954 research outputs found

    Did Egyptian Women Win or Lose by Overthrowing the Regime of Hosni Mubarak?

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    Egypt is a place with a long tradition of female participation in revolutions. After years of Mubarak’s despotism, women joined the revolution once again. As a result, they had to deal with the violation of women’s rights. When Morsi was removed, women were again at the top of political topics. The new constitution was described as the most progressive for women. Sisi has been a president for short time but he is already called the president of women. However women still face problems. They defended themselves from the Muslim Brotherhood’s rules by supporting Sisi, but did they really win by overthrowing the regime of Mubarak

    Osoby niewidome oraz ich zatrudnienie w świetle wybranych problemów

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    This article is devoted to the blind from the perspective of difficulties in finding employment by these populations. The aim of the paper is to present selected problems faced by blind individuals in taking up employment, as this issue seems to be still valid due to its complexity. The article presents the problem of vision loss from a medical perspective. Differences in the following issues were presented: completely blind and partially sighted people. Attention was drawn to the external conditions facilitating the professional existence of blind employees in the working environment. It also focused on the numerous consequences of the inability to see in the work environment. A research report entitled Pracodawca na TAK carried out by the TAKpełnosprawni Foundation in 2022, concerned the employment of individuals with disabilities, including the blind. The study refers to the principles of effective employment of people with disabilities. It was prepared according to the international standard ILO Global Business and Disability Network. In Poland, the practical aspect of these principles was presented for the first time.Artykuł poświęcony jest osobom niewidomym w perspektywie trudności podjęcia przez tę populację zatrudnienia. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wybranych problemów, z jakimi zmagają się jednostki niewidomew podjęciu zatrudnienia, ponieważ to zagadnienie wydaje się ciągle aktualne również ze względu na jego złożoność. W artykule przedstawiono problematykę utraty wzroku z perspektywy medycznej. Zaprezentowano różnicew zagadnieniach, takich jak: osoby całkowicie niewidome oraz osoby szczątkowo widzące. Zwrócono uwagę na warunki zewnętrzne ułatwiające pracownikom niewidomym egzystencję zawodową w środowisku pracy. Skupiono się także na licznych konsekwencjach, jakie niesie za sobą brak zdolności wi- dzenia w środowisku pracy. Przedstawiono raport z badań pt. Pracodawcana TAK, przeprowadzonych przez fundację TAKpełnosprawni w roku 2021, który dotyczył zatrudnienia jednostek z niepełnosprawnościami, a w tym ludzi niewidomych. Badanie odnosi się do zasad skutecznego zatrudniania osób z niepełnosprawnościami. Zostało przygotowane według międzynarodowego standardu ILO Global Business and Disability Network. Co ważne, w Polsce praktyczny aspekt tych zasad przedstawiono po raz pierwszy

    Folk Etymologies in the Role of Creator of Kashubian Ethnic Identity – Rozmòwa Pòlôcha z Kaszëbąby Florian Ceynowa

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    The article presents folk etymologies in the work of Florian Ceynowa (1817–1881), who is the creator of the written version of the Kashubian language, entitled Rozmòwa Pòlôcha z Kaszëbą (1850). Rozmòwa...is maintained in a form of dialogue which preaches the most important information about Kashubians. 30 folk etymologies written by Ceynowa, 3 of which are about the war and 27 about the Bible, serve – thanks to creating a positive picture of the 19th century Kashubia and Kashubians – the construction of Kashubian identity and prestige of the whole Kashubian community.The article presents folk etymologies in the work of Florian Ceynowa (1817–1881), who is the creator of the written version of the Kashubian language, entitled Rozmòwa Pòlôcha z Kaszëbą (1850). Rozmòwa...is maintained in a form of dialogue which preaches the most important information about Kashubians. 30 folk etymologies written by Ceynowa, 3 of which are about the war and 27 about the Bible, serve – thanks to creating a positive picture of the 19th century Kashubia and Kashubians – the construction of Kashubian identity and prestige of the whole Kashubian community

