629 research outputs found

    Dificultades de estudiantes de magisterio en el conocimiento de las fases de la luna a lo largo de una secuencia de indagación

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    Este trabajo muestra las dificultades que presentan 84 estudiantes del Grado en Educación Primaria al representar las fases de la Luna, contenido a enseñar/aprender en el segundo ciclo de la Educación Primaria. Los estudiantes han participado en una secuencia de enseñanza/aprendizaje detipo indagativo que incluye observación diaria de la Luna. Los datos muestran grandes dificultades iniciales, con muchas formas omitidas y/o mal representadas, sobre todo las que corresponden a las fases gibosas y a los cuartos. Se tienen datos de distintos momentos del proceso que muestran la evolución del conocimiento a lo largo del mismo y que parecen indicar que en este caso la discusión grupal posterior a la observación ha sido clave para el aprendizaje del contenido científico en cuestión

    El Habitus traductológico en los escritores vascos contemporáneos

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    Basque writers have many ways of approaching translation: some Basque writers are selftranslators, while others prefer professional translators to translate their work; some Basque writers work as professional translators, while others translate as a training activity; some of them even integrate translations and translator characters into their works of fiction. The aim of this paper is to describe what translation habits Basque writers have, and what their attitude is towards Basque translations. For that purpose, fifteen questionnaires have been analysed and the translation habitus described. Basque writers feel that translation is a very proximate reality and approach translation as authors, not as translators (it is not always the case). They do not consider themselves as being part of the professional translation field, but they perceive the evolution of Basque literary translation to be positive. The institutionalisation process happening in the field has had its effect on their approach to translation and their discourse on it. The evolution of fictional translators is a clear example of it.Los escritores vascos contemporáneos interactúan de diversas formas en el campo la traducción: algunos autotraducen sus obras, otros prefieren que la traducción sea realizada por traductores profesionales; algunos son traductores de profesión, otros traducen como actividad complementaria o de aprendizaje; incluso hay quien introduce a traductores como personajes en sus obras de ficción. El presente trabajo pretende describir los hábitos de traducción de algunos escritores vascos contemporáneos y sus actitudes en torno a la traducción al/del euskera. Para ello, se analizan quince cuestionarios y se describe el habitus traductológico: la traducción es para los escritores vascos una actividad cotidiana; abordan sus traducciones desde la perspectiva de creación (no siempre resulta así). Sin embargo, no se sienten parte del colectivo de traductores. Los escritores contemporáneos vascos valoran positivamente la evolución de la traducción literaria en lengua vasca, y la institucionalización de dicha actividad ha influido en su discurso y sus prácticas; el cambio de imagen del traductor en ficción es un claro ejemplo de ello

    Contribution of x-linked genes to the origin and development of intellectual disability in patients from the spanish Basque Country

