920 research outputs found

    L^p and Schauder estimates for nonvariational operators structured on H\"ormander vector fields with drift

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    We consider linear second order nonvariational partial differential operators of the kind a_{ij}X_{i}X_{j}+X_{0}, on a bounded domain of R^{n}, where the X_{i}'s (i=0,1,2,...,q, n>q+1) are real smooth vector fields satisfying H\"ormander's condition and a_{ij} (i,j=1,2,...,q) are real valued, bounded measurable functions, such that the matrix {a_{ij}} is symmetric and uniformly positive. We prove that if the coefficients a_{ij} are H\"older continuous with respect to the distance induced by the vector fields, then local Schauder estimates on X_{i}X_{j}u, X_{0}u hold; if the coefficients belong to the space VMO with respect to the distance induced by the vector fields, then local L^{p} estimates on X_{i}_{j}u, X_{0}u hold. The main novelty of the result is the presence of the drift term X_{0}, so that our class of operators covers, for instance, Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck operators

    Gli almanacchi e i lunari della biblioteca universitaria di pisa(inventario XIX sec.)

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    Il presente lavoro di tesi riguarda gli almanacchi e i lunari della biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa del XIX sec. Il nucleo principale è rappresentato dall'inventario, in cui è riportato ogni aspetto rilevante delle edizioni e degli esemplari analizzati. La tesi comprende inoltre notizie di carattere storico inerente ogni testata esaminata

    Chapter Laboratori virtuali: innovazioni digitali per comunicare a distanza

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Parabolic equations with measurable coefficients

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    We investigate the unique solvability of second order parabolic equations in non-divergence form in W_p^{1,2}((0,T) \times \bR^d), p2p \ge 2. The leading coefficients are only measurable in either one spatial variable or time and one spatial variable. In addition, they are VMO (vanishing mean oscillation) with respect to the remaining variables.Comment: 19 page

    Applying the “Applicable” Standard or the Actual Amount: Monthly Rent in a Debtor’s Chapter 13 Plan

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    (Excerpt) Under The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (“BAPCPA”) (S. 256, Pub. L. No. 109–8, 119 Stat. 23), debtors are subjected to a test in order to ensure their creditors are repaid as much as possible. Chapter 13 requires debtors in bankruptcy to file a plan indicting a monthly amount they will repay to creditors over a given set of years. The amount to be repaid is a debtor’s entire “disposable income,” which is income minus expenses. See 11 U.S.C. § 1325 (2007). Deductable expenses are to be calculated the same as a chapter 7 filing. See 11 U.S.C. §§1325, 707. When subtracting expenses, Chapter 7 directs filers to use the “applicable” standard amounts, which are averages issued by the Internal Revenue Service. However, there is currently a split among circuits as to whether these standard averages are intended to be used in all circumstances or as a cap when debtor’s actual expenses are above average. As a cap, debtors who do not meet the “maximum” would use their actual amounts and creditors would be entitled to higher repayments. The Second Circuit recently evaluated this issue when a debtor subtracted the applicable standard amount using the IRS’s data. A creditor wanted the court to direct the debtor to only subtract the lower, actual expense, thereby increasing the debtor’s disposable income allowing the creditor a larger return. At the time of that case, and still today, there is far from a clear majority on either side and courts continue to base their holdings on various rationale, such as the existence of other standards, statutory construction, legislative intent and policy concerns

    "Bright Sided" di B. Ehrenreich: traduzione e commento traduttivo

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    Traduzione e commento traduttivo di "Bright-Sided" di B. Ehrenreich. L'autrice nel suo testo analizza il fenomeno del pensiero positivo e ne denuncia la pervasività all'interno della società americana e in svariati ambiti della nostra vita di ogni giorno, dall'approccio terapeutico a determinate patologie alla gestione della finanza mondiale. L'autrice studia le origini del fenomeno e ne descrive lo stato di perfetta simbiosi che il pensiero positivo ha sviluppato col mondo degli affari e con quello delle megachiese. Il commento traduttivo evidenzia alcune scelte compiute nel processo di traduzione che sono state ritenute più significative per descrivere le difficoltà incontrate e i processi mentali e le tecniche traduttive adottate per superarle

    State of the art and new directions of Quantitative Electroencephalography use in Differential Diagnosis of ADHD

