121 research outputs found

    Metrorrhagia iuvenilis and Premenstrual Syndrome as frequent problems of adolescent gynecology with aspects of diet therapy

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    Painful menstruation, premenstrual syndrome and metrorrhagia iuvenilis are one of the most common problems related to the sexual cycle in adolescent girls. Metrorrhagia iuvenilis is acyclic bleeding that occurs in adolescents and lasts from over 10 days even up to 3 months. These bleeds are very abundant and have a tendency to relapse. They cause anemia, and severe cases can be life-threatening. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a cluster of somatic, emotional and behavioural symptoms occurring in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The aetiology of PMS remains unknown. According to strict diagnostic criteria, an estimated 2.5–5% of girls and women are affected by PMS. However, some researchers maintain that the symptoms of PMS may be prevalent in as many as 40–80% of girls and women. This article it has been discussed premenstrual syndrome and metrorrhagia iuvenilis and aspects related to dietotherapy were included

    The role of diet and probiotics in prevention and treatment of bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginal candidiasis in adolescent girls and non-pregnant women

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    The article raises important issues regarding the use of diet and probiotics in prevention and treatment of vaginitis.Vaginitis is defined as any condition with symptoms of abnormal vaginal discharge. The most common causes of vaginitisare vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis (BV). Vaginitis has been linked to itching, burning,pain, discharge, irritation and also adverse reproductive and obstetric health outcomes. Moreover, microorganisms thatbuild vaginal flora in the state of bacterial vaginosis are a source of cervicitis and endometritis (often in subclinical forms)and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)The proper diet and probiotics consumption may influence the composition of the gut microbiota, improve gut integrity,and have an impact on maintaining and recovering the normal vaginal microbiota.Future studies and reviews investigating the role of diet and probiotics in changes to gut and vaginal microbiome need tofocus on deciphering the mechanismus of host bacteria interaction in vulvovaginal health

    The relationship between body mass index, body composition and premenstrual syndrome prevalence in girls

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    Objectives: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a cluster of physical and emotional symptoms occurring in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The study aim was to determine the relationship between PMS, and state of nutrition expressed as Body Mass Index (BMI) and body composition in 18-year-old females.  Material and methods: The study was conducted on 476 women divided into two groups i.e. those suffering from PMS (n = 233) and those without symptoms (n = 243). The women were examined during their luteal phase using bioelectrical impedance analysis to determine their body composition. Height and weight were measured using digital medical scales with an electronic height rod. BMI was calculated thus: BMI = body mass (weight) (kg)/height (m2). The subjects were di- vided into two sub-groups: BMI < 25 kg/m2 and BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2. Statistical analysis was carried out using STATISTICA 10 PL software and the Mann-Whitney test.  Results: The women with normal BMI suffered from PMS twice as often as the women with BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 (68.2% vs. 31.8%). There were significantly higher values for Fat Mass (FM) (%) (p < 0.01) and FM (kg) (p < 0.001) in women without PMS, and significantly higher values for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) (%) (p < 0.001) and Total Body Water (TBW) (%) (p < 0.001) in women with PMS. Higher values were reported for FFM (kg) and TBW (kg) (p < 0.05) in girls with PMS and BMI ≥ 25. Conclusions: These results show PMS is more frequent in patients with BMI < 25, and less frequent in patients with higher FM (kg) and FM (%). Moreover, significant frequency of PMS was observed in patients with higher FFM and TBW. Such statistical significance was not confirmed in girls with a BMI < 25.

    Application of auxological methods, including dental age estimation, in the assessment of delayed puberty in girls in gynecological practice

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    Developmental gynecology uses methods practiced in auxology — the science of human ontogenetic development. An important and jointly used concept in gynecology and auxology is the concept of developmental age, which, unlike calendar age, is a measure of the biological maturity of the organism, indicating the stage of advancement in the development of certain features or body systems. Developmental age assessment methods include: a) morphological (somatic) age — body height and weight, b) secondary sex characteristics — breast in girls, genitalia (penis and testes) in boys, and pubic hair in both sexes, c) bone age — hand and wrist x-ray, and d) dental age. An important marker of developmental age is also age at menarche, treated as a late indicator of puberty in girls. All of these methods are useful in the context of assessing regularity and disorders of puberty, such as delayed puberty. The paper discusses developmental age assessment methods that can be used to diagnose delayed puberty as well as the causes of delayed puberty in girls. It should be emphasized that in assessing the process of physical development of a given individual, the cooperation of specialists in the field of developmental gynecology, pediatrics, auxology, dentistry, endocrinology, and dietetics would be the most desirable

