955 research outputs found

    Automatic Repair of Infinite Loops

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    Research on automatic software repair is concerned with the development of systems that automatically detect and repair bugs. One well-known class of bugs is the infinite loop. Every computer programmer or user has, at least once, experienced this type of bug. We state the problem of repairing infinite loops in the context of test-suite based software repair: given a test suite with at least one failing test, generate a patch that makes all test cases pass. Consequently, repairing infinites loop means having at least one test case that hangs by triggering the infinite loop. Our system to automatically repair infinite loops is called InfinitelInfinitel. We develop a technique to manipulate loops so that one can dynamically analyze the number of iterations of loops; decide to interrupt the loop execution; and dynamically examine the state of the loop on a per-iteration basis. Then, in order to synthesize a new loop condition, we encode this set of program states as a code synthesis problem using a technique based on Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT). We evaluate our technique on seven seeded-bugs and on seven real-bugs. InfinitelInfinitel is able to repair all of them, within seconds up to one hour on a standard laptop configuration

    An organization design redefinition for the tourism sector using design thinking: Sustainable hotels case study

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    This chapter shows how the Classic Design Theory may be applied to create a new philosophy for organizations. In this study it is applied to a project in tourism sector. An investigation was made first in different companies in several sectors of activity in Portugal and has been recently successfully applied. The purpose of the chapter is to show how the identification and experimentation of concepts and methods used in classical design allow a better understanding of the implications they have in the engineering organization design theory. To renew the engineering organization design, an organizational design framework was conceived in order to use classical design methods and adapt them to organizational design theories. A contribution is made not just to the art of science of a designed-based organization design theory, but also to create and to test any organization design. Several alternative organization designs came out from the involved action research. We will present several examples of organization design interface based on real Eco Hotel. This represents a useful tool for organization design practitioners and non-organization design practitioners. For this purpose, an appliance was made and tested involving real organizations, interviews and focus groups (namely in the wine sector, or in the design sector, or yet on a NGO). The final result of this action research was a design-based organization design framework and its outcomes - which are unique, beautiful, functional, simple and sustainable – a design-based organization design interface that people love, considering always the context and user profile on which it is inserted.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Organizational design redefined by design thinking. Case studies in the hotel industry

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    This paper presents two different case studies, where the design thinking process, among other theories that came from classic design were used at the level of the organization design, organizational structure, process design and business design. Considering the exhaustive information brought from Classic Design Theory, a new philosophy was created for organizations based on that theory. Some frameworks were also created to help those who want to practise these technics and theories to design their own organization in a more profound, adequate and creative way. A study is made in the tourism sector based on two projects, one to be developed in the northern region of Portugal and the other one, already implemented, called “Biovilla Sustainability” located 40km away from Lisbon. The aim of this paper is to show how the identification and experimentation of concepts and methods used in classical design allow a better understanding of the implications they have in the engineering organization design theory and how their application may bring strong positive implications in terms of Simplicity (everyone understands); Functionality (it serves the purpose); Beauty (people love it); Sustainability (it must integrate time) and Viability of such projects, never forgetting the users and context where the project is embedded.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Econometric model of Services Sector Development and Impact of Tourism in Latin American Countries

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    Over recent decades some Latin American countries have experienced an important development due to the positive effect of tourism on the services sector. Our model relates tourism with the increase of Value-Added in services, taking into account other important variables which influence the evolution of this sector and explain the important differences among developed and less developed countries. Besides tourism, the industrial evolution is also very important to improve the development of services through some inter-sector relations. The model suggests that some stagnation of services development in many countries is due largely to a lack of industrial investment, specially in countries with a low level of tourism. Our main conclusions are that both factors, industry and tourism, need to be increased generally to contribute to development of employment and production of the services sector. .

    Inmigración y feminización del servicio doméstico español

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    [RESUMEN] El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es destacar las principales características de la inserción laboral de inmigrantes en un sector “altamente feminizado” como el del servicio doméstico español. Dado que este sector es considerado como uno de los de mayor índice de empleo informal en España, identificamos aquellos aspectos que resultan comunes a las empleadas nacionales y extranjeras; señalando también las principales diferencias entre ambas en cuanto al grado de participación, nivel de escolarización, interés en el reconocimiento de su status, entre otras cuestiones. Concluimos que la numerosa presencia de mujeres inmigrantes en este sector refuerza la condición del mismo de sector de elevada precariedad laboral, largas jornadas de trabajo y bajas remuneraciones y consolida su “feminización” tanto en el ámbito nacional como en el extranjero

    Classical design thinking to organization design in the tourism sector

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThe purpose of this action research is the identification and experimentation of the concepts and methods used in classical design with the aim of understanding its implication for the engineering organization design theory. This way, to renew this engineering organization design, a design space was conceived to use classical design methods in order to generate not only a designed-based organization design interface for an Eco Hotel, but also to create useful methods and tools for organization design practitioners and non-organization design practitioners, which facilitate the organization design construction and maintenance. For this purpose it was applied and tested in several real organizations, interviews and focus groups. The final result of this action research will be a design-based organization design generator and its outcome that is a unique functional, simple and sustainable Eco Hotel design-based organization design interface that people love, considering always the context and user profile in which it is inserted

