43 research outputs found

    Polymetallic complexes (Part CIII): Tetrameric complexes of CoII, NiII, CuII,ZnII, CdII and HgII with octadentate azodye ligands, and their potential antibacterial activities

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    Twelve complexes of CoII, NiII, CuII, ZnII, CdII and HgII with two octadentate oxygen-nitrogen donor azodye ligands have been prepared. The complexes were characterized using analytical, conductance, magnetic susceptibility, IR, electronic spectra E.S.R., NMR, theromgravimetric and X-ray diffraction data. The CoII and NiII complexes are found to be octahedral, CuII complexes are distorted octahedral and a tetrahedral stereochemistry has been attributed to ZnII, CdII and HgII complexes. All the complexes are found to be tetrameric in nature. The antibacterial activities of the ligands and six other complexes with Escherichia coli , Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus vulgaris were investigated

    India as a global security actor

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    Thanks to sustained economic growth and key investments in military capabilities, India will face growing demands from within and the international community to seek and play a greater role in global security affairs. The values and interests likely to guide India’s future behavior will be a mixture of old and new, eastern and western. India’s international aspirations have an important pre-history, covered in this chapter’s first section where non-alignment, as idea and practice, is explored for its enduring significance. India’s relevance as a security actor is assessed in terms of its activities and capacity to influence developments within two security zones of major contemporary importance: Afghanistan and the Indian Ocean. Finally, a section on the constraints and challenges examines India’s ability to navigate a multi-polar world, the fallout and gains of nuclearization, the 2008 Indo-US nuclear deal, as well as ‘the weaknesses from within’ in terms of human security

    Effect of Shape and Size of Influence Area on the Estimation of Critical Gap by Using Gap Acceptance Method

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    There has been a great deal of advancement made in the most recent century and particularly the world has seen a ton of progression, particularly in the foundation and transportation framework. As indicated by the movement burden and blockage, distinctive sorts of convergences and roundabouts are actualized to guarantee more wellbeing and solace. Roundabouts are favoured on the grounds that the outline of this rotational crossing point guarantees positive perspectives regarding security, limit, vehicular deferrals, driver conduct and vehicular communication. The heterogenic movement situation of Indian activity gives an extreme test to make an extraordinary model. The study considers the estimation of basic crevice by utilizing proposed INAFOGA (Influence Area for Gap Acceptance) technique in the heterogeneous Indian Traffic conditions. In this strategy, a zone is considered, which impact the degrees of progress of the vehicle and the appropriate impact territory is taken for this study. A trapezoidal and a rectangular territory is accepted as the impact region in a specific part of the circuitous where the contention between the circling stream and passage stream is greatest. Information has been gathered from nine roundabouts of seven unique urban communities (Bhubaneswar, Rourkela, Ranchi, Chandigarh, Trivandrum, Kolkata and Nagpur) of India. From the video information, the aggregate Circulating Flow (PCU/hr), Entry Flow (PCU/hr), Critical Gap (tc), and Follow-up Gap (tf) has been removed for particular spots. Trapezoidal Area is turned out to be effective while evaluating the basic crevice considering vehicular measurements, horizontal leeway between sequential vehicles and zone of the trapezoid and is favored over the rectangular zone. The basic crevice evaluated from the INAFOGA strategy considering trapezoidal zone is then contrasted and approved and the basic hole found from the current models like Raff and harmony likelihood technique. Deducing the information gathered from different locales, activity structure was observed to be broadly heterogeneous. Vehicles are found which gives the direction way along this impact range. The direction is being broke down by the direction way investigation which demonstrates the most clashing zone of the indirect with a specific end goal to confirm the impact territory


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    Asuransi merupakan salah satu bidang yang dikembangkan berdasarkan salah satu bahasan dalam matematika yaitu analisis data uji hidup. Dimana dalam asuransi jiwa salah satu tujuannya adalah untuk memproteksi dan mengantisipasi kerugian finansial yang dapat muncul secara tiba-tiba akibat meninggalnya salah satu anggota keluarga. Hal ini akan terwujud jika perusahaan asuransi dapat menentukan nilai premi yang tepat sehingga tidak memberatkan nasabah dan tidak menimbulkan kerugian bagi pihak perusahaan serta menyediakan dana cadangan santunan untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan terjadinya kerugian akibat jumlah klaim yang melebihi prediksi yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba. Skripsi ini akan membahas setiap langkah yang dilakukan oleh suatu perusahaan asuransi dalam menentukan nilai premi dan nilai dana cadangan santunan, khusus untuk produk asuransi jiwa berjangka. Adapun langkah-langkah penentuan nilai premi berdasarkan prinsip ekivalensi dan untuk perhitungan nilai dana cadangan santunan dilakukan berdasarkan nilai premi yang telah diperoleh pada perhitungan sebelumnya

    Civilian protection and humanitarian organisations: Rationality or culture?

