171 research outputs found


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    Prognostic value of OCT4A and SPP1C transcript variant co-expression in early-stage lung adenocarcinoma

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    Background Octamer-binding transcription factor 4A (OCT4A) is essential for cell pluripotency and reprogramming both in humans and mice. To date, however, the function of human OCT4 in somatic and/or tumour tissues is largely unknown. Methods RT-PCR was used to identify full-length splice forms of OCT4 transcripts in normal and cancer cells. A FLAG-tagged OCT4 genomic transgene was used to identify OCT4-positive cancer cells. A potential role for OCT4 in somatic cancer cells was examined by cell ablation of OCT4-positive cells using promoter-driven diphtheria toxin A. OCT4 and secreted phosphoprotein 1 (SPP1) transcripts in early-stage lung adenocarcinoma tumours were analysed and compared with pathohistological features. Results The results show that, unlike in murine cells, OCT4A and OCT4B variants are transcribed in both human cancer cells and in adult tissues such as lung, kidney, uterus, breast, and eye. We found that OCT4A and SPP1C are co-expressed in highly aggressive human breast, endometrial, and lung adenocarcinoma cell lines, but not in mesothelial tumour cell lines. Ablation of OCT4-positive cells in lung adenocarcinoma cells significantly decreased cell migration and SPP1C mRNA levels. The OCT4A/SPP1C axis was found in primary, early-stage, lung adenocarcinoma tumours. Conclusions Co-expression of OCT4 and SPP1 may correlate with cancer aggressiveness, and the OCT4A/SPP1C axis may help identify early-stage high-risk patients with lung adenocarcinoma. Contrary to the case in mice, our data strongly suggest a critical role for OCT4A and SPP1C in the development and progression of human epithelial cancers

    Ratos isogênicos F344 como modelo biológico de sepsis intra-abdominal

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    Com o objetivo de estudar um modelo biológico de sepsis intra-abdominal aguda para estudos experimentais, foram infectados ratos isogênicos F344, convencionais, com a bactéria Escherichia coli (E.coli), cepa ATCC 11775, sorotipo H7:O1:K1. Os animais inoculados, machos e fêmeas, apresentaram 6 horas após a inoculação por E.coli os seguintes sintomas: arqueamento do dorso, piloereção, hiperpnéia e diminuição das atividades motoras. A dose que produziu 50% de mortalidade (DL50) após 7 dias, determinada pelo método Reed & Muench, foi de 6 x 10(5) CFU/ml (analisado em 32 machos e 32 fêmeas). A maior concentração de mortalidade foi observada nas primeiras 24 horas. A disfunção hepática, comum em sepsis intra-abdominal, foi avaliada por provas enzimáticas, em 0, 24, 48 e 168 horas após a inoculação. O estudo da migração de células polimorfonucleares-neutrófilos (PMN) e mononucleares-macrófagos (MN) apontou um aumento significante de PMN entre o grupos de machos (z ³ 4,7; p < 0,003) e de fêmeas (z ³ 6,2; p < 0,0003) inoculados E.coli, quando comparados ao grupos controles. Quanto às células MN, não houve diferença entre os grupos inoculados e os controles, tanto para os machos (z=2,3; p = 0,0107), como para as fêmeas (z=1,8; p =0,0359). Em conclusão, estes resultados demonstram que os ratos isogênicos F344 são modelos biológicos adequados para estudos de sepsis intra-abdominal aguda.Aiming to design a biologic model of acute intra-abdominal sepsis for experimental studies, conventional, isogenic rats F344 were infected with the bacteria Escherichia coli (E.coli), strain 11775, serotype H7:01:K1. Six hours after inoculation with E. coli, the animals - males and females - showed the following symptoms: piloerection, hyperpnea and decreased motor activity. The lethal dosis (LD50), was 6 x 10(5) CFU/ml, analyzed in 32 males and 32 females. The highest mortality rate was observed on the first 24 hours. Liver dysfunction, common in intra-abdominal sepsis, was evaluated at 0, 24, 48 and 168 hours after inoculation, by means of serum enzyme activities. Study of the migration of polymorphonuclear-neutrophil cells (PMN) and mononuclear-macrophage ones (MN) showed a significant increase of PMN in E. coli inoculated males (z >; 4.7; P; 6.2; P < 0.0003), when compared to control groups. As for MN cells, there were no differences between inoculated and control groups, in males (z = 2.3; P = 0.0107) and in females (z = 1.8; P = 0.0359) as well. In conclusion, these results show that inbred F344 rats are adequate biologic models for studies of acute, intra-abdominal sepsis

    A Realidade do Idoso Institucionalizado Frente á Visita Familiar: Um Estudo Quantitativo