    From evidence to practice: Implementation of the Housing First program in Poland

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    Likewise in other EU countries, also in Poland a large number of people experience homelessness. In particular, the growing number of long-term homeless people with complex mental problems, for whom effective help is a challenge for stakeholders, i.e. politicians, professionals, scientists and ordinary citizens, is worrying. An innovative solution in this areas is the Housing First (HF) program designed for long-term homeless people with mental problems and/or addictions. The effectiveness of the HF model were shown, among others, by the results of the HOME-EU research project implemented under the Horizon 2020 program. The goal of our article is to present the current situation of homeless people and outline the existing help system. We also want to show what barriers and challenges are connected to the implementation of the HF program in Poland.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Traces “we” leave behind: toward the feminist fractice of stig(e)merging

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    As Serpil Oppermann has stated, “the Anthropocene has come to signify a discourse embedded in the “global scale” vision of the sedimentary traces of the anthropos” (“The Scale of the Anthropocene” 2). In the following article we wish to revisit the practice of leaving traces through thinking with wastes as traces human beings leave behind and lands of waste that co-compose today’s naturecultures (Haraway, “Companion Species”). Situating our research in the context of Polish ecocriticism, we would like to think-with an art project by Diana Lelonek entitled “Center for the Living Things”, in which the artist gathers and exhibits waste that “have become the natural environment for many living organisms” (Lelonek). Following the ambivalent and chaotic traces of wastes, we offer a concept of stig(e)merging to rethink the “unruly edges” (Tsing 141-54) of capitalist wastelands. We fathom stig(e)merging as a feminist methodology that relies on reacting to changes and alterations in the milieu, as well as the actions and needs of others, and on participating in the common work of reshaping the un/wasted world together with them.Tal y como afirma Serpil Oppermann, “el Antropoceno ha llegado a significar un discurso grabado en la visión de escala global de las huellas sedimentarias del antropos” (“The Scale of the Anthropocene” 2). En el siguiente artículo revisamos la práctica de ‘dejar huellas’ centrándonos en los residuos, pues estos son los signos que la humanidad deja atrás y los territorios desechados que co-componen el mundo cultural-natural “contemporáneo” (Haraway, “Companion Species”). Situando nuestra investigación en el contexto de la ecocrítica polaca, nos gustaría reflexionar sobre el proyecto artístico de Diana Lelonek titulado “Centro para los seres vivos”. En él, la artista recoge y exhibe materias residuales que “se han convertido en el ambiente natural para muchos organismos vivos” (Lelonek). Siguiendo las huellas ambivalentes y caóticas dejadas por los desechos, ofrecemos un concepto de “estig(e)mergia” como un instrumento para pensar de nuevo los “bordes rebeldes” (“unruly edges”) (Tsing 141-54) de las tierras baldías capitalistas. Proponemos que estig(e)mergia funcione como una metodología feminista capaz de reaccionar sensitivamente a los cambios y alteraciones en el ambiente, a las acciones y necesidades de los otros y otras, así como a participar en el trabajo común de remodelar del mundo desaprovechado

    Gabrielle Roy en anthologie. Corpus et inventaire

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    La première partie de ce document évoque brièvement quelques-unes des pistes de réflexion dégagées au cours de l’établissement d’un inventaire des textes de l’écrivaine Gabrielle Roy parus dans des anthologies de langue française et anglaise. L’inventaire lui-même est complété par des graphiques illustrant, au fil des ans, les « fortunes » anthologiques des textes les plus importants de Roy. Une bibliographie des oeuvres de la romancière et de leurs traductions anglaises vient clore le document.The first part of this document briefly evokes some of the areas of reflection that emerged in the course of the project whose outcome is here described: establishing an inventory of texts by Gabrielle Roy in French—and English—language anthologies. The inventory itself follows the introduction and is completed by graphs showing the anthological “fortunes” of Roy’s most important texts over the years. The document ends with a bibliography of the novelist’s works in the original French and in English translation.La primera parte de este documento evoca brevemente algunas de las pistas de reflexión extraídas durante la labor de repertoriado cuyos resultados se presentan aquí, esto es, un inventario de los textos de la escritora Gabrielle Roy publicados en antologías en lengua francesa e inglesa. El mismo inventario sigue a la introducción y se complementa con gráficas que ilustran las ‘fortunas’ antológicas, a lo largo de los años, de los textos más importantes de Roy. Una bibliografía de las obras de la novelista y sus traducciones al inglés viene a clausurar el documento

    Vulnerable academic performances. Dialogue on matters of voice and silence in academia