    A fuzzy dynamic inoperability input-output model for strategic risk management in global production networks

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    Strategic decision making in Global Production Networks (GPNs) is quite challenging, especially due to the unavailability of precise quantitative knowledge, variety of relevant risk factors that need to be considered and the interdependencies that can exist between multiple partners across the globe. In this paper, a risk evaluation method for GPNs based on a novel Fuzzy Dynamic Inoperability Input Output Model (Fuzzy DIIM) is proposed. A fuzzy multi-criteria approach is developed to determine interdependencies between nodes in a GPN using experts’ knowledge. An efficient and accurate method based on fuzzy interval calculus in the Fuzzy DIIM is proposed. The risk evaluation method takes into account various risk scenarios relevant to the GPN and likelihoods of their occurrences. A case of beverage production from food industry is used to showcase the application of the proposed risk evaluation method. It is demonstrated how it can be used for GPN strategic decision making. The impact of risk on inoperability of alternative GPN configurations considering different risk scenarios is analysed

    O Impacto de brises na ventilação natural: avaliação integrada em uma enfermaria em Florianópolis (SC)

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    The main purpose of shading devices is controling windows heat gain. However, these elements can have an influence on natural ventilation control according its geometry and wind direction. In hospitals, natural ventilation can be used to reduce the energy consumption, to provide thermal comfort and to control hospital-acquired infections through air renewal for all rooms where the HVAC systems is not mandatory. This paper analyzes the impact of shading devices on the performance of natural ventilation in an infirmary room in Florianopolis, Brazil. For a detailed analysis of natural ventilation, this study combined computational simulation with Airflow Network model and CFD. Two cases were simulated: case 1 reproduces the existing building project without shading devices and case 2 analyses the same model with shading devices in all windows. Results have shown that shading devices can impose on airflow behavior increasing the inlet wind velocity and hence the internal air velocity average. In conclusion, shading devices have not only a well-known importance on reducing solar heat gain but also they can help to improve natural ventilation performance.A principal função dos brises é o controle do ganho de calor pelas janelas. No entanto, estes elementos também podem influenciar no desempenho da ventilação natural. Em edifícios hospitalares, a ventilação natural pode reduzir o consumo de energia, proporcionar conforto térmico e controlar a infecção hospitalar por meio da renovação do ar nos ambientes onde não há obrigatoriedade do uso de sistemas de ar condicionado. Este artigo analisa o impacto de brises no desempenho da ventilação natural em uma enfermaria em Florianópolis (SC). Para uma análise detalhada, o estudo integrou simulações computacionais com modelos de rede e CFD. Foram simulados dois casos: caso 1 que reproduz o ambiente existente sem brises e o caso 2 que apresenta o mesmo ambiente com brises em todas as janelas. Os resultados demonstram que a aplicação de brises modifica o comportamento da ventilação natural com o aumento da velocidade do ar de entrada e, consequentemente, com a elevação da velocidade média do ar interno. Conclui-se que os brises apresentam não apenas a usual finalidade de redução do ganho de calor, mas também podem auxiliar na melhoria do desempenho da ventilação natural

    Sexual dysfunctions in diabetes during menopause and andropause

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    Jednym z najistotniejszych czynników powodujących zaburzenia seksualne, nasilające się szczególnie w okresie przekwitania, zarówno u mężczyzn, jak i u kobiet, jest cukrzyca. Jest to choroba przewlekła, która wpływa na wszystkie aspekty ludzkiej seksualności u obu płci — ten negatywny wpływ nasila się wraz z wiekiem. U mężczyzn chorych na cukrzycę prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia problemów z erekcją jest 3-krotnie większe w porównaniu z mężczyznami nieobciążonymi tą chorobą, co nasila się szczególnie w okresie przekwitania. U kobiet cukrzyca przyczynia się do uporczywego świądu sromu, zwiększenia tendencji do stanów zapalnych, co w okresie przekwitania współistnieje z atrofią błony śluzowej pochwy — bardzo często u tych pacjentek występuje dyspareunia.Diabetes is one of the most significant underlying causes of sexual dysfunctions which tend to increase with age, especially during the climacteric and menopausal period, both in men and women, respectively. It is a chronic condition that affects all aspects of sexuality in both sexes. The risk of erection problems is three times higher among men with diabetes as compared to non-diabetic males, especially during the climacteric period. In women, diabetes can lead to persistent vulvar itching, increased predisposition to inflammatory conditions, accompanied by vaginal atrophy typically occurring during the menopause, which makes dyspareunia particularly common among diabetic postmenopausal women

