183 research outputs found

    A cytological study of stimulation of the liver

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    In correlation with the ... [Introduction] the work for this paper was undertaken to demonstrate that the changes taking place in the secretory cells of the liver are identical with those in the nerve cells under both normal and abnormal stimuli and to prove that cloudy swelling is nothing else than a product of stimulation.--Introduction


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi pemanfaatan yang dapat dilakukan pada void eks pit 7 PT. SPC, dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi masyarakat terhadap rencana pemanfaatan void sebagai bentuk resolusi konflik keberadaan void. Berdasarkan hasil uji kualitas air void (parameter fisika dan kimia), nilai rata-rata pH perairan studi berkisar antara 5,56–6,35; Suhu 26,8-31,60C; TSS 28–62 mg/l; DO 3,35–4,38 mg/l; COD 23,41–36,65 mg/l; Amonia 0,086-0,265 mg/l; Nitrat 0,117-0,564 mg/l; Phospat 0,065-0,134 mg/l; logam Fe 0,08-0,154 mg/l, dan logam Pb 0,076-0,112 mg/l. Dilihat dari parameter biologi, ditemukan 29 jenis fitoplankton dari 5 kelas yaitu Bacillarophyceae (15 jenis), Chlorophyceae (3 jenis), Chrysophyceae (1 jenis), Cyanophyceae (9 Jenis) dan Dinophyceae (1 jenis). Terdapat 5 jenis fitoplankton yang predominan yaitu Nitzschia obtusa, Pinnularia viridis, Dinobrion sertularia, Oscillatoria granulate dan Oscillatoria Limnetica. Indeks Diversitas rata-rata perairan studi adalah 2,36, sedangkan Indeks Keseragaman (IE) rata-rata yang diperoleh adalah 0,70. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa stabilitas komunitas biota perairan studi berada pada tingkatan sedang/kondisi perairan tercemar ringan. Mengacu pada PP 82 Tahun 2001, kualitas air void eks Pit 7 PT. SPC termasuk dalam kategori mutu air kelas IV, berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai reservoar air (embung) untuk pengairan tanaman dan wisata pemandangan. Selanjutnya hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat memperlihatkan persepsi positif terhadap rencana pemanfaatan void untuk tujuan tertentu sebagai bentuk resolusi konflik. Jika void tidak ditimbun kembali, pemanfaatan void sebagai embung merupakan bentuk pemanfaatan yang paling berpotensi menjadi bentuk resolusi konflik. Kata kunci : kualitas air, lubang tambang, pemanfatan void, resolusi konflik

    Development of a MALDI MS-based platform for early detection of acute kidney injury

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    Purpose: Septic acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with poor outcome. This can partly be attributed to delayed diagnosis and incomplete understanding of the underlying pathophysiology. Our aim was to develop an early predictive test for AKI based on the analysis of urinary peptide biomarkers by MALDI-MS. Experimental design: Urine samples from 95 patients with sepsis were analyzed by MALDI-MS. Marker search and multimarker model establishment were performed using the peptide profiles from 17 patients with existing or within the next 5 days developing AKI and 17 with no change in renal function. Replicates of urine sample pools from the AKI and non-AKI patient groups and normal controls were also included to select the analytically most robust AKI markers. Results: Thirty-nine urinary peptides were selected by cross-validated variable selection to generate a support vector machine multidimensional AKI classifier. Prognostic performance of the AKI classifier on an independent validation set including the remaining 61 patients of the study population (17 controls and 44 cases) was good with an area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of 0.82 and a sensitivity and specificity of 86% and 76%, respectively. Conclusion and clinical relevance: A urinary peptide marker model detects onset of AKI with acceptable accuracy in septic patients. Such a platform can eventually be transferred to the clinic as fast MALDI-MS test format

    The Medium Is the Danger: Discourse about Television among Amish and Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Women

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    This study shows how Old Order Amish and ultra-Orthodox women’s discourse about television can help develop a better understanding of the creation, construction, and strengthening of limits and boundaries separating enclave cultures from the world. Based on questionnaires containing both closed- and open-ended questions completed by 82 participants, approximately half from each community, I argue that both communities can be understood as interpretive communities that negatively interpret not only television content, like other religious communities, but also the medium itself. Their various negative interpretive strategies is discussed and the article shows how they are part of an “us-versus-them” attitude created to mark the boundaries and walls that enclave cultures build around themselves. The comparison between the two communities found only a few small differences but one marked similarity: The communities perceive avoidance of a tool for communication, in this case television, as part of the communities’ sharing, participation, and common culture

    Mothers construct fathers: Destabilized patriarchy in La Leche League

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    This paper examines changing masculine ideals from the point of view of women homemakers through a case study of La Leche League, a maternalist organization dedicated to breastfeeding and mother primacy. We suggest two reasons for studying the League: first, an emerging literature suggests that changing norms are seeping into many such seemingly conservative groups, and second, the League continues to be highly successful among white, middle-class, married women. The paper looks at two aspects of masculinity, examining changes in the League through fieldwork, interviews, and content analysis, and finds that new norms of increased father involvement and decreased rights over women's bodies have both influenced League philosophy. We conclude that while in some respects a measure of the decline of men's patriarchal privileges, the League's changes also may contribute to a “restabilization” of male dominance in a modified, partial form.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43548/1/11133_2004_Article_BF00990071.pd


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    The purpose of this study was to explore the factors influencing the job choices and job satisfaction of graduates of school psychology programs. Two survey instruments--the School Psychology Graduate Questionnaire and the Brayfield and Rothe Index of Job Satisfaction--were used to gather information from graduates who earned degrees from 1966 through 1976 from nine school psychology programs in metropolitan New York City. Of the 1,181 questionnaires delivered, 803 (70%) completed questionnaires were returned. The proportion of doctorates to nondoctorates was 40% to 60%. The results show a trend among nondoctoral graduates to be employed as school psychologists, and after earning the doctorate, eventually to leave the specialty. About two-thirds were not working in the school at the time of the survey, and one-third never worked as a school psychologist. One-quarter of the doctoral graduates and less than half of the nondoctoral graduates currently work as school psychologists. Almost one-third of all respondents work in clinical settings mainly with children and adolescents. Six percent work in academic positions and 5.5% practice psychotherapy independently. With regard to ideal preference for training after completing the BA, a similar percentage of respondents preferred either school or clinical psychology training. For those interested in clinical training, the interest persisted with a small percentage switching to doctoral clinical programs. The data show that the factors of (a) orientation of training program, (b) setting of internship served, (c) degree level, (d) sex, and (e) original motivation for entering the specialty were relevant in determining whether or not a graduate became a school based psychologist. Job satisfaction was positive for those remaining as school psychologists. However, some respondents that left cited dissatisfaction with the field as one reason for leaving. Recommendations were made to increase the percentage of graduates that remain in the schools, such as stressing school based experience for trainers and interns alike, screening out clinically oriented students, broadening the function of school psychologists in the schools, and providing career information to undergraduate psychology majors
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