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    Advances in technology in recent years have made the use of quantitative electroencephalogram more accessible to clinicians. The incorporation of normative databases in QEEG studies and the possibility of detecting different electroencephalographic patterns in patients with a given pathology, despite showing an apparent symptomatology homogeneity, make it an interesting source of information. The relationship of these patterns with a possible response to treatment or with prognostic estimates would justify its inclusion as a routine test in the process of the differential diagnosis of ADHD. In this paper, we present the possible benefits of the use of QEEG in the differential diagnosis of ADHD, the different electroencephalographic patterns associated with ADHD most common in the literature, and a case showcasing the use of the technique in a patient with ADHDEstado de la cuestión y uso de la electroencefalografía cuantitativa en el diagnóstico diferencial del TDAH. El avance de la tecnología en los últimos años ha hecho que el uso del electroencefalograma cuantitativo sea más accesible a los clínicos. La incorporación de bases de datos normativas en los estudios de QEEG y la posibilidad de detectar diferentes patrones electroencefalográficos en pacientes con una patología determinada, a pesar de mostrar una aparente homogeneidad sintomatológica, hacen que sea una fuente de información interesante. La relación de estos patrones con una posible respuesta a tratamientos o con estimaciones pronósticas justificarían su inclusión como prueba rutinaria en el proceso de diagnóstico diferencial del TDAH. En este trabajo se presentan los posibles beneficios del uso del QEEG en el diagnóstico diferencial del TDAH, los diferentes patrones electroencefalográficos asociados al TDAH más comunes en la literatura y un caso ilustrativo del uso de la técnica en un paciente con TDA

    How has our knowledge of dinosaur diversity through geologic time changed through research history?

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    Assessments of dinosaur macroevolution at any given time can be biased by the historical publication record. Recent studies have analysed patterns in dinosaur diversity that are based on secular variations in the numbers of published taxa. Many of these have employed a range of approaches that account for changes in the shape of the taxonomic abundance curve, which are largely dependent on databases compiled from the primary published literature. However, how these ‘corrected’ diversity patterns are influenced by the history of publication remains largely unknown. Here, we investigate the influence of publication history between 1991 and 2015 on our understanding of dinosaur evolution using raw diversity estimates and shareholder quorum subsampling for the three major subgroups: Ornithischia, Sauropodomorpha, and Theropoda. We find that, while sampling generally improves through time, there remain periods and regions in dinosaur evolutionary history where diversity estimates are highly volatile (e.g. the latest Jurassic of Europe, the mid-Cretaceous of North America, and the Late Cretaceous of South America). Our results show that historical changes in database compilation can often substantially influence our interpretations of dinosaur diversity. ‘Global’ estimates of diversity based on the fossil record are often also based on incomplete, and distinct regional signals, each subject to their own sampling history. Changes in the record of taxon abundance distribution, either through discovery of new taxa or addition of existing taxa to improve sampling evenness, are important in improving the reliability of our interpretations of dinosaur diversity. Furthermore, the number of occurrences and newly identified dinosaurs is still rapidly increasing through time, suggesting that it is entirely possible for much of what we know about dinosaurs at the present to change within the next 20 years

    Distribution et aspects du Campaniforme en Ligurie (Italie)

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    Le territoire de la Ligurie a livré de nombreux objets qui datent du Campaniforme, tels que vases et tessons, pointes de flèche, outils en cuivre. Les sites se localisent notamment dans des milieux stratégiques, partant desquels il est possible rejoindre la côte aussi bien que les cols en direction de l’arrière-pays ligure, piémontais et provençal; ces matériaux témoignent rarement d’une occupation franchement campaniforme, tout en se reliant à des influences bien distinguées et dont les sites de référence sont souvent géographiquement très éloignées, de la Sicile aux Pyrénées

    Archaeobotanical finds from the Brina medieval castle in the lower Magra valley (La Spezia - Italy): first results

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    This paper presents the results of the first study of the archaeobotanical finds from the medieval settlement of Brina (X-XVI century A.D.) located in a hilly territory in the lower Magra valley near Sarzana (La Spezia - Italy) (Figure 1). These macroremains are mostly represented by a large amount of charred wheat caryopses and broad bean seeds, in addition to a small amount of seeds and / or fruits of wild species. All these macroremains were found in two distinct areas inside the settlement walls and in ground pits in a storage area and from vessels used in a sort of a ‘dry kiln’ used in the XI century AD. What remained belonged to agricultural production of crops that supposedly were not in close proximity to the settlement, given the topographical position of the castle yet in the same territory of jurisdiction of the castle