1,220 research outputs found

    Guía de trabajo. Organización educativa de Centros e Instituciones

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    Material docente universitario. Guía orientativa para comprender la dinámica de la asignatura Organización educativa de Centros e Instituciones y para ayudar al alumnado en la elaboración del trabajo grupal

    Análisis de las pruebas de acceso a la formación de docentes en España y Finlandia: conocimientos o competencias

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    One of the most decisive factors in the quality of education and academic performance of students is quality, preparation and dedication of the teachers. The exquisite system of selecting candidates for teacher training programs is one of the fundamentals of success of the Finnish Education System. The responsibility of choosing the best students to convert them into teachers is a challenge that involves a significant reform of university admission. Achieving this goal involves the choice of strategies and educational tools in accordance to the complexity of the demands presented by the teaching profession in the digital age. This study describes, analyzes and compares the admission tests in the University of Spain (PAU) and Finland (VAKAVA), for those who wish to become professional educators, in order to understand the possible influence of these tests to select the most suitable candidates to develop into future teaching professionals. The results showed that in Spain, the entrance test to universities is developed in a general way for all the students that aspire to any field of knowledge, while in Finland, the test is specific and particular for students aspiring to the field of education. The results of this study can guide and encourage the necessary changes that have to be done in the admission tests to Spanish university in general and to teacher education faculties in particular.Uno de los factores que influye más decisivamente en la calidad de la educación y en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes es la calidad, preparación y dedicación de los docentes. El exquisito sistema de selección de aspirantes para los programas de formación de profesorado es una de las claves fundamentales del éxito del sistema educativo finlandés. La responsabilidad de elegir a los mejores estudiantes para convertirlos en docentes es un reto que conlleva una importante reforma del sistema de acceso a la universidad. Alcanzar este objetivo, supone la elección de estrategias y herramientas educativas acordes a las complejas demandas que presenta la profesión docente en la era digital. El presente trabajo describe, analiza y compara las pruebas de acceso a la universidad de España (PAU) y Finlandia (VAKAVA), para quienes desean formarse como profesionales de la educación, al objeto de entender la posible influencia de las mismas en la selección de los candidatos más adecuados para formarse como profesionales de la docencia. Los resultados reflejan que, en España, la prueba de acceso a la universidad es realizada de un modo general para todos los estudiantes que aspiren a cualquier área del conocimiento, mientras que en Finlandia, la prueba es específica para aspirantes al campo de la educación. Los resultados de este trabajo pueden orientar y estimular la necesaria modificación de las pruebas de acceso a la universidad española en general y de las facultades de formación de docentes en particular

    Guía de trabajo. Utilización didáctica de los medios de comunicación

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    Guía de trabajo para la asignatura "Utilización didáctica de los medios de comunicación". Material docente universitario

    La Selección de candidatos a la formación docente en Finlandia. La relevancia de las disposiciones personales hacia la actividad docente

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    El presente artículo ofrece un análisis de contenido de la prueba específica de acceso a la universidad para aquellos que desean formarse como docentes en Finlandia, se centra en la importancia de la selección de los candidatos más idóneos antes de entrar en la universidad y describe los criterios de selección del procedimiento que llevan a cabo las universidades en Finlandia. Estas pruebas se centran en detectar el nivel de utilización de los conocimientos pedagógicos así como los intereses, actitudes y grado de motivación profesional que presentan los candidatos. En el artículo se analiza y debate las peculiaridades de las pruebas así como sus fortalezas y debilidades. Además, se proponen algunas sugerencias y derivaciones para el nuevo procedimiento de acceso a las facultades de educación en España