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    167 p.La Discapacidad Intelectual (DI) es un desorden del neurodesarrollo que afecta aproximadamente al 1-3 % de la población y que supone un serio problema, tanto médico como social, en los países desarrollados. La DI ligada al cromosoma X (XLID) representa un grupo importante, por haber más varones que mujeres con DI y en muchos casos se segrega además vía materna. En los últimos años, las tecnologías de secuenciación masiva (NGS), han contribuido de forma importante al diagnóstico de la XLID, lo que nos hizo plantear la HIPÓTESIS de que en nuestros pacientes sin filiar podríamos aplicar la NGS encontrando nuevos genes/variantes causantes de DI y aplicando estos resultados al diagnóstico y al Consejo genético en las familias.- OBJETIVOS: Se marcaron 3 objetivos, cuyos resultados siguen el mismo orden:- RESULTADOS:1.- Se revisó la base de datos del laboratorio de los 1909 pacientes varones que llegaron para el estudio del gen FMR1 durante 1991-2015. Se seleccionaron 230 que tenían historia familiar (el 12%) y se cuantificaron y clasificaron los 59 diagnósticos moleculares ya obtenidos, la mayoría de los cualesestaban ligados al X (52/59), siendo el Síndrome X Frágil el más prevalente (43 casos) y demostrando ya la importancia de los genes del X en el origen de la DI (52/230=22,6%).2.- Se diseñó un panel de 82 genes del X para aplicarlo por NGS a los casos sin filiar. En total se estudiaron con el panel 61 pacientes varones con posible DI ligada al X. Se identificaron 17 variantes candidatas en 16 pacientes (16/61=26.23%) y se pudieron recontactar 6 familias con 7 variantes para estudios de cosegregación. Esto hizo posible la interpretación de algunas variantes como patogénicas, probablemente patogénicas o benignas.3.-Se validó el panel de genes del X comparándolo con el exoma completo en trio en 13 parejas de hermanos varones con DI. Aunque el panel de genes resultó en una tasa más baja de diagnóstico (1/13) que el exoma (4/13), el panel ofreció una mayor profundidad de cobertura de las regiones cubiertas y por lo tanto mejor detección de variantes. Finalmente, juntando los datos de estas 13 familias con las parejas de hermanos de la base de datos que ya tenían diagnóstico molecular (en total 45), se comprobó que la mayoría tenían variantes en el cromosoma X (15/45) por lo que la contribución del cromosoma X es del 33.33% en nuestra cohorte de parejas de hermanos con DI.- CONCLUSIONES: Este estudio demuestra la importante contribución de los genes del X en pacientes varones con DI e historia familiar, del orden del 22 al 33% en nuestra cohorte. Además, este trabajo ha demostrado la utilidad del panel de genes del X en el desciframiento de la DI ligada al X; ha puesto de manifiesto las limitaciones de los análisis de segregación y la necesidad de los estudios funcionales; y ha demostrado la necesidad de estudiar retrospectivamente los pacientes para aplicarles las nuevas tecnologías con el fin de lograr más y mejores diagnósticos genéticos moleculare

    Contribution of x-linked genes to the origin and development of intellectual disability in patients from the spanish Basque Country

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    167 p.La Discapacidad Intelectual (DI) es un desorden del neurodesarrollo que afecta aproximadamente al 1-3 % de la población y que supone un serio problema, tanto médico como social, en los países desarrollados. La DI ligada al cromosoma X (XLID) representa un grupo importante, por haber más varones que mujeres con DI y en muchos casos se segrega además vía materna. En los últimos años, las tecnologías de secuenciación masiva (NGS), han contribuido de forma importante al diagnóstico de la XLID, lo que nos hizo plantear la HIPÓTESIS de que en nuestros pacientes sin filiar podríamos aplicar la NGS encontrando nuevos genes/variantes causantes de DI y aplicando estos resultados al diagnóstico y al Consejo genético en las familias.- OBJETIVOS: Se marcaron 3 objetivos, cuyos resultados siguen el mismo orden:- RESULTADOS:1.- Se revisó la base de datos del laboratorio de los 1909 pacientes varones que llegaron para el estudio del gen FMR1 durante 1991-2015. Se seleccionaron 230 que tenían historia familiar (el 12%) y se cuantificaron y clasificaron los 59 diagnósticos moleculares ya obtenidos, la mayoría de los cualesestaban ligados al X (52/59), siendo el Síndrome X Frágil el más prevalente (43 casos) y demostrando ya la importancia de los genes del X en el origen de la DI (52/230=22,6%).2.- Se diseñó un panel de 82 genes del X para aplicarlo por NGS a los casos sin filiar. En total se estudiaron con el panel 61 pacientes varones con posible DI ligada al X. Se identificaron 17 variantes candidatas en 16 pacientes (16/61=26.23%) y se pudieron recontactar 6 familias con 7 variantes para estudios de cosegregación. Esto hizo posible la interpretación de algunas variantes como patogénicas, probablemente patogénicas o benignas.3.-Se validó el panel de genes del X comparándolo con el exoma completo en trio en 13 parejas de hermanos varones con DI. Aunque el panel de genes resultó en una tasa más baja de diagnóstico (1/13) que el exoma (4/13), el panel ofreció una mayor profundidad de cobertura de las regiones cubiertas y por lo tanto mejor detección de variantes. Finalmente, juntando los datos de estas 13 familias con las parejas de hermanos de la base de datos que ya tenían diagnóstico molecular (en total 45), se comprobó que la mayoría tenían variantes en el cromosoma X (15/45) por lo que la contribución del cromosoma X es del 33.33% en nuestra cohorte de parejas de hermanos con DI.- CONCLUSIONES: Este estudio demuestra la importante contribución de los genes del X en pacientes varones con DI e historia familiar, del orden del 22 al 33% en nuestra cohorte. Además, este trabajo ha demostrado la utilidad del panel de genes del X en el desciframiento de la DI ligada al X; ha puesto de manifiesto las limitaciones de los análisis de segregación y la necesidad de los estudios funcionales; y ha demostrado la necesidad de estudiar retrospectivamente los pacientes para aplicarles las nuevas tecnologías con el fin de lograr más y mejores diagnósticos genéticos moleculare