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    Ageing for the individual consists of the gradual loss of his/her social roles and the emptiness experienced by not finding new roles. These feelings can lead to psychic suffering especially when there are failures in family integration. This quantitative study aimed at identifying the number of institutionalized elderly receiving visits, as well as their frequency and the link of the visitors, in a municipality in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected by asking the 47 (100%) institutionalized elderly to answer a structured questionnaire containing questions of interest to the study. The results show that among the interviewed elderly, 64% received visits; considering the frequency of these visits , 26% said that received visits in the period exceeding 1 month. The findings reveal that 63% of the visitors were other relatives (brothers, grandchildren and nephews,cousins and friends), among them, 47% had children who didn't visit their parents. We concluded that the most relevant finding in this study, in addition to the corroboration of the multiplicity of these losses in the history of life of institutionalized elderly, was the sense of abandonment, inherent in all these elderly people, by their sons, daughters and other relatives, as well as by society in general, showing the need to value this emerging population both in governmental instances as well as in their families.O envelhecimento para o indivíduo consiste na perda gradativa de seus papéis sociais e o vazio experimentado por não encontrar novas funções. Esses sentimentos podem levá-lo ao sofrimento psíquico, principalmente quando há falhas na integração familiar. Este estudo quantitativo objetivou identificar o número de idosos institucionalizados que recebe visitas, assim como sua frequência e o vínculo dos visitantes, em um município do interior do estado de São Paulo. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se questionário estruturado contendo questões de interesse ao estudo para que os 47 idosos (100%) institucionalizados respondessem. Os resultados mostram que, dentre os sujeitos respondentes, 64% dos idosos entrevistados recebiam visitas; em relação à frequência dessas visitas, 26% referem receber visitas no período superior a um mês. Os achados revelam ainda que 63% dos visitantes foram identificados como outros parentes (sobrinhos, irmãos, netos e primos e amigos) e, destes, 47% possuíam filhos que não visitavam seus pais. Concluiu-se que o achado de maior relevância neste estudo, além da corroboração da multiplicidade de perdas presentes na história de vida dos idosos institucionalizados, foi o sentimento de abandono inerente a todos esses idosos em relação aos filhos e outros parentes, assim como pela sociedade em geral, havendo necessidade de valorização dessa população emergente tanto nas instâncias governamentais como familiares

    O diálogo no processo ensino-aprendizagem

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    The present work aimed to assess tacher’s view about the dialogue in the relationship between teacher and student. We used the theory of Paulo Freire. One semi structured interview were administrered to eleven teachers and they may know this educador, Paulo Freire. The speeks of the individuals were classificed such as; the meaining of the Freire´s thought. It was categoried: definition of Paulo Freire, your contributions to Education and Society. The categories of the secound question were: dialogue as didatic recourse and it has humane role. We conclusion that the dialogue has humane role in the education.Neste trabalho analisamos entrevistas de professores sobre o diálogo na relação professor-aluno. Utilizamos entrevistas semi-estruturadas, sustentadas na pesquisa-ação. Usamos método participativo fundamentado em Paulo Freire. Pesquisamos onze professores do ensino médio com proximidade e identificação com esse educador. As falas foram classificadas, destacando o significado do pensamento de Freire, categorizando definição sobre esse educador; suas contribuições sociais educacionais. Para as significações do diálogo na relação professor-aluno, o categorizamos como sendo recurso didático e tendo papel humanizador. Portanto, concluímos que o diálogo tem um papel humanizador na educação, sendo o educador agente humanizador na utilização deste, recurso

    Prevalence of the nematode Trichosomoides crassicauda in a conventional Wistar rats colony

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    Determinou-se a prevalência do nematóide Trichosomoides crassicauda na colônia convencional de ratos Wistar do Biotério Central (DTAEP) da Faculdade de Medicina da USP. Foram examinadas as bexigas urinárias de 365 ratos sendo 130 machos e 133 fêmeas, de 8 a 19 semanas de idade; e 51 machos e 51 fêmeas, com idade acima de 20 semanas, retirados da reprodução. Foi também determinada a prevalência de cálculos urinários, os quais têm sido associados à presença do parasita. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a prevalência do T. crassicauda na colônia foi de 48% (43% em machos e 53% em fêmeas), sendo que o máximo valor observado foi 80%, em machos de 16 semanas de idade. O número médio de parasitas por rato não ultrapassou o limite de 2,5 em fêmeas de 16 semanas de idade. Não houve diferença na prevalência de cálculos urinários entre animais parasitados e não parasitados (10% e 16%, respectivamente), mas esta diferença foi significante entre machos e fêmeas (23% e 4%). Além disso, os cálculos encontrados nos machos (mucóides) foram diferentes daqueles encontrados nas fêmeas (cristais).In this study the prevalence of the nematode Trichosomoides crassicauda in the conventional rats colony of the Central Animal House (DTAEP) at the Faculdade de Medicina-USP was determined. Three hundred and sixty-five rats were submitted to post mortem examination: 130 males and 133 females 8 to 19 weeks old; and 102 retired breeders (51 males and 51 females) over 20 weeks of age. The prevalence of urinary calculi, which have been associated with T. crassicauda infestation, was also determined. The results obtained showed that the overall prevalence of T. crassicauda in the colony was 48% (43% in males and 53% in females) and the maximum value was observed for male rats over 16 weeks of age (80%). The maximum average number of worms found per rat was 2.5, in 16 weeks old female rats. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of calculi between infected and uninfected rats (10% and 16%, respectively), but the difference was found to be significant between males and females (23% and 4%). Furthermore, the calculi found in males (mucoid) were quite different from those found in females (crystals)

