232 research outputs found

    Fotogrametría de rango cercano aplicada a la Ingeniería Agroforestal

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    Tesis por compendio de publicaciones[EN]Since the late twentieth century, Geotechnologies are being applied in different research lines in Agroforestry Engineering aimed at advancing in the modeling of biophysical parameters in order to improve the productivity. In this study, low-cost and close range photogrammetry has been used in different agroforestry scenarios to solve identified gaps in the results and improve procedures and technology hitherto practiced in this field. Photogrammetry offers the advantage of being a non-destructive and non-invasive technique, never changing physical properties of the studied element, providing rigor and completeness to the captured information. In this PhD dissertation, the following contributions are presented divided into three research papers: • A methodological proposal to acquire georeferenced multispectral data of high spatial resolution using a low-cost manned aerial platform, to monitor and sustainably manage extensive áreas of crops. The vicarious calibration is exposed as radiometric calibration method of the multispectral sensor embarked on a paraglider. Low-cost surfaces are performed as control coverages. • The development of a method able to determine crop productivity under field conditions, from the combination of close range photogrammetry and computer vision, providing a constant operational improvement and a proactive management in the crop monitoring. An innovate methodology in the sector is proposed, ensuring flexibility and simplicity in the data collection by non-invasive technologies, automation in processing and quality results with low associated cost. • A low cost, efficient and accurate methodology to obtain Digital Height Models of vegatal cover intended for forestry inventories by integrating public data from LiDAR into photogrammetric point clouds coming from low cost flights. This methodology includes the potentiality of LiDAR to register ground points in areas with high density of vegetation and the better spatial, radiometric and temporal resolution from photogrammetry for the top of vegetal covers.[ES]Desde finales del siglo XX se están aplicando Geotecnologías en diferentes líneas de investigación en Ingeniería Agroforestal orientadas a avanzar en la modelización de parámetros biofísicos con el propósito de mejorar la productividad. En este estudio se ha empleado fotogrametría de bajo coste y rango cercano en distintos escenarios agroforestales para solventar carencias detectadas en los resultados obtenidos y mejorar los procedimientos y la tecnología hasta ahora usados en este campo. La fotogrametría ofrece como ventaja el ser una técnica no invasiva y no destructiva, por lo que no altera en ningún momento las propiedades físicas del elemento estudiado, dotando de rigor y exhaustividad a la información capturada. En esta Tesis Doctoral se presentan las siguientes contribuciones, divididas en tres artículos de investigación: • Una propuesta metodológica de adquisición de datos multiespectrales georreferenciados de alta resolución espacial mediante una plataforma aérea tripulada de bajo coste, para monitorizar y gestionar sosteniblemente amplias extensiones de cultivos. Se expone la calibración vicaria como método de calibración radiométrico del sensor multiespectral embarcado en un paramotor empleando como coberturas de control superficies de bajo coste. • El desarrollo de un método capaz de determinar la productividad del cultivo en condiciones de campo, a partir de la combinación de fotogrametría de rango cercano y visión computacional, facilitando una mejora operativa constante así como una gestión proactiva en la monitorización del cultivo. Se propone una metodología totalmente novedosa en el sector, garantizando flexibilidad y sencillez en la toma de datos mediante tecnologías no invasivas, automatismo en el procesado, calidad en los resultados y un bajo coste asociado. • Una metodología de bajo coste, eficiente y precisa para la obtención de Modelos Digitales de Altura de Cubierta Vegetal destinados al inventario forestal mediante la integración de datos públicos procedentes del LiDAR en las nubes de puntos fotogramétricas obtenidas con un vuelo de bajo coste. Esta metodología engloba la potencialidad del LiDAR para registrar el terreno en zonas con alta densidad de vegetación y una mejor resolución espacial, radiométrica y temporal procedente de la fotogrametría para la parte superior de las cubiertas vegetales

    Certificación de la eficiencia energética de edificios existentes

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    Este proyecto se elabora con la finalidad de reducir las emisiones de CO2 de edificios y ahorrar energía, caminando de esta forma hacia la sostenibilidad del planeta. Los certificados de eficiencia energética de edificios constituyen el documento acreditativo y objetivo de las características energéticas del edificio de forma que se pueda valorar y comparar su eficiencia energética con el fin de favorecer la promoción de edificios de alta eficiencia energética y las inversiones de ahorro de energía.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteMáster en Gestión de la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, Calidad y Medio Ambient