    El "Habitus" traductológico en los escritores vascos contemporáneos

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    Basque writers have many ways of approaching translation: some Basque writers are selftranslators, while others prefer professional translators to translate their work; some Basque writers work as professional translators, while others translate as a training activity; some of them even integrate translations and translator characters into their works of fiction. The aim of this paper is to describe what translation habits Basque writers have, and what their attitude is towards Basque translations. For that purpose, fifteen questionnaires have been analysed and the translation habitus described. Basque writers feel that translation is a very proximate reality and approach translation as authors, not as translators (it is not always the case). They do not consider themselves as being part of the professional translation field, but they perceive the evolution of Basque literary translation to be positive. The institutionalisation process happening in the field has had its effect on their approach to translation and their discourse on it. The evolution of fictional translators is a clear example of it.Los escritores vascos contemporáneos interactúan de diversas formas en el campo la traducción: algunos autotraducen sus obras, otros prefieren que la traducción sea realizada por traductores profesionales; algunos son traductores de profesión, otros traducen como actividad complementaria o de aprendizaje; incluso hay quien introduce a traductores como personajes en sus obras de ficción. El presente trabajo pretende describir los hábitos de traducción de algunos escritores vascos contemporáneos y sus actitudes en torno a la traducción al/del euskera. Para ello, se analizan quince cuestionarios y se describe el habitus traductológico: la traducción es para los escritores vascos una actividad cotidiana; abordan sus traducciones desde la perspectiva de creación (no siempre resulta así). Sin embargo, no se sienten parte del colectivo de traductores. Los escritores contemporáneos vascos valoran positivamente la evolución de la traducción literaria en lengua vasca, y la institucionalización de dicha actividad ha influido en su discurso y sus prácticas; el cambio de imagen del traductor en ficción es un claro ejemplo de ello

