61 research outputs found


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    An international organization is an association of states, holder of rights and duties which it acquires by the will of the founding states and which acts as an entity which is distinct and independent from the states that form it. The constituent instrument of the organization proclaims the establishment of such, as well as its character of being a subject of international law, but at the same time it delimitates the domain in which the international legal personality can manifest and also the content of its capacity

    Voluntary Adoption of Corporate Governance Mechanisms

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    We model firms' incentives to voluntarily adopt corporate governance mechanisms and hypothesize that management's ability to extract private benefits, the need for external funds, and the ease with which a firm's assets may be monitored are important determinants of the level of governance. Using hand-collected data, we test these hypotheses and examine firms' propensity to adopt recommended but not required governance standards from their home and neighboring country's jurisdictions. We document that a significant level of voluntary adoption occurs and that this level has been both increasing over time and declining in variability across firms. Governance mechanisms are least likely to be voluntarily implemented when management controls a significant portion of common stock votes or a majority owner exists. In contrast, voluntary adoption increases when the firm faces significant investment opportunities and employs large levels of expenditures which are difficult to monitor such as research and development expenses.Corporate Governance, Empirial Finance

    Monitoring to Reduce Agency Costs: Examining the Behavior of Independent and Non-Independent Boards

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    Berle and Means’s analysis of the corporation—in particular, their view that those in control are not the owners of the corporation—raises questions about actions that corporations take to counter concerns regarding management’s influence. What mechanisms, if any, do corporations implement to balance the distribution of power in the corporation? To address this question, we analyze boards of directors’ propensity to voluntarily adopt recommended corporate governance practices. Because board independence is one way to enhance shareholders’ ability to monitor management, we probe whether firms with independent boards of directors (which we define as boards with either an independent chair or a majority of independent directors) are more likely than firms without independent boards to adopt these practices. We focus on boards’ willingness to monitor their firms’ agents, examining the relationship between board independence and the voluntary adoption of corporate governance guidelines

    Stress Management in the Police Work

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    According to the World Health Organization estimates, stress is one of the risk factors most frequently affecting human health, along with obesity, alcoholism, drugs and smoking, and the suicide due to work-related stress will be the main cause of death in 2025 (Turc, 2006). Given this, and the that the profession of police officer has been ranked in the top ten most stressful jobs the U.S. (by The American Institute of Stress) and categorized as one of the most stressful occupations in the world (by Michael Pittaro, executive director of The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse in 2008, in a study on occupational stress in police), both because of the nature of police work, and because of the multiple influences associated with the work environment, this article aims to briefly review the issue of stress in the field of police work, covering many aspects of it, such as sources of stress, forms of stress and its implications,  the prevention factors, strategies to reduce stress and combat its negative effects, so that workers in this field be able to recognize it when stress is present and what it was caused by, and be able to manage it effectively

    Voluntary Adoption of Corporate Governance Mechanisms

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    We examine the extent to which firms adopt recommended but not required corporate governance guidelines and establish that firms voluntarily implement suggested domestic best practices and the mandatory practices of neighboring countries as well. Drawing on the intuition of a principal-agent model in which the entrepreneur cannot fund all positive NPV projects, we hypothesize that access to capital is a primary determinant of the willingness of firms to voluntarily adopt corporate governance mechanisms. Our empirical results provide significant evidence that firms voluntarily adopt corporate governance guidelines. These results suggest that global competition for capital encourages firms to voluntarily adopt governance mechanisms that are attractive to both domestic and foreign investors. We provide some evidence that the integration of global capital markets may lead to convergence in governance standards across countries

