84 research outputs found

    Milne-Eddington inversion of the Fe I line pair at 630~nm

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    The iron lines at 630.15 and 630.25 nm are often used to determine the physical conditions of the solar photosphere. A common approach is to invert them simultaneously under the Milne-Eddington approximation. The same thermodynamic parameters are employed for the two lines, except for their opacities, which are assumed to have a constant ratio. We aim at investigating the validity of this assumption, since the two lines are not exactly the same. We use magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the quiet Sun to examine the behavior of the ME thermodynamic parameters and their influence on the retrieval of vector magnetic fields and flow velocities. Our analysis shows that the two lines can be coupled and inverted simultaneously using the same thermodynamic parameters and a constant opacity ratio. The inversion of two lines is significantly more accurate than single-line inversions because of the larger number of observables.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Research Note

    New forecasting model of a lethality at a cirrhosis of a liver of a virus and alcoholic etiology

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    With the purpose of building of the new prognostic model including only quantitative variables, absent in model Child—Pugh, and allowing to define the individual forecast at sick of a cirrhosis of a liver (CL) of a virus and alcoholic etiology, it is lead uniinstantly prospective research of 249 sick CL virus (В, С, B+C), and an alcoholic etiology. Age of patients from 17 till 75 years (Me=50 years), 114 men and 135 women. For the season of observation (from 10 days till 57 months) 119 patients have died. Comparison on indexes of a biochemical analysis of a blood, a haemogram and a portal hemodynamic between the died and persisted patients on the seasons 1,3.6 and 12 months is lead. As a result of carrying out logistical regression analysis with including the received prognostic factors (leukocytosis, anemia, lymphopenia, aspartate aminotransferase - AST, creatinine), the prognostic model including nuclear heating plant and a creatinine is received: e(b0+b1*AST+b2*creatinine)/(1+e(b0+b1*AST+b2*creatinine)), where P - probability of offensive of a lethal outcome; e - the mathematical constant peer 2,72; AST - mmol/l; creatinine – mmol/1. A constant b0 and regressions quotients b, and b2 for each prognostic season (1, 3 and 6 months) are sizes constants. The new model is comparable on prognostic accuracy to model Child-Pugh, but follow- p allows to define the individual forecast of offensive of a lethal outcome within 1. 3 and 6 months at sick CL.Цель. Создание новой прогностической модели, не включающей переменные, содержащиеся в модели Чайлда-Пью и позволяющей определять индивидуальный прогноз больных циррозом печени (ЦП), а не последовательность наступления летальных случаев в популяции больных ЦП, определяемую моделью Чайлда-Пью. Материал и методы. Проведено обсервационное одномоментное проспективное исследование 249 больных ЦП вирусной (В, С), алкогольной и алкогольно-вирусной этиологии. Возраст от 17 до 75 лет (Ме=50 лет), 114 мужчин и 135 женщин. За период наблюдения (от 10 дней до 57 недель) умерли 119 пациентов. Проведено сравнение по показателям биохимического анализа крови, гемограммы и портальной гемодинамики между умершими и выжившими больными по периодам 1,3,6 и 12 месяцев. Результаты В результате проведения логистического регрессионного анализа с включением полученных прогностических факторов (лейкоцитоз, анемия, лимфопения, ACT, креатикин), получена прогностическая модель, включающая ACT и креа-тинин- Р = e(b0+b1*АСТ+b2*креатинин)/(1+e(b0+b1*AСT+b2*креатинин)), где Р — вероятность наступления летального исхода; е — математическая константа, равная 2,72; b0 — константа регрессионного уравнения; b, — регрессионный коэффициент для ACT; b2 — регрессионный коэффициент для креатинина; ACT — Ед/л; креатинин - мкмоль/л. Процент успешной классификации случаев — 75%, 83,6% и 92,3% для 6, 3 и 1 месяца соответственно. У модели Чайлда-Пью — 74,4%, 85,1% и 92% соответственно. Выводы Новая модель сопоставима по прогностической точности с моделью Чайлда-Пью, но позволяет определять индивидуальный прогноз наступления летального исхода в течение 1, 3 и 6 месяцев у больных ЦП

    A GPU-Computing Approach to Solar Stokes Profile Inversion

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    We present a new computational approach to the inversion of solar photospheric Stokes polarization profiles, under the Milne-Eddington model, for vector magnetography. Our code, named GENESIS (GENEtic Stokes Inversion Strategy), employs multi-threaded parallel-processing techniques to harness the computing power of graphics processing units GPUs, along with algorithms designed to exploit the inherent parallelism of the Stokes inversion problem. Using a genetic algorithm (GA) engineered specifically for use with a GPU, we produce full-disc maps of the photospheric vector magnetic field from polarized spectral line observations recorded by the Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS) Vector Spectromagnetograph (VSM) instrument. We show the advantages of pairing a population-parallel genetic algorithm with data-parallel GPU-computing techniques, and present an overview of the Stokes inversion problem, including a description of our adaptation to the GPU-computing paradigm. Full-disc vector magnetograms derived by this method are shown, using SOLIS/VSM data observed on 2008 March 28 at 15:45 UT

