, Agustus = 3,541 mm/hari, September = 3,926 mm/har, Oktober = 3,863 mm/hari, Nopember = 3,874 mm/hari, Desember = 3,875 mm/hari. Ketersediaan dan kebutuhan air di daerah Irigasi Siwaluh dengan metode Mock pada tahun 2003-2012, diperoleh nilai rerata ketersediaan air pada bendung brangkal sebesar 0,29 m 3 /detik. Nilai maksimum dari kebutuhan air pada daerah irigasi siwaluh yang diperoleh dari perhitungan pola tanam yang dimulai pada bulan November dengan jenis polatanam berupa padi ā€“ padi ā€“ jagung adalah sebesar 0,77m 3 /detik. Dari hasil yang diperoleh atas ketersediaan dan kebutuhan air dapat di simpulkan selisih ketersediaan air dan kebutuhan air tiap musim tanam pada lokasi pengamatan diperoleh -0,21 m 3 /detik pada musim tanamke I, - 0,24 m 3 /detik pada musim tanam ke II, dan -0,23 m 3 /detik pada musim tanam ke III. Kata Kunci : Neraca Air, Metode Penmann, Metode Mock

    Studi Sebaran Diameter Tegakan Jat (Tectona Grandis L. F) Campur Sono Sissoo

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    ABSTRACT Study on diameter distribution of mixed Teak (Tectona grandis L. I) and Sono Sisso (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. ex. DC) forest was conducted at Saradan Forest District of Perum Perhutani Unit 11 East Java. This research employed stand characteristic analysis and diameter distribution analysis using Weibull density function. It was indicated that mixed forest gave better growth and higher productivity, and Weibull density function fitted to all diameter distributions of Teak in various site class and various age while this function fitted only to some of the mixed forest diameter distributions. It is also concluded that diameter distribution of mixed forest between Teak and Sono Sisso in various site class and various age can be managed using Weibull density function. Finally it is suggested that intermediate cutting is needed especially Sono Sisso at big diameters and further observation is needed to obtain more information in determining the diameter and number of trees combination between Teak and Sono Siss


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    Laporan Tugas akhir ini mengkaji tentang penerapan service excellent pada perusahaan jasa outsourcing PT Mandiri Global Service Surakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelayanan prima yang diterapkan di PT Mandiri Global Service Surakarta. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode wawancara, observasi dan studi pustaka. Penulisan laporan ini disajikan secara deskriptif untuk memperoleh gambaran berbagai informasi yang berhubungan dengan penerapan service excellent pada perusahaan jasa outsourcing yang diterapkan di Perusahaan PT Mandiri Global Service Surakarta. Sumber data yang digunakan ada dua yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Data Primer didapatkan langsung dari pimpinan maupun karyawan PT Mandiri Global Service Surakata melalui hasil wawancara, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari referensi buku, makalah-makalah, buku maupun internet. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan service excellent yang utama diterapkan dengan program 3S yaitu Senyum, Salam, Sapa. Kedua dalam teknik memberikan pelayanan terhadap klien yang utama menuruti apa permintaan klien hal itu dimulai dari cara mendengarkan, berbicara, ekspresi wajah dan cara berpakaian. Ketiga sikap melayani klien dengan tulus hati dan quick respon atau respon yang cepat dalam melayani klien. Keempat pedoman mengelola komplain terhadap klien terbagi menjadi empat yaitu : in tune listening (mendengarkan dengan selaras), confirmation (konfirmasi), Action (aksi) dan recovery (tindak lanjut). kata kunci : service excellent, outsourcing, quick respon

    Sensus Daerah: Mengembangkan Sistem Administrasi Kependudukan dalam Rangka Otonomi Daerah

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    Perencanaan pembangunan yang baik memerlukan tersedianya data dasar (baseline data) sumberdaya yang dimilikinya (manusia, alam, ekonomi, dan sebagainya) yang baik dari negara/daerah yang bersangkutan. Salah satu data dasar yang diperlukan adalah data dasar mengenai administrasi kependudukan. Pentingnya administrasi kependudukan yang baik semakin dirasakan daerah dalam era otonomi daerah. Tanpa tersedianya data dasar yang baik maka dapat membuat banyak kebijakan yang kurang tepat sasaran. Dengan tersedianya ā€œbank dataā€ melalui Sensus Daerah dengan basis data setiap warga menurut daftar nama (by name) dan menurut daftar alamat (by address) secara berjenjang mulai dari tingkat Rukun Tetangga (RT) hingga tingkat kabupaten dan selalu diperbaharui secara simultan, maka akan dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan yang memadai dalam menetapkan kebijakan maupun program pembangunan daerah yang lebih efektif