    Basque translation in the structure of basque literary historiographies

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    This paper reviews the evolving representations of translation through a perusal of eleven historiographies of Basque literature: we examine the translation figures in them and we analyze how each author has treated translation. In order to classify the discourses of the historiographers, our journey takes us through the monographs devoted to Basque literary history by Orixe (1927), Mitxelena (1960), Villasante (1961), Sarasola (1971), Mujika (1979), Juaristi (1987), Orpustan (1996), Urkizu (2000), López Gaseni (2002), Aldekoa (2004), and Olaziregi (2012). We also consider the position and function of translation in the construction of Basque literature. We reveal discourses on translated Basque literature in order to expose paths to the history of translation; indeed, the present research shows what kind of impact the field of translation can have on the space it shares with the neighbouring field of literature. We make a particular effort to answer the following question: what function does translation fulfil in the historiographical structure of Basque literature?This paper reviews the evolving representations of translation through a perusal of eleven historiographies of Basque literature: we examine the translation figures in them and we analyze how each author has treated translation. In order to classify the discourses of the historiographers, our journey takes us through the monographs devoted to Basque literary history by Orixe (1927), Mitxelena (1960), Villasante (1961), Sarasola (1971), Mujika (1979), Juaristi (1987), Orpustan (1996), Urkizu (2000), López Gaseni (2002), Aldekoa (2004), and Olaziregi (2012). We also consider the position and function of translation in the construction of Basque literature. We reveal discourses on translated Basque literature in order to expose paths to the history of translation; indeed, the present research shows what kind of impact the field of translation can have on the space it shares with the neighbouring field of literature. We make a particular effort to answer the following question: what function does translation fulfil in the historiographical structure of Basque literature?This paper reviews the evolving representations of translation through a perusal of eleven historiographies of Basque literature: we examine the translation figures in them and we analyze how each author has treated translation. In order to classify the discourses of the historiographers, our journey takes us through the monographs devoted to Basque literary history by Orixe (1927), Mitxelena (1960), Villasante (1961), Sarasola (1971), Mujika (1979), Juaristi (1987), Orpustan (1996), Urkizu (2000), López Gaseni (2002), Aldekoa (2004), and Olaziregi (2012). We also consider the position and function of translation in the construction of Basque literature. We reveal discourses on translated Basque literature in order to expose paths to the history of translation; indeed, the present research shows what kind of impact the field of translation can have on the space it shares with the neighbouring field of literature. We make a particular effort to answer the following question: what function does translation fulfil in the historiographical structure of Basque literature?This paper reviews the evolving representations of translation through a perusal of eleven historiographies of Basque literature: we examine the translation figures in them and we analyze how each author has treated translation. In order to classify the discourses of the historiographers, our journey takes us through the monographs devoted to Basque literary history by Orixe (1927), Mitxelena (1960), Villasante (1961), Sarasola (1971), Mujika (1979), Juaristi (1987), Orpustan (1996), Urkizu (2000), López Gaseni (2002), Aldekoa (2004), and Olaziregi (2012). We also consider the position and function of translation in the construction of Basque literature. We reveal discourses on translated Basque literature in order to expose paths to the history of translation; indeed, the present research shows what kind of impact the field of translation can have on the space it shares with the neighbouring field of literature. We make a particular effort to answer the following question: what function does translation fulfil in the historiographical structure of Basque literature

    Development of Systems and Futures Thinking Skills by Primary Pre‑service Teachers for Addressing Epidemics

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    Science educators highlight the importance of developing systems thinking (ST) and futures thinking (FT) for students to make decisions and to be active citizens that address socioscientific problems. The dimensions related to FT take in this study were three implied in ST and two in the appropriation of the future. The aim of this study is to analyse the level of FT-related dimensions developed by a group of pre-service elementary teachers and how far different activities designed to foster them were effective. Written explanations presented by the participants about the origin of pandemics and possible ways to prevent them, as well as videos developed by small groups with the goal to present a campaign for avoiding future pandemics, were analysed. Based on the literature, five dimensions and up to four levels of performances were identified. After completing the activities, participants were able to relate the three spheres of the “One Health” notion to explain the causes of pandemics. Moreover, they established complex cause-effect relationships between the different factors, although they only constructed monocausal relationships when proposing measures. Participants improved their performance in anticipating the future and identifying themselves as agents of change. The elaboration of concept maps facilitated the development of components and behaviour ST dimensions, and the design of the campaign allowed participants to identify themselves as agents of change. The use of these strategies in science education can contribute to the development of a citizenry capable of understanding and acting on systems.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was developed within RODA (Ref. ED431C2021/05) and KOMATZI (GIU19/008) research groups, and was supported by ESPIGA project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Education, and Universities, partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Grant code PGC2018-096581-B-C22

