282 research outputs found

    Pierre Rivière et les autres. De la violence familiale au crime : le parricide en France au XIXe siècle (1825-1914), Thèse de doctorat en histoire

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    Sous l'empire du Code pénal de 1810, le parricide est au XIXe siècle placé au sommet de la hiérarchie pénale. Défini par l'article 299 comme le "meurtre du père et de la mère légitimes, naturels ou adoptifs, ou de tout autre ascendant légitime", il emporte la peine de mort, assortie d'un cérémonial particulier précisé dans l'article 13 : le condamné doit être conduit sur le lieu de l'exécution en chemise, nu-pieds et la tête couverte d'un voile noir et jusqu'à la réforme pénale de 1832..

    Le parricide à l’aune de la justice au XIXème siècle

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    Au XIXème siècle, bien que relativement rare dans les faits, le parricide occupe le sommet de la hiérarchie pénale. Mais pour la justice, c’est un crime difficile à appréhender comme en témoignent les obstacles rencontrés pour établir le corps du délit, les controverses juridiques sur la nature précise du crime et surtout le caractère aléatoire de la qualification légale des faits. En déplaçant progressivement son regard du crime vers le criminel, la justice du XIXème parvient à envisager avec moins d’effroi un acte criminel qui, en tant que tel, la laisse désemparée. Mais si les magistrats perçoivent les parricides comme des monstres “froids”, une appréciation plus fine et plus nuancée du crime s’esquisse dans les prétoires, qui distingue le parricide monstrueux du parricide tolérable et tend à individualiser davantage la peine. L’attention toute particulière que le corps judiciaire porte au supplice spécifique des parricides atteste très clairement l’importance que revêt un tel crime dans une société profondément patriarcale, encore très imprégnée du souvenir du régicide.In the XIXth century, although parricide was a relatively rare crime, it was at the top of the penal hierarchy. For the judiciary, however, it was a crime difficult to judge as shown by the obstacles encountered in establishing corpus delicti, the legal controversies on the precise nature of the crime and, above all, the uncertain nature of the legal definition of the facts. By progressively moving its view of the crime towards the criminal the XIXth century judicial system managed to consider with less dread a criminal act which, as such, left it helpless. But, if the magistrates perceived parricides as “cold” monsters, a finer and more qualified perception of the crime began to appear in courts with a distinction between a monstrous parricide and one who was provoked and thus a tendency to match the sentence with the characteristics of each case. The special attention given the legal profession to the specific ordeal of parricides shows very clearly the gravity of such a crime in a profoundly patriarchal society still impregnated with the memory of regicide

    Pierre Rivière et les autres. De la violence familiale au crime : le parricide en France au XIXe siècle (1825-1914)

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    Sous l'empire du Code pénal de 1810, le parricide est au XIXe siècle placé au sommet de la hiérarchie pénale. Défini par l'article 299 comme le “ meurtre du père et de la mère légitimes, naturels ou adoptifs, ou de tout autre ascendant légitime ”, il emporte la peine de mort, assortie d'un cérémonial particulier précisé dans l'article 13 : le condamné doit être conduit sur le lieu de l'exécution en chemise, nu-pieds et la tête couverte d'un voile noir et jusqu'à la réforme pénale de 18..

    La famille assiégée de l'intérieur : jeunes parricides au XIXème siècle

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    Au XIXème siècle, le parricide juvénile, bien que rare, est un crime hautement symbolique puisque, non content de nourrir les peurs concernant la criminalité juvénile, il porte atteinte à la cellule de base de la société, la famille. Criminel sous influence, le jeune parricide se voit rejeté aux marges de l'humanité, faisant tour à tour figure d'animal, de monstre si ce n'est de dégénéré. Plongeant la société dans l'embarras, il la confronte à ses propres limites et incertitudes sans parvenir pour autant à se faire entendre d'elle comme le montre la sévérité avec laquelle sont punis ces jeunes criminels. En donnant la parole à des acteurs sociaux ordinairement réduits au silence, l'étude des jeunesses parricides éclaire en creux les relations parents-enfants et part à la rencontre de nombreuses problématiques soulevées au XIXème siècle autour de la jeunesse.Family besieged from inside: young parricides in the xixth century. In the XIXth century, although rather rare, juvenile parricide is a highly symbolic crime. Indeed, not only does it fuel the fears related to crime committed by young people, but it although undermines the basic social unit - the family. As a criminal under influence, the young parricide is set aside on the fringes of humanity, appearing in turn as an animal, a monster or even as a degenerate. He puts the society in an awkward position because he confronts it with its own limits and uncertainty; and none the less he doesn't manage to be heard by this society - the severe punishment that is given to these young criminals proved it. Because it allows social agents who are usually reduced to silence to talk, the study of young parricides indirectly highlights the relationship between parents and children, and is in line with a number of issues raised in the XIXth century concerning youth

