332 research outputs found

    On the use of simulated experiments in designing tests for material characterization from full-field measurements

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    The present paper deals with the use of simulated experiments to improve the design of an actual mechanical test. The analysis focused on the identification of the orthotropic properties of composites using the unnotched Iosipescu test and a full-field optical technique, the grid method. The experimental test was reproduced numerically by finite element analysis and the recording of deformed grey level images by a CCD camera was simulated trying to take into account the most significant parameters that can play a role during an actual test, e.g. the noise, the failure of the specimen, the size of the grid printed on the surface, etc. The grid method then was applied to the generated synthetic images in order to extract the displacement and strain fields and the Virtual Fields Method was finally used to identify the material properties and a cost function was devised to evaluate the error in the identification. The developed procedure was used to study different features of the test such as the aspect ratio and the fibre orientation of the specimen, the use of smoothing functions in the strain reconstruction from noisy data, the influence of missing data on the identification. Four different composite materials were considered and, for each of them, a set of optimized design variables was found by minimization of the cost function

    Identification of viscoplastic parameters and characterization of Lüders behaviour using digital image correlation and the virtual fields method

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    In this study, tensile loading experiments are performed on notched steel bars at an average applied strain rate of 1s-1. Displacement fields are measured across the specimen by coupling digital image correlation (DIC) with imaging using high speed CCD cameras (4796 fps). Results from the experiments indicate the presence of local strain rates ranging from 0.1 to 10s-1 in the notched specimens. The heterogeneity of the strain rate fields provides suitable conditions for determining simultaneously all the elasto-visco-plastic constitutive parameters governing the material behavior. For that, the whole stress fields are reconstructed in the specimen using the full-field deformation measurements. This reconstruction is repeated with different constitutive parameters until the average stress in the specimen matches the one measured with the load cell response. Perzyna’s model is firstly considered for the reconstruction of stresses but it is shown to be unsuited for providing the drop in the average stress that is systematically detected at the onset of plasticity by the load cell. This drop is attributed to the sudden occurrence of plasticity in the material due to Lüders effect. A modified model for elasto-visco-plasticity taking account of Lüders behavior in the material is considered afterwards. It yields a better agreement between the reconstructed stresses and the load cell response, and a more accurate identification of the parameters driving the visco-plastic model. Eventually, it is shown how to use DIC measurements for replacing the load cell measurements when the transient effects in the test reach the resonance frequency of the load cel

    Strain intermittency in shape-memory alloys

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    We study experimentally the intermittent progress of the mechanically induced martensitic transformation in a Cu-Al-Be single crystal through a full-field measurement technique: the grid method. We utilize an in- house, specially designed gravity-based device, wherein a system controlled by water pumps applies a perfectly monotonic uniaxial load through very small force increments. The sample exhibits hysteretic superelastic behavior during the forward and reverse cubic-monoclinic transformation, produced by the evolution of the strain field of the phase microstructures. The in-plane linear strain components are measured on the sample surface during the loading cycle, and we characterize the strain intermittency in a number of ways, showing the emergence of power-law behavior for the strain avalanching over almost six decades of magnitude. We also describe the nonstationarity and the asymmetry observed in the forward versus reverse transformation. The present experimental approach, which allows for the monitoring of the reversible martensitic transformation both locally and globally in the crystal, proves useful and enhances our capabilities in the analysis and possible control of transition-related phenomena in shape-memory alloys.Comment: Four supplementary video

    Stabilizing Heteroscedastic Noise With the Generalized Anscombe Transform. Application to Accurate Prediction of the Resolution in Displacement and Strain Maps Obtained With the Grid Method.

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    International audienceThe objective of this paper is to show that it is possible to predict the noise level in displacement and strain maps obtained with the grid method, but that actual noise of camera sensors being heteroscedastic, it is necessary to stabilize this noise in grid images prior to employing the predicting formulas. The procedure used for this purpose relies on the Generalized Anscombe Transform. This transform is first described. It is then shown that experimental and theoretical resolutions in strain maps obtained with the grid method are in good agreement when this transform is employed

    Effect of interpolation on noise propagation from images to DIC displacement maps

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    International audienceThis paper introduces and validates a new prediction of sensor noise propagation from images of randomly marked surfaces to displacement maps obtained by Digital Image Correlation (DIC). Images are indeed often affected by sensor noise, which propagates to DIC output. We consider here the 2D global DIC (G-DIC), for which this output is the in-plane displacement calculated at a set of nodes. Predictive formula for the resolution of the displacement at these nodes is already available in the literature. The contribution of the present paper is to revisit this formula to take into account the interpolation required by sub-pixel displacement. A generalization is also proposed to predict the displacement resolution throughout the field of view. It is then extended to several kinds of DIC. The correlation procedure is thoroughly described in order to emphasize the role of the interpolation. A numerical assessment on synthetic data validates the new prediction and shows the improvement brought about by the proposed formula

    Application de la thermographie infrarouge à l'étude de la diminution de contrainte dans une éprouvette d'aluminium renforcée par patch composite

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    Cet article présente une évaluation expérimentale de la diminution de contrainte dans des éprouvettes d'aluminium renforcées par patchs composites. Lors d'un essai de traction cyclique, l'évolution du champ de températures dans l'épaisseur du substrat est mesurée par thermographie infrarouge. L'amplitude des variations de températures est ensuite déterminée par transformée de Fourrier et un lissage est effectué sur la base de fonctions issues d'un modèle unidimensionnel. La diminution des contraintes dans l'aluminium est clairement observée, permettant de mettre en évidence par exemple une dissymétrie entre les deux patchs collés de part et d'autre de l'aluminium. La longueur de transfert d'effort entre substrat et patch est finalement calculée

    Concurrent tracking of strain and noise bursts at ferroelastic phase fronts

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    Many technological applications are based on functional materials that exhibit reversible first-order ferroelastic transitions, including elastocaloric refrigeration, energy harvesting, and sensing and actuation. During these phase changes inhomogeneous microstructures are formed which fit together different crystalline phases, and evolve abruptly through strain bursts related to domain nucleation and the propagation of phase fronts, accompanied by acoustic emission. Mechanical performance is strongly affected by such microstructure formation and evolution, yet visualisation of these processes remains challenging. Here we report a detailed study of the bursty dynamics during a reversible stress-induced martensitic transformation in a CuZnAl shape-memory alloy. We combine full-field strain-burst detection, performed by means of an optical grid method, with the acoustic tracking of martensitic strain avalanches using two transducers, which allows for the location of the acoustic-emission events to be determined and the measurement of their energies. The matching of these two techniques reveals interface formation, advancement, jamming and arrest at pinning points within the transforming crystal

    Etude de la transition de phase d'un monocristal d'AMF en Cu-Al-Be par techniques de mesures de champs

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    Le but de l'étude est d'étudier les phénomènes de transformation de phase se produisant dans un monocristal d'alliage à mémoire de forme (AMF). L'échantillon initialement austénitique devient progressivement martensitique lors d'un essai de traction uniaxial. La méthode de la grille est utilisée sur une face de l'échantillon afin de mesurer les déformations. Sur l'autre face, un calcul de source de chaleur est réalisé à partir de mesures thermiques par caméra infrarouge. Ces mesures complémentaires permettent de suivre et d'analyser les changements de phase