    Exploring primary preservice teachers' agency and systems thinking in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The science education curriculum has become increasingly focused on the study of complex systems and on the development of agency so that students make decisions on relevant issues. The current pandemic has underlined the need to look at health from a systemic “One Health” approach, but little is known about the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and actions necessary for individuals to successfully contribute to One Health. This study seeks to contribute to this knowledge, and explores preservice elementary teachers’ agency and systems thinking competencies to propose actions for preventing future pandemics from the One Health approach. The participants were 47 preservice elementary teachers working on a set of activities about the COVID-19 pandemic, in which they were asked about ways to prevent future pandemics. Content analysis of individual written responses was applied for addressing the level of systems thinking and the sense of personal and collective responsibility toward the action proposed. Results show that the preservice teachers initially referred mainly to actions in the human health dimension, and that the systems thinking showed a higher level when they made the activity in groups after reading information. Collectively proposed actions showed a lack of agency or individual responsibility compared to individually proposed ones. The implications of the results for science teaching are discussed.This research was developed within RODA research group (Ref. ED431C2021/05) and was supported by ESPIGA project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Education, and Universities, partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (Grant Code: PGC2018-096581-B-C22)

    Use of data obtained in the field and its contribution to the process of construction of the geological change model by preservice elementary teachers

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    Background: Science education should encompass enculturation in science which implies performing scientific practices such as use of data and modelling, in authentic contexts like the field. Purpose: This work aims to determine how preservice elementary teachers (PETs) use data obtained in the field, and how these data contribute to the process of building a model of geological change. Sample: 41 Preservice Elementary Teachers (PETs) participated in the study. Design and methods: A mixed methods design was used. The data from the conversations of 9 groups during the 6 sessions following a field trip were categorized by constant comparison according to how the data from the field were used. The cases of field data used for modelling were further categorised through the Modelling Model Diagram framework. The PETs´ perception was examined by means of an open-ended question. Results: PETs did use field trip as a learning resource and appealed to it without being explicitly required to. Seven groups used the data for the modelling process, mainly for creating and testing the model. Data were used in four of the groups as evidence for evaluating the validity of models. PETs perceived the field trip to be useful. Specifically, they acknowledged its usefulness whilst carrying out operations related to the creation of the model but they showed lack of awareness about the usefulness for performing other important operations. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the field trip may be a valuable resource for developing scientific practices such as use of data and modelling in science education. The positive perception of the PETs about the usefulness of the field trip for the learning process may foster their involvement in the design and implementation of such field trips in the future.This work was supported by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU Research Grants: Mod. II Groups [GIU19/008 and PPGA20/14]

    Q-SEA - a tool for quality assessment of ethics analyses conducted as part of health technology assessments

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    Introduction: Assessment of ethics issues is an important part of health technology assessments (HTA). However, in terms of existence of quality assessment tools, ethics for HTA is methodologically under-developed in comparison to other areas of HTA, such as clinical or cost effectiveness.Objective: To methodologically advance ethics for HTA by: (1) proposing and elaborating Q-SEA, the first instrument for quality assessment of ethics analyses, and (2) applying Q-SEA to a sample systematic review of ethics for HTA, in order to illustrate and facilitate its use. Methods: To develop a list of items for the Q-SEA instrument, we sys-tematically reviewed the literature on methodology in ethics for HTA, reviewed HTA organizations’ websites, and solicited views from 32 ex-perts in the field of ethics for HTA at two 2-day workshops. We sub-sequently refined Q-SEA through its application to an ethics analysis conducted for HTA.Results: Q-SEA instrument consists of two domains – the process do-main and the output domain. The process domain consists of 5 ele-ments: research question, literature search, inclusion/exclusion criteria, perspective, and ethics framework. The output domain consists of 5 elements: completeness, bias, implications, conceptual clarification, and conflicting values.Conclusion: Q-SEA is the first instrument for quality assessment of ethics analyses in HTA. Further refinements to the instrument to enhance its usability continue