    Effects of flow intermittence on dissolved organic matter quality

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    Programa de Doctorat en Ecologia, Ciències Ambientals i Fisiologia VegetalWater availability is the primary driver of dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES). Therefore, current research manifests the global influence of flow disruption on organic matter transport and processing, given the wide distribution of intermittent flow watercourses. However, there are still gaps of flow intermittence knowledge, forgetting the continuous and multidimensional nature of the drying disturbance. In this context, in chapter three, we determine the influence of opposite flow conditions, drought and high flow on DOM properties and how the river continuum can cushion the impact of contrary hydrology on DOM and inorganic solutes. Further, in chapter four, we study the evolution of the dry period as a “film frame”, evaluating the diminution of flow daily, especially after the flow disruption. Then, how the hydrological connectivity influences the response timing and shape of the biogeochemical variables analysed and if they are influenced by spatial position, water temperature and volume of the disconnected. Finally, in chapter five, from a multi catchment approach of IRES with a gradient of intermittence from permanent to ephemeral, we investigated how multiple drying components shape dissolved organic matter (DOM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Hence, in the results in chapter three, the DOM quality changed according to hydrology. DOM under high flow conditions was more terrigenous, humified, aromatic, and degraded, and the concentration gradually increased downriver. In contrast, DOM was less degraded and more aliphatic under drought conditions. However, the hydrological variability did not impact the DOM quality uniformly along the river continuum: DOM quality is more sensitive to hydrological changes in headwaters than in downriver reaches. In chapter four, the drying period determined the disruption of the fluvial continuum with a recession of stream continuum at a rate of ~60m/d and the gradual formation of a patched system of isolated pools of different sizes. Our results showed that the time that had elapsed since isolated pool formation (CI-days) was an essential factor for understanding how drying shaped the biogeochemistry of the fluvial system. Overall, drying caused a high DOC concentration and an increase in the humic-like fluorescence signal. Additionally, solutes showed contrasting responses to hydrological disconnection. Thus, we identified three temporal responses on the variables studied: 1) some inorganic solutes reacted before the fragmentation (CI-days0), and 3) BIX and HIX did not show significant differences throughout the dry period. Finally, in chapter five, the sampling was performed during post-drought season and the results showed changes in DOC were driven by annual drying duration, whereas multiple drying components better explained DOM quality. So, we found high DOC concentration and prevalence of terrestrial DOM sources when drying is more extended and more frequent. Furthermore, because of the time of sampling, the DOM quality of the stream reconnection described a catchment “washed” with a terrestrial DOM origin, and it is transported downriver quickly without being processed for the microbial community. The findings of this thesis reveal the role of hydrology as a main driver of DOM dynamics. In particular, the flow disruption does not induce a single biogeochemical response but rather stimulates a set of solute-specific responses that generates a complex biogeochemical mosaic in a single fluvial unit. Furthermore, the necessity of considering multiple drying elements as annual or previous to predict organic matter dynamics on IRES and highlight these systems influence on the global carbon budget.La disponibilitat d'aigua és el principal motor de la dinàmica de la matèria orgànica dissolta (DOM) en rius intermitents i rieres efímeres (IRES). Per tant, la investigació actual manifesta la influència global de la interrupció del flux en el transport i processament de la matèria orgànica, donada l'àmplia distribució dels cursos d'aigua de flux intermitent. Tanmateix, encara hi ha llacunes en el coneixement de la intermitència de flux, oblidant la naturalesa contínua i multidimensional de la pertorbació de l'assecament. En aquest context, al capítol tres, determinem la influència de dues condicions hidrològiques oposades, la sequera i el cabal elevat, sobre les propietats de la DOM i com el continu fluvial pot esmorteir l'impacte de la hidrologia sobre la DOM i els soluts inorgànics. A més, en el capítol quatre, s'estudia l'evolució del període sec com si fos un pel·lícula: “fotograma a fotograma” avaluant diàriament la disminució del cabal, especialment després de la interrupció del flux. S’estudia també com influeix la connectivitat hidrològica en el temps de resposta i la forma de diverses variables biogeoquímiques, i si les basses desconnectades estan influenciades per la seva localització espacial, la temperatura de l'aigua i el volum d'aquestes. Finalment, en el capítol cinc, des d'un enfocament de multiconca d'IRES amb un gradient d'intermitència de permanent a efímer, vam investigar com múltiples components d'assecament condicionen la qualitat i quantitat de la DOM que és transporta després duna sequera. En els resultats del capítol tres, la qualitat del DOM va canviar en funció de la hidrologia. La DOM en condicions de cabal alt era més terrígena, humificada, aromàtica i degradada, i la concentració va augmentar gradualment riu avall. En canvi, la DOM estava menys degradada i amb més compostos alifàtics en condicions de sequera. Tanmateix, la variabilitat hidrològica no va afectar la qualitat de la DOM de manera uniforme al llarg del continu fluvial: la qualitat és més sensible als canvis hidrològics en capçalera que no pas en trams riu avall. Al capítol quatre, el període d'assecament va determinar la interrupció del continu fluvial, amb una recessió a una velocitat de ~60 m/dia, així com la formació gradual d'un sistema fragmentat de piscines aïllades de diferents mides. Els resultats van mostrar que el temps que havia transcorregut des de la formació de les piscines aïllades (dies CI) és un factor essencial per entendre com l'assecament defineix la biogeoquímica del sistema fluvial. De forma general, l'assecament va provocar una alta concentració de DOC i un augment del component húmic. A més, els soluts van mostrar diferents respostes a la desconnexió hidrològica. Així, vam identificar tres respostes temporals sobre les variables estudiades: 1) alguns soluts inorgànics van reaccionar abans de la fragmentació (CI-dies 0), i 3) els índexs BIX i HIX no van mostrar respostes significatives. Finalment, al capítol cinc, el mostreig es va realitzar durant la temporada posterior a la sequera i els resultats van mostrar que els canvis en el carboni orgànic dissolt (DOC) estaven determinats per la durada anual de l'assecament, mentre que diversos components d'assecament explicaven millor la qualitat de la DOM. Així doncs, vam trobar una alta concentració de DOC i prevalença de fonts de DOM terrestres quan l'assecament és més estès i més freqüent. A més, a causa del moment del mostreig, la qualitat de la DOM va reflectir un "rentat de la conca", amb una DOM d'origen terrestre, i que es transporta riu avall ràpidament sense ser processat per a la comunitat microbiana. Els resultats d'aquesta tesi revelen el paper de la hidrologia com a motor principal de la dinàmica de la DOM. En particular, la interrupció del flux no indueix una única resposta biogeoquímica sinó que estimula un conjunt de respostes específiques dels diferents soluts, la qual cosa genera un mosaic biogeoquímic complex en una única unitat fluvial. A més, es posa de manifest la necessitat de considerar múltiples elements d'assecament, com la duració i la freqüència anual o prèvia de l'assecament, per predir la dinàmica de la matèria orgànica en IRES

