930 research outputs found

    The Banking Crisis, Banking Policy Regimes and the Value of a Bank

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    This paper studies the value of a bank under different banking policy regimes. As banks run into financial distress, authorities in different countries have used different approaches to deal with the crisis. The Nordic countries provide examples of different policy approaches. The results show that the uncertainty over the banking policy regime and changes in this uncertainty can have a major impact on the value dynamics of bank shares. The model produces moral hazard problems both before and after public sector intervention. On the other hand, bank support can increase the original shareholders' incentive to inject new capital into the bank. The model also implies that the government may have an incentive to cheat the bank's shareholders in order to ensure more capital injections from them.banking crisis; banking policy regime; bank support

    Input price risk and optimal timing of energy investment: choice between fossil- and biofuels

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    We consider energy investment, when a choice has to be made between fossil fuel and biomass fired production technologies. A dynamic model is presented to illustrate the effect of the different degrees of input price uncertainty on the choice of technology and the timing of the investment. It is shown that when the choice of technology is irreversible, it may be optimal to postpone the investment even if it would otherwise be optimal to invest in one or both of the plant types. We provide a numerical example based on cost estimates of two different power plant types.irreversible investment; price uncertainty; biomass; real options

    Uncertainty and stepwise investment

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    We analyze the optimal investment strategy of a firm that can complete a project either in one stage at a single freely chosen time point or in incremental steps at distinct time points. The presence of economies of scale gives rise to the following trade-off: lumpy investment has a lower total cost, but stepwise investment gives more flexibility by letting the firm choose the timing individually for each stage. Our main question is how uncertainty in market development affects this trade-off. The answer is unambiguous and in contrast with a conventional real-options intuition: higher uncertainty makes the single-stage investment more attractive relative to the more flexible stepwise investment strategy

    On investment, uncertainty, and strategic interaction with applications in energy markets

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    The thesis presents dynamic models on investment under uncertainty with the focus on strategic interaction and energy market applications. The uncertainty is modelled using stochastic processes as state variables. The specific questions analyzed include the effect of technological and revenue related uncertainties on the optimal timing of investment, the irreversibility in the choice between alternative investment projects with different degrees of uncertainty, and the effect of strategic interaction on the initiating of discrete investment projects, on the abandonment of a project, and on incremental capacity investments. The main methodological feature is the incorporation of game theoretic concepts in the theory of investment. It is argued that such an approach is often desirable in terms of real applications, because many industries are characterized by both uncertainty and strategic interaction between the firms. Besides extending the theory of investment, this line of work may be seen as an extension of the theory of industrial organization towards the direction that views market stability as one of the factors explaining rational behaviour of the firms.reviewe

    Some Female Types in the Novels of Emile Zola

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    The purpose of this thesis is to attempt to group under certain classifications some of the most interested and typical of the many female characters that appear in Zola’s Rougon-Macquart series. For this study thirteen novels published between 1871-1893 and including all the major works of Les Rougon-Macquart series have been chosen. In background and choice of character they include the great city, the village and the farm, the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie and the peasant. In this way it is hoped to present some of the most striking and unusual women who illustrate this great panorama of the Second Empire