    Management of the Romanian Police Training

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    In today's dynamic economic environment it is very important for organizations to viewtheir employees as a priority, since they may represent one of their most valuable assets. Althoughmany companies acknowledge the importance of the human factor for the success of the organization,there is sometimes a discrepancy between the company’s belief and the way it is implemented. Evenin periods of economic recession, organizations must not perceive the costs of training and retrainingof staff as arbitrary, a cost which may be reduced or eliminated, according to the budget available, butas an investment in a strategic resource, the results of which become more and more evident in timeand that determine the ability of survival, adaptation and development of the company in a rapidlychanging environment. Since over the last two decades the image of the Ministry of Administrationand Interior, and thus the image of the Romanian Police has depreciated considerably in the publicopinion, it is indispensable for the institution to focus intensely on staff training activities. For thisreason, it must attract the loyalty of skilled and motivated workforces that have the knowledge andability to perform the tasks required. The investment in people may not be sufficient for ensuring thequality and efficiency of services provided, but it certainly is a must

    Te Maramataka : Ko wai koe? : the life cycle of Wai : an exhibition report presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Māori Visual Arts at Massey University, Manawatƫ, New Zealand

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    As a Māori observational science Te Maramataka is a vast ‘knowledge-scape’ that has been accumulated over many generations. While one could spend a lifetime learning about it you may never fully come to know all of it. However, for the purpose of this Master’s work I will focus on Te Maramataka and its general observation of life cycles, in particular the life cycles of wai (water) within the context of human life. This exhibition will have a ‘curiosity’ and visual inquiry into the root word wā embedded in the word wai, referencing time and space and our individual place within the ongoing evolution of the human race on this planet

    Pengaruh persepsi, preferensi, dan sikap terhadap keputusan penggunaan jasa bank syariah : studi kasus pada masyarakat Kecamatan Kradenan

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    Perkembangan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia untuk saat ini sudah cukup pesat, dengan bersumber data statistik dimana menampilkan pertumbuhan jumlah dari Bank Syariah setiap tahunnya. Dimana sekarang ini cukup banyak masyarakat belum mengerti sepenuhnya mengenai bank syariah. Persepsi mereka terhadap kesyariahan bank syariah, riba, bunga, dan bagi hasil masih beragam, kebanyakan dari masih belum paham dan belum tahu istilah-istilah tersebut. Telah lama melekatnya perbankan konvensional pada masyarakat. Di kecamatan kradenan juga belum ada fasilitas bank syariah dan letak yang kurang strategis dalam pengembangan bank syariah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi, preferensi, dan sikap masyarakat terhadap keputusan penggunaan jasa bank syariah. Metode Penelitian menggunakan kuantitatif. Dengan populasi yaitu masyarakat kecamatan Kradenan, kabupaten Grobogan. Penelitian ini memakai data primer yaitu melalui kuesioner sebanyak 100 Responden. Analisis data memakai uji validitas, uji reabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, uji regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa Persepsi dan preferensi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan penggunaan jasa bank syariah dengan persepsi nilai t-hitung yaitu 6,766 dan signifikansi yaitu 0,000. Preferensi t-hitung yaitu 3,941 dan signifikansi yaitu 0,000. Sedangkan sikap bepengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap keputusan penggunaan masyarakat di bank syariah dengan nilai t-hitung yaitu -274 dan nilai signifikansinya yaitu 0,781

    Stress Management in the Police Work

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    According to the World Health Organization estimates, stress is one of the risk factors most frequently affecting human health, along with obesity, alcoholism, drugs and smoking, and thebsuicide due to work-related stress will be the main cause of death in 2025 (Turc, 2006). Given this, and the that the profession of police officer has been ranked in the top ten most stressful jobs the U.S. (by The American Institute of Stress) and categorized as one of the most stressful occupations in the world (by Michael Pittaro, executive director of The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse in 2008, in a study on occupational stress in police)1, both because of the nature of police work, and because of the multiple influences associated with the work environment, this article aims to briefly review the issue of stress in the field of police work, covering many aspects of it, such as sources of stress, forms of stress and its implications,  the prevention factors, strategies to reduce stress and combat its negative effects, so that workers in this field be able to recognize it when stress is present and what it was caused by, and be able to manage it effectively