    Automatic tree parameter extraction by a Mobile LiDAR System in an urban context

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    e0196004In an urban context, tree data are used in city planning, in locating hazardous trees and in environmental monitoring. This study focuses on developing an innovative methodology to automatically estimate the most relevant individual structural parameters of urban trees sampled by a Mobile LiDAR System at city level. These parameters include the Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), which was estimated by circle fitting of the points belonging to different height bins using RANSAC. In the case of non-circular trees, DBH is calculated by the maximum distance between extreme points. Tree sizes were extracted through a connectivity analysis. Crown Base Height, defined as the length until the bottom of the live crown, was calculated by voxelization techniques. For estimating Canopy Volume, procedures of mesh generation and α-shape methods were implemented. Also, tree location coordinates were obtained by means of Principal Component Analysis. The workflow has been validated on 29 trees of different species sampling a stretch of road 750 m long in Delft (The Netherlands) and tested on a larger dataset containing 58 individual trees. The validation was done against field measurements. DBH parameter had a correlation R2 value of 0.92 for the height bin of 20 cm which provided the best results. Moreover, the influence of the number of points used for DBH estimation, considering different height bins, was investigated. The assessment of the other inventory parameters yield correlation coefficients higher than 0.91. The quality of the results confirms the feasibility of the proposed methodology, providing scalability to a comprehensive analysis of urban treesS

    Yield prediction by machine learning from UAS‑based mulit‑sensor data fusion in soybean

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    16 p.Nowadays, automated phenotyping of plants is essential for precise and cost-effective improvement in the efficiency of crop genetics. In recent years, machine learning (ML) techniques have shown great success in the classification and modelling of crop parameters. In this research, we consider the capability of ML to perform grain yield prediction in soybeans by combining data from different optical sensors via RF (Random Forest) and XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting). During the 2018 growing season, a panel of 382 soybean recombinant inbred lines were evaluated in a yield trial at the Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE) in West Lafayette (Indiana, USA). Images were acquired by the Parrot Sequoia Multispectral Sensor and the S.O.D.A. compact digital camera on board a senseFly eBee UAS (Unnamed Aircraft System) solution at R4 and early R5 growth stages. Next, a standard photogrammetric pipeline was carried out by SfM (Structure from Motion). Multispectral imagery serves to analyse the spectral response of the soybean end-member in 2D. In addition, RGB images were used to reconstruct the study area in 3D, evaluating the physiological growth dynamics per plot via height variations and crop volume estimations. As ground truth, destructive grain yield measurements were taken at the end of the growing season.SI"Development of Analytical Tools for Drone-based Canopy Phenotyping in Crop Breeding" (American Institute of Food and Agriculture

    Multimodal feedback fusion of laser, image and temporal information

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    Trabajo presentado a la 8th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC) celebrada en Venecia (Italia) del 4 al 7 de noviembre de 2014.In the present paper, we propose a highly accurate and robust people detector, which works well under highly variant and uncertain conditions, such as occlusions, false positives and false detections. These adverse conditions, which initially motivated this research, occur when a robotic platform navigates in an urban environment, and although the scope is originally within the robotics field, the authors believe that our contributions can be extended to other fields. To this end, we propose a multimodal information fusion consisting of laser and monocular camera information. Laser information is modelled using a set of weak classifiers (Adaboost) to detect people. Camera information is processed by using HOG descriptors to classify person/non person based on a linear SVM. A multi-hypothesis tracker trails the position and velocity of each of the targets, providing temporal information to the fusion, allowing recovery of detections even when the laser segmentation fails. Experimental results show that our feedback-based system outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods in performance and accuracy, and that near real-time detection performance can be achieved.This work has been partially funded by the European project CargoANTs (FP7-SST-2013- 605598) and by the Spanish CICYT project DPI2013-42458-P.Peer Reviewe

