338 research outputs found

    Overview of Mental Health of Pregnant Women in Yogyakarta

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     PSD (pregnancy-specific distress) is a distress condition regarding physical symptoms during pregnancy, changes in body shape, changes in interpersonal relationships with other people, childbirth, baby's health, how to care for a newborn, and the risks of medical treatment being carried out. higher PSD, the risk of preterm birth and LBW increases. The mental health of pregnant women in Yogyakarta is in the normal category. Health workers and family support play an important role in reducing anxiety to depression in pregnancy

    Multimedia Digital Course Books

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    U ovom diplomskom radu, predstavljen je multimedijski digitalni udžbenik kao nastavno sredstvo koje potiče multimedijsko učenje i aktivnost učenika. Nadalje opisan je proces izrade multimedijskih digitalnih udžbenika, te načini zaštite autorskih prava. U praktičnom dijelu rada analizirana je ponudu digitalnih udžbenika u Hrvatskoj za osnovne i srednje škole. Detaljnija analiza karakteristika multimedijskih digitalnih udžbenika, s obzorom na funkcije koje trebaju omogućiti efikasnije učenje, odrađena je za odabrane predmete u različitim znanstvenim područjima učenja

    Multimedia Digital Course Books

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    U ovom diplomskom radu, predstavljen je multimedijski digitalni udžbenik kao nastavno sredstvo koje potiče multimedijsko učenje i aktivnost učenika. Nadalje opisan je proces izrade multimedijskih digitalnih udžbenika, te načini zaštite autorskih prava. U praktičnom dijelu rada analizirana je ponudu digitalnih udžbenika u Hrvatskoj za osnovne i srednje škole. Detaljnija analiza karakteristika multimedijskih digitalnih udžbenika, s obzorom na funkcije koje trebaju omogućiti efikasnije učenje, odrađena je za odabrane predmete u različitim znanstvenim područjima učenja

    The Correlation Between Hiv/aids Knowledge And The Hiv/aids Preventive Attitude In Homeless Children At Girlan Nusantara Halfway House Of Sleman Yogyakarta In 2015

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    Background: Teenagers need knowledge on reproductive health as their insight to grow as adult and face the social interaction which gets more open and free. The lack of socialization on HIV/AIDS knowledge causes most of Indonesians lack of understanding the transmission of HIV/AIDS which leads to the low positive attitude towards HIV/AIDS prevention. Homeless children and housewives are the risky group which need special and serious attention. Objectives: The aims to reveal the correlation between HIV/AIDS knowledge and preventive attitude. Methode: The study used descriptive analytical correlational with cross sectional time approach. The data collection technique used questionnaire on homeless children‘s knowledge level and HIV/AIDS preventive attitude. The subjects of the study were 35 respondents. The analysis technique used Kendall‟s-Tau. Result: The study result shows that the knowledge level of HIV/AIDS in homeless children at the Girlan Nusantara Halfway House of Sleman Yogyakarta is in the category of sufficient that is 88,6%. Meanwhile, the attitude towards HIV/AIDS prevention is mostly in sufficient category that is 80%. This study revealed that there is a correlation between HIV/AIDS and preventive attitude in homeless children at the Girlan Nusantara halfway house of Sleman Yogyakarta viewed from Kendall‟s-Tau value of 0,751 and asym.sig (2-tailed) of 0,000. Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between HIV/AIDS knowledge and preventive attitude in homeless children at the Girlan Nusantara halfway house of Sleman Yogyakarta in 201

    Microleakage Assessment of New Zinc Oxide Nano Particle Sealers, by Glucose Penetration Model: An In Vitro study