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    This dissertation theoretically explains the behaviour of international humanitarian organisations vis-à-vis protection of civilians in armed conflicts. Empirically, it is nested within global efforts to \u27mainstream\u27 protection into the day-to-day activities of intergovernmental and international non-governmental humanitarian organisations over the past 15 years. The real world puzzle motivating this study is the variation in space and time of the proactiveness of different humanitarian organisations towards civilian protection. The research question that is the central point of investigation for the dissertation is whether international organisations respond to \u27Power\u27 or to \u27Ideas\u27. These two concepts are extrapolated from the \u27Third Debate\u27 of International Relations theory between rationalism and culturalism. The study tests the two competing explanations for the behaviour of international organisations offered by the \u27Third Debate\u27 through structured-focussed comparisons of 10 humanitarian organisations in two protracted internal war theatres- the North and East of Sri Lanka and south-western Philippines. On the basis of over three years of field research and peacekeeping experience in these two war zones, the author finds that \u27Power\u27 and \u27Ideas\u27 combine to cause humanitarian behaviour towards civilian protection. While each of these two can cause IO behaviour on its own very rarely, chemical , combinatorial or multiple causation makes IOs respond frequently to both Power and Ideas and set priorities when the two interact. The study also finds that rationality and culture are second order causes of humanitarian behaviour. They combine because of common ancestry in structures of oppression and violence, viz. patriarchy and the capitalist world-system. Therefore, it is argued that the \u27Third Debate\u27 has to transcend the obsession with rationalism and culturalism and begin exploring the roots of political behaviour in flexible structures. For practitioners, this dissertation conveys that tinkering at the margins with international humanitarian organisations is unproductive as long as they are structurally colonised to collaborate with or facilitate the interests of violent capitalist donors, host states and rebels. For \u27mainstreaming\u27 to succeed, it is recommended that humanitarian organisations shed attachments to liberal imperialist values, free themselves from the military-humanitarian complex, and open doors to radical local civil society


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    Hak atas pendidikan adalah bagian dari Hak Asasi Manusia, Hal ini disebutkan dalam Undang-Undang Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 pada Pasal 28C ayat (1). Pemenuhan atas hak adalah negara kewajiban dari Negara, dimana Negara dalam hal ini adalah pemerintah. Pemerintah bisa melihat terhadap anak apapun tindakan melanggar hukum yang dilakukan seorang anak sanksi yang harus sesuai diberikan kepada mereka. Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 Tentang Perlindungan Anak Pasal 9 ayat (1) yang dimana dikatakan setiap anak berhak mendapatkan pendidikan pengajaran. Didalam penelitian ini lebih menitik beratkan kepada contoh kasus yang didalamnya ada pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia bagi anak. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah prosedur yang sistematik dan standar untuk memperoleh data yang diperlukan berupa studi dokumen atau studi kepustakaan, yaitu mempelajari kepustakaan atau literatur yang ada kaitanya dengan permaslahan yang diteliti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa masih banyak anak-anak yang merasa Hak Atas Pendidikan mereka yang masih kurang terpenuhi. Masih banyaknya Hak Atas Pendidikan terhadap anak yang tidak terpenuhi ini disebabkan oleh masih kurangnya kesdaran pemerintah atas Pendidikan terhadap anak, namun terkadang kesadaran juga harus dari anak itu sendiri

    Process parameter optimization for fly ash brick by Taguchi method

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation carried out to optimize the mix proportions of the fly ash brick by Taguchi method of parameter design. The experiments have been designed using an L9 orthogonal array with four factors and three levels each. Small quantity of cement has been mixed as binding materials. Both cement and the fly ash used are indicated as binding material and water binder ratio has been considered as one of the control factors. So the effects of water/binder ratio, fly ash, coarse sand, and stone dust on the performance characteristic are analyzed using signal-to-noise ratios and mean response data. According to the results, water/binder ratio and stone dust play the significant role on the compressive strength of the brick. Furthermore, the estimated optimum values of the process parameters are corresponding to water/binder ratio of 0.4, fly ash of 39%, coarse sand of 24%, and stone dust of 30%. The mean value of optimal strength is predicted as 166.22 kg.cm-2 with a tolerance of ± 10.97 kg.cm-2. Confirmatory experimental result obtained for the optimum conditions is 160.17 kg.cm-2