1,085 research outputs found

    Évaluation métrologique d'algorithmes de corrélation d'images numériques

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    Cet article rend compte d'un travail collectif mene au sein du GT1 du GDR CNRS 2519, Mesure de champs et identification en mécanique des solidesOptical full field measurement techniques based on digital image correlation get more and more popular. We propose a methodology for the assessment of the metrological performances of the image processing algorithms that constitute their central component, the knowledge of which is required for a global assessment of the whole measurement system. It is based on the generation of synthetic images representative of real speckle patterns, deformed according to a sinusoidal displacement field with varying amplitude and period, and the statistical analysis of the discrepancies between imposed and measured values. It has been applied to various softwares used in the french community. Results show general tendencies rather independent from the implementations but strongly correlated with the assumptions of the underlying algorithms. Various error regimes are identified, for which the dependence of the accuracy with the parameters of the algorithms, such as correlation window size or shape functions can be precised

    Mesure 3d de champs cinématiques dans le cas d'un contraste non uniformément réparti.

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    Les techniques de corrélation d'image numérique ont récemment été étendues afin de pouvoir analyser des séquences d'images tridimensionnelles, obtenues par exemple par microtomographie X. La résolution et la résolution spatiale des champs de déformation mesurés dépendent directement de la répartition, de la taille et du contraste local des marqueurs utilisés pour réaliser l'appariement des images. Lorsqu'il est présent, le contraste naturel issu des hétérogénéités intrinsèques au matériau peut directement fournir ces marqueurs [1]. Lorsque celui-ci fait défaut, des marqueurs supplémentaires peuvent être ajoutés, mais leur répartition spatiale est difficile à maîtriser [2]. Dans les deux cas, le contraste local peut être fortement non-uniforme, contrairement à ce qui peut être obtenu avec un mouchetis de peinture en corrélation d'image de surface. Habituellement le calcul du critère de ressemblance est réalisé sur des sous-domaines espacés régulièrement. Cette discrétisation spatiale homogène facilite le post-traitement des données mais ne permet pas toujours une exploitation optimale du signal. En effet, les domaines de corrélation ne sont a priori pas centrés sur les marqueurs présentant le meilleur contraste, ce qui peut conduire à des erreurs de mesure. Il est proposé ici de déterminer la position des points de mesure (centre des domaines de corrélation) en fonction de plusieurs critères quantifiant la qualité du signal présent dans l'image. Les premières applications seront réalisées sur le matériau présenté dans [2] : des essais de traction sur une éprouvette entaillée en aluminium marqué par des inclusions de cuivre, puis sur le même matériau renforcé avec de larges particules sphériques de Zircone-Silice. Enfin, la déformation d'un alliage d'Aluminium-Cuivre en cours de solidification [3] sera analysée malgré un contraste local peu abondant dans la structure. [1] Bay ,Smith ,Fyhrie ,Saad, Digital volume correlation : three-dimensional strain mapping using X-ray tomography, Experimental Mechanics, 1999. [2] Bornert ,Chaix ,Doumalin ,Dupré ,Fournel, Jeulin, Maire, Moreaud, Moulinec, Mesure tridimensionnelle de champs cinématiques par imagerie volumique pour l'analyse des matériaux et des structures. Instrumentation, Mesure, Métrologie, 2004. [3] Limodin, Salvo, Suery, Dimichiel, In-situ investigation by X-Ray tomography of the overall and local microstructural changes occurring during partial remelting of an Al-15.8wt%Cu alloy, Acta Materialia, 2007

    Second-order estimates of the self-consistent type for viscoplastic polycrystals

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    The ‘second–order’ homogenization procedure of Ponte Castañeda is used to propose new estimates of the self–consistent type for the effective behaviour of viscoplastic polycrystals. This is accomplished by means of appropriately generated estimates of the self–consistent type for the relevant ‘linear thermoelastic comparison composite’, in the homogenization procedure. The resulting nonlinear self–consistent estimates are the only estimates of their type to be exact to second order in the heterogeneity contrast, which, for polycrystals, is determined by the grain anisotropy. In addition, they satisfy the recent bounds of Kohn and Little for two–dimensional power–law polycrystals, which are known to be significantly sharper than the Taylor bound at large grain anisotropy. These two features combined, suggest that the new self–consistent estimates, obtained from the second–order procedure, may be the most accurate to date. Direct comparison with other self–consistent estimates, including the classical incremental and secant estimates, for the special case of power–law creep, appear to corroborate this observation

    Second-order estimates of the self-consistent type for viscoplastic polycrystals

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    The ‘second–order’ homogenization procedure of Ponte Castañeda is used to propose new estimates of the self–consistent type for the effective behaviour of viscoplastic polycrystals. This is accomplished by means of appropriately generated estimates of the self–consistent type for the relevant ‘linear thermoelastic comparison composite’, in the homogenization procedure. The resulting nonlinear self–consistent estimates are the only estimates of their type to be exact to second order in the heterogeneity contrast, which, for polycrystals, is determined by the grain anisotropy. In addition, they satisfy the recent bounds of Kohn and Little for two–dimensional power–law polycrystals, which are known to be significantly sharper than the Taylor bound at large grain anisotropy. These two features combined, suggest that the new self–consistent estimates, obtained from the second–order procedure, may be the most accurate to date. Direct comparison with other self–consistent estimates, including the classical incremental and secant estimates, for the special case of power–law creep, appear to corroborate this observation