    The impact of aerosols on the sensible and latent heat fluxes in Beijing

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    In recent decades, rapid urbanization together with industrialization has led to an increase in anthropogenic emissions, resulting in high air pollution concentrations and poor air quality particularly in developing countries, such as in China. Due to both the enhanced environmental and severe public health risks poor air quality is causing and the climate impacts of aerosols, it is of great interest to study and understand aerosol particles and their impact on our surroundings. Aerosols affect the radiative properties of the atmosphere and the surface energy balance. The impact of aerosols on the surface radiative fluxes of the urban surface energy balance is widely known, but the impact on the turbulent energy fluxes, which are important components in the energy balance, has until now remained unclear. To extend the knowledge of aerosol impacts on all the energy balance components, a simple urban land surface model (SUEWS) during the period of 2006-2009 is used, together with aerosol data, Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), received from an AERONET station located in Beijing. With the use of commonly measured meteorological variables together with parameters defined for the study area of 1 km radius around a meteorological tower, the components of the urban surface energy balance are simulated by the model. For further data analysis, the data are divided into thermal seasons and pollutant categories according to the available AOD-data. Extreme polluted conditions are achieved during 24 % for the time of available AOD-data, additionally showing relatively less situations with poor air quality (8 %) in winter compared to 27 % observed in summer. The aim of this study is to analyse how much aerosol particles can modify the different surface energy balance components, particularly focusing on the turbulent fluxes. The model is evaluated against observed turbulent fluxes in the same tower, showing an overestimation of the sensible heat flux and an underestimation and a better model performance of the latent heat flux. Still, the diurnal behaviour of the fluxes is shown to be well reproduced by the model. The behaviour of the modelled components is further investigated, showing a clear monthly variation for almost all the fluxes contributing to the surface energy balance. The behaviour of the total energy balance is in general controlled by the wet (occurring from May to October) and dry periods, distinguishing the climate in Beijing. The sensible heat flux is the dominant flux in March, accounting for 59 % of the available energy, whereas during the wet periods, higher portion of the available energy is consumed by the turbulent latent heat flux (61 % in August). Adding the effect of aerosols, the results clearly show how the net radiative flux is decreased in poor air quality conditions, giving differences of 138 W/m2 in the median flux due to aerosol loading in the atmosphere. The main finding of this study is that aerosols also influence the turbulent fluxes, with largest aerosol impact on the sensible heat flux occurring during thermal spring (66 W/m2 difference between clean and polluted air conditions). Likewise, in summer, when the latent heat flux is the largest contributor for consuming the available energy, the influence of aerosols is most visible (25 W/m2 difference). This study highlights the importance of maintaining measurements of aerosol concentrations and characteristics of the pollutants over urban areas due to their influence not only on the radiative fluxes, but all the components of the surface energy balance, which can further alter the water circulation and give rise to other environmental risks. These findings can therefore be used in urban planning and issues related to water management and air pollution regulations.Antropogena utslĂ€pp har ökat i och med snabb urbanisering och industrialisering, vilket har skett under de senaste Ă„rtionden och gett upphov till dĂ„lig luftkvalitet, speciellt i utvecklingslĂ€nder, sĂ„ som in Kina. DĂ„lig luftkvalitet ökar bĂ„de miljörisker samt orsakar allmĂ€nna hĂ€lsoproblem, vilket tillsammans med klimatinverkan av aerosoler ökar intresset hos forskare att förstĂ„ aerosol partiklar samt hur de pĂ„verkar vĂ„r omgivning. Ett vĂ€lkĂ€nt fenomen Ă€r hur aerosoler pĂ„verkar nettostrĂ„lningen vid markytan, medan oklarheter uppstĂ„r gĂ€llande hur de inverkar pĂ„ de turbulenta energitermerna, som bestĂ„r av sensibla och latenta vĂ€rmeflöden. Med hjĂ€lp av en enkel modell (SUEWS), som kan simulera de olika energitermerna i urbana miljöer, tillsammans med aerosoldata (Aerosol Optical Depth, AOD) frĂ„n Beijing, försöker jag i min studie utvidga kunskapen gĂ€llande aerosolernas inverkan pĂ„ alla energitermer. Modellen Ă€r kompetent att simulera dessa termer med hjĂ€lp av allmĂ€nna meteorologiska data för forskningsperioden 2006–2009, samt parametrar som pĂ„ det bĂ€sta möjliga sĂ€ttet motsvarar forskningsomrĂ„det, som omfattar en cirkel med 1 km radie runt det meteorologiska tornet i Beijing. För vidare dataanalys delas data i termiska Ă„rstider samt i föroreningskategorier enligt tillgĂ€nglig AOD-data. FörhĂ„llanden med extremt förorenad luft pĂ„trĂ€ffas för 24 % av studietiden. Graden av hur förorenad luften Ă€r varierar per Ă„rstid, dĂ„ förhĂ„llanden med dĂ„lig luftkvalitet förekommer till endast 8 % pĂ„ vintern jĂ€mfört med 27 % under sommaren. Syftet med mitt arbete Ă€r dĂ€rmed att analysera till hur stor grad aerosolpartiklar pĂ„verkar de olika energitermerna i markytans energibalans, med speciell betoning gĂ€llande de turbulenta termerna. Modellen utvĂ€rderas med hjĂ€lp av observerade vĂ€rden av turbulenta energitermerna erhĂ„llna av mĂ€tningar vid tornet i Beijing. FastĂ€n modellen tydligt övervĂ€rderar sensibla vĂ€rmeflödet och undervĂ€rderar latenta vĂ€rmeflödet, visar det sig att modellen dock klarar av att Ă„terskapa dygnsvariationen av energitermerna vĂ€l. Beteendet av de simulerade energitermerna undersöks, vilket Ă€ven framhĂ€ver hur termerna tydligt varierar per mĂ„nad. Klimatet i Beijing, kĂ€nnetecknat med torr (november till april)- och regnperioder (maj till oktober), bestĂ€mmer i stort sett hur de olika turbulenta termerna förhĂ„ller sig till varandra. Förnimbara vĂ€rmeflödet dominerar i mars och stĂ„r för 59 % av energin som finns tillgĂ€ngligt, medan en större del av energin förbrukas av latenta vĂ€rmeflödet under regnperioder (61 % i augusti). DĂ„ aerosolernas inverkan tas i beaktan, visar resultaten av denna studie hur nettostrĂ„lningen tydligt minskar vid sĂ€mre luftförhĂ„llanden (maximalt 138 W/m2 skillnad mellan rena och förorenade förhĂ„llanden). Huvudforskningsresultatet Ă€r dock att aerosolerna Ă€ven tydligt pĂ„verkar de turbulenta energitermerna. Aerosoler pĂ„verkar sensibla vĂ€rmeflödet mest under vĂ„ren (66 W/m2 skillnad) dĂ„ Ă€ven största delen av energin som Ă€r tillgĂ€ngligt förbrukas av samma term. Samma trend pĂ„trĂ€ffas Ă€ven hos latenta vĂ€rmeflödet, dĂ€r aerosolernas inverkan Ă€r tydligast pĂ„ sommaren (25 W/m2 skillnad). Studien framhĂ€ver hur viktigt det Ă€r att bibehĂ„lla information gĂ€llande aerosolkoncentrationer i luften samt deras egenskaper i urbana miljöer, eftersom aerosoler inte bara pĂ„verkar nettostrĂ„lningen, men ocksĂ„ alla andra termer i markytans energibalans och kan dĂ€rmed vidare pĂ„verka vattencirkulationen samt öka andra miljörisker i tĂ€ttbefolkade urbana omrĂ„den. Resultaten av denna studie kan ytterligare anvĂ€ndas som hjĂ€lp i urban planering samt Ă€renden gĂ€llande vattenförvaltning och reglering av luftutslĂ€pp

