413 research outputs found

    Can aid switch gears to respond to sudden forced displacement? The case of Haut-Uele, DRC

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    How does the aid system respond when insecurity and suddenforced displacement occur in what has long been considered a stable, development context? Can longer-term aid interventions adapt when challenged to “shift gears” to address acute needs resulting from forced displacement? Based on observations from MĂ©decins Sans FrontiĂšres projects in Haut-UĂ©lĂ© in northeastern DRC in 2008–2009, this article examines assistance to displaced populations and the residents hosting them in LRA-affected areas—above all, the stakes and dilemmas involved in responding to such a sudden-onset emergency in what international donors and the national government considered an area in development. Initially, a much-needed response to violence and displacement failed to materialize, with little permanent humanitarian presence on the ground, while development approaches failed to adapt and meet emergency needs. Short-term contingency support was provided through development NGOs, but with limited scope and maintaining cost-recovery schemes for health toward an impoverished population facing an increasingly precarious situation. A long-term development approach was simply unable to respond to the sudden population increase and a fragile health situation.Comment rĂ©agit le systĂšme d’aide lorsque l’insĂ©curitĂ© et le dĂ©placement forcĂ© soudain se manifestent dans un contexte qui a longtemps Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ© comme stable et propice au dĂ©veloppement? L’intervention humanitaire Ă  long terme peut-elle s’adapter quand il lui faut « changer de vitesse » pour rĂ©pondre aux besoins aigus rĂ©sultant des dĂ©placements forcĂ©s? S’appuyant sur l’étude de projets de MĂ©decins Sans FrontiĂšres dans le Haut-UĂ©lĂ©, dans le nord-est de la RDC en 2008–2009, cet article examine l’aide aux populations dĂ©placĂ©es et aux rĂ©sidents qui les accueillent en zones touchĂ©es par l’ArmĂ©e de rĂ©sistance du Seigneur (LRA), plus particuliĂšrement les enjeux et dilemmes liĂ©s Ă  la rĂ©action envers une situation d’urgence apparue soudai-nement dans une zone que les donateurs internationaux et le gouvernement national considĂ©raient comme une zone de dĂ©veloppement. Au dĂ©part, une rĂ©ponse fort nĂ©cessaire Ă  la violence et au dĂ©placement ne s’est pas concrĂ©tisĂ©e, avec une faible prĂ©sence humanitaire permanente sur le terrain, alors que les approches de dĂ©veloppement n’ont su s’adapter et rĂ©pondre aux besoins d’urgence. Des ONG de dĂ©veloppement ont apportĂ© un soutien d’urgence Ă  court terme mais de portĂ©e limitĂ©e et le maintien d’un systĂšme de recouvrement des coĂ»ts pour les rĂ©gimes de santĂ© Ă  l’intention d’une population appauvrie confrontĂ© Ă  une situation de plus en plus prĂ©caire. Une approche de dĂ©veloppement Ă  long terme Ă©tait tout simplement incapable de rĂ©pondre Ă  l’augmentation soudaine de la population et une situation de santĂ© prĂ©caire

    Design and evaluation of convectively cooled nozzles

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    Computer program utilizes a desired gas sidewall temperature profile as an input and calculates the coolant passage dimensions required to achieve it. Second program utilizes fixed coolant passage dimensions as an input and calculates the resulting temperature profile

    Automated unique input output sequence generation for conformance testing of FSMs

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    This paper describes a method for automatically generating unique input output (UIO) sequences for FSM conformance testing. UIOs are used in conformance testing to verify the end state of a transition sequence. UIO sequence generation is represented as a search problem and genetic algorithms are used to search this space. Empirical evidence indicates that the proposed method yields considerably better (up to 62% better) results compared with random UIO sequence generation

    Alien Registration- Derderian, Tatoes (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Improved test quality using robust unique input/output circuit sequences (UIOCs)

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    In finite state machine (FSM) based testing, the problem of fault masking in the unique input/ output (UIO) sequence may degrade the test performance of the UIO based methods. This paper investigates this problem and proposes the use of a new type of unique input/output circuit (UIOC) sequence for state verification, which may help to overcome the drawbacks that exist in the UIO based techniques. When constructing a UIOC, overlap and internal state observation schema are used to increase the robustness of a test sequence. Test quality is compared by using the forward UIO method (F-method), the backward UIO method (B-method) and the UIOC method (C-method) separately. Robustness of the UIOCs constructed by the algorithm given in this paper is also compared with those constructed by the algorithm given previously. Experimental results suggest that the C-method outperforms the F- and the B-methods and the UIOCs constructed by the Algorithm given in this paper, are more robust than those constructed by other proposed algorithms