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: Evaluation and comparison of the microleakage for Nano zinc oxide powder sealers, with the conventional zinc oxide eugenol sealer and AH Plus sealer using glucose penetration model. METHODOLOGY: 90 extracted human mandibular premolar teeth with intact root were taken and radiographed, teeth with single root canal were selected for the experiment. The teeth were decoronated horizontally below the level of the cementoenamel junction to equal lengths of 15mm. The samples were divided into 6 groups each containing 15 samples. 4 experimental groups and 2 control groups were taken for the study. All the samples were cleaned and shaped using K file and Gates Glidden drills by step back technique. The apical portion was enlarged upto #50 K file and the coronal flaring was done upto #6 Gates Glidden drill. The teeth were obturated using 2% gutta percha by cold lateral condensation. The samples in Group A used Nano Zinc oxide powder (30nm) sealer, Group B used Nano Zinc oxide powder (240nm) sealer, Group C conventional zinc oxide eugenol sealer, Group D AH plus sealer and in positive control group the teeth were obturated without using a sealer and negative control group samples were obturated using conventional eugenol sealer, the external root surfaces in the negative control group were completely covered with sticky wax including the coronal access opening and apical foramen. The obturated material in the experimental groups was condensed with a hand plugger leaving apical 4 mm of obturating material and was subjected to microleakage test. Glucose penetration model was used in the present study to evaluate the amount of microleakage. 1mmol/L glucose was used as tracer in the present study in 0.2% sodium azide solution. The glucose leaked was subjected to spectrophotometric analysis. The samples were observed for duration of 1 month. The readings were obtained on day 1, day 10, day 20 and day 30. RESULTS: The mean microleakage value of Group A did not show statistically significant difference with Group B on day 30 (p 0.983). The mean microleakage value of Group B did not show statistically significant difference with Group D (p 0.076). Group A and B had mean microleakage values statistically significant compared with Group C (p 0.000). CONCLUSION: Based on the present study it can be concluded that Nano zinc oxide powder (30nm) sealer showed lesser microleakage compared to Nano zinc oxide powder (240nm) sealer, Conventional zinc oxide sealer and AH plus sealer


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    Mata pelajaran pneumatik merupakan mata pelajaran wajib bagi siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 2 Cimahi (SMKN 2 Cimahi) jurusan Mekatronika. Materi katup pneumatik merupakan materi dasar yang sulit dipahami cara kerjanya, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan media pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada materi katup pneumatik antara yang menggunakan modul cetak dengan yang menggunakan modul elektronik (e-modul). Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Quasi Eksperiment dengan desain penelitian Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pre-test dan post-test untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Peningkatan hasil belajar diukur dengan N-Gain. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dapat dinyatakan bahwa kedua media pembelajaran yang digunakan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, dengan nilai rata-rata N-Gain untuk kedua kelompok memiliki kriteria sedang. Tidak terdapat perbedaan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa yang signifikan antara kelompok yang menggunakan modul cetak dengan yang menggunakan e-modul.---Pneumatic subjects is compulsory subjects for students of vocational high schools of the country 2 Cimahi (SMK N 2 Cimahi) majoring in Mechatronics. Pneumatic valve material is the material base that is difficult to understand how it works, therefore it takes learning media that can improve understanding of students. This research aims to know the difference increased student learning outcomes on the material between pneumatic valve that uses print module with a module which uses electronic (e-module). The methods used in this research is a method of Quasi alphabets experiment design with Nonequivalent Control Group Research Design. In this research was conducted pre-and post test-test to find out the results of increased student learning. Improved learning outcomes measured by N-Gain. From the results of research that has been done, it can be stated that the two learning mediums used can enhance the learning outcomes of students, with the average value of N-Gain to both groups having the criteria are. There is no difference in the improvement of student learning outcomes are significant among groups that use the print module with which uses e-modules

    Kemampuan jerami padi dan karbon aktif sebagai adsorben arsen (V)yang terlarut dalam air dengan cara pengadukan

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    Air merupakan senyawa yang penting dalam kehidupan makhluk hidup di dunia ini. Saat ini, untuk mendapatkan air bersih dan sesuai dengan standart tertentu sangatlah sulit, hal ini disebabkan karena air banyak tercemar oleh limbah dari hasil kegiatan manusia. Apabila air sudah tercemar logam-logam yang berbahaya akan mengakibatkan hal-hal yang buruk bagi kehidupan. Salah satu kontaminan yang cukup berbahaya adalah logam arsen. Oleh karena itu, perlu dikembangkan teknik-teknik eliminasi logam dengan cara menggunakan bahan-bahan yang mudah didapat dan murah. Dalam penelitian ini dipilih jerami padi sebagai hasil samping pemanenan tanaman padi (Oryza sativa L.) dan karbon aktif yang sudah dikenal baik dalam pengolahan limbah cair sebagai adsorben arsen (V) yang terlarut dalam air. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan jerami padi dan karbon aktif dalam mengadsorpsi arsen (V) yang terlarut dalam air pada berbagai kondisi pH dengan cara pengadukan. Pengukuran jumlah arsen (V) yang teradsorpsi menggunakan CPS pada panjang gelombang 228,812 nm. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa jumlah arsen (V) teradsorpsi oleh karbon aktif 0,5% (b/v) maksimal pada pH 4, menurun seiring dengan peningkatan pH, dan adsorpsi tidak terjadi pada pH 2. sedangkan jerami padi tidak mampu mengadsorpsi arsen (V) pada kondisi percobaan


