10 research outputs found

    Constraint-Based Heuristic On-line Test Generation from Non-deterministic I/O EFSMs

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    We are investigating on-line model-based test generation from non-deterministic output-observable Input/Output Extended Finite State Machine (I/O EFSM) models of Systems Under Test (SUTs). We propose a novel constraint-based heuristic approach (Heuristic Reactive Planning Tester (xRPT)) for on-line conformance testing non-deterministic SUTs. An indicative feature of xRPT is the capability of making reasonable decisions for achieving the test goals in the on-line testing process by using the results of off-line bounded static reachability analysis based on the SUT model and test goal specification. We present xRPT in detail and make performance comparison with other existing search strategies and approaches on examples with varying complexity.Comment: In Proceedings MBT 2012, arXiv:1202.582

    Liberaalne rahvuslus ja heterogeensed ühiskonnad: David Milleri ja Chaim Gansi teooriate võrdlus

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    Experiences with Dedicated Real-Time Operating Systems

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    Dog Dry Food Conformity to Feeding Requirements

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    Bakalaureusetöös anti kirjanduse põhjal ülevaade koerte söötade energiatihedusest, toitainete funktsioonidest koera organismis ning sisaldusest söötades. Eksperimentaalses osas võrreldi 19 Eestis müüdavat koerte kuivsööta, mis on müügil toidupoodides, lemmikloomapoodides ja –kliinikutes. Valitud söödad olid mõeldud keskmise suurusega aktiivsetele täiskasvanud koertele. Söötade sobivuse objektiivseks võrdlemiseks kasutati nn. standardkoera mudelit. Uurimistöö käigus selgus, et koerte kuivsöötade pakenditel oli toitainete sisaldust kirjeldav info sageli puudulik: 14 söödal puudus info süsivesikute sisalduse kohta ja niiskuse sisaldust ei olnud välja toodud seitsme sööda pakendil. Toitainete sisaldused varieeruvad koerte kuivsöötades suhteliselt suurel määral. Nendes söötades, milles olid kõrged toorproteiini ja toorrasva sisaldused, oli süsivesikute sisaldus madalam. Objektiivsem on hinnata söötade toitainete sisaldust kuivaines. Toitainete soovituslike normide järgi peaks olema täiskasvanud koera söödas proteiini kuivaines 18-30%, rasva minimaalselt 5,5% ja süsivesikuid minimaalselt 20%. 19-st kuivsöödast vastas nendele normidele 10 sööta. Peamised energiaallikad olid söötades süsivesikud, seejärel toorrasvad ja toorproteiin. Täiskasvanud koera sööda kalorilises jaotuses peaks olema toorproteiini osakaal 26%, toorrasval 38% ja süsivesikutel 36%. Nendele normidele vastas 5 kuivsööta. Söötade hindade võrdlemisel on objektiivsem kasutada ööpäevase söödakoguse hinda. Koerale sobiva kuivsööda valimisel tuleb arvestada koera vanuse, kehamassi ja aktiivsusega ning vastavalt nendele toitainete ja energiavajadusega. Seega on iga koer ainulaadne ja talle ei pruugi kõik kuivsöödad sobida.The Bachelor thesis gives an overview of the energy density of different dog foods and nutrient content recommendations, based on literature study. The thesis discusses different equations for calculating energy requirements of dogs and gives a short overview of nutrient functions and requirements. In the experimental part 19 dry dog foods, marketed in Estonia, are compared with the recommendations. Foods were selected randomly from the wide range of dry foods for middle sized active adult dogs. A standard dog model was used for objective comparison of the foods. Information about the contents of the nutrients on the labels of dry dog food packages was incomplete. The information about the carbohydrate content of 14 foods was not available and the moisture/dry matter content was not given on the packages of seven foods. The variation of nutrient content in dry dog foods varied on relatively wide scale. In the foods with high crude protein and crude fat content, the content of carbohydrates was lower. It is more objective to discuss nutrient contents in the dry matter of dog foods. As recommended, dry dog foods should contain 18-30% of protein in dry matter, the minimum content of fat should be 5,5% and of carbohydrate 20%. 10 out of 19 dry foods included to the study followed these recommendations. The carbohydrates were the main source of energy in foods, followed by crude fat and crude protein. Crude protein should give 26% in caloric distribution of adult dog feed, crude fat 38% and carbohydrates 36%. Only 5 dry foods out of 19 had caloric distribution according to these recommendations. When calculating the cost of dry dog food, it is more objective to use the cost per feeding day than the cost of food by weight. Choosing a suitable dry dog food the dog's age, weight and activity level must be considered. Every dog is unique and each dry food may not be suitable for every dog