    Traffic effects of locating grocery stores: - environmental and economic effects of locating shopping centres outside of the C.B.D.

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    Recent policy in Finland regarding retail trade for daily products has been to invest in large shopping centres and hypermarkets located outside main city areas, often close to traffic interchanges. This has led to a number of problems. Small local shops located in the city have had difficulties in surviving. Often these large shopping areas can only be reached by car, which causes problems for those without private transportation possibilities. For retailers, however, these centres represent a logistically efficient way to operate with respect to both goods supply and customer demand. Thus, the traffic effects and the economic and environmental efficiency of such strategies can be questioned. Is it from the vantage point of society better to make longer but less frequent trips compared to the older pattern of frequent local trips? This study examined different locational alternatives: large shopping areas outside the city versus shops located at various places throughout the city and an alternative, where shopping is partly done by electronic commerce with home deliveries. The aim was to measure and compare the traffic effects of these approaches. As a result it was found out that locating four new hypermarkets in the region would increase the yearly mileage of private car traffic and goods transport by 6 percent. The land-use alternative, where there were no hypermarkets, would decrease the yearly mileage by 25 percent and the land-use alternative of home shopping would decrease the yearly mileage by 17 percent. &nbsp

    Learning in a Model of Exit

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    Experimentation and Observational Learning in a Market with Exit

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    Learning and Information Aggregation in an Exit Game

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