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    Inisiasi menyusu Dini (IMD) merupakan intervensi sederhana yang mampu meningkatkan neonatal outcome secara signifikan yaitu mengurangi risiko kematian neonatal , sangat membantu dalam keberlangsungan pemberian ASI eksklusif dan periode lama menyusui.  IMD  dipengaruhi oleh sikap, pengetahuan dan motivasi bidan/dokter penolong persalinan, didukung  oleh  suami, keluarga, dan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu bersalin pada bulan November sampai Desember 2016 di Rumah sakit ‘Aisyiyah Muntilan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan non probability sampling dengan metode concevutive sampling sejumlah 72 sampel.  Hasil penelitian menujukan  44% pelaksanaan IMD  dengan benar. Mayoritas pelaksanaan IMD dilaksanakan pada persalinan pervaginam (96.6%), penangan petugas (bidan dan perawat) yang tepat (100%),  dukungan keluarga ( 90.6%), usia kehamilan ≥37 minggu (96.6%) dan berat badan lahir ≥2500 gram (87,5%)

    Persepsi Pasien tentang Kualitas Layanan Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap Kelas III Rumah Sakit

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    Background: The higher quality of hospital services will cause customers to have a high level of satisfaction and behavior. The purpose of the study was to analyze the quality of hospital inpatient services. Method: The survey research method used cross-sectional design. The sample of this study was 172 third class inpatients in PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital determined by consecutive sampling. Results: The results of study showed that patients' perceptions about the quality of inpatient services were mostly good on all dimensions (58%), most patients feel satisfied (63%). Conclusion: Education is significantly related to patients' perceptions of the quality of the hospital inpatient services. The experience of patients being treated in hospital is significantly related to inpatient satisfaction. Patients' perceptions of the quality of hospital inpatient services are significantly related to patient satisfaction. The quality dimension that needs to be improved is empathy, while the best is reliability


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    Latar belakang: Hipotermi berkontribusi 6,3% terhadap kematian neonatal. Intervensi untuk menjaga bayi baru lahi r tetap hangat dapat menurunkan kematian neonatal sebesar 18 - 42%. Kulit ibu berfungsi sebagai termoregulator bagi bayi. Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD) merupakan intervensi sederhana yang mampu mengurangi risiko kematian neonatal. Tujuan untuk m engetahui pen garuh Inisiasi Menyusu Dini terhadap hipotermi pada bayi baru lahir. Methode : P enelitian kohort prospektif ini dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit ̳Aisyiyah Muntilan. Enam puluh dua bayi baru lahir sehat dari ibu sehat yang lahir pada bulan November 2016 diikuts ertakan dalam penelitian ini. Subyek dikelompokan dalam kelompok IMD tidak tepat (n=32) dan kelompok IMD tepat (n=32). Pengukuran suhu axila dilakukan pada menit ke - 1, menit ke - 30, menit ke - 60, jam ke - 6, jam ke - 12, jam ke - 24. Hasil: Kejadian hipotermi le bih banyak terjadi pada IMD tidak tepat diband ing IMD tepat (77,45% vs 12,9%). P ersalinan sectio caesaria di band ing pervaginam (66,7% vs 34,1%). P e nanganan petugas tidak tepat di banding penanganan petugas tepat (75% vs 13,3%). IMD berpengaruh terhadap k ejadian hipotermi RR 7,052 ( p = 0,000 CI 95% 3,088 – 19,447 ) .Terdapat b eda rerata suhu axila bayi pada kelompok IMD tidak tepat p = 0,000 dan tidak terdapat beda rerata suhu axila pada kelompok IMD tepat p = 0,089. Perubahan suhu secara signifikan pada kelompok IMD tidak tepat terjadi pada menit ke - 1 dan ke - 30 p = 0,004. Kesimpulan : Bayi yang dilakukan IMD tepat memiliki resiko lebih rendah terjadi hipoterm