70 research outputs found

    Questions About Behavioral Function (QABF): A Behavioral Checklist for Functional Assessment of Aberrant Behavior.

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    Functional assessment is a tool in behavior therapy used to identify the functional relationships between a behavior of interest and the individual\u27s environment. A functional assessment identifies variables that both occasion and maintain a particular behavior. Traditional functional assessment methodologies have relied on experimental techniques in which analog sessions are designed to mimic situations in the individual\u27s environment. However, these techniques are time-consuming, require extensive training, and rely on the availability of numerous resources in the individual\u27s setting. Development of a brief functional assessment checklist would circumvent these difficulties and make a significant contribution to applied behavioral psychology. The proposed study attempted to meet this need by providing the psychometric data for such a checklist: the Questions About Behavioral Function. These data include test-retest, interrater, and internal consistency statistics, factor analysis, and convergent validity. Reliability and factor analysis data were sound; however, convergent validity with analog functional analysis sessions requires additional work

    Demonstrating the validity of the Video Game Functional Assessment-Revised (VGFA-R)

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    Problematic video play has been well documented over the course of the last decade. So much so the DSM-5 (APA, 2013) has included problematic video gaming as disorder categorized as Internet Gaming Disorder. The field of applied behavior analysis has been utilizing functional assessments for the last 30 years and has showed evidence of effective results across different populations and environments. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation (comprising three studies) was to validate an indirect functional assessment entitled the Video Game Functional Assessment-Revised (VGFA-R). Using academic experts in the field of video game addiction and applied behavioral analysis (n=6), the first study examined the content validity of the VGFA-R and was able to demonstrate the assessment exceeded the criterion for an established assessment. A second study comprising a survey of 467 gamers examined the factorability by using a confirmatory factor analysis, and found that VGFA-R had an overall variance above .60. Within the third laboratory-based study using gamers (n=11), the VGFA-R was examined for construct validity and found the VGFA-R was able to predict 85% of the appropriate function of behavior. Implications of the study are discussed along with the strengths and limitations of the study and future research directions

    Meditation on the Soles of the Feet Practice Provides Some Control of Aggression for Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative condition that affects cognition, mental and physical health, and functionality of older people. As the disease progresses from the mild to moderate stage, there is a concomitant increase in several behavioral variables, chiefly agitation, anger, and aggression. Currently, there are no evidence-based treatments for these behaviors in this population. Three individuals with moderate Alzheimer’s disease were taught an informal mindfulness practice, meditation on the Soles of the Feet (SoF), as a self-management strategy within a multiple-baseline design across participants. All three were able to learn and use the SoF practice to manage their verbal and physical aggression. Their use of the SoF practice was correlated with decreased perceived psychological stress for their spouses and caregivers, as well as for the participants, but to a much smaller degree. In terms of social validity, the participants, their spouses, and caregivers rated the SoF practice as acceptable, effective, with no unintended effects, and indicated that they would recommend the practice to others. However, they also rated SoF as effortful for the participants because it involves the participants remembering to use the practice with rising anger, a requirement particularly challenging for those with memory problems. The SoF practice may enable individuals in the early stages of dementia to manage their anger and aggression. The data were derived from an internally valid experimental design, suggestive of initial proof-of-concept, but needs to be replicated before any clinical implications can be imputed from this study

    Chasse et dĂ©veloppement territorial. Vers un cadre d’analyse global ?

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    L’article propose une analyse de la contribution des activitĂ©s cynĂ©gĂ©tiques au dĂ©veloppement territorial en s’appuyant sur deux cadres thĂ©oriques complĂ©mentaires. D’une part, une version revisitĂ©e de la thĂ©orie de la base intĂ©grant "une base de consommation" peut permettre de rendre compte des effets Ă  la fois des chasseurs extĂ©rieurs et des chasseurs locaux. D’autre part, la chasse peut ĂȘtre Ă  l’origine d’un processus d’innovation et de spĂ©cification des ressources territoriales.The paper proposes an analysis of the contribution of huntings to local development with two complementary theoretical frameworks. On one hand, a revisited version of the economic base models integrating "a consumption base" is able to measure both effects of the external hunters and the local hunters. On the other hand, hunting can generate an innovation process and specification of "territorial resources"

    Reinforcer assessment for children with developmental disabilities and visual impairments.

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    We assessed the applicability of two previously developed reinforcer assessment procedures to children with developmental disabilities and visual impairments. Greater differentiation between stimuli was observed with a choice procedure than with a preference procedure. Measurement of compliance and rate of responding in adaptive skill training confirmed that the choice procedure accurately identified reinforcing stimuli. The preference procedure produced false positive predictions of reinforcer efficacy

    An indirect examination of the function of problem behaviour associated with Fragile X Syndrome and Smith-Magenis Syndrome

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS) and Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) are associated with a number of specific topographies of problem behavior. Very few studies have examined the function served by problem behavior in these groups. Using the Questions About Behavioral Function scale Matson and Vollmer (User’s guide: questions about behavioral function (QABF). Scientific Publishers Inc., Baton Rouge, LA, 1995) the current study examined group differences in the function of problem behavior displayed by children with FXS and SMS, in comparison to a control group of children with non-specific intellectual and developmental disabilities. Between-group analyses showed children with SMS were more likely to display problem behavior related to physical discomfort. Both within- and between-group analyses showed children with FXS were less likely to display attention-maintained problem behavior. These findings hold implications for the assessment, treatment and prevention of problem behavior associated with both FXS and SMS


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    Historically, reinforcer assessment procedures focus primarily on identifying nonsocial reinforcers (e.g., tangibles and edibles). Far less empirical attention has been allocated to the systematic identification of social consequences that function as reinforcers. This discrepancy is problematic given that social consequences are commonly incorporated into behavioral treatment programs without systematic evaluation of their efficacy. In this study, two methodologies (a single operant and a concurrent choice) were used to assess social reinforcers for children with autism. Results highlighted differences in response allocation to the control condition between procedures. Specifically, responding occurred in the control condition of the single‐operant procedure but not in the concurrent‐operant procedure. These differences highlight the need for further evaluation of procedures to assess social reinforcers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Evaluation of a multiple-stimulus presentation format for assessing reinforcer preferences.

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    We compared three methods for presenting stimuli during reinforcer-preference assessments: a paired-stimulus format (PS), a multiple-stimulus format in which selections were made with replacement (MSW), and a multiple-stimulus format in which selections were made without replacement (MSWO). Results obtained for 7 participants showed moderate to high rank-order correlations between the MSWO and PS procedures and a similar number of identified reinforcers. In addition, the time to administer the MSWO procedure was comparable to that required for the MSW method and less than half that required to administer the PS procedure. Subsequent tests of reinforcement effects revealed that some stimuli selected in the PS and MSWO procedures, but not selected in the MSW procedure, functioned as reinforcers for arbitrary responses. These preliminary results suggest that the multiple-stimulus procedure without replacement may share the respective advantages of the other methods
