266 research outputs found

    EEMCS final report for the causal modeling for air transport safety (CATS) project

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    This document reports on the work realized by the DIAM in relation to the completion of the CATS model as presented in Figure 1.6 and tries to explain some of the steps taken for its completion. The project spans over a period of time of three years. Intermediate reports have been presented throughout the project’s progress. These are presented in Appendix 1. In this report the continuous‐discrete distribution‐free BBNs are briefly discussed. The human reliability models developed for dealing with dependence in the model variables are described and the software application UniNet is presente

    The process of human resources management in educational institutions

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    Human resources determine the effectiveness of the enterprise and the level of services provided to clients. The most important elements of the human resource include: motivation, knowledge, skills, health, skills, attitudes and values. This article deals with topics related to human resource management in educational institutions. The text shows the essence, meaning and elements of human resource management at school. Theoretical considerations were supplemented with an indication of the role of the director in personnel management

    Stress and teachers satisfaction with educational work

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    Pedagogical activity is one of the special types of human work. Teachers in their daily work are exposed to various stressful situations. The article characterizes the phenomenon of stress and satisfaction in the teaching profession. The aim of this publication is to show the factors conditioning stress, as well as an indication of ways to deal with it. The article presents stress tests for teachers conducted in Poland and abroad. This article have a review character and has been prepared using international scientific databases such as Elsevier, Springer, Web of Science, and Ebsco

    Health education and health promotion among preschool children

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    The most important period for shaping health behavior is human childhood. An important task of parents and kindergarten teachers is to develop healthy eating habits and to encourage sports activities. During the daily educational and didactic classes, teachers implement health education in kindergarten. Cooperation with the local community and organization of meetings with health care representatives are also important. The purpose of this article is to show the essence of health education in kindergarten, with its goals and tasks. The text presents the role of the teacher as a health educator among preschool children

    Analysis of changes in the education system in contemporary societies on the example of Poland and Finland

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    Education is an important field that is the basis for functioning in a modern society. For this reason, there is a need for all activities related to the organization of the teaching process to be carried out in an effective way that will create optimal conditions for teachers to transfer their knowledge to students. It is important to create an education system that will respond to the current challenges in the field of teaching and educating a young person. One of the most important factors determining the proper course of the education process is the appropriate preparation of the teaching staff. In this publication, the basic concepts related to education and the educational system will be discussed. The aim of this article is to analyze the changes in the education system on the example of Poland and Finland

    Chrześcijańska tożsamość nauczyciela nauczania początkowego we współczesnym świecie

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    The primary task of the teacher is to support the child in his or her overall development. The work of a teacher is also a path of Christian vocation. The article is devoted to the issue of Christian identity of early education teachers. The aim of the considerations is also to show the dimensions of such an educator’s identity. The article attempts to answer the questions: who the teacher is; and what their role and calling in the modern world is. The main goal of pedagogical activity which is the comprehensive development of the child is discussed.Podstawowym zadaniem nauczyciela jest wspieranie dziecka w jego całościowym rozwoju. Zawód nauczyciela jest szczególnego rodzaju misją i powołaniem. Artykuł poświęcono kwestii tożsamości chrześ­cijańskiej nauczycieli nauczania początkowego. Celem rozważań jest także pokazanie wymiarów tożsamości nauczyciela. Dokonano próby udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytania, kim jest nauczyciel oraz jaka jest jego rola i powołanie we współczesnym świecie. Omówiono główny cel działalności pedagogicznej, jakim jest integralny rozwój dziecka

    DE “PRETOS VELHOS” À REMANESCENTES DE QUILOMBOS. Três comunidades negras do norte do Brasil e sua luta para sair da invisibilidade social e política.

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    O eixo central deste artigo é a problemática da invisibilidade social, econômica e política das comunidades negras do meio rural brasileiro, em torno dàs políticas de reconhecimento das comunidades remanescentes de quilombos como grupos étnicos minoritários, com um status jurídico diferenciado. Pretende-se discutir os processos de construção (ou não) do espaço de visibilidade por esses grupos neste contexto legal, estabelecido por meio das diretrizes constitucionais brasileiras que se referem aos direitos territoriais e culturais dos negros (art. 68 , 215 e 216). Observando o momento atual da questão da luta pela recuperação desse segmento da população brasileira, podemos perceber uma grande mobilização no sentido de alcançar os direitos garantidos pela Magna Carta, tendo em vista a realidade da escassez de tais reconhecimentos. Essa situação tem uma influência significativa na reconfiguração do cenário das invisibilidades sociais no Brasil, cenário em que a luta das comunidades negras rurais também se registra, embora sua atuação não reduza o fenômeno da invisibilidade social. O estudo constitui uma comparação de três localidades vizinhas do município de Codó (Estado do Maranhão), cujas grandes semelhanças encontram seu desafio ao se deparar com as realidades demarcadas pelos (não) reconhecimentos como remanescentes de quilombos