    Influência da configuração urbana na geração fotovoltaica com sistemas integrados às fachadas

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    O processo de adensamento das cidades e o aumento no consumo de energia fazem dos centros urbanos um dos setores de maior impacto no balanço energético mundial, sendo responsável por 70% do consumo total e energia. A geração de energia fotovoltaica apresenta uma grande vantagem, visto que geração e consumo podem ter coincidência espacial e temporal. Além disso, no caso das grandes cidades, as edificações apresentam formatos principalmente verticais e existe escassez de áreas horizontais disponíveis para a instalação de painéis fotovoltaicos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é, então, avaliar o potencial de aplicação de painéis fotovoltaicos em fachadas de edificações dentro de diferentes configurações urbanas, considerando o impacto do entorno construído. Foram analisados diferentes modelos, variando parâmetros arquitetônicos e urbanos, por meio de simulações dinâmicas no plug-in Diva, dentro do programa Rhinoceros. Estabeleceu-se para cada configuração urbana o potencial de geração fotovoltaica das superfícies verticais opacas e, finalmente, foram identificados os modelos uniformes como aqueles que apresentam a melhor relação entre demanda e geração. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a determinação da eficiência dos modelos depende em grande medida da disponibilidade de superfícies para a geração FV (fachadas ou fachadas e cobertura). Comprovou-se um comportamento similar entre os modelos uniformes e mistos, e um decréscimo no desempenho dos cenários miolo de quadra, devido à reduzida área de cobertura, embora o vazio central ofereça altos níveis de acessibilidade solar nas fachadas

    Towards philosophy in medicine and nursing. Anthropological and ethical aspects of sexology.

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    Towards philosophy in medicine and nursing. Anthropological and ethical aspects of sexology SUMMARY               Medical and nursing activities are an inexhaustible source for philosophical reflections [1].We present 10 philosophy reflections in the context of science, of sexology too. Sexology, as a science, studies human sexuality taking into account sexual behaviour, functions and preferences. This definition goes beyond non-scientific research on sexuality, such as analyses of the political situation, or social criticism. In modern sexology researchers use tools from different academic fields. Sexology is an interdisciplinary study which perceives sexuality in various aspects: medical, psychological, sociological, educational, legal, ethnographic, anthropological, biological, religious, ethical and moral.key words: ethics, sexology, scienceW stronę filozofii w medycynie i pielęniarstwie-antropologiczne i etyczne aspekty seksuologiiSTRESZCZENIEDziałalność lekarska i pielęgniarska stanowi niewyczerpane źródło dla przemyśleń filozoficznych [1]. Z drugiej strony, dziedziny medyczne potrzebują filozofii, dlatego też zaprezentowano 10 refleksji nad filozofią w kontekście rozważań nad nauką ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem seksuologii, czyli nauki o płci.Seksuologia będąc nauką o płci, bada ludzką seksualność, biorąc pod uwagę zachowania seksualne, funkcje i preferencje. Ta definicja wykracza poza nienaukowe badania nad seksualnością, takie jak analiza sytuacji politycznej lub krytyka społeczna. We współczesnej seksuologii badacze wykorzystują narzędzia z różnych dziedzin nauki.Nauka ta ma charakter interdyscyplinarny, ujmuje seksualność człowieka nie tylko w aspekcie medycznym, ale i w aspekcie psychologicznym, socjologicznym, pedagogicznym, prawnym, etnograficznym, antropologicznym, biologicznym, religioznawczym i etyczno-moralnym.słowa kluczowe: etyka, seksuologia, nauk