    Steps Ahead in the Few-Group CRoss-Section Library Generation at the Pin Level

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    There exists an interest in performing pin-by-pin calculations coupled with thermal hydraulics so as to improve the accuracy of nuclear reactor analysis. In the framework of the EU NURISP project, INRNE and UPM have generated an experimental version of a few group diffusion cross sections library with discontinuity factors intended for VVER analysis at the pin level with the COBAYA3 code. The transport code APOLLO2 was used to perform the branching calculations. As a first proof of principle the library was created for fresh fuel and covers almost the full parameter space of steady state and transient conditions. The main objective is to test the calculation schemes and post-processing procedures, including multi-pin branching calculations. Two library options are being studied: one based on linear table interpolation and another one using a functional fitting of the cross sections. The libraries generated with APOLLO2 have been tested with the pin-by-pin diffusion model in COBAYA3 including discontinuity factors; first comparing 2D results against the APOLLO2 reference solutions and afterwards using the libraries to compute a 3D assembly problem coupled with a simplified thermal-hydraulic model

    La reforma de la financiación autonómica de 2009

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    La reforma del sistema de finançament autonòmic del 2009 es va gestar, impulsada per les reformes estatutàries aprovades en els últims anys, singularment la de l’Estatut català, per donar resposta a les principals debilitats mostrades pel sistema anterior. Concretament, per respondre als problemes d’insuficiència financera, a les deficiències del sistema d’anivellament, de la insuficient descentralització tributària i a la feble coresponsabilitat fiscal. Després d’analitzar els antecedents de la reforma i el procés negociador, l’article fa una descripció del nou model i dels diferents elements que l’integren per identificar després tant els aspectes de la reforma que mereixen una valoració positiva com els problemes que aquesta no encerta a resoldre. Aquesta descripció està relacionada tant amb l’autonomia tributària i la coresponsabilitat fiscal de les comunitats com amb els mecanismes d’anivellament pressupostari; a més, s’hi assenyalen també les possibilitats de millora de l’articulació institucional i la governança del sistema.The reform of the autonomous financing system in 2009, motivated by the statutory reforms approved in recent years, particularly the reform of the Catalan Statute, was implemented as a response to the primary weaknesses presented by the previous system, specifically in relation to the problems of financial inadequacy, deficiencies in the capping system, the insufficient tax devolution and the weak fiscal co-responsibility. After analysing the background information of the reform and the negotiating process, the article describes the new model and the different elements integrating it, and then it identifies both the aspects of the reform that deserve a positive evaluation and the problems that it has not managed to solve, in terms of both the tax autonomy and the fiscal co-responsibility of the Communities, and the budget capping mechanisms, also indicating the possibilities of improvement in the institutional articulation and system governance.La reforma del sistema de financiación autonómica de 2009 se gestó, impulsada por las reformas estatutarias aprobadas en los últimos años, singularmente la del Estatuto catalán, para dar respuesta a las principales debilidades mostradas por el sistema anterior, concretamente, a los problemas de insuficiencia financiera, a las deficiencias del sistema de nivelación, a la insuficiente descentralización tributaria y a la débil corresponsabilidad fiscal. Tras analizar los antecedentes de la reforma y el proceso negociador, el artículo realiza una descripción del nuevo modelo y de los diferentes elementos que lo integran, para identificar después tanto los aspectos de la reforma que merecen una valoración positiva como los problemas que la misma no acierta a resolver, en relación tanto con la autonomía tributaria y la corresponsabilidad fiscal de las Comunidades, como con los mecanismos de nivelación presupuestaria, señalando también las posibilidades de mejora de la articulación institucional y la gobernanza del sistema

    Fishing Nets and String at the Final Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Site of Zamostje 2, Sergiev Posad (Russia)