    The (Lost) Voice of a Woman: the Gorgonowa Case in Irena Krzywicka’s Narrative

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    The article analyses Irena Krzywicka’s coverage of the so-called Gorgonowa case, in which a Yugoslavian citizen, Rita Gorgon, was accused of killing her teenage stepdaughter. The authors notice two seemingly dissonant practices in the analysed text: Krzywicka’s involvement in the fight for women’s rights is accompanied by taking away the accused’s voice. The feminist writer treats the case as a pretext for a critique of the bourgeoisie and its institutions, which she achieves by revealing and exaggerating the theatricality coupled with sadism present in the court proceedings. The strategy of exoticisation of Rita Gorgon, which affected her perception as a stranger, is also explored. In the emotionally charged description of the trial, there is surprisingly little space for the voice of the accused herself, who is not represented by Krzywicka, but merely presented. The pursuit of rehabilitation undertaken by Rita Gorgon’s daughter and granddaughter appears to be an attempt to symbolically return the voice to the accused and to recreate the “feminine continuum”

    El color de la (in)visibilidad. Las comunidades negras del campo en Brasil y las políticas de reconocimiento. Un estudio comparativo

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    [spa] Esta tesis tiene como eje central la problemática de la invisibilidad social, económica y política de las comunidades negras del medio rural en Brasil, frente a las políticas de reconocimiento de las comunidades remanentes de quilombos como grupos étnicos minoritarios, con un estatus legal diferenciado. Se pretende debatir sobre los procesos de construcción (o no) del espacio de visibilidad por parte de estos grupos en dicho contexto jurídico, establecido a través de las directivas constitucionales brasileñas que hacen referencia a los derechos territoriales y culturales para la gente negra (Art 68, 215 y 216). Observando el momento actual de la cuestión de la lucha reivindicativa de este segmento de la población brasileña, se puede percibir una gran movilización en el sentido de alcanzar los derechos garantizados por la Carta Magna, frente a la realidad de la escasez de dichos reconocimientos. Esta situación influye de una manera significativa para la reconfiguración del escenario de las (in)visibilidades sociales en Brasil, en el que se inscribe la de las comunidades negras rurales, no necesariamente disminuyendo el mismo fenómeno de la invisibilidad. El estudio se constituye en una comparativa de tres localidades vecinas del municipio de Codó (Estado de Maranhao), cuyas grandes similitudes encuentran su desafío al tropezar con las realidades demarcadas por los (no) reconocimientos como remanentes de quilombos.[eng] This dissertation has as its central axis the problem of social, economic and political invisibility of rural black communities in Brazil, in the context of the recognition policies for the remnants of marron communities as ethnic minority groups, with a distinct legal status. It is intended to discuss the process of construction (or not) of the visibility space by these groups in this legal context, which it has been established through Brazilian constitutional directives referring to territorial and cultural rights for black people (Art 68 , 215 and 216). Looking at the present time the question of the struggle for demands of this segment of the Brazilian population, one can notice a large mobilization meaning to achieve the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, face to the reality of scarcity of such recognition. This situation significantly influences a scenario of reconfiguration of the social (in)visibilities in Brazil, in which the rural black communities situation is inserted, not necessarily decreasing the phenomenon of invisibility. The study is a comparison of three neighboring villages in the municipality of Codo (state of Maranhao), whose great similarities find their challenge when encountering the realities demarcated by the (non) recognition as remnants of the marron communitie

    El color de la (in)visibilidad. Las comunidades negras del campo en Brasil y las políticas de reconocimiento. Un estudio comparativo

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    Esta tesis tiene como eje central la problemática de la invisibilidad social, económica y política de las comunidades negras del medio rural en Brasil, frente a las políticas de reconocimiento de las comunidades remanentes de quilombos como grupos étnicos minoritarios, con un estatus legal diferenciado. Se pretende debatir sobre los procesos de construcción (o no) del espacio de visibilidad por parte de estos grupos en dicho contexto jurídico, establecido a través de las directivas constitucionales brasileñas que hacen referencia a los derechos territoriales y culturales para la gente negra (Art 68, 215 y 216). Observando el momento actual de la cuestión de la lucha reivindicativa de este segmento de la población brasileña, se puede percibir una gran movilización en el sentido de alcanzar los derechos garantizados por la Carta Magna, frente a la realidad de la escasez de dichos reconocimientos. Esta situación influye de una manera significativa para la reconfiguración del escenario de las (in)visibilidades sociales en Brasil, en el que se inscribe la de las comunidades negras rurales, no necesariamente disminuyendo el mismo fenómeno de la invisibilidad. El estudio se constituye en una comparativa de tres localidades vecinas del municipio de Codó (Estado de Maranhao), cuyas grandes similitudes encuentran su desafío al tropezar con las realidades demarcadas por los (no) reconocimientos como remanentes de quilombos.This dissertation has as its central axis the problem of social, economic and political invisibility of rural black communities in Brazil, in the context of the recognition policies for the remnants of marron communities as ethnic minority groups, with a distinct legal status. It is intended to discuss the process of construction (or not) of the visibility space by these groups in this legal context, which it has been established through Brazilian constitutional directives referring to territorial and cultural rights for black people (Art 68 , 215 and 216). Looking at the present time the question of the struggle for demands of this segment of the Brazilian population, one can notice a large mobilization meaning to achieve the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, face to the reality of scarcity of such recognition. This situation significantly influences a scenario of reconfiguration of the social (in)visibilities in Brazil, in which the rural black communities situation is inserted, not necessarily decreasing the phenomenon of invisibility. The study is a comparison of three neighboring villages in the municipality of Codo (state of Maranhao), whose great similarities find their challenge when encountering the realities demarcated by the (non) recognition as remnants of the marron communities