    La utilización de pruebas específicas para acceder a la formación inicial del profesorado

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    Over recent years Finland has led the way in international research and studies into teacher recruitment and training. The number of people wishing to do a degree in teaching far exceeds the number of places available, meaning that universities set very high standards when selecting students. Having an understanding of the entry procedure for the most exemplary teacher education courses in the world could help us to identify the keys to success when choosing the most suitable prospective teachers and also to find new ways of carrying out the university admissions process in Spain and in other countries in Europe. In this regard, we focus on the following aspects: What would happen if we applied Finnish standards to students just starting their teaching degrees? What type of knowledge and/or personal dispositions should be taken into account when selecting prospective teachers? This article aims to show the results attained after recreating the Finnish selection procedure for teaching degree students, in this case involving a sample of students from the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Malaga. The results show that none of the students in the sample responded positively to the different tests they undertook.En los últimos años Finlandia se ha convertido en el país que lidera los estudios e investigaciones internacionales en materia de selección y formación de docentes. El número de candidatos que pretenden acceder cada año a los estudios de magisterio sobrepasa en mucho la cantidad de plazas ofertadas, por lo que las universidades establecen unos criterios muy exigentes para la selección de sus estudiantes. Conocer cómo es el procedimiento de acceso a los estudios de formación docente más ejemplar del mundo puede ayudarnos a entender cuáles son las claves del éxito a la hora de elegir a los candidatos más idóneos y arrojar luz sobre posibles sugerencias y vías de avance para nuevos modelos de acceso a la universidad en España y en otros países de Europa. En este sentido, nos centramos en los siguientes interrogantes: ¿qué pasaría si aplicamos los estándares de Finlandia a los estudiantes que acaban de acceder a nuestras facultades de educación? ¿qué tipo de conocimientos y/o disposiciones personales son necesarios considerar a la hora de seleccionar a los candidatos? Este artículo pretende mostrar los resultados obtenidos tras conseguir recrear el procedimiento de selección que se lleva a cabo en Finlandia para admitir a los estudiantes de magisterio sobre una muestra de alumnos y alumnas de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Málaga. Los resultados muestran que ningún estudiante fue capaz de responder positivamente a las diferentes cuestiones planteadas

    Tail pattern variation in the Black Wheatear (Oenanthe leucura)

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    “This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Journal of Ornithology. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-017-1524-x"Delayed plumage maturation occurs in birds when subadult plumage is retained until after the frst breeding season. We analysed data from 114 Black Wheatears (Oenanthe leucura), which were trapped during 2014–2016 in southeastern Spain, to explore whether biometric measurements, and more specifcally tail pattern, difered among age and sex classes, and whether there was a relationship between tail pattern and delayed plumage maturation. Males and adults were heavier and had longer wings and tails than females and juveniles, respectively. Adult birds had longer terminal black tail bars than juveniles, which suggests a potential dominance-signalling function for the tail pattern. Further research is needed to investigate the relationship between these traits and sexual selection and dominance in Black WheatearJS works within the Madrid’s Government research group network REMEDINAL3-CM (S-2013/MAE-2719