    Model Produksi Kayu Lestari Di Hutan Produksi Dataran Rendah Kalimantan

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    The lowland production forest of Kalimantan has been managed that almost the same amount of commercial limber volume could be harvested under Indonesian Selective bogging every 35 year. This was an artificial form of an equilibrium state which the extracted volume could he compensated from the increment volume within 35 years. The equilibrium state is essential in liirest utilization to assure the sustainahility of timber production. The objectives of this study were to construct a diameter distribution of long,-term timber production model in the expected equilibrium slate and to compare it with the diameter distribution beforc selective. logging. The research plots data of Silvicul tura! Treatment tier the Regeneration of I.ogged-over Forest in East Kalimutan Project were used to generate elements of long-term timber production model, i.e. recruitment rate and explanation rate which should he described in function. The cubic function was then applied to describe both rates. The two accepted equations were used to quantify the diameter distribution ollong-tenu timber production model. the quantified diameter distribution was compared to that before selective logging in term of stems concentration and volume composition. Finally, the quantified diameter distribution was examined to determine whether the resulted limber volume of both exploitation and recruitment remained the same. The result showed that the cubic function could be used to describe the recruitment rate and the exploitation rate. Based on both equations the diameter distribution of long-term timber production model could he quantified using this ibrmula: (p e ) X --= X " 12,-1 where .V: number of stems. i: diameter class. precruitment rate and u: exploitation rate. Coinparing to the diameter distribution belbre selective logging showed that it was quite different in stems concentration and volume composition. By examining the sum of volume from recruitment and exploitation showed that the exploitation volume could he compensated from the recruitment volume. The constructed model was still to he afflicted with many assumptions because of fragmentary applicable research-based results. It was urgent to develop this model by carrying out much research about elements of long-term timber production model, especially the rate of recruitment. Keywords : lowland production forest, equilibrium state, recruitment rate, exploitation rat

    Mengembangkan Sistem Penyuluhan Pertanian, Perikanan, dan Kehutanan dalam Rangka Implementasi Undang-undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2006

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    The enactment of Law 16/2006 on System of Agricultural Extension, Fisheries and Forestry may be marked as the new era in agricultural extension development of Indonesia. It is realized so far, that there has been no significant progress to that issue since the extension service had been administratively shifted from the central government to regional authority. Lack of local authority commitment on funding the extension services has made agricultural extension activities remained undeveloped during the years. With Law 16/2006, extension services gained sufficient legal-basis to be undertaken and thus financed by regional authority. This article is part of study to see sub-systems of extension, i.e. extension policy, agricultural extension, research and inspection, special education/official duty, and training. These sub-systems build up an integrative extension system that determines the success of agricultural extension mission at large. This writing tries to elaborate how better functional interconnection among those sub-systems could help increase the effectiveness of agricultural extension activities in the field

    Perkembangan Pola Komunikasi dalam Penyuluhan Pertanian di Indonesia

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    Communication model in agricultural extention practices in Indonesia have develoved parallel by the developmentconcept of communication and community. This paper describe several models which dominant used in Indonsia, thatis: 1) One way model, 2) two way hierarkhis model, 3) media forum model, 4) networking model, and 5)eksperimental learning cycle model

    The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations

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    The Leadership Challenge berusaha memberi arah bagaimana para pemimpin dan ā€œcalon pemimpinā€ dalam mengasah kemampuan mereka untuk memimpin agar dapat melakukan hal-hal yang luar biasa. Buku ini membantu mengembangkan kapasitas anda dalam membimbing orang lain memperoleh pengalaman yang tak terduga sebelumnya. Selanjutnya, buku ini tidak berbicara mengenai bagaimana berada dalam posisi (seperti mengandaikan kepemimpinan sebagai suatu tempat) namun mengenai bagaimana caranya memiliki keberanian dan semangat untuk membuat perubahan yang signifikan. Penulis banyak menghadirkan cerita dari orang biasa, dari berbagai sisi kehidupan, yang dianggap memiliki kesuksesan luar biasa
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