    Practice of Contemporary Dance Improves Cognitive Flexibility in Aging

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    As society ages and frequency of dementia increases exponentially, counteracting cognitive aging decline is a challenging issue for countries of the developed world. Previous studies have suggested that physical fitness based on cardiovascular and strength training helps to improve attentional control in normal aging. However, how motor activity based on motor-skill learning can also benefit attentional control with age has been hitherto a neglected issue. This study examined the impact of contemporary dance (CD) improvisation on attentional control of older adults, as compared to two other motor training programs, fall prevention and Tai Chi Chuan. Participants performed setting, suppressing, and switching attention tasks before and after 5.7-month training in either CD or fall prevention or Tai Chi Chuan. Results indicated that CD improved switching but not setting or suppressing attention. In contrast, neither fall prevention nor Tai Chi Chuan showed any effect. We suggest that CD improvisation works as a training for change, inducing plasticity in flexible attention

    IFI35, mir-99a and HCV Genotype to Predict Sustained Virological Response to Pegylated-Interferon Plus Ribavirin in Chronic Hepatitis C

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    International audienceAlthough, the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) greatly improved with the use of direct antiviral agents, pegylated-interferon (PEG-IFN) plus ribavirin remains an option for many patients, worldwide. The intra-hepatic level of expression of interferon stimulated genes (ISGs) and the rs12979860 CC genotype located within IFNL3 have been associated with sustained virological response (SVR), in patients with CHC. The aim of the study was to identify micro-RNAs associated with SVR and to build an accurate signature to predict SVR. Pre-treatment liver biopsies from 111 patients, treated with PEG-IFN plus ribavirin, were studied. Fifty-seven patients had SVR, 36 non-response (NR) and 18 relapse (RR). The expression of 851 human miRNAs and 30 selected mRNAs, including ISGs, was assessed by RT-qPCR. In the first group of patients (screen), 20 miRNAs out of the 851 studied were deregulated between NRs and SVRs. From the 4 miRNAs validated (mir-23a, mir-181a*, mir-217 and mir-99a), in the second group of patients (validation), 3 (mir-23a, mir-181a* and mir-99a) were down-regulated in NRs as compared to SVRs. The ISGs, studied, were accumulated in SVRs and IFNL3 rs12979860 CT/TT carriers compared respectively to NRs and CC carriers. Combining, clinical data together with the expression of selected genes and micro-RNAs, we identified a signature (IFI35, mir-99a and HCV genotype) to predict SVR (AUC:0.876) with a positive predictive value of 86.54% with high sensibility (80%) and specificity (80.4%). This signature may help to characterize patients with low chance to respond to PEG-IFN/ribavirin and to elucidate mechanisms of NR

    Using Pharmacokinetic and Viral Kinetic Modeling To Estimate the Antiviral Effectiveness of Telaprevir, Boceprevir, and Pegylated Interferon during Triple Therapy in Treatment-Experienced Hepatitis C Virus-Infected Cirrhotic Patients.: Effectiveness of triple therapy in cirrhotic patients

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    International audienceTriple therapy combining a protease inhibitor (PI) (telaprevir or boceprevir), pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN), and ribavirin (RBV) has dramatically increased the chance of eradicating hepatitis C virus (HCV). However, the efficacy of this treatment remains suboptimal in cirrhotic treatment-experienced patients. Here, we aimed to better understand the origin of this impaired response by estimating the antiviral effectiveness of each drug. Fifteen HCV genotype 1-infected patients with compensated cirrhosis, who were nonresponders to prior PEG-IFN/RBV therapy, were enrolled in a nonrandomized study. HCV RNA and concentrations of PIs, PEG-IFN, and RBV were frequently assessed in the first 12 weeks of treatment and were analyzed using a pharmacokinetic/viral kinetic model. The two PIs achieved similar levels of molar concentrations (P = 0.5), but there was a significant difference in the 50% effective concentrations (EC50) (P = 0.008), leading to greater effectiveness for telaprevir than for boceprevir in blocking viral production (99.8% versus 99.0%, respectively, P = 0.002). In all patients, the antiviral effectiveness of PEG-IFN was modest (43.4%), and there was no significant contribution of RBV exposure to the total antiviral effectiveness. The second phase of viral decline, which is attributed to the loss rate of infected cells, was slow (0.19 day(-1)) and was higher in patients who subsequently eradicated HCV (P = 0.03). The two PIs achieved high levels of antiviral effectiveness. However, the suboptimal antiviral effectiveness of PEG-IFN/RBV and the low loss of infected cells suggest that a longer treatment duration might be needed in cirrhotic treatment-experienced patients and that a future IFN-free regimen may be particularly beneficial in these patients

    Habemus gender! Déconstruction d'une riposte religieuse

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    Depuis 2012, les mobilisations françaises contre l’ouverture du mariage et de l’adoption aux unions de même sexe ont défrayé la chronique, tant en France qu’à l’étranger. Celles-ci ont révélé l’existence d’un mouvement sans précédent, dont l’agenda dépasse largement la reconnaissance des droits des homosexuel.le.s