    Desempenho reprodutivo de ratos Wistar mantidos em dois sistemas de criação na colônia convencional do Biotério Central da Faculdade de Medicina da USP

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    The monogamous system employed in the Wistar rats colony bred at the Central Animal House CDTAEP) of the Faculdade de Medicina-USP showed insufficient for supplying the number of male rats required by the researchers. Aiming at the increase of production and to avoid females wastage, the harem cross-fostered system was introduced into the colony. In this study the  reproductive performance of the animals bred in each system was analyzed during a 17-month period. The results obtained indicated that the monogamous system had the best productivity and provided the young breeders for colony propagation. On the other hand, the harem system could be manipulated for male rats production. It was concluded that the simultaneous maintenance of the two breeding systems was convenient for supplying both laboratories and colony reposition requirements.0 sistema monogâmico de acasalamento empregado na criação de ratos Wistar do Biotério Central (DTAEP) da Faculdade de Medicina da USP mostrou-se insuficiente para o fornecimento da quantidade de ratos machos requerida pelos laboratórios de investigação médica. No intuito deaumentar a produção e, ao mesmo tempo, aproveitar o excesso de fêmeas produzidas, foi introduzido na colônia o sistema de harém cross-fostered. Neste estudo foi analisada, em um período de 17 meses, aperformance reprodutiva dos animais criados em cada um dos sistemas utilizados. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o sistema monogâmico teve maior produtividade e forneceu os jovens reprodutores para a propagação da colônia. Por outro lado, o harém pode ser dirigido para a produção de ratos machos. Concluiu-se que a manutenção simultânea dos dois sistemas de criação foi adequada para atender tanto às necessidades dos laboratórios quanto à reposição da colônia

    Evaluating the prevalence and distribution of dependent self-employment: some lessons from the European Working Conditions Survey

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    This paper advances understanding of the prevalence and distribution of dependent self-employment. Analysing the 2015 European Working Conditions Survey of 35,765 employees in 28 European countries, the dependent self-employed are found to comprise 4.3% (1 in 23) of the EU workforce, 47% of all those reporting themselves as self-employed without employees, and 31% of all self-employed. The prevalence of dependent self-employment, however, is found to have decreased since the previous 2010 survey. Moreover, a regression analysis reveals it is not conducted purely by marginalised population groups, and is significantly more prevalent in agriculture, forestry and fishing, arts, entertainment, recreation and other service activities, and the household services sector. The implications for theorising and tackling dependents self-employment are discussed

    An Optical Fiber Viscometer Based on Long-Period Fiber Grating Technology and Capillary Tube Mechanism

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    This work addresses the development and assessment of a fiber optical viscometer using a simple and low-cost long-period fiber grating (LPFG) level sensor and a capillary tube mechanism. Previous studies of optical viscosity sensors were conducted by using different optical sensing methods. The proposed optical viscometer consists of an LPFG sensor, a temperature-controlled chamber, and a cone-shaped reservoir where gravitational force could cause fluid to flow through the capillary tube. We focused on the use of LPFGs as level sensors and the wavelength shifts were not used to quantify the viscosity values of asphalt binders. When the LPFG sensor was immersed in the constant volume (100 mL) AC-20 asphalt binder, a wavelength shift was observed and acquired using LabVIEW software and GPIB controller. The time spent between empty and 100 mL was calculated to determine the discharge time. We simultaneously measured the LPFG-induced discharge time and the transmission spectra both in hot air and AC-20 asphalt binder at five different temperatures, 60, 80, 100, 135, and 170 Celsius. An electromechanical rotational viscometer was also used to measure the viscosities, 0.15–213.80 Pa·s, of the same asphalt binder at the above five temperatures. A non-linear regression analysis was performed to convert LPFG-induced discharge time into viscosities. Comparative analysis shows that the LPFG-induced discharge time agreed well with the viscosities obtained from the rotational viscometer