152 research outputs found

    Dissecting the Serotonergic Food Signal Stimulating Sensory-Mediated Aversive Behavior in C. elegans

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    Nutritional state often modulates olfaction and in Caenorhabditis elegans food stimulates aversive responses mediated by the nociceptive ASH sensory neurons. In the present study, we have characterized the role of key serotonergic neurons that differentially modulate aversive behavior in response to changing nutritional status. The serotonergic NSM and ADF neurons play antagonistic roles in food stimulation. NSM 5-HT activates SER-5 on the ASHs and SER-1 on the RIA interneurons and stimulates aversive responses, suggesting that food-dependent serotonergic stimulation involves local changes in 5-HT levels mediated by extrasynaptic 5-HT receptors. In contrast, ADF 5-HT activates SER-1 on the octopaminergic RIC interneurons to inhibit food–stimulation, suggesting neuron-specific stimulatory and inhibitory roles for SER-1 signaling. Both the NSMs and ADFs express INS-1, an insulin-like peptide, that appears to cell autonomously inhibit serotonergic signaling. Food also modulates directional decisions after reversal is complete, through the same serotonergic neurons and receptors involved in the initiation of reversal, and the decision to continue forward or change direction after reversal is dictated entirely by nutritional state. These results highlight the complexity of the “food signal” and serotonergic signaling in the modulation of sensory-mediated aversive behaviors

    RHGF-2 Is an Essential Rho-1 Specific RhoGEF that binds to the Multi-PDZ Domain Scaffold Protein MPZ-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    RhoGEF proteins activate the Rho family of small GTPases and thus play a key role in regulating fundamental cellular processes such as cell morphology and polarity, cell cycle progression and gene transcription. We identified a Caenorhabditis elegans RhoGEF protein, RHGF-2, as a binding partner of the C. elegans multi-PDZ domain scaffold protein MPZ-1 (MUPP1 in mammals). RHGF-2 exhibits significant identity to the mammalian RhoGEFs PLEKHG5/Tech/Syx and contains a class I C-terminal PDZ binding motif (SDV) that interacts most strongly to MPZ-1 PDZ domain eight. RHGF-2 RhoGEF activity is specific to the C. elegans RhoA homolog RHO-1 as determined by direct binding, GDP/GTP exchange and serum response element-driven reporter activity. rhgf-2 is an essential gene since rhgf-2 deletion mutants do not elongate during embryogenesis and hatch as short immobile animals that arrest development. Interestingly, the expression of a functional rhgf-2::gfp transgene appears to be exclusively neuronal and rhgf-2 overexpression results in loopy movement with exaggerated body bends. Transient expression of RHGF-2 in N1E-115 neuroblastoma cells prevents neurite outgrowth similar to constitutive RhoA activation in these cells. Together, these observations indicate neuronally expressed RHGF-2 is an essential RHO-1 specific RhoGEF that binds most strongly to MPZ-1 PDZ domain eight and is required for wild-type C. elegans morphology and growth