155 research outputs found

    La corrida de toros como ceremonia angular : una interpretación materialista

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    El Templo de las serpientes: un santuario del Bronce Antiguo I en el poblado de Jebel Al-Mutawwaq (Jordania)

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    The Bronze Age I architecture of the Jebel al-Mutawwaq settlement (Zarqa, Jordan) always repeats the same designs: isolated buildings built out of large blocks of stone, without any carvings or mortar, put up along side a courtyard which forms an integrate part of the dwelling. However, the site which is known as the "Temple of the Serpents" has a series of anomalies which make it different from the normal modeL Even though the constitutive elements are the same, the main construction is, however, built onto a steep rock which has also been excavated in order to put up the high part of the dwelling and open up a well. In addition the construction of a table or "alter" beside it would indicate that this was not a typical dwelling, but one which had been designed with a different purpose in mind: possibly a sanctuary. The appearance of rooms with peculiar structures built onto the courtyard confirmed this, as did the original decorations on the ceramics which were different from those normally found- in dwellings at the Mutawwaq settlement. The structure of the site leads one to suspect that it could be related to Chalcolithic sanctuaries, like that of En Guedi or that of the Bronze Age (Meguiddo XIX).La arquitectura del Bronce Antiguo I del poblado de Jebel al-Mutawwaq (Zarqa, Jordania), repite siempre los mismos esquemas: edificaciones aisladas construidas con grandes bloques de piedra, sin labrar y sin utilizar ningún tipo de mortero, levantadas junto a un patio que forma parte integrante de la casa. No obstante el conjunto que denominamos 'Templo de las serpientes', presenta una serie de anomalías que la distancian del modelo habitual. Si bien los elementos constitutivos son los mismos, sin embargo la construcción de la estructura principal sobre una roca con fuerte pendiente, la excavación de esa misma roca para levantar la cabecera de la casa y abrir un pozo, así como la construcción de una mesa o "altar" junto a él, hicieron sospechar que no nos encontrábamos ante una vivienda típica, sino ante algo pensado y realizado con un fin distinto: un posible santuario. La aparición de habitaciones construidas en el patio, con estructuras peculiares confirman esa suposición, así como las originales decoraciones de las cerámicas diferentes a las encontradas habitualmente en las casas del poblado de Mutawwaq. La estructura del conjunto hace sospechar que podría estar en relación con santuarios calcolíticos, como el de En Guedi, o del Bronce (Meguiddo XIX)

    Effects of locally applied Insulin-like Growth Factor-I on osseointegration

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of local application of IGF-I on osseointegration of dental implants placed in osteoporotic bones. 16 rabbits were randomly distributed into two groups: eight animals were ovariectomized and fed a low-calcium diet for six weeks, in order to induce experimental osteoporosis, and the others were sham-operated and fed a standard diet. A titanium implant was inserted into the tibiae in both groups. In half of the rabbits, 4 ?g of IGF-I was applied into the ostectomy, prior to the implant insertion. A total of 32 implants were placed. Animals were sacrificed two weeks after surgery and decalcified samples were processed for Bone-To-Implant Contact (BIC) and Bone Area Density (BAD) measurements. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for statistical evaluation. P<0.05 was considered to be significant. Ovariectomy induced statistically significant lower BAD values (p=0.008) and a tendency towards lower BIC values when compared osteoporotic and healthy groups. The administration of 4 ?g of IGF-I did not produce statistically significant differences neither on BIC nor on BAD values, neither in the osteoporotic animals nor in healthy. Within the limitations of this experimental study, local administration of 4 ?g of IGF-I was not able to induce any changes in the osseointegration process two weeks after surgery, neither in healthy rabbits nor in the osteoporotic group

    Evolution of embryonic pluripotency

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Bioquímica. Tesis realizada en el Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas "Alberto Sols" y en el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC). Fecha de lectura: 11 de Enero de 2011

    Evaluación de los injertos alogénicos en bloque para regeneración horizontal

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    Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la eficacia clínica de estos injertos alogénicos en bloque. En el primer estudio nos centramos en estudiar la tasa de reabsorción comparando dos aloinjertos con diferente microarquitectura, esponjoso y córticoesponjoso, además de evaluar otros factores que podrían influir en la reabsorción del bloque. El segundo estudio clínico evalúa la influencia de la decorticación del área receptora en la regeneración con bloques alogénicos esponjosos en maxilar. El último estudio se trata de un artículo de revisión que se centra en evaluar el papel de los osteocitos en la reabsorción y remodelado de los injertos

    Physiological bases of bone regeneration I : Histology and physiology of bone tissue

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    Bone is the only body tissue capable of regeneration, allowing the restitutio ad integrum following trauma. In the event of a fracture or bone graft, new bone is formed, which following the remodeling process is identical to the pre-existing. Bone is a dynamic tissue in constant formation and resorption. This balanced phenomena, known as the remodeling process, allows the renovation of 5-15% of the total bone mass per year under normal conditions (1). Bone remodeling consists of the resorption of a certain amount of bone by osteoclasts, likewise the formation of osteoid matrix by osteoblasts, and its subsequent mineralization. This phenomenon occurs in small areas of the cortical bone or the trabecular surface, called ?Basic Multicellular Units? (BMU). Treatment in Traumatology, Orthopedics, Implantology, and Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, is based on the biologic principals of bone regeneration, in which cells, extracellular matrix, and osteoinductive signals are involved. The aim of this paper is to provide an up date on current knowledge on the biochemical and physiological mechanisms of bone regeneration, paying particular attention to the role played by the cells and proteins of the bone matrix