    Multi-scale reliability analysis of composite structures – Application to the Laroin footbridge

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    This work aims at developing a new methodology for the reliability assessment of composite structures and their design optimization. It relies on the coupling of well established methods: homogenization scheme for the mechanical modelling of composite materials and reliability methods to account for their inherent variability. Moreover, such approach is based on an accurate treatment of inherent uncertainties of these mechanical systems at various scales, including microscopic and macroscopic levels, that provides newperspectives for structural design. As an illustration, we propose to apply the multi-scale reliability analysis on the case of the Laroin footbridge (France) with carbon–epoxy stay cables. Since the reliability assessment of such structure is evaluated through the fibre failure, numerical simulations require the coupling of reliability methods, finite element modelling to derive macroscopic loading within cables and micromechanics to estimate the effective elastic properties of composite and local responses within constituents. Results demonstrate the feasibility of the coupled approach at a structure scale and its main interests for the optimization phase of materials and engineering structures

    A minimal model for spontaneous cell polarization and edge activity in oscillating, rotating and migrating cells

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    How the cells break symmetry and organize their edge activity to move directionally is a fun- damental question in cell biology. Physical models of cell motility commonly rely on gradients of regulatory factors and/or feedback from the motion itself to describe polarization of edge activity. Theses approaches, however, fail to explain cell behavior prior to the onset of polarization. Our analysis using the model system of polarizing and moving fish epidermal keratocytes suggests a novel and simple principle of self-organization of cell activity in which local cell-edge dynamics depends on the distance from the cell center, but not on the orientation with respect to the front-back axis. We validate this principle with a stochastic model that faithfully reproduces a range of cell-migration behaviors. Our findings indicate that spontaneous polarization, persistent motion, and cell shape are emergent properties of the local cell-edge dynamics controlled by the distance from the cell center.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Micromechanical modeling of the elastic behavior of unidirectional CVI SiC/SiC composites

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    International audienceThe elastic behavior of SiC/SiC composite is investigated at the scale of the tow through a micromechanical modeling taking into account the heterogeneous nature of the microstructure. The paper focuses on the sensitivity of transverse properties to the residual porosity resulting from the matrix infiltration process. The full analysis is presented stepwise, starting from the microstructural characterization to the study of the impact of pore shape and volume fraction. Various Volume Elements (VEs) of a virtual microstructure are randomly generated. Their microstructural properties are validated with respect to an experimental characterization based on high definition SEM observations of real materials, using various statistical descriptors. The linear elastic homogenization is performed using finite elements calculations for several VE sizes and boundary conditions. Important fluctuations of the apparent behavior, even for large VEs, reveal that scales are not separated. Nevertheless, a homogeneous equivalent behavior is estimated by averaging apparent behaviors of several VEs smaller than the Representative Volume Element (RVE). Therefore, the impact of the irregular shape of the pores on the overall properties is highlighted by comparison to a simpler cylindrical porous microstructure. Finally, different matrix infiltration qualities are simulated by several matrix thicknesses. A small increase in porosity volume fraction is shown to potentially lead to an important fall of transverse elastic moduli together with high stress concentrations

    Demodulation of Spatial Carrier Images: Performance Analysis of Several Algorithms Using a Single Image

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    http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11340-013-9741-6#Optical full-field techniques have a great importance in modern experimental mechanics. Even if they are reasonably spread among the university laboratories, their diffusion in industrial companies remains very narrow for several reasons, especially a lack of metrological performance assessment. A full-field measurement can be characterized by its resolution, bias, measuring range, and by a specific quantity, the spatial resolution. The present paper proposes an original procedure to estimate in one single step the resolution, bias and spatial resolution for a given operator (decoding algorithms such as image correlation, low-pass filters, derivation tools ...). This procedure is based on the construction of a particular multi-frequential field, and a Bode diagram representation of the results. This analysis is applied to various phase demodulating algorithms suited to estimate in-plane displacements.GDR CNRS 2519 “Mesures de Champs et Identification en Mécanique des Solide

    Le prieuré bénédictin Notre-Dame de Lixheim (1106-1528)

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    de Weck (Hervé) rédacteur scientifique, Des grandes heures à la dispersion. Lucelle, une abbaye cistercienne transfrontalière au XVIIIe siècle

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    Ce recueil, agréablement présenté et richement illustré, offre les contributions à la journée d’études franco-suisse du 25 octobre 2008, que le Centre européen de rencontre est tenu statutairement d’organiser à espaces réguliers. Les conférences portent sur le XVIIIe siècle qui fut pour l’abbaye cistercienne de Lucelle un siècle de gloire. Après les déboires des temps modernes, le monastère et la communauté retrouvèrent quelque chose de l’enthousiasme et du dynamisme des origines, avant de so..
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