    El nuevo ideal del matrimonio en la autobiografía de Marianne Weber

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    Investigación realizada en el marco de los proyectos "Judaísmo y feminidad: Representaciones del género y de la cultura en conflicto en la literatura alemana moderna y contemporánea" (FEM2009-09506, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) y "Xudaísmo e feminidade: Representacións do xénero e da cultura na literatura alemana moderna e contemporánea" (2009/PX076, Xunta de Galicia).La socióloga Marianne Weber fue una de las teóricas más importantes del feminismo burgués en Alemania. Uno de los temas que le preocuparon especialmente fue la revisión del concepto de matrimonio, ante los cambios sociales en torno a 1900. A pesar de las nuevas necesidades de la mujer en este momento de transformaciones que conduce a los movimientos por la emancipación femenina y al rechazo generalizado del matrimonio, Marianne Weber, impulsada también por sus propias experiencias vitales, afirma la relevancia y la necesidad del mismo como ideal de las relaciones sexuales, y lo define nuevamente.Sociologist Marianne Weber was one of the most important theorists of bourgeois feminism in Germany. One of the topics that specially concerned her was the review of the concept of marriage, in view of the social changes around 1900. In spite of the new needs of women leading to the movements for feminine emancipation and the widespread rejection of marriage at that time of transformation, Marianne Weber, stimulated by her own vital experiences, redefines the concept of matrimony and affirms its relevance as an ideal for sexual relations

    La persona y el Estado como agentes de responsabilidad para la producción de sociedades saludables: análisis temático desde la perspectiva de profesionales de la salud en Cataluña (España)

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    El objetivo del artículo es analizar los sentidos a partir de los cuales se articulan las prácticas de intervención en promoción de la salud y sus consecuencias en la atribución de responsabilidades en salud. La aprobación de la Ley 18/2009 de Salud Pública de Cataluña propició la realización del Projecte demostratiu de l’Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya el cual incluyó, durante 2009 y 2010, el Pla transversal d’educació i promoció de la salut en infants i joves en La Garrotxa (comarca de Cataluña), marco en el que se realizaron 20 entrevistas a informantes claves. Mediante un análisis temático, encontramos que se identifica al Estado y a la persona como los principales agentes responsables de la producción de sociedades saludables. Asimismo, evidenciamos que, a partir de diferentes articulaciones entre los discursos que refieren a la toma libre y racional de decisiones, y aquellos que refieren al entorno social, político y económico, se configuran diferentes enfoques sobre la responsabilidad, cuyos efectos se relacionan con la potenciación (o no) del Estado como garante de la salud poblacional en contraste con la culpabilización personal.This article aims to analyze the meanings upon which health promotion intervention practices are based, and the consequences of these meanings in the identification of responsibilities in health. The passage of Catalonia’s Public Health Law 18/2009 facilitated the development of the Demonstrative Project of the Public Health Agency, in the framework of which fieldwork for the Plan for Health Education and Promotion in Children and Adolescents in La Garrotxa (region of Catalonia) was carried out. In this way, 20 interviews with key informants were conducted. Through a thematic analysis, it was found that the State and the individual are identified as the primary agents responsible for the production of healthy societies. It was also evidenced that, in the articulation between the discourses referring to free and rational decisionmaking and those referring to the social, political and economic environment, different approaches towards responsibility are construed, with effects related to the potentiation (or lack thereof) of the State as a guarantor of the population’s health in opposition to blaming of the individual

    Regeneration of the beach of A Concha in Espasante (Ortigueira).

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    Los sectores principales que históricamente la parroquia de Espasante ha explotado para la generación de riqueza de la zona son el turismo y la pesca. Para la mejora de ésta se ha proyectado la construcción de un puerto que permitiera y facilitara a los habitantes de la zona realizar sus actividades. Sin embargo, la construcción de este puerto ha generado cambios en la batimetría de una de las playas más explotadas, la playa de A Concha. Se ha provocado el basculamiento de la playa hacia el puerto reduciendo notablemente la superficie de arena seca así como la función protectora de la costa. Es en este punto en el que se enmarca la realización del presente proyecto, cuya finalidad es la de dar solución a este problema aumentando la superficie de arena seca para recuperar la función protectora del litoral y volver a dotar al lugar de espacio en la playa para la atracción turística. Tras un estudio de alternativas se ha adoptado una solución consistente en la construcción de un dique intermedio que proporcione un nuevo punto de difracción al oleaje y permita la acumulación de mayor volumen de árido repartido en el borde litoral así como un avance horizontal de la línea de costa adaptándose a su forma de equilibrio en planta a través del aporte de árido.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ETSECCP). Tecnoloxía da Enxeñaría Civil. Curso 2015/201

    Systematic characterization of the micromechanical behaviour of inorganic matrix composites

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    El nitrur de bor cúbic (cBN) policristal·lí és un material ceràmic compost que pertany a la família dels materials súper durs. La informació sobre el comportament mecànic a escales micromètriques d’aquests materials és normalment escassa. En aquest sentit, la present investigació desenvolupa un estudi sistemàtic de les propietats micro mecàniques d’un material compost de cBN amb matriu ceràmica de nitrur de titani (TiN). L’estudi complert es divideix entres lots de caracterització ben interrelacionats entre ells: 1. Anàlisis composicional i microstructural. S’han desenvolupat anàlisis de composicions químiques mitjançant EDS i EMPA. A més s’ha realitzat l’estudi microstructural mitjançant tres metodologies diferents i s’han comparat els resultat i la precisió reportada per cadascuna d’elles. 2. Assaig micromecànic. S’ha implementat la metodologia de nanoindentació massiva, aconseguint extreure les propietats intrínseques de cadascuna de les fases del material a més del seu comportament com a material compost. Les dureses que s’han obtingut han estat de 32,82 i 55 GPa per a el TiN, cBN i el material compost respectivament. 3. Anàlisi per elements finits d’un volum representatiu de material extret mitjançant la reconstrucció d’una tomografia realitzada amb la tècnica de Canó d’ions focalitzat (FIB). Per últim també s’han mecanitzat pilars de mida micromètrica fi de poder comparar la resposta mecànica del material compost predita per la simulació amb la resposta física d’un pilar de material compost en ser comprimit