667 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of the Situation of Ethnic Minorities in Kosovo and the Republic of North Macedonia

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    This paper aims at discussing the matter of the national minorities in Kosovo and the Republic of North Macedonia. Role, position and the rights of the national minorities are the key focus of this study. While the Balkan countries and some European countries have had issues with recognizing and supporting the different ethnic communities living within their borders, Kosovo and the Republic of North Macedonia have, since their independence, recognized the existence of different communities as a given fact. Since gaining independence, they have constitutionally guaranteed all citizens freedom of association for the ‘accomplishment and protection of their political, economic, social, cultural and other rights and beliefs. Being a geographical part of the Western Balkans, these two countries have been delayed in the European integration process even though their peoples and governments aspire to become part of the European Union. I think that national minorities have an important role in this process because, in the past, these two states have been characterized by a lack of respecting the rights of national minorities. For this reason, both countries have faced a lack of internal stability and conflict with each other as a result of the lack of respect for the rights of respective national minorities

    Western Balkans Integration into European Union: Challenges and Consequences

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    This paper is intended to analyze the challenges and consequences of the integration of Western Balkans to the European Union. Specifically, in the first case, challenges of this integration path and in the second case the consequences as a result of eventual stagnation in this path. For more than a century, the Western Balkans region has been seeking its way of European transformation. The region remains in the agenda of European Union expansion, but even after two decades of promises, the integration of Western Balkan countries to EU is not certain. The integration journey is first of all closely connected to building the institutional capacities, adoption of laws, rules, norms and European behavior in the domestic policymaking. Therefore, the challenges are converted into obstacle or inability to the establishment of values, identity, institutional and social aspects in the Western Balkan countries, whereas the consequences are reflected as derivatives of failure to accomplishing the membership of the region to EU. Based on the research conducted on this issue, this study argues that such challenges as lack of rule of law, high levels of corruption and organized crime are derivatives of historical legacy and political elite efforts to capture the state or dominate certain state resources, as well as of the EU approach towards this region. This study is important particularly in this aspect and unequivocally presents the common and separate challenges of the Western Balkans towards integration into the European Union. Along with this realistic presentation, the consequences themselves appear which first of all are not only to the detriment of the Western Balkans


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    Agama memiliki peran yang amat penting dalam kehidupan umat manusia. Agama menjadi pemandu dalam upaya mewujudkan suatu kehidupan yang bermakna, damai dan bermartabat. Menyadari betapa pentingnya peran agama bagi kehidupan umat manusia maka internalisasi nilai-nilai agama dalam kehidupan setiap pribadi menjadi sebuah keniscayaan, yang ditempuh melalui pendidikan baik pendidikan di lingkungan keluarga, sekolah maupun masyarakat.Penelitian ini dilakukan sebanyak 2 (dua) siklus tiap siklus dua pertemuan. Siklus I petemuan pertama tanggal 11 Januari dan pertemuan kedua tanggal 14 Januari 2017. Siklus II petemuan pertama tanggal 1 Pebruari dan pertemuan kedua tanggal 4 Pebruari 2017 dengan menggunakan instrument kegiatan siswa dan instrumen kegiatan guru dalam pembelajaran, serta instrument hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menggunakan Penyunting Sebayadengan memperhatikan langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang tepat dalam mengelola pembelajaran bagi guru serta adanya siklus ke siklus berikutnya, secara klasikal tingkat ketuntasannya mencapai 93,33% lebih besar dari klasikal yaitu sebesar 85%, berarti menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran melalui penyunting sebaya dapat diterapkan dengan baik

    WOMEN AND POLITICS OF LAW: Affirmative Action for Women Political Participation

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    This paper discusses 1) affirmative action for women political equality in the Act of “Package of Politics”, and 2) find the fundamental weaknesses and implications of such affirmative action to raise women political equality

    Teknik Penilaian Produk Materi PAI Terpadu Untuk MI/SD

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    One of the most prominent implications of the implementation of the 2013 curriculum primarily for the SD / MI level is the use of integrated thematic learning. PAI subject matter in MI / SD must refer to core competencies where basic competencies are classified into four competency aspects (spiritual, social, knowledge and skills attitudes). That is, the material of PAI MI in the MI 2013 curriculum is expanded, by implementing integrated thematic learning implementation steps which include three main components, namely preliminary activities, core activities, and closing activities. The purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of the meaning, function, purpose and use of the stages of implementation of Integrated Islamic Education Material Development for MI / SD and the implementation of the steps for implementing Integrated Islamic Education Material Product learning for MI / SD which includes three main components. In this study the authors used data collection methods with documentation methods, as in the data collection techniques in library research (library research). The documentation method is a method used by researchers to objects or documents such as magazines, books, journals, meeting minutes and so on. The object of study in this article is focused on understanding the meaning, function, purpose, and use of the stages of implementing the development of integrated Islamic education materials for MI / SD and the implementation of the steps for implementing Integrated PAI material product learning for MI / SD which includes three main components

    Human Rights and Constitutionality Issues of Blasphemy Law in Indonesia

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    This article analyzes human rights and constitutionality issues in the Indonesian Blasphemy Law. It contributes urgently to constitutional studies since constitutionalism requires respect for human rights and democracy obliges to uphold the supremacy of the constitution. This article was written as the results of research through the desk-study using descriptive-qualitative approach. Data were collected through document study and Internal Focus Group Discussion. Indonesia's blasphemy laws inherently violate human rights and are prone to politicization which places religious minorities in vulnerability, while the main legal provisions that criminalize blasphemy have been tested for their constitutionality dimensions by the Constitutional Court. However, the constitutionality issue remains, partly because the Constitutional Court affirmed a religious constitution whereas the Republic of Indonesia is a Pancasila based state. In addition, the Constitutional Court ignores human rights, particularly the right to freedom of religion/belief as guaranteed by the constitution

    Potong Generasi Korupsi

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    Perampasan dan penyitaan harta koruptor dan penerapan hukuman terberat adalah sebagian solusi yang disodorkan sejumlah pakar untuk memberantas korupsi yang semakin merajalela (Kompas, 7/4). Sebelumnya, ada dorongan untuk menerapkan hukuman mati, seperti yang disampaikan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi mengamini penerapan hukuman mati dan menawarkan langkah lain, lustrasi, seperti yang diterapkan oleh Latvia (Kompas, 6/4). UU Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tastipikor) yang disempurnakan dengan UU No 20/2001 memberikan legitimasi yuridis yang memadai untuk implementasi berbagai langkah tersebut, kecuali lustrasi. Pasal 18 huruf a UU No 31/1999 memungkinkan diterapkannya pidana tambahan berupa perampasan harta. Hukuman berat berupa pidana seumur hidup diafirmasi Pasal 2 Ayat (1) UU Tastipikor tersebut. Ayat (2) pasal yang sama memungkinkan pidana berupa hukuman mati