    InmunoexpresiĂłn de EP-CAM (MOC-31) en ameloblastos y carcinomas ameloblĂĄsticos

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    Los tumores odontogĂ©nicos constituyen un grupo heterogĂ©neo de lesiones de poco frecuentes, exclusivas de los huesos maxilares y mucosa bucal que los recubre, que surgen de los tejidos formadores de las piezas dentarias o sus remanentes. El ameloblastoma es una de las neoplasias odontogĂ©nicas mĂĄs prevalentes, de caracterĂ­sticas benigna agresiva, que se origina del epitelio odontogĂ©nico dentro de un estroma fibroso maduro desprovisto de ectomesĂ©nquima odontogĂ©nico. El carcinoma ameloblĂĄstico es la neoplasia odontogĂ©nica maligna mĂĄs comĂșn, contraparte maligna del ameloblastoma.Este trabajo busca determinar la inmunoexpresiĂłn de Ep-CAM (MOC-31) en ameloblastoma y carcinoma ameloblĂĄstico, y compararla con su expresiĂłn en germen dentario, con el objetivo de generar informaciĂłn que contribuya a comprender el rol de esta proteĂ­na en la biologĂ­a tumoral de estas neoplasias. La inmunoexpresiĂłn de MOC-31 fue evaluada en 60 muestras tumorales de ameloblastoma y nueve de carcinoma ameloblĂĄstico, y en 16 gĂ©rmenes dentarios. En ameloblastoma la expresiĂłn de MOC-31 resultĂł negativa en una amplia mayorĂ­a de los casos (83.3%). El carcinoma ameloblĂĄstico comparte similares resultados que la variante benigna (55.6% de negatividad). En contraste a estos hallazgos, los gĂ©rmenes dentarios mostraron moderada a intensa positividad al marcador en un elevado porcentaje de las muestras (81.3%). En ambos tumores la expresiĂłn de la proteĂ­na se observĂł de manera difusa a nivel de la membrana y el citoplasma epitelial tumoral, en tanto que en gĂ©rmenes dentarios se mostrĂł de igual forma en el epitelio interno del Ăłrgano del esmalte y el retĂ­culo estrellado adyacente. De acuerdo a los resultados, podemos concluir que la elevada expresiĂłn de Ep-CAM en germen dentario, sugiere un papel importante de esta proteĂ­na durante la odontogĂ©nesis. Su regulaciĂłn a la baja en ameloblastoma podrĂ­a estar relacionada con la pĂ©rdida de adhesiĂłn celular y organizaciĂłn epitelial que marcan el inicio de la transformaciĂłn neoplĂĄsica, y podrĂ­a conferir agresividad local a esta entidad. En cuanto a la relativa mayor expresiĂłn de Ep-CAM en el carcinoma ameloblĂĄstico respecto a su variante benigna, surge la interrogante acerca de un posible rol de esta molĂ©cula en la transformaciĂłn maligna del epitelio, lo que podrĂ­a ser objeto de estudio para prĂłximas investigaciones basadas en una mayor casuĂ­stica1) INTRODUCCIÓN 2) MARCO TEÓRICO 2.1. OdontogĂ©nesis y gĂ©rmenes dentarios. 2.2. Tumores odontogĂ©nicos. 2.3. Ameloblastomas y carcinomas ameloblĂĄsticos. 2.3.1. Cambios en la clasificaciĂłn. 2.3.2. CaracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nicas, imagenolĂłgicas e histopatolĂłgicas. 2.3.3. Avances en histopatogĂ©nesis. 2.3.4. Tratamiento. 2.4. Los biomarcadores moleculares como bioreporteros de los tumores odontogĂ©nicos. 2.4.1. Ep-CAM (MO-31). 3) PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 4) JUSTIFICACIÓN 5) OBJETIVOS 5.1. Objetivo general. 5.2. Objetivos especĂ­ficos. 6) METODOLOGÍA 6.1. Diseño de estudio. 6.2. Fases del estudio. 6.3. CaracterĂ­sticas de las muestras. 6.4. Criterios de inclusiĂłn y exclusiĂłn. 6.5. DefiniciĂłn y operacionalizaciĂłn de variables

    Trends and Challenges in Rural Homeless Veterans in the United States

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    Background: Homelessness is a significant public health issue in the United States. Living in rural locations has been associated with an increase in poverty. Additionally, it has been found that veterans are at greater risk for homelessness than the general population. The aim of this research was to characterize rural homeless veterans and non-veterans living in Nebraska, United States. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted comprising 50 veterans and 64 non-veterans recruited from rural locations in Nebraska. Fully structured interviews were conducted by the research staff that consisted of questions regarding participant sociodemographics, housing, clinical characteristics, psychosocial factors, and utilization of health care and social services. Results: In comparison to non-veterans, rural homeless veterans were found to be older, more qualified, and more likely to have ever been married. Veterans spent fewer nights in a shelter and more nights in a halfway house. Regarding clinical features, veterans were more likely to report posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol misuse. Veterans also reported shorter travel times to reach health care services and used them more often compared to non-veterans. Conclusion: These findings suggest that homeless veterans and non-veterans within rural settings have unique needs to be addressed when it comes to providing health care and social services, as well as in attempts to eliminating homelessness. Further research will help in the development of improved methods to support rural veterans and non-veterans
