19 research outputs found

    A Closed-Form, Consistent and Robust Solution to Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Via Local Diffuse Reflectance Maxima

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    Images of an object under different illumination are known to provide strong cues about the object surface. A mathematical formalization of how to recover the normal map of such a surface leads to the so-called uncalibrated photometric stereo problem. In the simplest instance, this problem can be reduced to the task of identifying only three parameters: the so-called generalized bas-relief (GBR) ambiguity. The challenge is to find additional general assumptions about the object, that identify these parameters uniquely. Current approaches are not consistent, i.e., they provide different solutions when run multiple times on the same data. To address this limitation, we propose exploiting local diffuse reflectance (LDR) maxima, i.e., points in the scene where the normal vector is parallel to the illumination direction (see Fig. 1). We demonstrate several noteworthy properties of these maxima: a closed-form solution, computational efficiency and GBR consistency. An LDR maximum yields a simple closed-form solution corresponding to a semi-circle in the GBR parameters space (see Fig. 2); because as few as two diffuse maxima in different images identify a unique solution, the identification of the GBR parameters can be achieved very efficiently; finally, the algorithm is consistent as it always returns the same solution given the same data. Our algorithm is also remarkably robust: It can obtain an accurate estimate of the GBR parameters even with extremely high levels of outliers in the detected maxima (up to 80 % of the observations). The method is validated on real data and achieves state-of-the-art results

    A Filtering technique based on a DLMS algorithm for ultrasonography video

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    It is well known that ultrasonography is a diagnostic method for visualizinginside human tissues by spreading ultrasounds and measuring their return time tothe sensor. However, the interface between the human skin and this ultrasoundtransducer attenuates the received signal and the medical image quality deterioratessignificantly. In this paper we propose a filtering technique in order to compensatethis attenuation. A finite impulse response filter (FIR) based on a Delayed LeastMean Square (DLMS) was optimized and implemented. The main contribution ofour work consists of finding the order and the coefficients of the filter that minimizethe attenuation error. We validate our method first on simulated data and later on areprogrammable FPGA device for a real time performance testing. Among others,we show that incrementing the order of the filter, not always is the best way toreduce image quality errors

    A Closed-Form, Consistent and Robust Solution to Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Via Local Diffuse Reflectance Maxima

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    Images of an object under different illumination are known to provide strong cues about the object surface. A mathematical formalization of how to recover the normal map of such a surface leads to the so-called uncalibrated photometric stereo problem. In the simplest instance, this problem can be reduced to the task of identifying only three parameters: the so-called generalized bas-relief (GBR) ambiguity. The challenge is to find additional general assumptions about the object, that identify these parameters uniquely. Current approaches are not consistent, i.e., they provide different solutions when run multiple times on the same data. To address this limitation, we propose exploiting local diffuse reflectance (LDR) maxima, i.e., points in the scene where the normal vector is parallel to the illumination direction (see Fig.1). We demonstrate several noteworthy properties of these maxima: a closed-form solution, computational efficiency and GBR consistency. An LDR maximum yields a simple closed-form solution corresponding to a semi-circle in the GBR parameters space (see Fig.2); because as few as two diffuse maxima in different images identify a unique solution, the identification of the GBR parameters can be achieved very efficiently; finally, the algorithm is consistent as it always returns the same solution given the same data. Our algorithm is also remarkably robust: It can obtain an accurate estimate of the GBR parameters even with extremely high levels of outliers in the detected maxima (up to 80% of the observations). The method is validated on real data and achieves state-of-the-art results

    PS-FCN: A Flexible Learning Framework for Photometric Stereo

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    This paper addresses the problem of photometric stereo for non-Lambertian surfaces. Existing approaches often adopt simplified reflectance models to make the problem more tractable, but this greatly hinders their applications on real-world objects. In this paper, we propose a deep fully convolutional network, called PS-FCN, that takes an arbitrary number of images of a static object captured under different light directions with a fixed camera as input, and predicts a normal map of the object in a fast feed-forward pass. Unlike the recently proposed learning based method, PS-FCN does not require a pre-defined set of light directions during training and testing, and can handle multiple images and light directions in an order-agnostic manner. Although we train PS-FCN on synthetic data, it can generalize well on real datasets. We further show that PS-FCN can be easily extended to handle the problem of uncalibrated photometric stereo.Extensive experiments on public real datasets show that PS-FCN outperforms existing approaches in calibrated photometric stereo, and promising results are achieved in uncalibrated scenario, clearly demonstrating its effectiveness.Comment: ECCV 2018: https://guanyingc.github.io/PS-FC

    Photometric stereo for 3D face reconstruction using non-linear illumination models

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    Face recognition in presence of illumination changes, variant pose and different facial expressions is a challenging problem. In this paper, a method for 3D face reconstruction using photometric stereo and without knowing the illumination directions and facial expression is proposed in order to achieve improvement in face recognition. A dimensionality reduction method was introduced to represent the face deformations due to illumination variations and self shadows in a lower space. The obtained mapping function was used to determine the illumination direction of each input image and that direction was used to apply photometric stereo. Experiments with faces were performed in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. From the experiments it was shown that the proposed approach results very accurate 3D surfaces without knowing the light directions and with a very small differences compared to the case of known directions. As a result the proposed approach is more general and requires less restrictions enabling 3D face recognition methods to operate with less data

    Height from Photometric Ratio with Model-based Light Source Selection

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    In this paper, we present a photometric stereo algorithm for estimating surface height. We follow recent work that uses photometric ratios to obtain a linear formulation relating surface gradients and image intensity. Using smoothed finite difference approximations for the surface gradient, we are able to express surface height recovery as a linear least squares problem that is large but sparse. In order to make the method practically useful, we combine it with a model-based approach that excludes observations which deviate from the assumptions made by the image formation model. Despite its simplicity, we show that our algorithm provides surface height estimates of a high quality even for objects with highly non-Lambertian appearance. We evaluate the method on both synthetic images with ground truth and challenging real images that contain strong specular reflections and cast shadows

    Progettazione del banco prova per motori ad alta prestazione

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    Si è progettato un assemblato formato da due container con funzione di porta banco prova motore e una postazione dedicata agli utenti e alle apparecchiature di controllo

    Studio elastodinamico di un centro di lavoro transfer

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    L'obbiettivo era creare una procedura per poter eseguire uno studio elasto-dinamico, mediante il metodo agli elementi finiti, di un centro di lavoro transfer. Tale procedura prevede una prima analisi Modale, per identificare forme modali e relative frequenze, seguita da un'analisi Transient, che permette di determinare la risposta dinamica sotto l'azione di carichi varianti nel tempo