    Future possibilities for mobile control of electrical devices at home

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    Målen med denna undersökning har varit att studera vilka tekniker som idag finns för att möjliggöra mobil styrning av hemmet och därigenom underlätta elanvändarens roll i en uppgradering av det befintliga elnätet, vilken/vilka tekniker som bör få störst betydelse för framtidens smarta hem, samt hur en implementering av en mobil applikation för fjärrstyrning av hemmet skulle kunna tas fram. Undersökningen har i första hand genomförts genom en omfattande förstudie och informationsinhämtning, genom jämförelser av för- och nackdelar mellan olika nätverkstekniker, samt genom utredande av lämplig utvecklingsmiljö baserat på tillgång till öppet utvecklar API, produkttillgänglighet och support, samt initialkostnad för utvecklingsverktyg och system för testning. Undersökningen har visat att det idag inte finns någon klar vinnare bland nätverksteknikerna på området, även om Zigbee, Z-Wave och Wi-Fi är de starkaste kandidaterna till att vinna stora marknadsandelar. Det är således inte uppenbart att någon teknik kommer att få mycket större utbredning än de övriga då teknikerna istället kan komma att komplettera varandra då de är starka på olika områden. Undersökningen har också visat att som utvecklingsmiljö är det svenska företaget Telldus produktlösning (Tellstick) en relativt billig och enkel produkt att använda för att komma igång med styrning av hemmet, samt att de tillhandahåller två öppna APIer och uppmuntrar tredjepartsutveckling av applikationer för deras system.The objectives of this study has been to examine the techniques available for enabling home automation via mobile control (for instance via a smartphone) in order to facilitate the user's role in contributing to the upgrade of the present power-grid, but also to treat the matter of which of the techniques that will probably be of most importance for the future of the smart home, and how an implementation of a mobile application for remote home controlling could be developed. The investigation was primarily conducted through a comprehensive feasibility study of information gathering, comparison of the pros and cons of different networking techniques, and investigation of suitable development environments based on the availability of open developer APIs, availability of product solutions and support, and the cost of development tools for both development and system testing. The investigation has shown that there is currently no clear winner among the networking techniques in this area, although Zigbee, Z-Wave and Wi-Fi are the strongest candidates to gain large market shares. There is also no certainty that any technology will play a much greater role than the others since the techniques may complement each other because of their strength in different areas. The investigation also showed that as for a development environment the product solution developed by the Swedish company Telldus (called Tellstick) is relatively cheap and simple to use to get started with home automation, and that they encourage third party development by offering two open APIs for application development

    From Design Formulas to Parallel Implementations

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    In this paper we show how to construct a parallel implementation for a certain kind of design specifications [Rav95], whose formulas can define stability, framing, selection, and progress properties. The implementation is described as a parallel composition of timed automata with deadlines [SiY96], where one automaton can read clocks of the other automata in the parallel composition. The class of timed automata is closed under this parallel composition. The relationship between the design specifications of [Rav95] and timed automata is also investigated in [Lak96]. The constructions presented in [Lak96] result in one timed automaton, whereas our transformation will give a parallel implementation