    Applicability of Milne-Eddington inversions to high spatial resolution observations of the quiet Sun

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    The physical conditions of the solar photosphere change on very small spatial scales both horizontally and vertically. Such a complexity may pose a serious obstacle to the accurate determination of solar magnetic fields. We examine the applicability of Milne-Eddington (ME) inversions to high spatial resolution observations of the quiet Sun. Our aim is to understand the connection between the ME inferences and the actual stratifications of the atmospheric parameters. We use magnetoconvection simulations of the solar surface to synthesize asymmetric Stokes profiles such as those observed in the quiet Sun. We then invert the profiles with the ME approximation. We perform an empirical analysis of the heights of formation of ME measurements and analyze the uncertainties brought about by the ME approximation. We also investigate the quality of the fits and their relationship with the model stratifications. The atmospheric parameters derived from ME inversions of high-spatial resolution profiles are reasonably accurate and can be used for statistical analyses of solar magnetic fields, even if the fit is not always good. We also show that the ME inferences cannot be assigned to a specific atmospheric layer: different parameters sample different ranges of optical depths, and even the same parameter may trace different layers depending on the physical conditions of the atmosphere. Despite this variability, ME inversions tend to probe deeper layers in granules as compared with intergranular lanes.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Milne-Eddington inversion for unresolved magnetic structures in the quiet Sun photosphere

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    International audienceThis paper is first devoted to present our method for modeling unresolved magnetic structures in the Milne-Eddington inversion of spectropolarimetric data. The related definitions and other approaches and different used inversion algorithms are recalled for comparison. In a second part, we apply our method to quiet Sun data outside active regions. We obtain the quiet Sun photospheric magnetic field as composed of unresolved opening and connected magnetic flux tubes, which form a loop carpet of field lines. We then analyze the spatial correlation, which we also observed for the magnetic field vector, in terms of flux tube diameter, distance, and field strength. We find that different observations with the Zurich imaging polarimeter and THEMIS polarimeter mounted on the THEMIS telescope give very close results, and we add results also very close derived from HINODE/Solar Optical Telescope/spectropolarimeter observations analyzed with the same method. We obtain a mean flux tube diameter of 30 km, a mean flux tube distance of 230 km, and a mean flux tube magnetic field of 1.3 kG


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    Currently the impact of autophagy on carcinogenesis remains understudied. On the one hand, autophagy acts as a tumor suppressor, as it activates degradation of oncoproteins,  toxic proteins, and damaged cell organelles, that may be aggressive and lead to DNA  damage. On the other hand, autophagy may promote tumor cell survival under hypoxia and  in the presence of reactive oxygen species, which occurs primarily due to blocking of  apoptosis mechanisms, raising the chances for maintaining tumor clone dynamics.  Autophagy regulation is a complicated and multi-stage process. The main regulator here is a  signaling pathway that activates serine/threonine protein kinase m-TOR (the mammalian  target of rapamycin). Data on the impact of autophagic proteins ATG5, LC3A, LC3B, and  Beclin-1 on malignant cell survival as well as on tumor growth and progression have been  reported in literature. However, studies aimed at seeking possible relationships between autophagy and pathogenetic mechanisms of carcinogenesis are of great interest.The aim of the study is to investigate a relationship between the expression parameters of  autophagy regulatory proteins m-TOR and Beclin-1 and the features of lymphogenic metastasis in colorectal cancer.Materials and methods. The study included 105 patients with T1-4N0-3M0 colorectal cancer treated in the Thoracic and Abdominal Department of Cancer Research Institute of  Tomsk Research Medical Center from 2012 to 2015. The average age of patients was  59.7±4.3 years. Morphological verification of the diagnosis was performed on the biopsy  samples of primary tumor tissue. Staging of colorectal cancer was determined according to  the TNM classification of malignant tumors (2002).Results. Analysis of the frequency of lymphogenic metastasis depending on the presence or absence of m-Tor and Beclin-1 expression in tumor cell cytoplasm revealed a statistically significant link between these variables.Conclusion. The obtained findings clearly exhibit that deceleration or loss of autophagic  activity in the tumor is accompanied by implementation of lymphogenic dissemination, which is a predictor of an unfavorable outcome of the disease.На сегодняшний день влияние процессов аутофагии на канцерогенез остается не до конца изученным. С  одной стороны, аутофагия является опухолевым супрессором за счет активации разрушения онкогенных  протеинов, токсичных белков и дефектных органелл, которые могут обладать агрессивными свойствами и  способствовать повреждению ДНК клетки. C другой стороны, аутофагия может способствовать выживанию  опухолевых клеток в условиях гипоксии и присутствия активных форм кислорода, что происходит  преимущественно за счет блокировки механизмов апоптоза, увеличивая шансы на поддержание циркуляции  опухолевого клона. Регуляция аутофагии является сложным, многоэтапным и комплексным  процессом. Основным его регулятором является сигнальный путь, который активирует белок  протеинкиназосерин-треониновой специфичности m-Tor (мишень рапамицина у млекопитающих). В  литературе имеются данные о влиянии белков аутофагии ATG5, LC3A и LC3B, Beclin-1 на способность  злокачественно трансформированных клеток к выживанию, а также на развитие опухоли и ее прогрессирование. Крайне актуальными являются исследования, направленные на поиск возможных взаимосвязей между процессами аутофагии и патогенетическими механизмами канцерогенеза.Цель исследования – изучить взаимосвязь экспрессионных параметров белков-регуляторов аутофагии m-TOR и Beclin-1 с параметрами лимфогенного метастазирования при колоректальном раке.Материал и методы. В исследование были включены 105 пациентов с колоректальным раком T1–4N0–3M0,находившихся на лечении в отделении торако-абдоминальной онкологии НИИ онкологии Томского НИМЦ в  период с 2012 по 2015 г. Средний возраст больных составил 59,7±4,3 года. Морфологическая верификация  диагноза колоректального рака проводилась на биопсийном материале фрагментов ткани первичной  опухоли. Распространенность онкологического заболевания определялась согласно международной классификации по системе TNM (2002).Результаты. Анализ частоты лимфогенного метастазирования в зависимости от наличия или отсутствия  экспрессии белков m-Tor и Beclin-1 в цитоплазме опухолевых клеток выявил статистически значимую связь между этими параметрами.Заключение. Полученные данные отчетливо демонстрируют тот факт, что снижение или утрата активности  процессов аутофагии в опухоли сопровождается реализацией механизмов лимфогенной диссеминации, которая является предиктором неблагоприятного прогноза заболевания