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    Altres ajuts: Funding information: O.L. was funded by the Program of FSR SAS no FMZF-2022-0012. M.B.-A. is currently funded by a MSCA-IF-2019 (GA No. 893735) and during part of this research was an Alexander von Humboldt post-doc fellow. R.P. was funded by ICREA Academia Program.The site Zamostje 2, located in Sergiev-Posad district of Moscow (Russia) on the west bank of the Dubna River, has provided two Mesolithic and one Early Neolithic occupations dated from 7000 to 5400 cal BC. Thanks to the waterlogged environment, the site has an exceptional preservation. The site has yielded fishing screens, fishing fences, wooden fishing traps, and several small cordage remains elaborated with plant fibres, pine bark floats, fragments of paddles, and other wooden objects. In this work, we present the study of the fragments of cordage and fishing nets with the objective of providing new insights into the production and use of implements made of plant fibres. We have characterized the production process by analysing the morphological and technical characteristics by carrying out experimentation with plant fibres in order to obtain reference material to recognize them at an archaeological level. The analysis of 82 knots and 23 fragments of strings has allowed to determine that they were elaborated with single threads from 0.5 to 1.5 mm thick, which is noticeably smaller than most examples from other sites. All of them were elaborated with woody bast fibres

    Effects of cross sections tables generation and optimization on rod ejection transient analyses

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    Best estimate analysis of rod ejection transients requires 3D kinetics core simulators. If they use cross sections libraries compiled in multidimensional tables,interpolation errors – originated when the core simulator computes the cross sections from the table values – are a source of uncertainty in k-effective calculations that should be accounted for. Those errors depend on the grid covering the domain of state variables and can be easily reduced, in contrast with other sources of uncertainties such as the ones due to nuclear data, by choosing an optimized grid distribution. The present paper assesses the impact of the grid structure on a PWR rod ejection transient analysis using the coupled neutron-kinetics/thermal-hydraulicsCOBAYA3/COBRA-TF system. Forthispurpose, the OECD/NEA PWR MOX/UO2 core transient benchmark has been chosen, as material compositions and geometries are available, allowing the use of lattice codes to generate libraries with different grid structures. Since a complete nodal cross-section library is also provided as part of the benchmark specifications, the effects of the library generation on transient behavior are also analyzed.Results showed large discrepancies when using the benchmark library and own-generated libraries when compared with benchmark participants’ solutions. The origin of the discrepancies was found to lie in the nodal cross sections provided in the benchmark

    Optimización de librerías tabuladas de secciones eficaces mediante el empleo de coeficientes de sensibilidad

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    Los códigos de difusión en multigrupos para an álisis tridimensional de núcleos PWR emplean como datos de entrada librerías de parámetros equivalentes homogeneizados y condensados (secciones eficaces y factores de discontinuidad), que dependen de las variables de estado como temperaturas o densidades. Típicamente, esos pará metros se pre-generan para cada tipo de celda o elemento combustible con un código de transporte determinista, dependiendo en gran medida la precisión de los cálculos neutrónicos acoplados con la termohidráulica de la calidad de la librería generada. Las librerías tabuladas son la forma más extendida de compilar las secciones eficaces pre-generadas. Durante el cálculo de núcleo, el código de difusión simplemente obtiene las secciones eficaces por interpolación de los valores en los puntos de la malla. Como los errores de interpolación dependen de la distancia entre esos puntos, se requiere un considerable refinamiento de la malla –con todas las posibles combinaciones de las variables de estado– para conseguir una precisión adecuada, lo que conduce a requisitos elevados de almacenamiento y un gran número de cálculos de transporte para su generación. Para evitar este inconveniente, se ha desarrollado un procedimiento de optimización de librerías tabuladas que permite seleccionar el menor número de puntos de malla para cada variable de estado independiente, manteniendo un error objetivo en la constante de multiplicación k-efectiva. El procedimiento consiste en determinar, aplicando teoría de perturbaciones, los coeficientes de sensibilidad de la k-efectiva con las secciones eficaces. Ello permite evaluar la influencia de los errores de interpolación de cada sección eficaz en la constante de multiplicación para cualquier combinación de las variables de estado. La medida de esta influencia o sensibilidad permite establecer una distancia óptima entre puntos de interpolación dado un error objetivo sobre la constante de multiplicación. Distintos números de grupos de energía, composiciones del elemento combustible y escalas de homogeneización, han sido estudia dos para conocer su efecto sobre la optimización. Asimismo se ha comprobado la influencia de variar el error objetivo o el grado del polinomio de interpolación entre puntos. Finalmente, se realiza un cálculo con la librería optimizada, y se verifica que el error en la k-efectiva está limitado. Se reduce así el tamaño de la librería sin comprometer su grado de precisión en todo el rango de interés
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