20 research outputs found

    Nonlinear empirical modeling to estimate phosphorus exports using continuous records of turbidity and discharge

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    Special section: Continuous nutrient sensing in research and management: applications and lessons learned across aquatic environments and watershedsInternational audienceWe tested an empirical modeling approach using relatively low‐cost continuous records of turbidity and discharge as proxies to estimate phosphorus (P) concentrations at a subhourly time step for estimating loads. The method takes into account nonlinearity and hysteresis effects during storm events, and hydrological conditions variability. High‐frequency records of total P and reactive P originating from four contrasting European agricultural catchments in terms of P loads were used to test the method. The models were calibrated on weekly grab sampling data combined with 10 storms surveyed subhourly per year (weekly+ survey) and then used to reconstruct P concentrations during all storm events for computing annual loads. For total P, results showed that this modeling approach allowed the estimation of annual loads with limited uncertainties (≈ −10% ± 15%), more reliable than estimations based on simple linear regressions using turbidity, based on interpolated weekly+ data without storm event reconstruction, or on discharge weighted calculations from weekly series or monthly series. For reactive P, load uncertainties based on the nonlinear model were similar to uncertainties based on storm event reconstruction using simple linear regression (≈ 20% ± 30%), and remained lower than uncertainties obtained without storm reconstruction on weekly or monthly series, but larger than uncertainties based on interpolated weekly+ data (≈ −15% ± 20%). These empirical models showed we could estimate reliable P exports from noncontinuous P time series when using continuous proxies, and this could potentially be very useful for completing time‐series data sets in high‐frequency surveys, even over extended periods

    Water Temperature Ensemble Forecasts: Implementation Using the CEQUEAU Model on Two Contrasted River Systems

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    In some hydrological systems, mitigation strategies are applied based on short-range water temperature forecasts to reduce stress caused to aquatic organisms. While various uncertainty sources are known to affect thermal modeling, their impact on water temperature forecasts remain poorly understood. The objective of this paper is to characterize uncertainty induced to water temperature forecasts by meteorological inputs in two hydrological contexts. Daily ensemble water temperature forecasts were produced using the CEQUEAU model for the Nechako (regulated) and Southwest Miramichi (natural) Rivers for 1–5-day horizons. The results demonstrate that a larger uncertainty is propagated to the thermal forecast in the unregulated river (0.92–3.14 °C) than on the regulated river (0.73–2.29 °C). Better performances were observed on the Nechako with a mean continuous ranked probability score (MCRPS) <0.85 °C for all horizons compared to the Southwest Miramichi (MCRPS ≈ 1 °C). While informing the end-user on future thermal conditions, the ensemble forecasts provide an assessment of the associated uncertainty and offer an additional tool to river managers for decision-making

    River temperature research and practice: Recent challenges and emerging opportunities for managing thermal habitat conditions in stream ecosystems

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    There is growing evidence that river temperatures are increasing under climate change, which is expected to be exacerbated by increased abstractions to satisfy human water demands. Water temperature research has experienced crucial advances, both in terms of developing new monitoring and modelling tools, as well as understanding the mechanisms of temperature feedbacks with biogeochemical and ecological processes. However, water practitioners and regulators are challenged with translating the widespread and complex technological, modelling and conceptual advances made in river temperature research into improvements in management practice.This critical review provides a comprehensive overview of recent advances in the state-of-the-art monitoring and modelling tools available to inform ecological research and practice. In so doing, we identify pressing research gaps and suggest paths forward to address practical research and management challenges. The proposed research directions aim to provide new insights into spatio-temporal stream temperature dynamics and unravel drivers and controls of thermal river regimes, including the impacts of changing temperature on metabolism and aquatic biogeochemistry, as well as aquatic organisms. The findings of this review inform future research into ecosystem resilience in the face of thermal degradation and support the development of new management strategies cutting across spatial and temporal scales

    Of logos and men : semantic memory impairment for unique entities in a case of semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia

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    In this study, an individual (NG) with the semantic varient of primary progressive aphasis (svPPA) was assessed with tasks designed to investigate the recognition and activation of semantic knowledge about unique entities. NG had significant difficulties in the recognition of brand names and famous names but was largely unimpaired in the recognition of logos and famous faces. However, she was impaired in tasks requiring the activation of semantic representations of logos, brand names, famous faces, and famous names. These results suggest that the recognition of unique entities results from the interaction of perceptual and conceptual processes and, that the ability to activate semantic information about these entities can be affected in svPPA

    Profils des organisations publiques, parapubliques et collectives au Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean : identification et caractéristiques, rayonnement et activités

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    Afin d'obtenir une fresque plus complète du contexte institutionnel dans lequel s'inscrit la volonté collective de planifier le développement de sa région du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, nous avons pris l'initiative d'établir le profil de toutes les importantes organisations collectives qui oeuvrent dans cette région. Cette recherche appliquée inédite au Québec a produit des résultats pratiques dont nous anticipons une grande utilité à deux (2) niveaux. D'abord dans le quotidien des multiples et divers planificateurs à tous ses échelons infra-régionaux, dans tous les secteurs et chez la plupart des organisations. L'outil offert se veut tout simplement un ouvrage de consultation afin de mieux connaître qui fait quoi dans îa région. Connaissant mieux leur mission mutuelle, nous croyons tous nos planificateurs pourront mieux orienter et coordonner leurs actions dans le cadre d'une planification globale du développement culturel, social et économique. Deuxièmement, l'enquête et la collecte de documents effectuées pour réaliser ce répertoire nous offrent une excellente banque de données. Celle-ci servira à alimenter d'information pertinente le temps, cette banque de données nous permettra de suivre l'évolution du contexte institutionnel de la région du Saguenay-Lae-St-Jean

    Revue d'histoire du Bas-Saint-Laurent, vol. 19 (2)

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    Note liminaire -- Éditorial: Le sens de la fête -- Géomorphologie du territoire urbain de Rimouski et l'utilisation de l'espace -- Rimouski vue du ciel -- La seigneurie de Rimouski -- Hiver 1837 : le récit de l'abbé Pierre Beaumont -- L'extension du territoire urbanisé de Rimouski -- Vieux écrits : Rimouski en 1877 -- L'exploitation forestière dans le bassin de la Rimouski -- Un témoin se souvient du feu de Rimouski de 1950 -- Une Île au large de la ville -- La scène politique municipale entre 1945 et 1960 -- Le cinéma à Rimouski (1939-1960) -- La genèse d'une capitale : Rimouski avant 1960 -- Rimouski, ville moyenne et capitale régionale -- Une perception du quartier Saint-Robert -- Les femmes dans l'histoire de Rimouski : la face cachée du développement -- Bibliographie relative à la ville de Rimouski -- Des livres à lire