    Extensive sheep grazing is associated with trends in steppe birds in Spain: recommendations for the Common Agricultural Policy

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    Iberian natural steppes have traditionally been used for extensive sheep grazing, which has been noted to be positively associated with steppe bird abundance and diversity. Sheep numbers in Spain, which harbors the largest European populations of many steppe bird species, decreased by 9.2 million (37.3%) between 1992 and 2020. Steppe birds in Spain have faced dramatic declines during the same period, but there is a lack of knowledge about the potential association between sheep and open-habitat bird declines. We used sheep data from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and bird data (1998–2018) from the Spanish Common Bird Monitoring Program to assess the association at the Spanish scale between sheep decline and the Farmland Bird Index (FBI) and the Natural Shrub-steppe Bird Index (SBI). We also used an independent dataset on population trends of the Dupont’s Lark (Chersophilus duponti) to assess the relationship between sheep numbers and the decline of this threatened steppe specialist passerine in Spain, whose European population is restricted to Iberian natural steppes. To test for a spurious relationship between temporal series, variables were tested for cointegration. After confirming cointegration, we found a strong positive relationship between sheep abundance and the trends of the FBI and SBI indices during the period 1998–2018. The association between sheep abundance and trends of the Dupont’s Lark (2004–2015) was positive although it was not statistically significant. Although the main causes of decline of farmland and steppe birds are mainly related to agricultural intensification and land use changes, the correlation found, using two independent cointegrated datasets, between the reduction in farmland and shrub-steppe birds and sheep numbers at the country scale suggests that the decline of steppe birds in Spain may be also associated with the decline in sheep numbers. This agrees with previous studies that found a positive relationship between intermediate levels of sheep grazing and steppe bird abundance in Iberian steppes. Further research (e.g. experimental studies) is needed to corroborate our study and identify the most appropriate level of grazing intensity for protecting the most farmland and shrub-steppe birds. Our results suggest that the promotion of extensive grazing should be considered as a key factor in future Common Agricultural Policy reforms and conservation programmes to protect steppe birds.This is a contribution to the Excellence Network Remedinal 3CM (S2013/MAE2719), supported by Comunidad de Madrid and to the LIFE Ricotí (ES-LIFE15/NAT/ES/000802) and LIFE Connect Ricotí (ES-LIFE20/NAT/ES/000133) projects, supported by the European Commission

    The sound of the illegal: Applying bioacoustics for long-term monitoring of illegal cattle in protected areas

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    Passive acoustic monitoring coupled with automated signal recognition software has been widely used in recent years as an effective and affordable tool for wildlife monitoring and to combat illegal activities within protected areas. Here, we evaluate this technique to monitor the patterns of illegal cattle occurrence in the Brazilian Pantanal over a complete annual cycle. We aim to provide one of the first assessments of the performance of automated signal recognition software to detect ungulates. Cattle occurrences reached their maximum during the end of the dry season when lowland areas provide excellent pastures for cattle. In contrast, cattle occurrences were very low during the rainy season when the study area was seasonally inundated. Automated software was an efficient tool that was able to detect approximately three-quarters of cow calls within the recordings. Passive acoustic monitoring can be used to direct patrols to areas where illegal activities, such as cattle and poaching or logging, have been confirmed, which could be a method that would be especially well suited for remote areas, such as tropical forests. Future studies should evaluate whether there is a relationship between cattle grazing intensity and its associated impacts on wildlife and flora. Rapid advances in automated recognition and the recent development of low-cost recorders foresee a new era of acoustic ecology for improved conservation in the short term.This study is part of the biodiversity monitoring project Sounds of the Pantanal - The Pantanal Automated Acoustic Biodiversity Monitoring of INAU/CO.BRA, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil, which was conducted under SISBIO permit no. 39095 (KLS). We greatly appreciate the financial support provided by the following institutions: the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior–Brasil (CAPES), Finance Code 01; Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Áreas Úmidas (INAU/UFMT/CNPq); Centro de Pesquisa do Pantanal (CPP); and Brehm Funds for International Bird Conservation (BF), Bonn, Germany