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    In this dialogue, authors collectively reflect upon their experiences of being feminist philosophers. They diffract their personal and embodied experiences, philosophical reflections, and critiques of institutions in order to consider how and where a “vulnerable academic performance” is possible. In particular, the authors address matters of voice and silence within academia by asking the following questions: How are voices distributed and materialized in academia? Whose voice is heard and listened to vis-à-vis exisiting philosophical canons, classifications, and regimes of citationality? Bringing to the fore both personal and affective registers, the authors address the standards of legitimacy, hierarchies of voices and precarious labor conditions in academia as factors that render voices un/heard. With this in mind, they suggest a move towards vulnerability as a potent source of collective empowerment that is capable of disturbing academic power structures and canons

    Side Effects of National Immunization Program: E-Governance Support Toward Elders' Digital Inclusion

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    In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the European Union (EU) governments develop policies to regulate exclusive health protection actions that consider societal needs with the emphasis on elders. Given that the EU vaccination strategy uses a centralized ICT-based approach, there is little guidance on how seniors are included in national immunization programs (NIP). In this paper, we addressed a knowledge gap of the side effects of e-governance of NIP for the elderly. To fill this gap, we identified 40 side effects by analyzing online textual opinions (tweets, comments, articles) that express public perception regarding the results of the Polish NIP implementation to seniors' digital inclusion, categorized them into 8 categories and assign them to four e-governance functions. The main contribution of this paper is a better understanding of the digital divide and to provide guidelines for government policy improvement

    Zmiany w agresji i stresie u sprawców i ofiar przemocy domowej pod wpływem procedury „Niebieskie Karty”

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    The aim of the research was to verify whether the actions which have been taken within the framework of the “Blue Cards” procedure towards the families affected by domestic violence are an effective psychotherapeutic support. The two factors which may have influence on the occurrence of the phenomenon of domestic violence within a family system were examined, namely level of stress and aggression syndrome among partners of intimate relationship. Participants in the study were 30 female victims of domestic violence (mean age  40 years old) and 30 male perpetrators of domestic violence (mean age 37 years old). Aggression syndrome was measured by using the Inventory of Psychological Aggression Syndrome (IPSA II) and stress level was assessed by the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS – 10). The test-retest procedure was used in the prospective study. Both aggression and stress were measured twice: at baseline, and after six months from the beginning of the “Blue Cards” procedure. Participants have evaluated their own aggression syndrome and level of stress, and also they have estimated the aggression syndrome of his/her partner’s. Nonparametric statistical tests have been used for group comparisons. The results show that active participation in assistant activities decreased the level of stress in the group of victims of domestic violence, and the scale of aggression syndrome in the group of violence users. The procedure “Blue Cards” is an effective method of support people who are both victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.Celem badania było sprawdzenie, czy działania podjęte w ramach procedury „Niebieskie Karty” wobec rodzin dotkniętych przemocą w rodzinie stanowią skuteczną pomoc psychoterapeutyczną. Analizie poddano dwa czynniki, które mogą mieć wpływ na występowanie zjawiska przemocy domowej w systemie rodzinnym, mianowicie poziom stresu i syndrom agresji wśród partnerów w bliskich związkach. W badaniu wzięło udział 30 kobiet będących ofiarami przemocy domowej (średni wiek 40 lat) i 30 mężczyzn będących sprawcami przemocy domowej (średni wiek 37 lat). Syndrom agresji mierzono za pomocą Inwentarza Psychologicznego Syndromu Agresji (IPSA II), a poziom stresu oceniano za pomocą Skali Odczuwanego Stresu (PSS - 10). W badaniu prospektywnym zastosowano procedurę test-retest. Zarówno agresję, jak i stres mierzono dwukrotnie: na początku i po sześciu miesiącach od rozpoczęcia procedury „Niebieskie karty”. Uczestnicy ocenili zespół agresji i poziom stresu u siebie, a także oszacowali syndrom agresji u swojego partnera. Do porównań międzygrupowych zastosowano nieparametryczne testy statystyczne. Wyniki wskazują, że aktywne uczestnictwo w działaniach pomocowych w ramach procedury „Niebieskie Karty” obniżyło poziom stresu w grupie ofiar przemocy domowej oraz syndrom agresji w grupie osób stosujących przemoc. Procedura „Niebieskie karty” jest skuteczną metodą pracy z osobami będącymi (nie można chyba nazwać samej  procedury terapią, jest to raczej działanie, którego celem jest podjęcie terapii) zarówno ofiarami, jak i sprawcami przemocy domowej