    Acoustic Power Absorption and its Relation with Vector Magnetic Field of a Sunspot

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    The distribution of acoustic power over sunspots shows an enhanced absorption near the umbra--penumbra boundary. Earlier studies revealed that the region of enhanced absorption coincides with the region of strongest transverse potential field. The aim of this paper is to (i) utilize the high-resolution vector magnetograms derived using Hinode SOT/SP observations and study the relationship between the vector magnetic field and power absorption and (ii) study the variation of power absorption in sunspot penumbrae due to the presence of spine-like radial structures. It is found that (i) both potential and observed transverse fields peak at a similar radial distance from the center of the sunspot, and (ii) the magnitude of the transverse field, derived from Hinode observations, is much larger than the potential transverse field derived from SOHO/MDI longitudinal field observations. In the penumbra, the radial structures called spines (intra-spines) have stronger (weaker) field strength and are more vertical (horizontal). The absorption of acoustic power in the spine and intra-spine shows different behaviour with the absorption being larger in the spine as compared to the intra-spine.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, In Press Solar Physics, Topical Issue on Helio-and-Astroseismolog

    Magnetic Field Structures in a Facular Region Observed by THEMIS and Hinode

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    The main objective of this paper is to build and compare vector magnetic maps obtained by two spectral polarimeters, i.e. THEMIS/MTR and Hinode SOT/SP, using two inversion codes (UNNOFIT and MELANIE) based on the Milne-Eddington solar atmosphere model. To this end, we used observations of a facular region within active region NOAA 10996 on 23 May 2008, and found consistent results concerning the field strength, azimuth and inclination distributions. Because SOT/SP is free from the seeing effect and has better spatial resolution, we were able to resolve small magnetic polarities with sizes of 1" to 2", and we could detect strong horizontal magnetic fields, which converge or diverge in negative or positive facular polarities. These findings support models which suggest the existence of small vertical flux tube bundles in faculae. A new method is proposed to get the relative formation heights of the multi-lines observed by MTR assuming the validity of a flux tube model for the faculae. We found that the Fe 1 6302.5 \AA line forms at a greater atmospheric height than the Fe 1 5250.2 \AA line.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Hypothesis: are neoplastic macrophages/microglia present in glioblastoma multiforme?

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    Most malignant brain tumours contain various numbers of cells with characteristics of activated or dysmorphic macrophages/microglia. These cells are generally considered part of the tumour stroma and are often described as TAM (tumour-associated macrophages). These types of cells are thought to either enhance or inhibit brain tumour progression. Recent evidence indicates that neoplastic cells with macrophage characteristics are found in numerous metastatic cancers of non-CNS (central nervous system) origin. Evidence is presented here suggesting that subpopulations of cells within human gliomas, specifically GBM (glioblastoma multiforme), are neoplastic macrophages/microglia. These cells are thought to arise following mitochondrial damage in fusion hybrids between neoplastic stem cells and macrophages/microglia